305 research outputs found

    TICs como herramientas de apoyo para estudiantes con TDAH

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    La enseñanza universitaria se encuentra sumergida en un proceso de cambios impulsados por la implantación de las TIC, que ha supuesto una revolución del concepto de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Con la llegada de dicha tecnología se superan barreras, haciendo más accesible el completo desarrollo, tanto personal como académico, del alumno con TDAH en el entorno universitario. Mediante el uso del iPad en el aula utilizando la conexión Airserver, que permite la proyección del contenido que se está visionando en dicho dispositivo a través de un cañón, así como la proyección simultánea del mismo en otro dispositivo personal, y acompañado de dos herramientas potentes, como son el iAnnotate y uPAD, se pretende mejorar y facilitar la vida académica no sólo de las personas con TDAH, sino de la población universitaria en general, ya que éste su uso permitirá una mayor organización de la información, así como una captación y remarcación más exhaustiva de los conceptos más importantes

    Cryptocurrency analysis based on user-generated social media content

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    Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that has started to become interesting in 2017 as a result of the massive hype the cryptocurrency has created around the world, claiming to be the first fully digital coin based on blockchain technology. There are people reacting and commenting everyday about Bitcoin on social networks and online forums. The known social networks that drive significant opinions related with Bitcoin are Twitter and Reddit. It can be said that Bitcoin may attribute much of its growth to the Reddit social forum. This research is dedicated to the study of the application of Sentiment Analysis to the Reddit users’ comments on daily discussion publications from Bitcoin - Reddit community with the goal to find a correlation between these results and Bitcoin’s known indicators. The study aims to analyze the sentiment of the Bitcoin discussion threads, having two main research questions: 1. Do users’ comments of the daily discussion posts have a correlation with the daily indicators of Bitcoin? 2. Do users’ comments of the daily discussion posts have a correlation when the indicators information of Bitcoin are shifted by a few days? The research has permitted to analyze the correlations between the different indicators.A Bitcoin é uma criptomoeda que começou a tornar-se interessante em 2017 através do entusiasmo que criou pelo mundo, afirmando ser a primeira criptomoeda totalmente digital e baseada na tecnologia de Blockchain. Existem pessoas que reagem e comentam diariamente sobre a Bitcoin em redes sociais e fóruns online. As redes sociais que mais impulsionam opiniões relacionadas com a Bitcoin são o Twitter e o Reddit. Podemos afirmar que a Bitcoin pode atribuir grande parte do seu crescimento através da rede social Reddit. A investigação efetuada no contexto desta tese é dedicada ao estudo da aplicação de uma análise de sentimento aos comentários dos utilizadores do Reddit contidos nas publicações de discussão diária da comunidade Bitcoin, com o objetivo de encontrar uma correlação entre os resultados obtidos e os indicadores conhecidos da Bitcoin. O estudo visa analisar o sentimento associado aos tópicos de discussão da comunidade Bitcoin, tendo duas principais questões de investigação: 1. Os comentários dos utilizadores das publicações de discussão diária têm uma correlação com os indicadores diários da Bitcoin? 2. Os comentários dos utilizadores das publicações de discussão diária têm uma correlação com os indicadores de Bitcoin se forem deslocados por alguns dias? A investigação permitiu analisar as correlações entre os diferentes indicadores

    Los simuladores como recurso educativo ante las consideraciones alternativas del Equilibrio Químico en estudiantes universitarios

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    El Equilibrio Químico en todas sus vertientes (reacciones de oxidación- reducción, comportamiento ácido-base, principio de Le Chatelier, etc.) es uno de los conceptos esenciales de la Química y es la base para la comprensión de una amplia gama de situaciones de interés en dicho campo. Por lo tanto es fundamental que el alumno alcance esa destreza-concepto lo antes posible, lo que conlleva que sea necesaria una revisión metodológica para adaptarse a los nuevos tiempos y a las nuevas necesidades de los alumnos. Dicha revisión está encaminada a tratar de dar respuesta a las consideraciones alternativas que presentan los alumnos en el ámbito universitario en relación al concepto de Equilibrio Químico. Para llevarla a cabo, se propone el uso de simuladores interactivos como recurso de apoyo que permita el acceso a un escenario novedoso que facilite la interacción directa con los principios y conceptos más significativos. Los simuladores, desde un enfoque constructivista, dan respuesta a la necesidad de adaptación y cambio que suscita el cambio de paradigma metodológico en ambientes universitarios, contribuyendo, en gran medida, al aprendizaje autónomo del alumno

    Remarks on multisymplectic reduction

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    The problem of reduction of multisymplectic manifolds by the action of Lie groups is stated and discussed, as a previous step to give a fully covariant scheme of reduction for classical field theories with symmetries.Comment: 9 pages. Some comments added in the section "Discussion and outlook" and in the Acknowledgments. New references are added. Minor mistakes are correcte

    Farmers’ Satisfaction and Intention to Continue as Members of Agricultural Marketing Co-operatives: A Test of the Neoclassical and Transaction Costs Theories

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    Agricultural marketing co-operatives are one among a myriad of options that farmers have to market their products, making survival of the co-operative formula to depend on its capability to compete for the farmers’ satisfaction and membership. This research uses Neoclassical Theory and Transaction Costs Theory to propose a number of antecedents of the farmers’ satisfaction with the co-operative and their intention to remain members in the long term. With data obtained from a sample of 320 producers of fruits and vegetables, members of agricultural marketing cooperatives operating in the fresh fruit and vegetable chain, the results obtained show that 1) the liquidation price is more important to predict the farmers’ satisfaction with the co-operatives than their intention to remain members; 2) transaction costs are important to explain satisfaction and to a larger degree the intention to continue the relationship with the co-operatives; and 3) that liquidation price is more effective upon satisfaction and continuity if transaction costs are lower.Agricultural co-operatives, Transaction Costs Theory, Neoclassical Theory of the firm, satisfaction, continuity, liquidation price, safeguards, adaptation, performance evaluation., Agricultural and Food Policy, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Surface growth for molten silicon infiltration into carbon millimeter-sized channels: Lattice-Boltzmann simulations, experiments and models

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    The process of liquid silicon infiltration is investigated for channels with radii from 0.250.25 to 0.750.75 [mm] drilled in compact carbon preforms. The advantage of this setup is that the study of the phenomenon results to be simplified. For comparison purposes, attempts are made in order to work out a framework for evaluating the accuracy of simulations. The approach relies on dimensionless numbers involving the properties of the surface reaction. It turns out that complex hydrodynamic behavior derived from second Newton law can be made consistent with Lattice-Boltzmann simulations. The experiments give clear evidence that the growth of silicon carbide proceeds in two different stages and basic mechanisms are highlighted. Lattice-Boltzmann simulations prove to be an effective tool for the description of the growing phase. Namely, essential experimental constraints can be implemented. As a result, the existing models are useful to gain more insight on the process of reactive infiltration into porous media in the first stage of penetration, i.e. up to pore closure because of surface growth. A way allowing to implement the resistance from chemical reaction in Darcy law is also proposed

    Extended Hamiltonian systems in multisymplectic field theories

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    We consider Hamiltonian systems in first-order multisymplectic field theories. We review the properties of Hamiltonian systems in the so-called restricted multimomentum bundle, including the variational principle which leads to the Hamiltonian field equations. In an analogous way to how these systems are defined in the so-called extended (symplectic) formulation of non-autonomous mechanics, we introduce Hamiltonian systems in the extended multimomentum bundle. The geometric properties of these systems are studied, the Hamiltonian equations are analyzed using integrable multivector fields, the corresponding variational principle is also stated, and the relation between the extended and the restricted Hamiltonian systems is established. All these properties are also adapted to certain kinds of submanifolds of the multimomentum bundles in order to cover the case of almost-regular field theories.Comment: 36 pp. The introduction and the abstract have been rewritten. New references are added and some little mistakes are corrected. The title has been slightly modifie

    Gestão da Informação – Rentabilização e Valorização da Memória do Município de Leiria

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    O objectivo desta comunicação é dar a conhecer a realidade do Arquivo Municipal de Leiria no âmbito da temática do Encontro “ Gestão da Informação na Administração Municipal: passado, presente e futuro”. A reflexão consiste numa “viagem” pelo passado e as políticas de recolha e armazenamento da documentação, o presente direccionado para a satisfação do utilizador e perspectivar o futuro como forma de acesso à informação e consequentemente valorizar memória do Município.A começar pelo passado, o Arquivo Municipal tem adoptado procedimentos de gestão documental com grande enfoque na recolha, na avaliação e selecção da documentação, sendo que, para tal, teve a necessidade de elaborar regulamentação e formulários através do regulamento do AMLRA, de forma a orientar os serviços produtores na importância legal da conservação e preservação da informação.Esta documentação ao entrar no circuito do serviço de arquivo pode ser acessível sobre a forma de consulta presencial, localizada em dois espaços, no Arquivo Administrativo (Edifício Sede) com documentação de 1950 até à actualidade, e no Arquivo Histórico (Instalações da Biblioteca Municipal) para a documentação anterior a 1950.Esta informação registada, maioritariamente em suporte papel, que representa a memória e identidade do Município, está disponível para consulta (conforme as devidas restrições e excepções).Face a esta realidade cabe aos serviços de Arquivo rentabilizar e valorizar a informação através de processos de acesso, contemplando a comunicação e interacção com o objectivo fazer chegar esta memória e identidade ao cidadão

    Colaboración de los compradores de las cooperativas agroalimentarias: factores explicativos y efectos sobre el desempeño de la relación

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    Cooperation is considered one of the main variables that characterises successful interorganisational relationships, helping to coordinate activities and achieve good results. What is more, these positive effects are further strengthened when they are based on reciprocity, with the cooperation of all those involved in the relationship. For agricultural cooperatives, it is important to be aware of the causes and consequences of the collaboration processes that go beyond the classic cooperative-member relationship, as in the case of their relations with their buyers. Within this context, the purpose of this article is to analyse how the characteristics of what cooperatives have to offer, their cooperative attitude and their interdependence influence the cooperative position of their buyers, as well as the effects of this position on the results of the relationship. To do this, a study has been carried out with the information obtained from 81 surveys of fruit and vegetable cooperatives in the Murcia Region.Food and agricultural cooperatives, interorganisational relations, dependence, cooperation, development of relationships.