325 research outputs found

    Nordic walking increases circulating VEGF more than traditional walking training in postmenopause.

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    OBJECTIVES Nordic walking (NW) is widely practiced by postmenopausal women. Its effects are peculiar owing to the involvement of more muscle groups than in traditional walking training (WT). Since mechanical load promotes secretion of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) from both skeletal muscle and muscle endothelium, the aim of the study was to compare the effect of NW and WT on VEGF levels. METHOD Thirty postmenopausal women were randomly assigned to NW or WT. Both groups trained 40-50 min/day, three times per week, at a mean intensity of 12 on a 15-category scale of the ratings of perceived exertion. Since VEGF is also released from adipocytes, anthropometric parameters were assessed. RESULTS NW increased circulating VEGF more than WT (p = 0.041). Furthermore, both study groups exhibited an average decrease in weight (p = 0.023), body mass index (p = 0.024), hip circumference (p = 0.001), and arm fat index, although WT participants had higher values for this index at baseline (p < 0.001) and thus exhibited a greater net decrease compared with the NW participants (p < 0.011). CONCLUSIONS These data imply that NW increases the level of circulating VEGF more than does traditional walking when the intensity of training is equivalent

    Parathyroid Apoplexy Following Cinacalcet Treatment in Primary Hyperparathyroidism

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    Cinacalcet, a calcimimetic drug, is considered a safe and valid option for the treatment of hypercalcemia in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism who are unable to undergo parathyroidectomy. Hypocalcemia and gastrointestinal adverse reactions are the main side effects reported in patients treated with cinacalcet. We present here the case of an 80-years-old patient with primary hyperparathyroidism treated with cinacalcet for 17 months who developed a severe and symptomatic episode of hypocalcemia requiring hospitalization 1 month after reaching a daily dose of 180 mg. Follow-up laboratory and imaging exams showed remission of primary hyperparathyroidism and disappearance of the parathyroid adenoma, suggesting a possible association between cinacalcet therapy and parathyroid infarction resulting in normalization of the elevated serum parathyroid hormone levels and severe hypocalcemia. No known cases of iatrogenic parathyroid apoplexy have thus far been described. We report here the first case of parathyroid apoplexy associated with the administration of cinacalcet in a patient with primary hyperparathyroidism. Parathyroid apoplexy features heterogeneous clinical manifestations ranging from relatively asymptomatic to potentially life-threatening cases. The occurrence of this complication should be carefully considered in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism in therapy with cinacalcet

    Ciudadanía e inclusión social de los jóvenes : Tutorías laborales y educativas en la Provincia de Buenos Aires

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    La ponencia propone un diseño de política pública para los jóvenes que dejan percibir la Asignación Universal por Hijo (AUH), cuando los beneficiarios cumplen la mayoría de edad. Al finalizar dicha cobertura, los jóvenes inician una etapa en la que deben emprender diferentes caminos laborales, educativos y familiares, pudiendo desconocer las posibilidades de apoyo y herramientas que las organizaciones estatales e intermedias les ofrecen. En este sentido, proponemos desde un enfoque estratégico, la implementación de un Programa Provincial que brinde a los jóvenes, la preparación necesaria para las elecciones que caracterizan el ingreso a la nueva etapa de inserción social que experimentarán. Esta preparación se materializará a través del conocimiento de las distintas posibilidades laborales y educativas con las que cuentan los jóvenes, y en el acompañamiento necesario para hacer efectivo el acceso a las alternativas, según "mundos de vida" y trayectorias singulares de los sujetos. Desde una perspectiva constructiva y sociohistórica, los jóvenes irán adquiriendo autonomía de manera progresiva para el pleno ejercicio de la ciudadanía, a través de un tipo de acompañamiento definido como tutoria

    Gestational Diabetes and Thyroid Autoimmunity

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    Background. About 10% of pregnancies are complicated by previously unknown impairment of glucose metabolism, which is defined as gestational diabetes. There are little data available on prevalence of thyroid disorders in patients affected by gestational diabetes, and about their postgestational thyroid function and autoimmunity. We therefore investigated pancreatic and thyroid autoimmunity in gestational diabetic patients and in women who had had a previous gestational diabetic pregnancy. Methods. We investigated 126 pregnant women at the time of a 100-g oral glucose tolerance test: 91 were classified as gestational diabetics, and 35 were negative (controls). We also studied 69 women who had delivered a baby 18–120 months prior to this investigation and who were classified at that time gestational diabetics (38 women) or normally pregnant (31 women; controls). Results. Our data show no differences for both thyroid function and prevalence of autoimmune disorders during pregnancy; however, a significant increase in thyroid autoimmunity was seen in women previously affected by gestational diabetes. This increased prevalence of thyroid autoimmunity was not associated with the development of impaired glucose metabolism after pregnancy. Conclusions. Our data suggest that maternal hyperglycemia is a risk factor for the development of thyroid autoimmunity, a conclusion that should now be confirmed in a larger cohort of patients

    d aspartate exerts an opposing role upon age dependent nmdar related synaptic plasticity and memory decay

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    In the present study, we demonstrated that D-aspartate acts as an _in vitro_ and _in vivo_ neuromodulatory molecule upon hippocampal NMDAR transmission. Accordingly, we showed that this D-amino acid, widely expressed during embryonic phase, was able to strongly influence hippocampus-related functions at adulthood. Thus, while up-regulated levels of D-aspartate increased LTP and spatial memory in four-month old adult mice, the prolonged deregulation of this molecule in thirteen-month old animals induced a substantial acceleration of age-dependent decay of synaptic plasticity and cognitive functions. Moreover, we highlighted a role for D-aspartate in enhancing NMDAR-dependent synaptic plasticity through an inducible "turn-on/turn-off-like mechanism". Strikingly, we also showed that D-aspartate, when administered to aged mice, strongly rescued their physiological synaptic decay and attenuated their cognitive deterioration. In conclusion, our data suggest a tantalizing hypothesis for which this in-embryo-occurring D-amino acid, might disclose plasticity windows in the aging brain

    Intradermal Tuberculin Test in Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis): Experimental use of Mycobacterial Antigens for the Diagnosis of Bovine Tuberculosis

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    The study aims to evaluate the potential use of mycobacterial ESAT6 and CFP10 antigens, Early Secretory Proteins (ESP) in the Skin Test used for bovine tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis in Water Buffalo. A pilot study was performed on 21 buffaloes from a TB outbreak and 11 buffaloes from a TB-free herd. Three concentrations of ESAT6-CFP10 (10, 20, and 30 mg) and two of ESP (50 and 100 µg) were inoculated in the Skin Test, along with PPDB, PPDA, and PBS as a negative control. Skin thickness was measured with calipers before the test and every 24 hours for 4 days. Then, to evaluate the specificity of the antigens, a field study was conducted, and 100 buffaloes from a TB-free herd were inoculated using the best antigens concentration derived from the pilot study. In the positive buffaloes, the strongest skin response was to PPDB at 24h, with some subjects becoming inconclusive at 72 and 96 h. A peak response to PPDA at 48 hours was detected, followed by a slight decrease. The response to ESP-100 µg remained high at 24 and 48 h, then decreased, remaining positive at 72 h. In the 100 TB-free buffaloes, the best specificity was observed using ESAT6-CFP10 and ESP. ESP yielded the best results, showing higher reactivity in infected animals and no reactivity in the healthy ones at 72 h. Therefore, ESP could be an excellent candidate for further extensive studies in the buffalo species to improve Skin Test performance

    Ciudadanía e inclusión social de los jóvenes: tutorías laborales y educativas en la provincia de Buenos Aires

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    La ponencia propone un diseño de política pública para los jóvenes que dejan percibir la Asignación Universal por Hijo (AUH), cuando los beneficiarios cumplen la mayoría de edad. Al finalizar dicha cobertura, los jóvenes inician una etapa en la que deben emprender diferentes caminos laborales, educativos y familiares, pudiendo desconocer las posibilidades de apoyo y herramientas que las organizaciones estatales e intermedias les ofrecen. En este sentido, proponemos desde un enfoque estratégico, la implementación de un Programa Provincial que brinde a los jóvenes, la preparación necesaria para las elecciones que caracterizan el ingreso a la nueva etapa de inserción social que experimentarán. Esta preparación se materializará a través del conocimiento de las distintas posibilidades laborales y educativas con las que cuentan los jóvenes, y en el acompañamiento necesario para hacer efectivo el acceso a las alternativas, según "mundos de vida" y trayectorias singulares de los sujetos. Desde una perspectiva constructiva y sociohistórica, los jóvenes irán adquiriendo autonomía de manera progresiva para el pleno ejercicio de la ciudadanía, a través de un tipo de acompañamiento definido como tutorial.Mesa 18: El Estado como problema y solución: Estado, administración y políticas públicas.Subsecretaría para la Modernización del Estado (provincia de Buenos Aires