45 research outputs found

    Spectral properties of fractional differentiation operators

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    We consider fractional differentiation operators in various senses and show that the strictly accretive property is the common property of fractional differentiation operators. Also we prove that the sectorial property holds for differential operators second order with a fractional derivative in the final term, we explore a location of the spectrum and resolvent sets and show that the spectrum is discrete. We prove that there exists a two-sided estimate for eigenvalues of the real component of operators second order with the fractional derivative in the final term.Comment: The research results were discussed and presented at the 8th International Conference on Differential and Functional Differential Equations. Moscow, Russia, August 13-20, 201

    River-specific macrogenomic diversity in Simulium guianense s. l. (Diptera: Simuliidae), a complex of tropical American vectors associated with human onchocerciasis

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    Simulium guianense Wise is a Latin American vector complex of black flies associated with transmission of the causal agent of human onchocerciasis (river blindness). An analysis of the chromosomal banding patterns of 607 larvae of S. guianense s. l. revealed a high level of variation involving 83 macrogenomic rearrangements across 25 populations in Brazil, French Guiana, and Venezuela. The 25 populations were assigned to 13 cytoforms (A1, A2, B1–B4, C, D, E1–E4, and F), some of which are probably valid species. Based on geographical proximity, a member of the B group of cytoforms probably represents the name-bearing type specimen of S. guianense and the primary vector in the last-remaining onchocerciasis foci in the Western Hemisphere. Cytoform B3 in Amapá State is implicated as an anthropophilic simuliid in an area currently and historically free of onchocerciasis. Distributions of cytoforms are associated with geography, elevation, and drainage basin, and are largely congruent with ecoregions. Despite extraordinarily large larval populations of S. guianense s. l. in big rivers and consequent production of female flies for dispersal, the cytoforms maintain their chromosomal distinction within individual rivers, suggesting a high degree of fidelity to the specialized breeding habitats—rocky shoals—of the natal rivers. © 2017 Adler et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Diamantina: An endemic new genus of Neotropical Atalophlebiinae (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) evidenced by morphological and molecular data

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    A new genus and species is described based on nymphs and adults collected exclusively at the Chapada Diamantina National Park, in Brazil. The generic category of this new taxon was tested by reanalyzing a morphological dataset used to access the phylogenetic relationships of species of Ulmeritus and Ulmeritoides and by the use of molecular analysis, using two different genes. Both analysis corroborated the new taxon belongs to a new genus and species, sister group of Ulmeritus-Ulmeritoides, herein described as Diamantina ulmeri gen et sp. nov. Among members of this complex, Diamantina gen nov. presents a unique apomorphy: absence of setae on lateral margins of abdominal segments. Diagnostic features include the anterior position of the proximal row of setae on dorsal surface of labrum, the U shaped emargination of labrum, eyes of male imago widely separated and shape of penis lobes. © 2019 Elsevier Gmb

    The global EPTO database: Worldwide occurrences of aquatic insects

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    Motivation: Aquatic insects comprise 64% of freshwater animal diversity and are widely used as bioindicators to assess water quality impairment and freshwater eco-system health, as well as to test ecological hypotheses. Despite their importance, a comprehensive, global database of aquatic insect occurrences for mapping freshwater biodiversity in macroecological studies and applied freshwater research is missing. We aim to fill this gap and present the Global EPTO Database, which includes world-wide geo- referenced aquatic insect occurrence records for four major taxa groups: Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera and Odonata (EPTO).Main type of variables contained: A total of 8,368,467 occurrence records globally, of which 8,319,689 (99%) are publicly available. The records are attributed to the cor-responding drainage basin and sub-catchment based on the Hydrography90m dataset and are accompanied by the elevation value, the freshwater ecoregion and the pro-tection status of their location. Spatial location and grain: The database covers the global extent, with 86% of the observation records having coordinates with at least four decimal digits (11.1 m preci-sion at the equator) in the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) coordinate refer-ence system.Time period and grain: Sampling years span from 1951 to 2021. Ninety- nine percent of the records have information on the year of the observation, 95% on the year and month, while 94% have a complete date. In the case of seven sub-datasets, exact dates can be retrieved upon communication with the data contributors. Major taxa and level of measurement: Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera and Odonata, standardized at the genus taxonomic level. We provide species names for 7,727,980 (93%) records without further taxonomic verification.Software format: The entire tab-separated value (.csv) database can be downloaded and visualized at https://glowabio.org/project/epto_database/ . Fifty individual data-sets are also available at https://fred.igb-berlin.de, while six datasets have restricted access. For the latter, we share metadata and the contact details of the authors

    Sistemática de Simothraulopsis Demoulin, 1966 (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae)

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    The genus Simothraulopsis Demoulin belongs to the family Leptophlebiidae and only occurs in the Neotropical region. Currently it is represented by five species, but only three of these have the nymph described. In general, studies of the genus are spotty and provide little information on the biology of the different species and their distributions. In the present study we review current knowledge of Simothraulopsis and, based on specimens from different regions of Brazil, we add new taxonomic and biological information to this genus. A phylogenetic study was undertaken based on morphological data with the specific objective of evaluating the monophyly of Simothraulopsis and interespecific relationships within the genus. For this purpose, 46 characters related to external morphology of adults and nymphs were identified. The characters were evaluated by Fitch parsimony with equal weights and also successive weightings, and the resulting topologies were rooted a posteriori with an outgroup taxon. The analysis resulted in a single most-parsimonious tree and confirmed the monophyly of Simothraulopsis (supported by four synapomophies) and indicated the genus Homothraulus Demoulin, 1955 as the sister group. As a taxonomic result, four new species are described, increasing by 80% the number of representatives of the genus. Nymphs of Simothraulopsis diamantinensis Mariano, 2010 and Simothraulopsis janae Mariano, 2010 were described and the geographical distribution of the genus has been extended to several regions of Brazil. Previously, three of the five described species had only been recorded in their type localities. Detailed descriptions, including illustrations of structures not normally used in taxonomic studies on the family, diagnoses, biological comments and taxonomic keys for larvae and adults are integrated into the knowledge regarding the genus.Simothraulopsis Demoulin, 1960 pertence à Leptophlebiidae e possui ocorrência somente para a região Neotropical. Atualmente é representado por cinco espécies, sendo que apenas três delas possuem as ninfas descritas. No geral, estudos com o gênero são apenas pontuais e carecem de informação, principalmente sobre a biologia e distribuição das espécies. Neste trabalho, a partir de material coletado em várias regiões do Brasil, apresentamos uma revisão do conhecimento sobre Simothraulopsis, adicionando novas informações taxonômicas e biológicas sobre o gênero. Um estudo filogenético, baseado em dados morfológicos, foi realizado visando avaliar o monofiletismo e as relações interespecíficas de Simothraulopsis. Com este propósito, foram levantados 46 caracteres dos adultos e ninfas referentes à morfologia externa. Os caracteres foram avaliados por meio da parcimônia de Fitch com pesos iguais e pesagens sucessivas, e as topologias obtidas foram enraizadas a posteriori de acordo com a posição de um grupo externo. A análise resultou em uma única árvore mais parcimoniosa e confirmou o monofiletismo de Simothraulopsis, sustentadado por quatro sinapomorfias, bem como a sua relação como grupo-irmão de Homothraulus Demoulin, 1955. Como resultado taxonômico, quatro novas espécies foram descritas, incrementando em 80% o número de representantes para o gênero. As ninfas de Simothraulopsis diamantinensis Mariano, 2010 e Simothraulopsis janae Mariano, 2010 foram descritas e a distribuição geográfica do gênero foi expandida para diversas regiões do Brasil. Anteriormente, três, das cinco espécies do gênero, eram registradas apenas para suas localidades-tipo. Descrições detalhadas, incluindo ilustrações de estruturas não utilizadas usualmente em estudos taxonômicos sobre a família, diagnoses, comentários biológicos e chaves para identificar ninfas e adultos do gênero integram o conhecimento relativo ao gênero

    Simulium (trichodagmia) enderlein, 1934 (diptera: simuliidae): sistemática morfológica e molecular do subgênero e filogeografia de uma espécie

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    Simuliidae is a family of hematophagous Diptera with worldwide distribution and about 10% of its species are pests or vectors of pathogens to humans and other animals. This family includes the largest complex of structurally uniform species of any group of hematophagous arthropods. Due to their morphological homogeneity, blackflies have proven to be taxonomically difficult thus, considerable effort has been devoted to the resolution of simuliid taxonomy by cytotaxonomic studies of the polytene chromosomes of larval salivary glands and molecular markers. In addition to the large number of cryptic species, another problem related to the morphologic homogeneity in blackfly is related to divergent systematic arrangements in the literature, where systematic decisions were made, in many cases, based on personal opinions, without any clear methodology or hypothesis; only a few broad phylogenetic studies on the family are available. An example of such disagreements is the subgenus analyzed in this thesis, which can be classified as a single subgenus - Simulium (Trichodagmia) - or divided into six subgenera [Simulium (Hearlea), Simulium (Hemicnetha), Simulium (Thyrsopelma), Simulium (Obuchovia), Simulium (Shewellomyia) and S. (Trichodagmia)]. Based on this problem, the objectives of this study were: to investigate the criptic diversity in S. (Trichodagmia) using morphologic, molecular and cytotaxonomic approaches; to describe new taxa in this group; to redescribe poorly described species; to examine the population structure and genetic diversity of one species in S. (Trichodagmia) with broad geographic distribution; to infer a species-level phylogeny of the S. (Trichodagmia) integrating morphological and molecular data. As taxonomic result of the present study two new species were described based on their morphological, molecular and chromosomal features, new taxonomic and biological information were added to two poorly known species, one species was revalidated and redescribed and evidence of cryptic species in some taxa were hypothesized based on molecular and chromosomal data. The phylogenetic analysis did not recover the monophyly of the S. (Trichodagmia) sensu Hernandez (2011) and four subgenera were revalidated.Simuliidae é uma família de dípteros hematófagos com distribuição mundial e cerca de 10% de suas espécies são reconhecidas como pestes ou vetores de patógenos para humanos e outros animais. Esta família possui o maior complexo de espécies estruturalmente uniformes dentre os grupos de artrópodes hematófagos. Devido a sua homogeneidade morfológica Simuliidae possui taxonomia difícil e, por esse motivo, consideráveis esforços têm sido dedicados ao estudo taxonômico do grupo, utilizando-se cromossomos politênicos de glândulas salivares das larvas e marcadores moleculares. Além do grande número de espécies crípticas, outro problema relacionado à homogeneidade morfológica da família está relacionado aos arranjos sistemáticos divergentes na literatura, onde muitas decisões sistemáticas foram tomadas baseadas em opiniões pessoais, sem qualquer metodologia ou hipótese clara; apenas alguns poucos estudos filogenéticos para a família estão disponíveis. Um exemplo de tais discordâncias é o subgênero analisado nesta Tese, que pode ser classificado como um único subgênero - Simulium (Trichodagmia) - ou dividido em seis subgêneros [Simulium (Hearlea), Simulium (Hemicnetha), Simulium (Thyrsopelma), Simulium (Obuchovia), Simulium (Shewellomyia) e S. (Trichodagmia)]. Com base nessa problemática, os objetivos desta Tese foram: investigar a diversidade críptica em S. (Trichodagmia) utilizando abordagens morfológica, molecular e citotaxonômica; descrever novos táxons nesse grupo; redescrever espécies pouco conhecidas; examinar a estrutura populacional e a diversidade genética de uma espécie de S. (Trichodagmia) com ampla distribuição geográfica; propor uma hipótese filogenética para as espécie de S. (Trichodagmia) integrando dados morfológicos e moleculares. Como resultado taxonômico do presente estudo, duas novas espécies foram descritas com base em suas características morfológicas, moleculares e cromossômicas, novas informações taxonômicas e biológicas foram adicionadas a duas espécies pouco conhecidas, uma espécie foi revalidada e redescrita e evidências de espécies crípticas em alguns táxons foram hipotetizadas baseadas nos dados moleculares e cromossômicos. A análise filogenética não recuperou o monofiletismo de S. (Trichodagmia) sensu Hernandez (2011) e quatro subgêneros foram revalidados

    A incrível vida da Filó

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    Esta obra, voltada para o público infantil, apresenta o grupo de insetos aquáticos chamado Trichoptera, que passa uma parte do seu ciclo de vida dentro da água e outra no ambiente terrestre. Por meio de uma narrativa repleta de ilustrações, a personagem Filó explica todo o seu ciclo de vida

    The genus

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    In the present paper, based on the rearing of nymphs in the field, we present for the first time the description of the adult stage of Rivudiva Lugo-Ortiz and McCafferty and of its type species, R. minnatena Lugo-Ortiz and McCafferty. Adults of Rivudiva can be distinguished from the other genera of Baetidae by the following combination of characters: (1) hindwings present or absent, when present with two longitudinal veins and with costal projection pointed, placed in the basal fourth of anterior margin; (2) forceps three-segmented, segment III long, about 2× as long as wide; (3) distal margin of subgenital plate with small pointed projection. Besides that, R. coveloae (Traver, 1971 [Proc. Entomol. Soc. Washington, 73, 58–63]), new combination, and R. venezuelensis (Traver, 1943 [Bol. Entomol. Venezolana, 2, 79–98]), new combination, are proposed based on the characteristics listed above, specially the distal margin of subgenital plate with a small pointed projection. Comments on the biology of the nymphs are also provided

    New species of hermanella complex (ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) from brazilian atlantic forest

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    In the present work, based on material from Brazilian Atlantic Forest, four new species of the Hermanella complex are described. The main characteristics that distinguish the new species from its congeners are, in Hermanella amere sp. nov.: (1) subgenital plate yellow, with wide projection near base of forceps; (2) penis lobe with ventral, robust, posterioly di-rected spine; in Hermanella nigra sp. nov.: (1 ) subgenital plate brown washed with gray, with wide projection near inner base of forceps; (2) penis lobe with a distomedial membranous projection and ventral, robust, posteriorly directed spine; in Hylister obliquus sp. nov.: (1) subgenital plate yellowish brown, with pointed projection near inner base of forceps; (2) penis lobe with ventral, short, narrow, posteromedially directed spine; in Traverella insolita sp. nov.: (1) subgenital plate strongly projected posteriorly, forming three broad and short projections; (2) penis lobe laterally sinuous and apically rounded, with a ventral, long, narrow spine curved toward the midline of the body. Modified keys of male imagos are pro-vided for the three genera, whereas comments regarding their taxonomy are presented. Additionally, Hermanella mazama (Nascimento, Mariano & Salles 2012 in Lima et al. 2012), comb. nov., is proposed. © 2013 Magnolia Press