215 research outputs found

    Rainfall thresholds and flood warning: an operative case study

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    Abstract. An operative methodology for rainfall thresholds definition is illustrated, in order to provide at critical river section optimal flood warnings. Threshold overcoming could produce a critical situation in river sites exposed to alluvial risk and trigger the prevention and emergency system alert. The procedure for the definition of critical rainfall threshold values is based both on the quantitative precipitation observed and the hydrological response of the basin. Thresholds values specify the precipitation amount for a given duration that generates a critical discharge in a given cross section and are estimated by hydrological modelling for several scenarios (e.g.: modifying the soil moisture conditions). Some preliminary results, in terms of reliability analysis (presence of false alarms and missed alarms, evaluated using indicators like hit rate and false alarm rate) for the case study of Mignone River are presented

    Rainfall stochastic modeling for runoff forecasting

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    Rainfall fields estimation over a catchment area is an important stage in many hydrological application. In this context weather radars have several advantages since a single site is able to obtain coverage over a vast area with very high temporal and spatial resolution and the advent of weather radar systems with dual polarization capability allowed progress on radar rainfall estimation and its hydro-meteorological applications. For these applications of radar data it was necessary to remove the ground clutter contamination with an algorithm based on the backscattering signal variance of the differential reflectivity. The calibration of the GDSTM model (Gaussian Displacements Spatial-Temporal Model), a cluster stochastic generation model in continuous space and time, is presented. In this model storms arrive in a Poisson process in time with cells occurring in each storm that cluster in space and time. The model is calibrated, using data collected by the weather radar Polar 55C located in Rome, inside a square area of 132x132 km2, with the radar at the center. The GDSTM is fitted to sequences of radar images with a time interval between the PPIs scans of 5 minutes. A generalized method of moments procedure is used for parameters estimation. For the validation of the ability of the model to reproduce the internal structure of rain event a geomorphological rainfall-runoff model based on width function (WFIUH) was calibrated using data simulated and observed data. Several rainfall fields are generated with the stochastic model and then they are used as input of the WFIUH model so that the forecasted discharges can be compared to the observed ones

    Ciudadanía e inclusión social de los jóvenes : Tutorías laborales y educativas en la Provincia de Buenos Aires

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    La ponencia propone un diseño de política pública para los jóvenes que dejan percibir la Asignación Universal por Hijo (AUH), cuando los beneficiarios cumplen la mayoría de edad. Al finalizar dicha cobertura, los jóvenes inician una etapa en la que deben emprender diferentes caminos laborales, educativos y familiares, pudiendo desconocer las posibilidades de apoyo y herramientas que las organizaciones estatales e intermedias les ofrecen. En este sentido, proponemos desde un enfoque estratégico, la implementación de un Programa Provincial que brinde a los jóvenes, la preparación necesaria para las elecciones que caracterizan el ingreso a la nueva etapa de inserción social que experimentarán. Esta preparación se materializará a través del conocimiento de las distintas posibilidades laborales y educativas con las que cuentan los jóvenes, y en el acompañamiento necesario para hacer efectivo el acceso a las alternativas, según "mundos de vida" y trayectorias singulares de los sujetos. Desde una perspectiva constructiva y sociohistórica, los jóvenes irán adquiriendo autonomía de manera progresiva para el pleno ejercicio de la ciudadanía, a través de un tipo de acompañamiento definido como tutoria

    Gender‐specific Issues in Traumatic Injury and Resuscitation: Consensus‐based Recommendations for Future Research

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    Traumatic injury remains an unacceptably high contributor to morbidity and mortality rates across the United States. Gender‐specific research in trauma and emergency resuscitation has become a rising priority. In concert with the 2014 Academic Emergency Medicine consensus conference “Gender‐specific Research in Emergency Care: Investigate, Understand, and Translate How Gender Affects Patient Outcomes,” a consensus‐building group consisting of experts in emergency medicine, critical care, traumatology, anesthesiology, and public health convened to generate research recommendations and priority questions to be answered and thus move the field forward. Nominal group technique was used for the consensus‐building process and a combination of face‐to‐face meetings, monthly conference calls, e‐mail discussions, and preconference surveys were used to refine the research questions. The resulting research agenda focuses on opportunities to improve patient outcomes by expanding research in sex‐ and gender‐specific emergency care in the field of traumatic injury and resuscitation.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/110065/1/acem12536.pd

    Lipocalina e Delayed Graft Function nel paziente trapiantato renale

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    INTRODUZIONE: Il rene trapiantato è esposto agli effetti dell’ischemia-riperfusione responsabili di ritardata ripresa funzionale dell’organo (delayed graft function; DGF). DGF può incidere negativamente sull’evoluzione del rene trapiantato. Nel presente studio è stato valutato il ruolo della lipocalina urinaria quale predittore di DGF. MATERIALI E METODI: Sono stati valutati pazienti sottoposti a trapianto di rene da donatore cadavere. Prelievi ematici erano effettuati immediatamente prima del trapianto. Le urine erano raccolte per le 24 ore successive al trapianto. DGF era definita dalla necessità di trattamento dialitico entro la prima settimana dal trapianto. RISULTATI: Sono stati valutati 20 pazienti. I pazienti che avevano una rapida ripresa funzionale del rene trapiantato (NO-DGF) erano 14 (70%). DGF era osservata in 6 pazienti. L’età media nei DGF era superiore (58±6 Vs 51±11, p=0.001). Nei pazienti DGF risultavano significativamente ridotta la diuresi (57±35 Vs 4150 ± 2230 ml/24h; p=0.001) e la escrezione urinaria di creatinina (191±184 Vs 683±660 mg/24h; p=0.001), misurate nel primo giorno successivo al trapianto. Non erano osservate significative differenze tra pazienti DGF e NO-DGF per la escrezione urinaria di lipocalina (1,20±2,20 Vs 2,44±4,0 mg/24h; p<0.20). In univariata, DGF risultava associata negativamente alla diuresi (r2=-0.795, p=0.001) ed alla escrezione urinaria di creatinina (r2=-0.480, p=0.037) e positivamente all’età (r2=0.446, p=0.049). In multivariata diuresi (p=0.014) ed escrezione urinaria di creatinina (p=0.039) erano associati a DFG. CONCLUSIONI: Lipocalina urinaria, misurata nel giorno successivo al trapianto renale, non è biomarcatore predittivo di DGF. I risultati del presente studio possono essere stati influenzati dal campione limitato di pazienti e dalla bassa incidenza di DGF

    Risk of second primary malignancy in breast cancer survivors: A nested population-based case-control study

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    Purpose: Evolving therapies have improved the prognoses of patients with breast cancer; and currently, the number of long-term survivors is continuously increasing. However, these patients are at increased risk of developing a second cancer. Thus, late side effects are becoming an important issue. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether patient and tumor characteristics, and treatment type correlate with secondary tumor risk. Methods: This case-control study included 305 patients with a diagnosed second malignancy after almost 6 months after the diagnosis of primary breast cancer and 1,525 controls (ratio 1:5 of cases to controls) from a population-based cohort of 6,325 women. The control patients were randomly selected from the cohort and matched to the cases according to age at diagnosis, calendar period of diagnosis, disease stage, and time of follow-up. Results: BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)+ status, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy were related to increased risk of developing a second cancer, whereas hormonotherapy showed a protective effect. Chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and estrogenic receptor level <10% increased the risk of controlateral breast cancer. HER2+ status increased the risk of digestive system and thyroid tumors, while BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation increased the risk of cancer in the genital system. Conclusion: Breast cancer survivors are exposed to an excess of risk of developing a second primary cancer. The development of excess of malignancies may be related either to patient and tumor characteristics, such as BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation and HER2+ status, or to treatments factors

    Ibuprofen delivered by poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles to human gastric cancer cells exerts antiproliferative activity at very low concentrations

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    PURPOSE: Epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory studies have suggested that ibuprofen, a commonly used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, inhibits the promotion and proliferation of certain tumors. Recently, we demonstrated the antiproliferative effects of ibuprofen on the human gastric cancer cell line MKN-45. However, high doses of ibuprofen were required to elicit these antiproliferative effects in vitro. The present research compared the antiproliferative effects of ibuprofen delivered freely and released by poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles (NPs) in MKN-45 cells. METHODS: MKN-45 human gastric adenocarcinoma cells were treated with ibuprofen-loaded PLGA NPs. The proliferation of MKN-45 cells was then assessed by cell counting. The uptake of NPs was imaged by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. The release of ibuprofen from ibuprofen-loaded PLGA NPs in the cells was evaluated by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. RESULTS: Dramatic inhibition of cellular proliferation was observed in cells treated with ibuprofen-loaded PLGA NPs versus those treated with free ibuprofen at the same concentration. The localization of NPs was cytoplasmic. The initiation of ibuprofen release was rapid, commencing within 2 hours, and then increased slowly over time, reaching a maximum concentration at 24 hours. The inhibition of proliferation was confirmed to be due to the intracellular release of ibuprofen from the NPs. Using PLGA NPs as carriers, ibuprofen exerted an antiproliferative activity at concentrations > 100 times less than free ibuprofen, suggesting greater efficiency and less cellular toxicity. In addition, when carried by PLGA NPs, ibuprofen more quickly induced the expression of transcripts involved in proliferation and invasiveness processes. CONCLUSION: Ibuprofen exerted an antiproliferative effect on MKN-45 cells at low concentrations. This effect was achieved using PLGA NPs as carriers of low doses of ibuprofen

    Cyclophilin A modulates bone marrow-derived CD117+ cells and enhances ischemia-induced angiogenesis via the SDF-1/CXCR4 axis

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    Abstract Background Critical limb ischemia (CLI) is a major health problem with no adequate treatment. Since CLI is characterized by insufficient tissue vascularization, efforts have focused on the discovery of novel angiogenic factors. Cyclophilin A (CyPA) is an immunophilin that has been shown to promote angiogenesis in vitro and to enhance bone marrow (BM) cell mobilization in vivo . However, its potential as an angiogenic factor in CLI is still unknown. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate whether CyPA might induce neo-angiogenesis in ischemic tissues. Methods and results Wild-type C57Bl/6j mice underwent acute hind-limb ischemia (HLI) and received a single intramuscular administration of recombinant CyPA or saline. Limb perfusion, capillary density and arteriole number in adductor muscles were significantly increased after CyPA treatment. Interestingly, BM-derived CD117 + cell recruitment was significantly higher in ischemic adductor tissue of mice treated with CyPA versus saline. Therefore, the effect of CyPA on isolated BM-derived CD117 + cells in vitro was evaluated. Low concentrations of CyPA stimulated CD117 + cell proliferation while high concentrations promoted cell death. Moreover, CyPA enhanced CD117 + cell adhesion and migration in a dose-dependent manner. Mechanistic studies revealed that CyPA up-regulated CXCR4 in CD117 + cells and in adductor muscles after ischemia. Additionally, SDF-1/CXCR4 axis inhibition by the CXCR4 antagonist AMD3100 decreased CyPA-mediated CD117 + cell recruitment in the ischemic limb. Conclusion CyPA induces neo-angiogenesis by recruiting BM-derived CD117 + cell into ischemic tissues, at least in part, through SDF-1/CXCR4 axis