122 research outputs found

    Adopciones estudio médico- legal de niños menores de 5 años declarados en abandono. Casa Hogar Guayaquil año 2012. Estrategias para mejorar la situación actual.

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    Pdf.El abandono infantil, es uno de los problemas más antiguos de la historia de la humanidad, que priva del derecho de la convivencia familiar, siendo la adopción una forma de restablecer el vínculo de parentesco, aunque no exista la consanguineidad. Cuando la familia no está en la capacidad de brindar las condiciones mínimas que aseguren la supervivencia, el estado debe garantizar este derecho a través de la adopción. El objetivo de esta investigación es caracterizar las condiciones de salud de los niños y niñas menores de 5 años declarados en abandono en la Casa hogar Guayaquil en el año 2012, a través de la descripción de los antecedentes familiares de los niños antes indicados, con el fin de Elaborar estrategias para mejorar la situación actual. En la investigación es de tipo descriptivo, explicativo y correlacional, la muestra parte del trabajo que se valoración en la Unidad Judicial Norte de Familia, Mujer, Niñez y Adolescencia de Guayaquil, se toma como referencia a 32 niños y niñas que están situación de abandono familiar y por ende aptos para la adopción de la Casa Hogar Guayaquil, pare ellos se toman los datos de la ficha médica y se elaboran dos encuestas una dirigida al personal institucional y la segunda a los jueces. Los resultados de este estudio muestran que existen signos y síntomas de enfermedad en los infantes valorados, de igual manera existen condiciones de descuido en la institución acogiente y lentitud en el proceso judicial. PALABRAS CLAVES: ABANDONO- ADOPCIÓN- PROTECCIÓN- FAMILIA- INFANCIA- DESARROLLO.Child neglect is one of the oldest problems in the history of humanity, which denied the right to family life, adoption still a way to restore the bond of kinship, although there is no inbreeding. When the family is not in the capacity to provide the minimum conditions to ensure the survival, the state must guarantee this right through adoption. The objective of this research is to characterize the health of the children below 5 years declared abandoned home in the House Guayaquil in 2012, through the description of the family history of the abovementioned children, with to develop strategies to improve the current situation. The investigation is descriptive, explanatory and correlational, the sample of the work that assessment in the Northern Judicial Unit Family, Women, Children and Adolescents Guayaquil, is taken as a reference to 32 children who are state of neglect family and therefore suitable for the adoption of the Guayaquil home, stop them data from the medical records are made and two surveys were prepared a letter to institutional staff and the second to the judges. The results of this study show that there are signs and symptoms of disease in infants valued, just as there are conditions of neglect in the institution acogiente and slowness in the judicial process. KEYWORDS: ABANDONMENT- ADOPTION- PROTECTION- DEVELOPMENT FAMILY- CHILDHOOD

    The Effect Of Residents' Place Attachment On Their Attitude Towards Development Of Religious Tourism: The Moderating Effect Of Personal Benefit

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    Residents’ attitude towards tourism development in religious tourism destinations is especially relevant for tourism planning. Nevertheless, there are few studies that analyse how residents’ attitude towards development of religious tourism is formed. This paper analyses the effect of residents’ place attachment on their attitudes towards development of religious tourism, considering perceived impacts of tourism as mediator and the personal benefit derived from tourism as moderating effect. On the basis of a sample of 410 residents of Montecristi, a religious tourism destination of Ecuador, and using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), the results show that place attachment directly influences the attitude towards development of religious tourism, but mainly through the perceived impacts of tourism. Moreover, this paper finds that the influence of the perceived impacts on the support for the development of religious tourism is higher in residents with a lower personal benefit than in residents with a higher personal benefit. These findings enable a series of recommendations to be made to the agents concerned regarding the development of religious tourism in sacred destinations

    Crecimiento y variables ecofisiológicas en brinzales de Ziziphus thyrsiflora y Myroxylon balsamum cultivados en vivero

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the growth strategy, stomatal control and water potential seedlings of ebony (Ziziphus thyrsiflora) and balsam (Myroxylon balsamum) in optimum humidity condictions of the substrate in the nursery. 18-month-old seedlings were transplanted into 5 L pots and grown for three months in nursery conditions. At the end of this period, the following were evaluated: stem height, diameter at the base of the stem, relative growth rate (TCR) in height and diameter, maximum rooting depth, soil water content (SWC), predaw water potential (Ψpd), stomatal conductance (Gs), and various indices of leaf water status (relative water content, CHR; water content for saturation, CAS; water deficit for saturation, DAS). The results indicated that Z. thyrsiflora showed greater height, diameter and TCR in diameter; not observing differences between species regarding the maximum rooting depth (50 cm). Although the two species were watered at the same time with the same dose, Z. thyrsiflora registered a lower SWC than M. balsamum when Ψpd was measured; which was reflected in a lower Ψpd (Z. thyrsiflora, Ψpd = -0.74MPa; M. balsamum, Ψpd = -0.52 MPa) and higher CAS (Z. thyrsiflora, CAS = 0.27 g H2O g-1 PS; M. balsamum, CAS = 0.14 g H2O g-1 PS). SWC correlated positively with Ψpd and negatively with CAS. Z. thyrsiflora maintained higher Gs values ​​(191.10 molH20.m-2.s-1); with respect to M. balsamum (100.84 molH20.m-2.s-1). Z. thyrsiflora showed an anisohydric strategy and M. balsamum an isohydric strategy.El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la estrategia en crecimiento, control estomático y potencial hídrico de brinzales de ébano (Ziziphus thyrsiflora) y bálsamo (Myroxylon balsamum) en condiciones de humedad óptima del substrato en vivero. Brinzales de 18 meses fueron trasplantados a macetas de 5 L y cultivados durante tres meses en condiciones de vivero. Al finalizar este período se evalúo: altura del tallo, diámetro en la base del tallo, tasa de crecimiento relativo (TCR) en altura y diámetro, profundidad máxima de enraizamiento, contenido de agua en el suelo (SWC), potencial hídrico al alba (Ψpd), conductancia estomática (Gs), y varios índices del estado hídrico de las hojas (contenido hídrico relativo, CHR; contenido de agua para la saturación, CAS; déficit de agua para la saturación, DAS). Los resultados indicaron que Z. thyrsiflora mostró mayor altura, diámetro y TCR en diámetro; no observándose diferencias entre especies respecto a la profundidad máxima de enraizamiento (50 cm). Aunque las dos especies fueron regadas al mismo tiempo con igual dosis, Z. thyrsiflora registró inferior SWC que M. balsamum cuando Ψpd fue medido; lo cual se reflejó en un menor Ψpd (Z. thyrsiflora, Ψpd= -0,74MPa; M. balsamum, Ψpd= -0,52 MPa) y mayor CAS (Z. thyrsiflora, CAS=0,27 g H2O g-1 PS; M. balsamum, CAS=0,14 g H2O g-1 PS). SWC correlacionó positivamente con el Ψpd y negativamente con el CAS.  Z. thyrsiflora mantuvo valores superiores de Gs (191,10 molH20.m-2.s-1); respecto a M. balsamum (100,84 molH20.m-2.s-1). Z. thyrsiflora mostró una estrategia anisohídrica y M. balsamum una estrategia isohídrica

    A new route of synthesis of Na-Mica-4 from sodalite

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    Synthesis of Na-Mica-4 has been achieved by a ``mix and calcine¿¿ method using sodalite and magnesium fluoride as the only precursors. Previous research found sodalite as a key intermediate reaction product in the formation of Na-Mica-4 when the NaCl melt method was employed. Similarities in structure, chemical composition and cation distribution in products using the proposed method and the NaCl melt method are described and suggest that Na-Mica-4 is a very stable product. The use of sodalite as precursor provokes microporous formation in the final mica. The absence of excess Na leads to a lower particle size and to the presence of less impurity in the calcined product. Different sodalites could be used in the synthesis of different Na-Mica-4 with presumably different physicochemical propertiesDirección General de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas CTQ2010-1487

    Triagem de reclusos senescentes em instituições penitenciárias

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    Objetivo: Conocer el perfil sociodemográfico del adulto mayor de 60 años, tras un cribado de depresión en Instituciones Penitenciarias. Mediante un enfoque exploratoria y descriptiva utilizando una estadística simple e inferencial. Material y método: Estudio descriptivo, observacional, de corte transversal y abordaje cuantitativo. Nuestro estudio corresponde a los mayores de 60 años en Instituciones Penitenciarias de Gran Canaria, España. Nuestro estudio se desarrollo en dos fases, la primera fase un cribado para detectar la depresión mediante la escala geriátrica de depresión de Yesavage y la segunda fase centrada en una mayor profundidad, en el conocimiento del perfil del interno, mediante un cuestionario sociodemográfico. Resultados: El estudio fue de 81 internos. La prevalencia de depresión es de 35,8% donde no existe asociación estadísticamente significativa entre la depresión y los centros (P=0.731). La edad media es de 63.8±5 años, siendo el 91,4% hombres, 7,4% mujeres. Según el estado civil el 44,4% son divorciados, con nivel económico bajo 35,9%, y con estudios primarios 40%. La patología predominante es del sistema circulatorio (n=22), como consecuencia, su farmacología.Objectives: To know the sociodemographic profile of the adult over 60 years of age with symptoms of depression in Correctional Institutions. Through an exploratory and descriptive approach using simple and inferential statistics. Materials and methods: Descriptive, observational, cross-sectional study and quantitative research. Our study corresponds to any inmate over 60 years of age in Correctional Institutions of Gran Canaria. España. Our study was developed in two phases, the first phase a screening to detect depression using the Yesavage Geriatric Depression Scale and the second phase focused on a greater depth, in the inmate is profile, through a sociodemographic questionnaire. Research results: The study included 81 inmates. The prevalence of depression was 35.8% where there is no statistically significant association between depression and the centers (P=0.731). The average age was 63.8±5 years, being 91.4% men, 7.4% women. According to marital status, 44.4% were divorced, 35.9% with low economic status and 40% with a primary education. The predominant pathology is the Circulatory System (n=22), and as a consequence, its pharmacology.Objetivos: Conhecer o perfil sociodemográfico do adulto acima de 60 anos con síntomas de depressão em instituições penitenciárias. Através de uma abordagem exploratoria e descritiva usando estadística simple e inferencial. Material e Método: Estudo descritivo, observacional, de corte transversal e abordagem quantitativa. O nosso estudo corresponde a todos os reclusos com mais de 60 anos em instituições penitenciárias, Gran Canaria. España. O nosso estudo foi desenvolvido em duas fases, a primeira fase um rastreio para detecção de depressão atraves de coleta de dados a escala de depressão geriátrica Yesavage e a segunda fase focada num maior aprofundamento, no conhecimento do perfil do recluso, através e um questionário sociodemográfico. Resultados: O estudo consistiu em 81 reclusos. A prevalência da depressão é de 35,8% onde não há associação es-tatisticamente significativa entre a depressão e os centros (P=0,731). Idade média é 63,8 ±5 anos, sendo que 91,4% homens e 7,4% mulheres. Segundo o estado civil, 44,4% são divorciados, com um baixo nível econômico foram 35,9% e com educação primária 40%. A patologia predominante é a do sistema circulatório (n=22), e como consequência, a sua farmacologia

    Hydration properties of synthetic high-charge micas saturated with different cations: An experimental approach

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    An understanding of the interaction mechanisms between exchangeable cations and layered silicates is of interest from both a basic and an applied point of view. Among 2:1 phyllosilicates, a new family of swelling high-charge synthetic micas has been shown to be potentially useful as decontaminant. However, the location of the interlayer cations, their acidity and the water structure in the interlayer space of these silicates are still unknown. The aim of this paper was therefore to study the hydration state of the interlayer cations in the interlayer space of high-charge expandable micas and to evaluate the effect that this hydration has on the swelling and acidity behavior of these new materials. To achieve these objectives, three synthetic micas with different charge density total layer charges (ranging between 2 and 4 per unit cell) and with five interlayer cations (Na+, Li+, K+, Mg2+, and Al3+) were synthesized and their hydration state, interlayer space, and acidity analyzed by DTA/TG, XRD, and 1H MAS NMR spectroscopy. The results showed that the hydration state depends on both the layer charge and the nature of the interlayer cation. A high participation of the inner-sphere complexes in the highly charged confined space has been inferred and proposed to induce Brønsted acidity in the solid.Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica CTQ2010-1487

    Valoración de habilidades gerenciales personales a empleados de organizaciones públicas y privadas, por parte de directivos

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    El presente trabajo contempla una investigación realizada a los empresarios de diversos sectores productivos de la provincia de El Oro, pertenecientes al sector público y privado. Su finalidad fue la valoración de las habilidades directivas personales que poseen sus colaboradores, para determinar si éstas son satisfactorias desde la percepción de los directivos. El desarrollo de habilidades personales ha ido cobrando cada vez mayor importancia, porque es a través de ellas que los colaboradores de una organización dan su aporte para lograr la competitividad empresarial, a través de su nivel de autoconocimiento y dominio de sí mismo, laadministración del tiempo, su inteligencia emocional, la determinación de valores y prioridades y la solución creativa de problemas. Del resultado obtenido de la investigación, se comprobó que no existe una diferencia significativa entre la media de las habilidades: Nivel de autoconocimiento, Actuación en situaciones estresante y Solución analítica y creativa de problemas, en el recurso humano que se desenvuelve en las empresas públicas y privadas de la provincia de El Oro

    Presence of Immune Complexes of IgG/IgM Bound to B2-glycoprotein I Is Associated With Non-criteria Clinical Manifestations in Patients With Antiphospholipid Syndrome

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    Background: Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is an acquired autoimmune disorder defined by the presence of both clinical (thromboembolic events or pregnancy morbidity) and laboratory (antiphospholipid antibodies, aPL) manifestations. Despite their importance, several clinical manifestations strongly associated with APS such as livedo reticularis (LR), thrombocytopenia, sicca-ophthalmic(sicca), heart, or neurological manifestations are not included in the APS clinical classification criteria. Circulating immune complexes (CIC) formed by Beta-2-glycoprotein I (B2GPI) and aPL (B2-CIC) have been described and their presence has been related with thrombotic events.Methods: Cross-sectional and observational cohort study in APS patients with thrombotic symptomatology.Setting and Participants: Fifty-seven patients from the University Hospital Center Bezanijska Kosa (Belgrade, Serbia) who met the APS classification criteria (35 with primary APS and 22 with APS associated to systemic lupus erythematosus). This study aimed to determine the prevalence of B2-CIC in APS patients and to evaluate their association with clinical manifestations of APS not included in the classification criteria.Results: B2-CIC prevalence in APS patients was 19.3%. The presence of thrombocytopenia (OR:5.7), livedo reticularis (OR:5.6), sicca (OR:12.6), and leukopenia (OR:5.6) was significantly higher in patients with B2-CIC than in the rest of APS patients. C3 and C4 complement factor levels were significantly lower in B2-CIC positive patients, which suggests a greater consumption of complement. Patients with quadruple aPL positivity (triple aPL-positivity plus the presence of B2-CIC) showed a higher prevalence of thrombocytopenia, leucopenia and LR than those with single/double aPL-positivity. No significant differences were found in the frequencies observed in patients with triple-only vs. single/double aPL-positivity. There were no significant differences between patients with primary APS and lupus-associated APS regarding the prevalence of B2-CIC and outcomes.Conclusions: Presence of B2-CIC is strongly associated with several non-criteria clinical manifestations related to APS and to higher complement consumption. More studies are required to better understand the clinical significance of B2-CIC

    The effects of exogenous fatty acids and niacin on human monocyte-macrophage plasticity

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    Scope: Macrophage plasticity allows adapting to different environments, having a dual activity in inflammatory-related diseases. Our hypothesis is that the type of dietary fatty acids into human postprandial triglyceride-rich lipoproteins (TRLs), alone or in combination with niacin (vitamin B3), could modulate the plasticity of monocytes-macrophages. Methods and results: We isolated TRLs at the postprandial peak from blood samples of healthy volunteers after the ingestion of a meal rich in saturated fatty acids (SFAs), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) or MUFAs plus omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs). Autologous monocytes isolated at fasting were first induced to differentiate into naïve macrophages. We observed that postprandial TRL-MUFAs, particularly in combination with niacin, enhance competence to monocytes to differentiate and polarise into M2 macrophages. Postprandial TRL-SFAs made polarised macrophages prone to an M1 phenotype. In contrast to dietary SFAs, dietary MUFAs in the meals plus immediate-release niacin primed circulating monocytes for a reduced postprandial pro-inflammatory profile. Conclusion: Our study underlines a role of postprandial TRLs as a metabolic entity in regulating the plasticity of the monocyte-macrophage lineage and also brings an understanding of the mechanisms by which dietary fatty acids are environmental factors fostering the innate immune responsiveness in humans.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación AGL2011- 2900