12 research outputs found

    Preventing central-line-associated bloodstream infections in pediatric specialized care units: A case study of successful quality improvement

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    Central line associated bloodstream infections in pediatric intensive care units extend the intensive care unit length of stay and increase the cost of hospitalization. These infections, once thought to be an accepted complication of central vascular access, are now known to be preventable. Despite using hand hygiene, full barrier protection, and proper skin disinfection with 70% isopropyl alcohol/20% chlorhexidine gluconate for pediatric central venous catheter insertion, our catheter associated bloodstream infection rate remained high. We instituted a new practice involving scrubbing the catheter hub and performing dressing changes with 70% isopropyl alcohol/20% chlorhexidine gluconate in a combined pediatric intensive care and pediatric cardiac intensive care unit. We removed alternative products from the bedside thereby making it easier for the staff to follow procedure and reducing the need for training and monitoring. This change reduced our catheter associated bloodstream infection rate from 7.1 episodes per 1000 line days to 1.5 episodes per 1000 line days. We describe the barriers we encountered in instituting this practice change, evaluating the impact of the change with limited resources, and in eventually implementing the change in other units system-wide. The most commonly encountered obstacle to change was not a lack of resources, but the insistence by the medical staff that the incidence of these infections was a result of differences in patient populations and not differences in compliance with standardized procedure

    Dysferlin interacts with histone deacetylase 6 and increases alpha-tubulin acetylation

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    Dysferlin is a multi-C2 domain transmembrane protein involved in a plethora of cellular functions, most notably in skeletal muscle membrane repair, but also in myogenesis, cellular adhesion and intercellular calcium signaling. We previously showed that dysferlin interacts with alpha-tubulin and microtubules in muscle cells. Microtubules are heavily reorganized during myogenesis to sustain growth and elongation of the nascent muscle fiber. Microtubule function is regulated by post-translational modifications, such as acetylation of its alpha-tubulin subunit, which is modulated by the histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) enzyme. In this study, we identified HDAC6 as a novel dysferlin-binding partner. Dysferlin prevents HDAC6 from deacetylating alpha-tubulin by physically binding to both the enzyme, via its C2D domain, and to the substrate, alpha-tubulin, via its C2A and C2B domains. We further show that dysferlin expression promotes alpha-tubulin acetylation, as well as increased microtubule resistance to, and recovery from, Nocodazole- and cold-induced depolymerization. By selectively inhibiting HDAC6 using Tubastatin A, we demonstrate that myotube formation was impaired when alpha-tubulin was hyperacetylated early in the myogenic process; however, myotube elongation occurred when alpha-tubulin was hyperacetylated in myotubes. This study suggests a novel role for dysferlin in myogenesis and identifies HDAC6 as a novel dysferlin-interacting protein