22 research outputs found
A insuficiência cardíaca é uma síndrome clínica crônica e progressiva, que causa deficiência no suprimento sanguíneo e se estabelece pela disfunção diastólica, sistólica ou ambas, comprometendo os ventrículos. O tratamento medicamentoso de pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca objetiva diminuição dos sinais e sintomas, melhoria da qualidade de vida e aumento da sobrevida do paciente. O propósito desse trabalho é relacionar as implicações do tratamento medicamentoso da insuficiência cardíaca, por meio do uso de Captopril e Digoxina, com a Odontologia. O levantamento bibliográfico foi realizado nas bases de dados PubMed, SciELO e EBSCO e em livros de Farmacologia e Terapêutica. A Digoxina é um digitálico cujo mecanismo de ação inibe a bomba de sódio-potássio nas fibras cardíacas, aumenta a concentração intracelular de íons cálcio e promove uma maior contratilidade do músculo cardíaco. De maneira geral, os efeitos adversos da Digoxina estão relacionados estritamente com a dose, portanto, as reações adversas não serão comuns se a dose utilizada estiver dentro da faixa ou concentração plasmática adequada. O Captopril é um inibidor da Enzima Conversora de Angiotensina (ECA) utilizado como anti-hipertensivo e para pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca. A inibição da ECA provoca diminuição da resistência vascular sistêmica e da tensão de pré-carga e pós-carga cardíacas. Entre os efeitos adversos mais observados com o uso do Captopril notam-se tosse, alteração no paladar e erupções cutâneas. O cirurgião-dentista deve se empenhar na eliminação da ansiedade e da dor associadas ao tratamento odontológico, uma vez que o estresse impõe uma maior carga de trabalho ao coração e estimula a liberação de catecolaminas endógenas, aumentando o risco de arritmias induzidas por Digoxina. Em casos de estresse emocional ou dor, deve-se instituir terapia preemptiva com ansiolíticos ou analgésicos. O efeito anti-hipertensivo dos inibidores da ECA pode ser reduzido pelos anti-inflamatórios não esteroidais, devido à diminuição da síntese de prostaglandinas.Palavras-chave: Insuficiência Cardíaca. Captopril. Digoxina. Odontologia
Micropapillary carcinoma in a dog: case report
Mammary neoplasms in female dogs present a high incidence. Several histological types are observed, among them, micropapillary carcinoma is considered one of the most aggressive because it is related to vascular invasion, metastases and low survival time. Aimed to describe a case of micropapillary breast carcinoma, with cutaneous metastasis, in a dog. A canine, female, 14 years old, 8kg, not defined breed, uncastrated, nulliparous, with pseudocyesis and no contraceptives administration history was attended at the Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics Service from "Governador Laudo Natel” Hospital, FCAV, UNESP, Jaboticabal, presenting a breast ulcerated nodule, with one month estimated evolution. After stabilization and preoperative exams, radical unilateral mastectomy and ipsilateral axillary and inguinal lymphadenectomy were performed. Histopathologic diagnosis revealed micropapillary carcinoma and free surgical margins from neoplasm, however, there were metastasis in both lymph nodes. The tutors did not adhere to antineoplastic chemotherapy. In 60th post-surgical day, there was inflammatory reaction in the surgical scar region, with small cutaneous ulceration, where the elastogram revealed rigidity and shear velocity of 7.84m/s. Skin biopsy revealed metastasis of micropapillary breast carcinoma. There was progression of ulcerations, compromising animal’s welfare and its physiological activities, when on the 110th post-surgical day, it was decided to euthanize the patient. The correct diagnosis and knowledge of tumor biological behavior are importants points to choose the correct treatment. The adjuvant chemotherapy treatment can impact on average survival time and ARFI elastography is an accurate predictor of rapid and non-invasive diagnosis of micropapillary carcinoma recurrence.Mammary neoplasms in female dogs have a high incidence. Among the several histological types observed, micropapillary carcinoma is considered one of the most aggressive due to vascular invasion, metastases, and short survival time. The present objective was to describe a case of mammary gland micropapillary carcinoma, with cutaneous metastasis, in a dog. A 14-year-old intact nulliparous mixed-breed bitch, weighing 8kg, with a history of pseudocyesis and no history of contraceptive administration, presented to the Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics Service from "Governador Laudo Natel” Hospital, FCAV, UNESP, Jaboticabal, with an ulcerated nodule in the mammary gland for approximately one month. After stabilization of clinical parameters and preoperative exams, a radical unilateral mastectomy and ipsilateral axillary and inguinal lymphadenectomy were performed. Histopathology revealed micropapillary carcinoma with clear surgical margins, however, there were metastases in both lymph nodes. Antineoplastic chemotherapy was refused by the owners. On the 60th day after surgery, there was an inflammatory reaction in the surgical scar region, with a small cutaneous ulceration, where elastography showed rigidity and shear velocity of 7.84m/s. Skin biopsy revealed metastasis of the micropapillary carcinoma. Even with continued treatment since the patient was first examined, the ulcerations progressed, compromising the animal’s welfare and physiological activities, and on the 110th day after surgery, euthanasia was decided on. A correct diagnosis and knowledge of tumor biological behavior are important points for choosing the correct treatment. Acoustic Radiation Force Image (ARFI) elastography has been shown to be a fast and non-invasive diagnostic method for detection of recurrent micropapillary carcinoma
Effect of parenteral lipid emulsion containing mixture of medium-chain triglycerides and soybean, olive and fish oils on leukocytes migration and phagocytosis in rats
INTRODUÇÃO: Emulsões lipídicas parenterais (EL) contendo óleo de peixe podem modular favoravelmente a resposta inflamatória e manter ou promover a resposta imunológica, mas há dados insuficientes sobre seu impacto em funções de células da imunidade inata. OBJETIVO: Verificar o efeito da administração endovenosa de EL composta por mistura de triglicérides de cadeia média e óleos de soja, oliva e peixe sobre a migração e fagocitose de leucócitos de ratos, em comparação à EL composta por mistura física de triglicérides de cadeia média e cadeia longa - TCM/TCL, suplementada ou não com óleo de peixe (OP). MÉTODOS: Ratos (Lewis) isogênicos (n=40) foram submetidos à cateterização da veia jugular externa para acesso parenteral. Os animais foram randomizados em quatro grupos, de acordo com sua infusão endovenosa: grupo SMOF: EL contendo 30% de óleo de soja (TCL), 30% de TCM, 25% de óleo de oliva e 15% de OP; grupo TCM/TCL: EL contendo TCM e TCL (1:1 v/v); grupo TCM/TCL/OP: EL composta por TCM/TCL com adição de OP (8:2 v/v); grupo SF: solução fisiológica. Um grupo de animais sem cateterismo venoso também foi desenvolvido (CO-NC). No quinto dia de experimento e após injeção de carvão coloidal pela veia caudal, amostras de sangue e tecido (fígado, pulmão e baço) foram coletadas para análise quimiotática de neutrófilos (câmara de Boyden adaptada) e quantificação do número de macrófagos fagocitantes do carvão coloidal (imunohistoquímica). Os dados foram analisados por ANOVA e pós-teste de Tukey. RESULTADOS: SMOF não alterou a quimiotaxia e fagocitose nos leucócitos estudados. TCM/TCL e TCM/TCL/OP aumentaram o número de macrófagos fagocitantes do fígado e pulmão e somente TCM/TCL/OP apresentou aumento no número de macrófagos fagocitantes no baço (p<0,05). CONCLUSÕES: 1) Emulsões lipídicas, independente de sua composição, não influenciaram a quimiotaxia de neutrófilos; 2) Emulsão lipídica composta por mistura de triglicérides de cadeia média e óleos de soja, oliva e peixe apresentou efeito neutro sobre a quimiotaxia, migração espontânea de neutrófilos e recrutamento de monócitos no fígado, pulmão e baço; 3) Emulsão lipídica de mistura física de triglicérides de cadeia média e cadeia longa estimulou o recrutamento de monócitos, com aumento do número de macrófagos fagocitantes no fígado e pulmão; 4) Emulsão lipídica de mistura física de triglicérides de cadeia média e cadeia longa enriquecida com emulsão lipídica de óleo de peixe, estimulou o recrutamento de monócitos, com aumento do número de macrófagos fagocitantes no fígado, pulmão e baço.RATIONALE: Parenteral lipid emulsions (LE) with fish oil could modulate inflammatory response and promote or maintain immunologic response, but there are insufficient data about the impact on innate immunity cells functions. AIM: To evaluate the effects of endovenous infusion of LE containing mixture of medium-chain triglycerides and soybean, olive and fish oils on leukocytes migration and phagocytosis in rats, compared to a physical mixture of medium and long-chain triglycerides - MCT/LCT LE supplemented or not with fish oil (FO). METHOD: Isogenic Lewis rats (n=40) were submitted to jugular vein catheterization for parenteral access. The animals were randomized in four groups, according to their infusion: group SMOF: LE containing 30% of soybean oil (LCT), 30% MCT, 25% olive oil and 15% fish oil; group MCT/LCT: LE containing MCT and LCT (1:1 v/v); group MCT/LCT/FO: MCT/LCT LE enriched with fish oil based LE (8:2 v/v); group SS: saline. A non-surgical control (CO-NS) was also performed. In the 5th experimental day and after colloidal carbon injection in tail vein, blood and tissue (liver, lung and spleen) samples were collected for chemotaxis assay (adapted Boyden chamber) and colloidal carbon phagocyting-macrophages quantification (immunohistochemistry). ANOVA and Tukey post test were performed. RESULTS: SMOF LE didn?t influence leukocytes chemotaxis and phagocytosis. MCT/LCT and MCT/LCT/FO LE increased liver and lung resident phagocyting-macrophages number (p<0.05) and only in MCT/LCT/FO group, spleen resident phagocyting-macrophages number was increased (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: 1) Lipid emulsion, independently of composition, has no influence on neutrophils chemotaxis; 2) Lipid emulsion with a mixture of medium-chain triglycerides, soybean, olive and fish oils has neutral effect on neutrophil chemotaxis, random migration and monocyte recruitment to the liver, lung and spleen; 3) Lipid emulsion with a physical mixture of medium and long-chain triglycerides has stimulatory effect on monocyte recruitment, with increase of phagocyting-macrophages number in liver and lung; 4) Lipid emulsion with a physical mixture of medium and longchain triglycerides supplemented with fish oil, has stimulatory effect on monocyte recruitment, with increase of phagocyting-macrophages number in liver, lung and spleen
O SICONV como ferramenta de descentralização de recursos e intergovernabilidade: um caminho para o atendimento de demandas regionalizadas
Considerando que a descentralização e a governança multinível podem ser meios de
atender demandas regionalizadas e segmentos da população, e que a governança digital
proporciona a desburocratização e o acesso aos partícipes e interessados, novos modelos
de gestão foram introduzidos na administração pública brasileira. O presente artigo tem
por objetivo realizar uma análise qualitativa do Sistema de Gestão de Convênios e
Contratos de Repasse (SICONV) como ferramenta de atendimento às demandas
regionais, bem como sua efetividade e transparência. Para tanto, foram analisados
manuais e artigos que discorrem sobre a criação e o funcionamento da plataforma e um
relatório do Tribunal de Contas da União, divulgado em 2018, realizado pela
Controladoria Geral da União, que analisou todas as celebrações realizadas entre 2008 e
2016. Desse modo, observa-se que, mesmo facilitando o acesso e a transparência,
através da Internet, a plataforma apresenta problemas relativos à celeridade e à
capacidade operacional, além da influência de emendas parlamentares individuais, que
respondem pela maior parte das celebrações. Mesmo considerando um avanço para a
administração pública brasileira, o relatório permite concluir que a plataforma ainda
não consegue atingir os objetivos para as quais foi criada, exigindo soluções aos
problemas apontados pelo documento
Lycium barbarum Reduces Abdominal Fat and Improves Lipid Profile and Antioxidant Status in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome
Natural antioxidants present in fruits have attracted considerable interest due to their presumed safety and potential nutritional value. Even though antioxidant activities of many fruits have been reported, the effects of phytochemicals of goji berry (GB) in patients with metabolic syndrome have not been investigated. In this study, we examined anthropometric and biochemical parameters in patients with metabolic syndrome after the consumption of GB. The patients were divided into two groups, control (C) and supplemented (S), and followed up for 45 days. Participants were individually instructed to carry out a healthy diet, but additionally, an inclusion of 14 g of the natural form of goji berry in the diet during 45 days for the S group was proposed. After 45 days of study, a significant reduction in transaminases as well as an improvement in lipid profile in the S group was observed. Likewise, a significant reduction in the waist circumference of the S group was observed when compared with that of the C group, and increased glutathione and catalase levels associated with a reduction of lipid peroxidation. These results suggest that this is an effective dietary supplement for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in individuals with metabolic syndrome
Nutrición Hospitalaria
p.382-387Background: Glutamine and proline are metabolized in the liver and may collaborate on its regeneration. Parenteral nutrition (PN) containing either glutamine or proline was given to partially hepatectomized rats. The total RNA content and growth factor gene expression in hepatic remnants was measured, to determine the effects of these amino acid supplementation on the expression of growth factors during liver regeneration. Methods: Wistar rats nourished (HN) and malnourished (HM) were hepatectomized and divided in two groups: 20 receiving PN enriched with Alanyl-Glutamine (HN-Gln and HM-Gln) and 20 PN enriched with proline+alanine (HN-Pro and HM-Pro). The control groups comprised 7 nourished (CN) and 7 malnourished (CM) rats that didn’t undergo surgery. Growth factor and thymidine kinase mRNA levels were measured by RT-PCR. Results: In nourished rats, total hepatic RNA levels were lower in the HN-Gln and HN-Pro groups (0.75 and 0.63g/mg tissue, respectively) than in control group (1.67g/mg tissue) (P<0.05). In malnourished rats, total hepatic RNA content was higher in the HM-Pro group than HN-Pro, HM-Gln, and CM (3.18 vs. 0.63, 0.93 and 1.10g/mg, respectively; P<0.05). Hepatocyte growth factor mRNA was more abundant in the HM-Gln group when compared to CM (0.31 vs. 0.23 arbitrary units) and also in HM-Pro in relation to HM-Gln, HN-Pro, and CM (0.46 vs. 0.33 and 0.23, respectively, P<0.05). Conclusions: Proline or glutamine supplementation in malnourished rats improves total RNA content in the remnant hepatic tissue. Amino acids administration increased HGF gene expression after partial hepatectomy in malnourished rats, with a greater effect of proline than glutamine
Medo e evitação na direção de veículos: características de motoristas que nunca dirigiram após obtenção da Carteira Nacional de Habilitação
INTRODUÇÃO: Dirigir é fundamental na sociedade contemporânea, facilitando a mobilidade e a independência das pessoas. Portanto, aqueles com dificuldades em guiar um veículo podem experimentar sensações de limitação, estresse emocional e fracasso. OBJETIVO: Este estudo visa abordar descritivamente uma amostra de 93 pessoas habilitadas que buscaram por treinamento para motoristas, mas que não conseguiram dirigir após receber a Carteira Nacional de Habilitação. MÉTODOS: Os dados foram coletados em centro de treinamento especializado em pessoas com medo de dirigir. Os participantes preencheram um formulário dicotômico e realizaram uma entrevista objetiva com um psicólogo. Nas duas fases, consideramos respostas autorreferidas dos participantes. RESULTADOS: A maioria da amostra é do sexo feminino (89,2%), com idade entre 21 e 40 anos (59%). Entender as dificuldades no desenvolvimento dessas pessoas como motoristas é difícil, porém a necessidade foi o principal fator para a busca pelo treinamento. O medo de dirigir parece estar associado à falta de prática, sendo as preocupações acerca de causar acidentes, de errar e de perder o controle da situação suas principais manifestações. CONCLUSÃO: Muitos dados encontrados neste estudo são compatíveis com os achados da literatura mundial. Porém, percebemos algumas limitações. Mais estudos serão necessários para avaliar o medo de dirigir
Cross-cultural adaptation of the Scale of Perception of Respect for and Maintenance of the Dignity of the Inpatient (CuPDPH) to Brazilian Portuguese and its psychometric properties-A multicenter cross-sectional study
To adapt the Scale of Perception of Respect for and Maintenance of the Dignity of the Inpatient (CuPDPH) to the Brazilian language and culture and to assess its psychometric properties. The scale was evaluated by 15 experts, and 239 patients from three tertiary hospitals in Rio de Janeiro. All participants signed a consent form. Data have shown adequacy of the model (KMO=0.839, Bartlett's test of sphericity: χ 2 (171) = 2241.3, p = 0.000010), good adjusted content validity (CVC ≥ 0.90), internal consistency and reliability, such as α = 0.927. CuPDPH is a rating scale on observable professional attitudes. Illnesses change lives and impose adaptation to a new situation, perceived as depersonalization, leading patients to try to regain control of their lives. Patients expressed "ill will" to fill out the scale. Psychiatric patients' scale filling time was higher than others. A sample from three Rio de Janeiro third-level hospitals may not reflect the country's population; also, this adaptation may not comprise all linguistic variations of Brazilian Portuguese and Portuguese-speaking countries. The Portuguese version of the Scale of Perception of Respect for and Maintenance of the Dignity of the Inpatient (CuPDPH), a 19-item, six-component version is a reliable instrument to measure the perception of internal medicine, surgical, and psychiatric patients on the maintenance of their dignity in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This knowledge could be used in advancing research on patients' perception of dignity, as well as professional ethical competencies, staff-patient relationship skills, and leadership development in medical and other healthcare professional education