15 research outputs found

    Variations in Inflammatory Markers in Acute Myocardial Infarction: a Longitudinal Study

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    Actualmente a inflamação é considerada uma componente importante na aterosclerose, desde o seu início até à ruptura da placa seguida de trombose e da progressiva obstrução do vaso. A ruptura da cápsula fibrótica da placa expõe factores de tecido presentes no seu núcleo necrótico que induzem o processo inflamatório, promovendo a adesão celular e a coagulação e que conduzem à formação do trombo. Por seu turno, várias citocinas e moléculas de adesão celular contribuem activamente para o desenvolvimento da placa. Em particular a citocina TNF-a e a molécula de adesão intercelular (ICAM-1) poderão ser indicadoras de inflamação enquanto que as formas solúveis de P-selectina e de CD40 ligando (sCD40L) poderão dar a magnitude da activação plaquetária. Neste trabalho foram estudados 17 doentes com enfarte de miocárdio submetidos a angioplastia (grupo AMI) e 16 doentes com confirmação angiográfica de ausência de doença coronária. Os doentes do grupo AMI foram seguidos nas primeiras 24h de evolução do enfarte agudo de miocárdio antes da administração de medicação e da intervenção angiográfica e ao longo do período de recuperação, 2 e 40 dias após enfarte. Foram medidas no soro por imunoensaio as concentrações de TNF-a e das formas solúveis de CD40L, ICAM-1 e P-selectina. Foram observadas variações significativas de sP-selectina relativamente aos controlos. Imediatamente após o enfarte de miocárdio verificou-se um aumento de sP-selectina, seguido de uma descida brusca dos seus níveis às 48h, e de um incremento para valores idênticos aos observados no grupo de controlo ao 40º dia. As variações observadas nas concentrações de sCD40L não foram significativas relativamente aos controlos. No entanto, verificou-se uma tendência de diminuição da concentração até 48h após o enfarte de miocárdio, seguindo-se um aumento que atingiu valores ligeiramente superiores ao do grupo controlo no 40º dia. As concentrações de TNF-a medidas foram sistematicamente superiores às verificadas no grupo controlo, tendo-se ainda observado uma subida gradual desde o enfarte de miocárdio até ao 40º dia, sendo este incremento significativo. Os valores de sICAM-1 não apresentaram quaisquer variações após o enfarte nem relativamente ao grupo controlo. As variações observadas sugerem um papel importante destes marcadores no processo inflamatório e na evolução do enfarte de miocárdio. O aumento brusco da concentração de sP-selectina após o enfarte de miocárdio evidencia a activação plaquetária e trombose. Na evolução do enfarte, e à medida que as variáveis hemodinâmicas retornam a valores estáveis, devido à medicação aplicada, o aumento de sCD40L e TNF-a em circulação pode reflectir o papel destas moléculas na recuperação endotelial e do miocárdio

    Variações Longitudinais de Lipoproteínas de Baixa Densidade Oxidadas Associadas à Artéria "Culpada" no Enfarte do Miocárdio com Elevação ST - um Marcador Promissor?

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate variations in oxidized LDL (oxLDL) at the onset of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and over the recovery period, exploring their relationship with coronary disease severity. A follow-up of 50 AMI patients was evaluated against 25 healthy volunteers (reference group). The AMI patients were evaluated at three time points: at admission before the administration of IIb/IIIa inhibitors and angioplasty, and two and 40 days after intervention. Plasma oxLDL concentrations were measured by ELISA. oxLDL was found to be significantly higher in AMI patients in the acute phase relative to reference levels, decreasing progressively over the recovery period. The results also demonstrated that oxLDL levels were decreased in patients with the left circumflex artery (LCX) as culprit vessel compared to the left anterior descending coronary (LAD) or right coronary artery (RCA). The results highlight a significant increase in oxLDL concentration related to coronary artery disease severity, as conditions such as LCX lesions are usually associated with a favorable prognosis, contrasting with LAD-associated conditions that can compromise large areas of myocardium. The results thus suggest that oxLDL may constitute a promising marker in assessment of AMI evolution

    Changes of Soluble CD40 Ligand in the Progression of Acute Myocardial Infarction Associate to Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Polymorphisms and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor But Not to Platelet CD62P Expression

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    Reported in vitro data implicated soluble CD40 ligand (sCD40L) in endothelial dysfunction and angiogenesis. However, whether sCD40L could exert that influence in endothelial dysfunction and angiogenesis after injury in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients remains unclear. In the present study, we evaluated the association of sCD40L with markers of platelet activation, endothelial, and vascular function during a recovery period early after AMI. To achieve this goal, the time changes of soluble, platelet-bound, and microparticle-bound CD40L levels over 1 month were assessed in AMI patients and correlated with endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) polymorphisms, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) concentrations, and platelet expression of P-selectin (CD62P). The association of soluble form, platelet-bound, and microparticle-bound CD40L with CD62P expression on platelets, a marker of platelet activation, was also assessed to evaluate the role of CD40L in the thrombosis, whereas the association with eNOS and VEGF was to evaluate the role of CD40L in vascular dysfunction. This work shows for the first time that time changes of sCD40L over 1 month after myocardial infarct onset were associated with G894T eNOS polymorphism and with the VEGF concentrations, but not to the platelet CD62P expression. These results indicate that, in terms of AMI pathophysiology, the sCD40L cannot be consider just as being involved in thrombosis and inflammation but also as having a relevant role in vascular and endothelial dysfunction

    Stratification of ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients Based on Soluble CD40L Longitudinal Changes

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    Involvement of soluble CD40 ligand (sCD40L) in thrombosis and inflammation on the context of coronary artery disease is currently being revised. In that perspective, we had studied the association of sCD40L with markers of platelet activation and markers of endothelial and vascular function. On that cohort, a stratification of patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) 1 month after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) was observed based on concentrations of sCD40L. The study intended to identify the groups of AMI patients with different profiles of sCD40L concentrations and verify how medication, clinical evolution, biochemical data, and markers of regulation of endothelial function at genetic (endothelial nitric oxide synthase polymorphisms) and post-transcriptional levels (circulating microRNAs) affect sCD40L serum levels. Lower quartiles of sCD40L (<2.3 ng/mL) were associated with higher concentrations of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP), high frequency of G894T polymorphism, and altered expression of a set of microRNAs assumed to be involved in the regulation of endothelial and cardiac function and myocardium hypertrophy, relative to patients in sCD40L upper quartiles. A characteristic sCD40L variation pattern in STEMI patients was identified. Low levels of sCD40L 1 month after PCI distinguish STEMI patients with worse prognosis, a compromised cardiac healing, and a persistent endothelial dysfunction, as given by the association between sCD40L, NT-proBNP, G894T polymorphism, and specific profile of miRNA expression. These results suggest sCD40L could have a prognostic value in STEMI patients.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ocorrência de acidente de trabalho por materiais perfurocortantes e fluidos biológicos em estudantes e trabalhadores da saúde de um hospital escola de Brasília Frecuencia de accidentes del trabajo causados por instrumentos puntiagudo-cortantes y fluidos biológicos entre estudiantes y personal de un hospital escuela de la ciudad de Brasilia Occurrence of work accidents caused by sharp-edged hollow-pointed equipment and biological fluids among medical students and health personnel in a Brasília university hospital

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    estudo teve por objetivo verificar e analisar a ocorrência de acidentes de trabalho causados por materiais perfurocortantes e fluidos biológicos em estudantes e trabalhadores da área da saúde. Foi realizado em um hospital-escola de Brasilia. A coleta de dados foi feita a partir dos registros de acidentes de trabalho mantidos pela Comissão de Controle de Infecção Hospitalar e referentes ao período de agosto de 1998 a junho de 2000. Verificou-se que 117 pessoas sofreram acidentes de trabalho, em sua grande maioria causados por agulhas. Concluiu-se que existe a necessidade de melhoria nos sistemas de prevenção de acidentes na instituição.<br>El objetivo del estudio fue el de verificar y analizar la frecuencia de accidentes del trabajo causados por instrumentos puntiagudo-cortantes entre estudiantes y personal de un hospital escuela de la ciudad de Brasilia. Los datos, recogidos de los registros de accidentes del trabajo de la Comisión de Control de Infección Hospitalaria, corresponden al periodo entre agosto de 1998 y junio de 2000. Se verifico que 117 personas sufrieron accidentes del trabajo, en su gran mayoría causados por agujas. Se llegó a la conclusión de que es necesario mejorar el sistema de prevención de accidentes en dicha institución.<br>The objective of the study was to check and analyze the occurrence of work accidents caused by sharp-edged hollow-pointed equipment and biological fluids among medical students and health personnel. It was carried out in a Brasilia university hospital. The data were collected from records of work accidents kept by the Hospital Infection Control Committee, from August 1998 to June 2000. It has turned out that 117 persons were victims of work accidents, the vast majority of them caused by needles. The study has reached the conclusion that the accident prevention system must be improved at the above mentioned hospital

    Development and characterization of 5% mol Zn bioceramic in granular form

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    Hydroxyapatite (HA) is capable of accepting substitute ions within its lattice, including zinc ions. Zinc is a trace element that activates the osteogenesis of osteoblastic cells and therefore plays an important role in the activity of alkaline phosphatase enzyme. The purpose of this work was to produce and characterize 5% mol Zn bioceramic in granular form (Zn-granules) for clinical applications and compare it with granules made from HA by using the same production route. Granules with addition of porogen agents were produced from powders of HA and zinc-containing HA by uniaxial pressing and heat treatment. The granules were subsequently ground and sieved. The results indicated that zinc contributed to the reduction of sample crystallinity and formed a biphasic structure after calcination at 1200 &deg;C. Additionally, zinc release from granular material may have clinical applications as bone graft