27 research outputs found

    Intoxicação espontânea por Palicourea marcgravii em bovino no Distrito Federal, Brasil

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    Palicourea marcgravii is considered the most important toxic plant in Brazil and, until the 1990s, the most important plant in the Central-Western. This factor is explained due to its extensive distribution, good palatability, high toxicity and cumulative effect. A bovine, Nelore, male, two years old, of a property in the Federal District, was found dead. The property presented history of access to the forest and death of other cattle. No macroscopic changes were observed. Microscopically, in the kidneys, were observed hydropic-vacuolar degeneration of distal contoured urinary tubule epithelial cells. Multifocal areas of cardiomyocytes with coagulation necrosis were noted in the heart presenting pycnotic nuclei with hypereosinophilic cytoplasm and loss of striations. During a visit to the rural property, were found branches and shrubs with fruits recognized as P. marcgravii. This report presents the pathological findings of spontaneous poisoning by P. marcgravii in bovine in the Federal District, Brazil.Palicourea marcgravii é considerada a planta tóxica mais importante do Brasil e, até os anos 90, a planta mais importante do Centro-Oeste. Esse fator é explicado devido à sua extensa distribuição, boa palatabilidade, alta toxicidade e efeito cumulativo. Um bovino, Nelore, macho, dois anos, de uma propriedade no Distrito Federal, foi encontrado morto. A propriedade apresentava histórico de acesso à floresta e morte de outros animais. Não foram observadas alterações macroscópicas. Microscopicamente, nos rins, foi observada degeneração hidrópico-vacuolar das células epiteliais do túbulo contorcido distal urinário. Áreas multifocais de cardiomiócitos com necrose de coagulação foram observadas no coração, apresentando núcleos picnóticos com citoplasma hipereosinofílico e perda de estriação. Durante uma visita à propriedade rural, foram encontrados galhos e arbustos com frutos reconhecidos como P. marcgravi. Este relato apresenta os achados patológicos de intoxicação espontânea por P. marcgravii em bovino no Distrito Federal

    Congenital Cutaneous Hemangioma in a Newborn Lamb

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    Background: Hemangioma is a benign dermal or subcutaneous endothelial cell tumor composed of vascular spaces of varying sizes filled with erythrocytes and lined with a single layer of uniform endothelial cells. Although the pathogenesis is not well defined, these tumors are considered to result from an imbalance in angiogenesis, leading to uncontrolled proliferation of vascular elements. To the best of our knowledge, there are no reports of congenital cutaneous hemangioma in sheep. This report describes the clinical, laboratory, and pathological findings of a case of congenital hemangioma affecting a newborn lamb. Case: A 5-day-old crossbred (Dorper x Santa Inês) lamb presenting with an ear nodule that expanded in the right ear was necropsied. An expansive subcutaneous nodule was observed macroscopically; it occupied approximately 90% of the right ear and had a crusty, irregular surface. The cut surface had multiple cavitations delimited by firm fibrous tissue and a light yellow-to-translucent content. Microscopically, it showed focally extensive subcutaneous neoplastic proliferation and moderate cellularity; it was formed of vascular beds of varied sizes and supported by moderate fibrocollagenous stroma. Suppurative inflammation was observed in the neoplastic vascular beds with large amounts of free basophilic coccoid bacteria inside macrophages. Immunohistochemistry analysis was performed to confirm the diagnosis. Strong cytoplasmic labeling was observed in neoplastic endothelial cells for CD31 and factor VIII. The Ki67 proliferation marker was positive in approximately 5% of neoplastic cells. The cells did not express smooth muscle actin (1A4) or pan-cytokeratin (AE1AE3). Histological characteristics and immunohistochemistry findings were consistent with those of congenital cutaneous hemangioma, a rare neoplasm in sheep. Discussion: The association of clinical, anatomopathological, and immunohistochemical data enabled the diagnosis of congenital cutaneous hemangioma in the 5-day-old lamb. Reports of vascular tumors in sheep are not frequent in literature and usually involve adult animals with no anatomical site predilection. In sheep, the occurrence of nasotracheal hemangioma in a 2-year-old ewe and gingival hemangioma in a 5-year-old sheep have already been described. A cutaneous extra-neural hemangioblastoma was diagnosed in the ear of a 1-month-old lamb. IHC was also used to confirm the diagnosis of hemangioblastoma. Macroscopically, hemangiomas can present as well-delimited and encapsulated masses that when cut, show a reticulated pattern similar to honeycombs that separate the blood-filled cavities. The present case showed a similar conformation but without enough erythrocytes to result in a bloody appearance. Tumor drainage and the predominance of blood serum in the content possibly made it macroscopically translucent. Microscopically, the hemangioma was classified as cavernous. This morphological variation forms large channels separated by fibrous connective tissue stroma, which may contain inflammatory cells. IHC confirmed the endothelial lining of the cystic cavities and was crucial in excluding differential diagnoses. Thus, factor VIII-related antigen was used as a marker for normal and neoplastic cells, as well as for tumoral and reactive neovascularization, in which neoplastic cells were immuno-expressed for CD31 and Factor VIII. In domestic animals, the association between CD31 and Factor VIII is considered more specific for vascular endothelial cells, differentiating them from cells of lymphatic origin. Congenital cutaneous hemangioma occurs in sheep, and its diagnosis and differentiation can be based on histopathology associated with conventional immunohistochemical panels for vascular neoformation. Keywords: sheep, mesenchymal neoplasm, vascular tumour, small ruminant, histopathology, immunohistochemistry

    Encephalic Toxoplasm in a White-Eared Possum (Didelphis albiventris)

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    Background: Toxoplasmosis is caused by Toxoplasma gondii, an obligate intracellular protozoan that belongs to the Aplicomplexa phylum, coccidian subclass, and affects all warm-blooded animals. The role of opossums in the epidemiology of toxoplasmosis in Brazil is not fully understood, and there are very few descriptions of toxoplasmosis lesions in these animals. This report describes the anatomopathological, molecular and immunohistochemical findings of a case of encephalic toxoplasmosis in free-living white-eared possum (Didelphis albiventris).Case: A young male opossum (D. albiventris), was treated at the Veterinary Hospital of Wild Animals of the University of Brasília, Federal District. The animal was apathetic, uncoordinated, reluctant to move, and had an exposed proximal fracture in the left radius and ulna with laceration of muscles and adjacent tendinous structures. Amputation on the left thoracic limb was performed followed by analgesia and antibiotic therapy. The environment is frequented by other wild animals, and stray cats have access to the patio of the building. Twenty-five days after arriving at the hospital, the animal was found dead in its cage. After death, a necropsy was performed. Organ fragments from the abdominal cavity, thoracic and central nervous system were collected, processed routinely for histology and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Macroscopic lesions in the central nervous system were not observed. On microscopy, the brain showed moderate random glial nodules throughout the neuropil associated with the presence of spherical to elongated parasitic cysts of about 20 µm, with a thin wall and with its interior full of bradyzoites, consistent with Toxoplasma gondii. There was also moderate fibrinoid necrosis and moderate multifocal lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate surrounding the blood vessels (perivascular cuffs) To investigate the etiology of the brain injury, brain sections were subjected to immunohistochemistry (IHC) and real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) technique for detection of T. gondii and Neospora caninum. Immunostaining for T. gondii in the cyst wall and in bradyzoites and negative immunostaining for N. caninum. qPCR was positive for T. gondii and negative for N. caninum.Discussion: Diagnosis of encephalic toxoplasmosis in a Didelphis albiventris was possible based on histopathological, immunohistochemical and molecular findings. The morphological classification of the brain lesion was important for the diagnosis. Brain toxoplasmosis in opossums usually results in focal areas of malacia on macroscopy and focally extensive necrosis on microscopy, neutrophil infiltrate, calcified necrotic material, and perivascular cuffs of lymphocytes and plasma cells. In the present case, similar histopathological lesions were noted, but no significant macroscopic changes were observed. The etiology here was defined by immunohistochemistry and qPCR, techniques proven to be useful and with good specificity for diagnosing toxoplasmosis in mammals. It is believed that the positive immunohistochemical and molecular result for Toxoplasma gondii together with the negative result for Neospora caninum were conclusive for the diagnosis. Thus, we demonstrate here a post mortem diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in a free-living synanthropic opossum and the use of anatomopathology, immunohistochemistry and real-time polymerase chain reaction as a diagnostic option for this disease in opossums. Keywords: Toxoplasma gondii, marsupial, immunohistochemistry, Real time PCR, protozoal encephalitis.Título: Toxoplasmose encefálica em um gambá-de-orelha-branca (Didelphis albiventris)Descritores: Toxoplasma gondii, marsupial, imuno-histoquímica, Real time PCR, encefalite protozoal

    Encephalitozoonosis in Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

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    Background: Encephalitozoonosis is caused by the protozoan Encephalitozoon cuniculi, in rabbits, and can affect humans. The disease can be fatal and difficult to diagnose. It can be asymptomatic or cause vestibular neurological disease, paralysis, uveitis in addition to chronic kidney disease in rabbits. The transmission of the microorganism's spores occurs by ingestion, inhalation, or by the transplacental route. The aim of this work is to report a case of encephalitozoonosis in a pet rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus).Case: An Oryctolagus cuniculus with a history of paraparesis of the thoracic and pelvic limbs was referred for necropsy, the evolution of the clinical picture happened in one day. After death, a necropsy was performed. Organ fragments were collected, fixed, and processed routinely for histology. Macroscopically, there was evidence of hepatic lobes, without injury to the other organs. Microscopically it was observed in the white and gray substance of the telencephalon multiple circumscribed granulomas composed of a necrotic center surrounded by macrophages, giant multinucleated cells in addition to lymphocytes and plasmocytes in the periphery, delimited by fibrous connective tissue. Around the vessels, perivascular cuffs with two to four layers of lymphocytic infiltrate were observed. Besides, special staining of Schiff's Periodic Acid (PAS) and Ziehl-Neelsen was performed, in which numerous cylindrical, eosinophilic structures of approximately 2.5 x 1.0 µm were observed, compatible with E. cuniculi spores. Besides, histiocytic lymphoblasts pericoronitis was noted in the liver. There were no relevant changes in the kidney.Discussion: The diagnosis of encephalitozoonosis in rabbits was based on clinical and anatomopathological findings. Tetraparesis was the predominant sign in the present case and was justified by telencephalic lesions. This clinical sign is included in the literature but is less common than the syndrome such as head tilt and paralysis. The diagnosis of the disease is usually made by post-mortem examination when it is possible to identify the spores in the lesions. Multifocal granulomatous encephalitis was the most significant finding in this case, which is also consistent with other studies. The pathogenesis of granulomatous lesions is still controversial. It is known that spores allow phagocytosis by macrophages, which induce the production of interleukins and other cytokines by TCD4 + lymphocytes, thereby activating the action of TCD8 + (cytotoxic) lymphocytes. Natural killer cells, granulocytes, other macrophages, and B lymphocytes are also recruited. Although there is such an inflammatory response, the antibodies produced are not efficient to eliminate the agent from the host organism, however, they contribute to the process of opsonization and consequent phagocytosis, facilitating the destruction of the microsporidium by macrophages. The neurological form was predominant in this case, with no chronic or ocular renal forms, possibly due to the rapid clinical evolution. Special stains were useful for visualizing intralesional spores. Although PAS staining is considered to be of little use, it was relevant in this case. The visualization of the agent made it possible to distinguish differential diagnoses, among them vestibular syndrome secondary to otitis due to pasteurellosis, toxoplasmosis, neoplasms, traumas, or diseases of the spine. Thus, a diagnosis of encephalitozoonosis was made in a rabbit through clinical and anatomopathological correlation using Ziehl-Neelsen and PAS stains.Keywords: granuloma, Encephalitozoon cuniculi, central nervous system.Descritores: granuloma, Encephalitozoon cuniculi, sistema nervoso central.Título: Encefalitozoonose em coelho (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

    Uretrolitíase obstrutiva em equino

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    Background: The presence of macroscopic concretions in the urinary system is called urolithiasis. In horses the occurrence is rare. The calculi are generally large and unique spicule concretions, composed of calcium carbonate crystals. Less commonly, the concretions are of mixed crystals of calcium carbonate and of calcium phosphate. The aim of the this work was to report a case of obstructive urethrolithiasis in a horse.Case: A 1-year-and-5-month-old, undefined breed, uncastrated male presented tenesmus, strangury, and dysuria. The horse died seven days after the onset of clinical signs and was referred for necropsy. At necropsy, samples were collected from organs of the abdominal cavity, thoracic cavity, central nervous system and integumentary system. The fragments were fixed in 10% formaldehyde, cleaved, routinely processed for histology and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. A urinary calculus collected during necropsy was sent for chemical analysis. In the abdominal cavity, a large quantity of citrus liquid of uremic odor was observed. Deposition of fibrin filaments in the peritoneum was observed, as well as in diaphragm and abdominal organs. Serosa of the small and large intestine was red with evidence of the capillaries. Kidneys presented multiple slightly protrusive white areas with a maximum diameter of 3 mm. When cutting, these areas were limited to the cortical region. There was rupture of the urinary bladder, diffuse loss of the mucosa with capillary exposure and evidence, as well as the deposition of fibrin and crude blood clots. The opening of the penile urethra presented a urolith of approximately 3.5 x 3 cm in size, with a rough and porous surface, light brown and of a stony consistency. Necrosis of the mucosa and hemorrhage were also observed in the urethra. Microscopically, the kidney showed multiple foci formed by intense inflammatory infiltrate composed of macrophages, neutrophils and plasma cells in the interstitium of the cortical region. In the urinary bladder, there was diffuse necrosis of the lining epithelium, marked inflammatory infiltrate composed mainly of neutrophils in the submucosa, in addition to fibrin deposition and edema. Penile urethra presented changes similar to those described in the urinary bladder. The chemical analysis of the urinary calculus demonstrated the presence of calcium oxalate, triple magnesium ammonia (struvite) phosphate and ammonium in its composition.Discussion: The diagnosis of obstructive urethrolithiasis was established from the clinical-pathological condition. The occurrence of urolithiasis in horses is rare. The lower occurrence in this species is probably attributed to the large amount of mucus produced by the glands in the renal pelvis and the proximal ureter, which acts as a lubricant to prevent the adhesion of the crystals to the urothelium. The absence of sigmoid flexure and vermiform urethral process in equine also influence the low occurrence of the disease, when compared to ruminants. Rupture of the urinary bladder followed by uroperitonitis and nephritis as observed in this case are common consequences in obstructive urolithiasis. Uroliths in equines are generally composed of a variety of hydrated calcium salts and calcium carbonate, magnesium, and phosphorus salts, with less common struvite compounds. Urethrolithiasis is poorly described in horses and can be caused by struvite stones

    Niños y adolescentes transgénero brasileños : atributos asociados a la calidad de vida

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    Objetivo: descrever atributos associados à Qualidade de Vida de crianças e adolescentes transgêneros brasileiros segundo sua própria percepção. Método: estudo descritivo, realizado com 32 participantes entre oito e 18 anos, entrevistados ou que participaram de grupos focais. Os depoimentos foram transcritos, agrupados com auxílio do software Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires, versão 0.7 alpha 2 e descritos segundo a definição da Qualidade de Vida pela Organização Mundial da Saúde no que concerne às dimensões mental, física e social. Resultados: foi possível identificar o núcleo familiar como o principal meio de suporte social das crianças e adolescentes transgêneros. Entretanto, a vivência de preconceito e discriminação foram atributos negativos associados à Qualidade de Vida. Conclusão: os depoimentos indicam que a vida das crianças e adolescentes transgêneros é impactada por fatores sociais, físicos e mentais em virtude do estigma e discriminação vivenciados. Espera-se com esse estudo contribuir para a formulação de políticas públicas relacionadas às crianças e adolescentes transgêneros e ampliar a discussão sobre deveres e direitos dos cidadãos frente à transexualidade.Objective: to describe attributes associated with the Quality of Life of Brazilian transgender children and adolescents according to their own perception. Method: descriptive study conducted with 32 participants between eight and 18 years old, who were either interviewed or participated in focus groups. The statements were transcribed, grouped with the aid of the Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires software, version 0.7 alpha 2 and described according to the definition of Quality of Life by the World Health Organization concerning to the mental, physical, and social dimensions. Results: it was possible to identify the family nucleus as the main social support for transgender children and adolescents. However, the experience of prejudice and discrimination were negative attributes associated with Quality of Life. Conclusion: the statements indicate that lives of transgender children and adolescents are impacted by social, physical, and mental factors due to the stigma and discrimination experienced. It is expected to contribute to the formulation of public policies related to transgender children and adolescents and expand the discussion on the citizens’ duties and rights in relation to transsexuality.Objetivo: describir los atributos asociados a la Calidad de Vida de niños y adolescentes transgénero brasileños, de acuerdo con su percepción. Método: estudio descriptivo, realizado con 32 participantes entre 8 y 18 años, entrevistados o que participaron en grupos focales. Los testimonios se transcribieron y clasificaron con el soporte del software Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires, versão 0.7 alpha 2 y fueron descriptos de acuerdo con la definición de Calidad de Vida de la Organización Mundial de la Salud en lo concerniente a las dimensiones mental, física y social. Resultados: fue posible identificar al núcleo familiar como el principal medio de soporte social para niños y adolescentes transgénero. Sin embargo, haber vivido experiencias de prejuicio y discriminación fueron atributos negativos asociados con la Calidad de Vida. Conclusión: los testimonios indican que la vida de los niños y adolescentes transgénero se ve afectada por factores sociales, físicos y mentales debido al estigma y la discriminación que experimentan. Se espera que este estudio contribuya a la formulación de políticas públicas relacionadas con los niños y adolescentes transgénero y amplíe la discusión sobre los deberes y derechos de los ciudadanos en relación a la transexualidad

    Crianças e adolescentes transgêneros brasileiros: atributos associados à qualidade de vida

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    Objetivo: descrever atributos associados à Qualidade de Vida de crianças e adolescentes transgêneros brasileiros segundo sua própria percepção. Método: estudo descritivo, realizado com 32 participantes entre oito e 18 anos, entrevistados ou que participaram de grupos focais. Os depoimentos foram transcritos, agrupados com auxílio do software Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires, versão 0.7 alpha 2 e descritos segundo a definição da Qualidade de Vida pela Organização Mundial da Saúde no que concerne às dimensões mental, física e social. Resultados: foi possível identificar o núcleo familiar como o principal meio de suporte social das crianças e adolescentes transgêneros. Entretanto, a vivência de preconceito e discriminação foram atributos negativos associados à Qualidade de Vida. Conclusão: os depoimentos indicam que a vida das crianças e adolescentes transgêneros é impactada por fatores sociais, físicos e mentais em virtude do estigma e discriminação vivenciados. Espera-se com esse estudo contribuir para a formulação de políticas públicas relacionadas às crianças e adolescentes transgêneros e ampliar a discussão sobre deveres e direitos dos cidadãos frente à transexualidade.Objective: to describe attributes associated with the Quality of Life of Brazilian transgender children and adolescents according to their own perception. Method: descriptive study conducted with 32 participants between eight and 18 years old, who were either interviewed or participated in focus groups. The statements were transcribed, grouped with the aid of the Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires software, version 0.7 alpha 2 and described according to the definition of Quality of Life by the World Health Organization concerning to the mental, physical, and social dimensions. Results: it was possible to identify the family nucleus as the main social support for transgender children and adolescents. However, the experience of prejudice and discrimination were negative attributes associated with Quality of Life. Conclusion: the statements indicate that lives of transgender children and adolescents are impacted by social, physical, and mental factors due to the stigma and discrimination experienced. It is expected to contribute to the formulation of public policies related to transgender children and adolescents and expand the discussion on the citizens’ duties and rights in relation to transsexuality.Objetivo: describir los atributos asociados a la Calidad de Vida de niños y adolescentes transgénero brasileños, de acuerdo con su percepción. Método: estudio descriptivo, realizado con 32 participantes entre 8 y 18 años, entrevistados o que participaron en grupos focales. Los testimonios se transcribieron y clasificaron con el soporte del software Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires, versão 0.7 alpha 2 y fueron descriptos de acuerdo con la definición de Calidad de Vida de la Organización Mundial de la Salud en lo concerniente a las dimensiones mental, física y social. Resultados: fue posible identificar al núcleo familiar como el principal medio de soporte social para niños y adolescentes transgénero. Sin embargo, haber vivido experiencias de prejuicio y discriminación fueron atributos negativos asociados con la Calidad de Vida. Conclusión: los testimonios indican que la vida de los niños y adolescentes transgénero se ve afectada por factores sociales, físicos y mentales debido al estigma y la discriminación que experimentan. Se espera que este estudio contribuya a la formulación de políticas públicas relacionadas con los niños y adolescentes transgénero y amplíe la discusión sobre los deberes y derechos de los ciudadanos en relación a la transexualidad

    Outbreak of Infection by Piscinoodinium pillulare and Trichodina spp. in Tambaquis (Colossoma macropomu), Pirapitingas (Piaractus brachypomus) and Tilapias (Oreochromis niloticus) in the Federal District, Brazil

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    Background: Piscinoodinium pillulare is a mandatory mastigophore protozoan with no parasitic specificity, and an important ectoparasite of tropical and temperate psiculture. This parasite is responsible for serious health problems in Brazilian native fish. Another important pathogenic protozoan in psciculture belongs to the genus Trichodina spp., which is commonly found on the surface of fish, gills, fins, and integument. The aim of the present study was to describe an outbreak of P. pillulare andTrichodina spp. in three species of fish intensively created, emphasizing the anatomopathological and epidemiological aspects.Cases: Five animals were necropsied, among them three tambaquis (Colossoma macropomu), one pirapitinga (Piaractus brachypomus) and one tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) from an intensive psciculture in the Federal District. Out of 1500 fishes, 18 (1.2%) became ill and died. It was reported that the animals showed decreased feed intake, discomfort, dyspnea, opercular movements, red skin lesions and consequent death. In the direct examination of scraping of the body surface of a fish, preparedbetween lamina and coverslip, a ciliated ectoparasite, with a circular bell shape, measuring approximately 20-180 μm, adhered, with morphology consistent with Trichodina spp. was evidenced. During necropsy, fragments of different organs were collected and fixed in 10% formalin, routinely processed for histology, embedded in paraffin, cut to five microns thick and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE). Macroscopically, there were pale scaly areas in the medial-lateral regions, moderate increase amountof mucus with brown to green lumps on the body surface, partial loss of the fins, swollen gills with whitish mucus and multifocal hemorrhagic areas on the skin and between the scales. Microscopically, moderate multifocal lymphoplasmocytic branchitis was observed with cell hyperplasia and fusion of secondary lamellae associated with trophons (protozoa), consistent with P. pillulare.Discussion: The diagnosis of infection by P. pillulare and Trichodina spp. in this study was based on the epidemiological and clinical-pathological findings. Regarding the first ones, we highlight the variety of fish species affected. P. pillulare is an example of a commensal parasite present on the substrate of culture tanks, and exerts a type of non-obligatory parasitism that uses the fish as a substrate for its fixation under favorable conditions. In this case, only Trichodina spp. was observed during the traditional evaluation of body surface and gills scraping, and histopathology was essential for the verification of the agent P. pillulare. Routine histopathological analysis may also provide a definitive diagnosis, observing the trophons attached to the gill filaments. Atrophy and fusion of secondary lamellae, which promote proliferative lesions in the gills associated with the interlamellar presence of parasites, are responsible for hypoxia, loss of balance and erratic movements. Although they were observed in a small number, Trichodina spp. are believed to be responsible, on a larger scale, for hemorrhagic lesions on the skin and between fish scales. These findings were similar to those of the literature, and the diagnosis of these parasites allows producers and technicians to adopt adequate treatment, as well as prophylactic measures that provide good environmental conditions in order to avoid economic losses.Keywords: fish diseases, protozoa, fish ectoparasites

    Outbreak of Monensin Sodium Poisoning in Horses Associated with Consumption of Mineral Supplement Based on Sugarcane Molasses

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    Background: Sodium monensin is a molecule of the group of ionophores antibiotics (IAs) of the polyether carboxylic type produced from the fermentation of Streptomyces cinnamonensis. Cases of IA poisoning in animals usually occur accidentally. Fatal poisoning in horses, a non-target species and with particular sensitivity usually occurs by the consumption of these products from the toxic dose of 2-3 mg/kg. This report aims to describe the epidemiological and clinical-pathological aspects of an outbreak of ionophore antibiotic poisoning in horses due to the consumption of mineral supplementation indicated for ruminants based on sugarcane molasses.Case: Two horses were necropsied. During necropsy, fragments of various organs were collected and fixed in 10% buffered formalin, routinely processed for histology and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The information obtained from the animal trainer was that 19 horses received approximately 25 kg of low moisture mixture based on sugarcane molasses, enriched with macro and micro minerals, vitamins and additives containing 1000 mg of monensin/kg in the trough. One day after receiving the product, five horses began to develop ataxia, reluctance to move, difficulty of accompanying the herd and arising. Out of the five, three died after three days of evolution, one after six days (equine 1) and another after 15 days (equine 2) [morbidity 26.31%]. At necropsy, diffuse pallor was observed in the gluteus medius, quadriceps femoris, semimembranosus, biceps brachii and deep pectoral muscles. Microscopically the muscle fibers were tumefied with hypereosinophilic sarcoplasm of homogeneous appearance and with loss of striations, pynotic or absent nuclei (necrosis). Multifocal areas of fibers with sarcoplasmic fragmentation were observed, with clusters of irregular eosinophilic debris, flake (floct necrosis) or granule (granular necrosis) aspects and focal muscle fibers with granular to crystalline basophilic material (mineralization) and marked multifocal infiltrate, predominantly of macrophages, plasma cells and eosinophils with occasional multinucleated giant cells. In the heart there was focally a extensive area of necrosis and a discrete eosinophil infiltrate.Discussion: The diagnosis of ionophore antibiotic intoxication in horses was established by epidemiological and clinical-pathological aspects. In the horses affected in this outbreak, the intoxication was due to the ingestion of sugarcane molasses containing proportions of monensin, which is not indicated for equines, becoming an unusual source for this animal species. The clinical signs reported in the intoxication under study are mostly locomotors and are directly linked to poor distribution of sodium, potassium and calcium ions in muscle cells, leading to ionic disorders that modify the muscle neurotransmission by deregulating contraction and altering movement. Usually, death of horses poisoned with IAs is related to heart failure due to degenerative cardiomyopathy. However, due to the subtlety of the histological lesions in the heart, we believe that the cause of death may also be related to a possible respiratory failure owing to a degenerative myopathy of the diaphragmatic muscle. The anatomopathological changes found in the skeletal muscles of equine intoxicated with molasses are similar to those described in this species by other authors. Compounds based on sugarcane molasses formulated for cattle containing monensin should be considered as a potential source of poisoning for horses and as a cause of degenerative myopathy, which may be an alert for caring about the handling and feeding of these animals.

    Disabkids® in Brazil : advances and future perspectives for the production of scientific knowledge

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    Objetivo: mapear a produção científica brasileira que versa sobre as fases do processo metodológico para a utilização dos instrumentos e/ou formulários DISABKIDS® adaptados para o Brasil. Método: scoping review realizada através da busca em 10 bases de dados eletrônicas, no Google Scholar e por meio de consulta à pesquisadores, sem restrição de período ou idioma. Resultados: o mapeamento identificou 90 estudos científicos que envolveram 46 instrumentos, dos quais 11 (23,9%) foram realizados os processos de elaboração e/ ou adaptação cultural dos instrumentos DISABKIDS® para mensuração da Qualidade de Vida de crianças ou adolescentes com condições crônicas e em 35 (76,1%) foram utilizados o Formulários de Impressões Gerais e/ou Folhas Específicas para realizar a validação semântica de outros instrumentos. Conclusão: constatou-se que essa scoping review permitiu avaliação abrangente do uso do instrumento e dos documentos DISABKIDS®. Em relação à validação do instrumento adaptado ao Brasil apresenta avanço positivo do cenário junto ao desenvolvimento de projetos acadêmicos/científicos no país, a partir da incorporação ao método preconizado pela literatura para elaboração, adaptação cultural e validação de instrumentos, do registro sistematizado e padronizado da percepção, bem como do entendimento da população alvo sobre a medida de interesse, ao lançar mão de formulários DISABKIDS® adaptados para esse fim.Objetivo: mapear la producción científica que se ocupa de las etapas del proceso metodológico para el uso de los instrumentos y/o formularios adaptados DISABKIDS® a Brasil. Método: scoping review, búsqueda realizada en 10 bases de datos electrónicas, en el Google Scholar y por intermedio de consulta a investigadores, sin restricción de período o idioma. Resultados: el mapeo identificó 90 estudios científicos que involucraron 46 instrumentos, de los cuales 11 (23,9%) la elaboración y/o adaptación cultural de los instrumentos DISABKIDS® se realizaron para medir la Calidad de Vida de niños o adolescentes con afecciones crónicas y en 35 (76,1%) utilizaron los Formularios de Impresiones Generales y/o Hojas Específicas para realizar la validación semántica de otros instrumentos. Conclusión: se encontró que esta revisión de alcance permitió una evaluación exhaustiva del uso del instrumento y los documentos DISABKIDS®. En cuanto a la validación del instrumento adaptado a Brasil presenta un avance positivo del escenario en conjunto al desarrollo de proyectos académicos/científicos en el país, desde la incorporación al método recomendado por la literatura para la elaboración, adaptación cultural y validación de instrumentos, desde el registro sistematizado y estandarizado de la percepción, así como la comprensión de la población objetivo sobre la medida de interés mediante el uso de formularios DISABKIDS® adaptados con esta finalidad.Objective: to map the Brazilian scientific production related to the stages of the methodological process for the use of DISABKIDS® instruments and/or forms adapted to Brazil. Method: scoping review, with searches conducted on10 electronic databases, plus Google Scholar and contacts with researchers, without restriction of period or language. Results: the mapping identified 90 scientific studies involving 46 instruments. Of these, 11 (23.9%) included the elaboration and/or cultural adaptation of the DISABKIDS® instruments to measure the Quality of Life of children or adolescents with chronic conditions and 35 (76.1%) used the Generic Measures and/or Specific Modules for the semantic validation of other instruments. Conclusion: this scoping review allowed a comprehensive evaluation of the use of the DISABKIDS® instrument and forms, in relation to the validation of the instrument adapted to Brazil, presenting a positive advance in the scenario with the development of academic/scientific projects in the country, incorporating the method recommended by the literature for the elaboration, cultural adaptation and validation of instruments and for the systematized and standardized recording of the perception and understanding of the target population about the measure of interest, using DISABKIDS® forms adapted for this purpose