208 research outputs found

    Soil water-holding capacity and monodominance in Southern Amazon tropical forests

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    Background and aims: We explored the hypothesis that low soil water-holding capacity is the main factor driving the monodominance of Brosimum rubescens in a monodominant forest in Southern Amazonia. Tropical monodominant forests are rare ecosystems with low diversity and high dominance of a single tree species. The causes of this atypical condition are still poorly understood. Some studies have shown a relationship between monodominance and waterlogging or soil attributes, while others have concluded that edaphic factors have little or no explanatory value, but none has accounted for soil-moisture variation other than waterlogging. This study is the first to explicitly explore how low soil water-holding capacity influences the monodominance of tropical forests. Methods: We conducted in situ measurements of vertical soil moisture using electrical resistance collected over 1 year at 0–5; 35–40 and 75–80 cm depths in a B. rubescens monodominant forest and in an adjacent mixed-species forest in the Amazon-Cerrado transition zone, Brazil. Minimum leaf water potential (Ψmin) of the seven most common species, including B. rubescens, and soil water-holding capacity for both forests were determined. Results: The vertical soil moisture decay pattern was similar in both forests for all depths. However, the slightly higher water availability in the monodominant forest and Ψmin similarity between B. rubescens and nearby mixed forest species indicate that low water-availability does not cause the monodominance. Conclusions: We reject the hypothesis that monodominance of B. rubescens is primarily determined by low soil water-holding capacity, reinforcing the idea that monodominance in tropical forests is not determined by a single factor

    KSAC, a Defined Leishmania Antigen, plus Adjuvant Protects against the Virulence of L. major Transmitted by Its Natural Vector Phlebotomus duboscqi

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    Leishmaniasis is a neglected disease caused by the Leishmania parasite and transmitted by the bite of an infective sand fly. Despite the importance of this disease there is no vaccine available for humans. Studies have shown that vector-transmitted infections are more virulent, promoting parasite establishment and abrogating protection observed against needle-injected parasites in vaccinated mice. KSAC and L110f, derived from Leishmania-based polyproteins, protected mice against the needle-injected parasites. Here, we tested the two molecules for their capacity to protect mice against cutaneous leishmaniasis transmitted by an infective sand fly. Our results show that KSAC, but not L110f, confers protection against Leishmania transmitted by sand fly bites where protection was correlated to a strong immune response to Leishmania antigens by memory T cells before and after sand fly transmission of the parasite. This is the first report of a Leishmania-based vaccine that confers protection against a virulent sand fly challenge. Our results support the importance of screening Leishmania vaccine candidates using infective sand flies before moving forward with the costly steps of vaccine development

    Intracranial injection of dengue virus induces interferon stimulated genes and CD8(+) T cell infiltration by sphingosine kinase 1 independent pathways

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    We have previously reported that the absence of sphingosine kinase 1 (SK1) affects both dengue virus (DENV) infection and innate immune responses in vitro. Here we aimed to define SK1-dependancy of DENV-induced disease and the associated innate responses in vivo. The lack of a reliable mouse model with a fully competent interferon response for DENV infection is a challenge, and here we use an experimental model of DENV infection in the brain of immunocompetent mice. Intracranial injection of DENV-2 into C57BL/6 mice induced body weight loss and neurological symptoms which was associated with a high level of DENV RNA in the brain. Body weight loss and DENV RNA level tended to be greater in SK1-/- compared with wildtype (WT) mice. Brain infection with DENV-2 is associated with the induction of interferon-β (IFN-β) and IFN-stimulated gene (ISG) expression including viperin, Ifi27l2a, IRF7, and CXCL10 without any significant differences between WT and SK1-/- mice. The SK2 and sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) levels in the brain were unchanged by DENV infection or the lack of SK1. Histological analysis demonstrated the presence of a cellular infiltrate in DENV-infected brain with a significant increase in mRNA for CD8 but not CD4 suggesting this infiltrate is likely CD8+ but not CD4+ T-lymphocytes. This increase in T-cell infiltration was not affected by the lack of SK1. Overall, DENV-infection in the brain induces IFN and T-cell responses but does not influence the SK/S1P axis. In contrast to our observations in vitro, SK1 has no major influence on these responses following DENV-infection in the mouse brain.Wisam H. Al-Shujairi, Jennifer N. Clarke, Lorena T. Davies, Mohammed Alsharifi, Stuart M. Pitson, Jillian M. Car

    A efetividade do laser de HeNe 632,8 nm no reestabelecimento da integridade dos tecidos cutâneos em animais experimentais: revisão sistemática

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    O objetivo desta revisão sistemática foi analisar o efeito do laser de HeNe na cicatrização de feridas em ratos. Foram selecionados estudos experimentais que adotaram o laser HeNe para o tratamento de feridas agudas em ratos adultos saudáveis, com lesões induzidas por bisturi, nas bases de dados PubMed/MEDLINE, LILACS e SciELO. Foram utilizados os seguintes descritores: cicatrização de feridas e colágeno, de acordo com o MeSH e o DeCS, além dos unitermos laser HeNe e reparação da pele e seus equivalentes em inglês e espanhol. Três estudos foram incluídos na revisão sistemática, não sendo possível a realização de metanálise, devido à impossibilidade de comparação entre as metodologias dos estudos selecionados. Todos os estudos realizaram análise por meio de cortes histológicos das cicatrizes. A presença de falhas metodológicas nos três artigos dificultou a interpretação fidedigna dos dados encontrados. Os estudos destacaram uma redução na intensidade da resposta inflamatória e uma melhor organização das fibras colágenas no grupo irradiado. A terapia com laser HeNe mostrou boa resposta no reparo tecidual. No entanto, tais resultados devem ser analisados de modo criterioso, uma vez que há presença de heterogeneidade, principalmente em relação aos parâmetros adotados
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