30 research outputs found

    Rate of Occurrence of Fatal Accidents in Malaysian Construction Industry after BIM Implementation

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    Construction industry impacts the health and safety of its workers tremendously. This study is aimed to determine the rate of occurrence of fatal accidents after BIM implementation in Malaysia. The data used for the research was obtained from the Department of Safety and Health (DOSH) website, and it was validated by the relevant professionals through interview. This descriptive analysis was grounded in 796 fatal accidents over the period of 2010-2018. Of those accidents, 38.16% were related to fall-related, 30.39% struck-by, 17.67% caught in-between, 9.89% drowning/asphyxiation and 3.89% others. The results indicate that the types of accidents identified are similar to that of most countries in the world. The findings also revealed that the accidents had occurred because one or combination of the following: management's failure, unsafe site conditions, workers behavior, and environmental factors. Future work will concentrate on the use of BIM-based tools for job hazard identification and safety training

    An Investigation on I-V Characteristic for CMOS PIN Photodiode: Variable I-Layer

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    In this paper presented an investigation on I-V characteristic for CMOS PIN Photodiode. PIN diodes are widely used in optics and microwave circuits as it acts as a current controlled resistor at these frequencies. PIN diode performance is greatly influenced by the geometrical size of the device, especially in the intrinsic region. Two different I-layer thickness of PIN diode structure has been designed using Sentaurus Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) tools. The I-layer thickness (or width) is varied from 4 µm to 8 µm in order to investigate its effects on the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics. These structures were design based on CMOS process. Keyword - PIN Photodiode, Silvaco TCAD, IV Characteristic, Reverse Bias

    Quisy-SDS mempercepatkan proses pencarian maklumat keselamatan bahan kimia (Quisy-SDS accelerates the searching process of chemical safety datasheet) / Muhammad Firdaus Othman … [et al.]

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    Proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran serta penyelidikan di makmal kimia menggunakan pelbagai jenis bahan kimia yang berbahaya. Setiap bahan kimia yang disimpan di makmal perlu disertakan dengan maklumat keselamatan bahan kimia. Maklumat keselamatan bahan kimia mengandungi maklumat komposisi bahan kimia, cara penggunaan dan penyimpanan yang selamat serta langkah-langkah yang perlu diambil ketika kecemasan. Pengurusan dan penyimpanan maklumat bahan kimia yang tidak berkesan menyebabkan maklumat sukar untuk diakses dan mengakibatkan tindakan kecemasan lambat diambil sekiranya berlaku kemalangan. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini Quisy-SDS telah diperkenalkan untuk memastikan pengurusan maklumat bahan kimia yang lebih berkesan. Quisy-SDS adalah kaedah yang memudahkan semua pengguna makmal dan responden kecemasan untuk mengakses maklumat keselamatan bahan kimia yang digunakan. Kaedah ini menggunakan kod Quick Response (QR) dan laman sesawang yang membolehkan pengguna mengakses maklumat tersebut dalam masa yang singkat pada bila-bila masa dan di mana-mana sahaja. Penggunaan Quisy-SDS telah berjaya mengurangkan masa pencarian maklumat keselamatan bahan kimia sebanyak 98% berbanding kaedah lama

    Maju Perkasa Enterprise: Annas Super Broca / Siti Fatimah Eshak...[et.al]

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    Maju Perkasa is build the combining the partnership in the company which is involve of six group partner. The partnership is Siti Fatimah Binti Eshak as a general manager, Nurul Hidayah Binti Mohd Napiah as administrative manager, Nurul Najwa Binti Che Abdul Mubin as a marketing manager and Nur Zakira Naqiyah Binti Zulkefli as assistant marketing manager, Ruhana Binti Othman as operation manager and Umi Sarah Binti Khadri as a financial manager. The location of Maju Perkasa is at Lot 765-A, Wisma Hajah Peah, Jalan Bahagia, 84200 Muar, Johor. The company is the business of manufacturing agriculture tools. This is where we conduct our business with the aims to helping people that are need to easier the farmer work and increase yield production. We try to fulfil the public demand for agricultural product. We promised to provide the best product to customers. Agriculture is the one growing industry in our country in terms of business. Agricultural industry will be the catalyst to increase the nation's economy because companies with huge profits to pay high taxes to the government, so it's to increase the annual income of the country to improve our production, we have planning and put the financial plan based on forecast to help the company can run smoothly. Our business operating with start-up expenses estimated at RM 300,000.Then, to improve our production, we will generates sales revenue by advertise our product through banner and media massa. During the first year operation we plan and has arrange the strategies to increase sales by RM 368,000

    Shariah risk management process for Islamic financial institution in the context of shariah governance framework 2010

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    Shariah compliance is the backbone of Islamic banks. As an institution established within the ambit of Shariah, Islamic banks are expected to ensure that their aims, activities, operations and management adhere to the Shariah principles and values. Failure to comply with Shariah, will expose Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs) to Shariah non-compliance risk. Subsequently, it is an essential duty of the IFIs to manage Shariah risk properly. In order to effectively manage the risk vulnerability of the IFIs, proper measures for risk management have been put in place in different frameworks that are either domestic or international based.In the Malaysian context, IFIs are guided by relevant regulations such as the Shariah Governance Framework 2010, IFSB principles and Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 with regards to Shariah risk management. This research examined the regulatory requirements of the Shariah risk management process for Islamic financial institutions that operate in Malaysia, in the context of the Guidelines on Shariah Governance Framework 2010 issued by the Central Bank of Malaysia. The paper discusses the concept of “risk”, “Shariah risk” and “Shariah non compliant risk” in the context of Islamic Financial Institutions and also examines the process adopted by the Malaysian IFIs in managing the Shariah risk. The hypotheses that the paper seeks to establish are that there are differences between the concept of Shariah risk and Shariah non-compliant risk; and that the Shariah risk management process adopted by the IFIs are different than the conventional risk management process due to the unique features and requirements of the IFIs

    Ratib al-Attas menurut perspektif al-Quran dan hadis

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    This article aims to evaluate the source of 17 dhikr in Ratib al-Άttas based on Quran, Hadith and scholar views on the meaning and purpose of dhikr. Applications Ratib al-Attas ceremony was conducted over 90 years ago in the state of Johor. In addition, the application Ratib al-Άttas assessment and justification is given from the perspective of Islamic practices. The method used is by clarifying the position of remembrance 17 Ratib al-Άttas more reliable by practitioners; avoid confusion and misunderstanding of the doctrine of Ratib al-Attas. The results showed that all 17 dhikr Ratib al-Άttas and the practice carried out are consistent with the arguments of al-Quran and Hadith. Based on this finding several suggestions is made to encourage the expend development of dhikr al-Άttas Ratib practice among the Muslim community in Malaysia

    Ahwal dan maqamat dalam ilmu tasawuf

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    Buku ini mengupas tentang peningkatan rohani yang dilalui oleh seorang insan dalam perjalanan menuju Allah S.W.T. Secara ilmiah buku ini meninjau sudut kerohanian tentang kesulitan seorang insan menempuh liku-liku kehidupan untuk bertemu dengan Allah S.W.T. Dari senario ini, Penulis mengenengahkan beberapa langkah penting yang perlu diambil bagi mengatasi kesulitan tersebut. Penulis berharap buku ini dapat memberikan kefahaman kepada pembaca perkara yang berkaitan dengan perkembangan dan peningkatan rohani

    Pengantar ilmu tasawuf

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    Buku ini membicarakan mengenai tasawuf secara khusus. Antara aspek yang dibincangkan ialah pengenalan tasawuf dan masalah tarekat dan suluk dalam disiplin ilmu dan amalan tasawuf. Penulis mengemukakan beberapa persoalan penting yang berhubung dengan ilmu tasawuf dalam konteks dunia moden kini. Buku ini diharap dapat menyelesaikan beberapa kekeliruan di kalangan masyarakat Islam dalam memahami kedudukan ilmu tasawuf. Dalam masa yang sama, ia dapat menjadi rujukan dalam menyelesaikan persoalan lain yang berkaitan

    Kebersamaan dalam ilmu tasawuf

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    Buku ini membincangkan dan menghuraikan secara khusus beberapa aspek kebersamaan yang bersifat kerohanian dalam ilmu tasawuf. Secara ilmiah buku ini menyentuh mengenai konsep kebersamaan seorang hamba dengan Tuhannya, Rasulullah s.a.w., para guru dan orang yang soleh, konsep kebersamaan dalam melaksanakan ibadah, peperangan, organisasi, dan kebersamaan dengan kematian dan alam kubur. Buku ini juga memaparkan pandangan ulama tentang konsep kebersamaan untuk dijadikan landasan beramal dalam ilmu tasawuf

    Persepsi Pelajar Tahun Tiga Dan Empat SPI, UTM Terhadap Institusi Kekeluargaan Islam

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    Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenalpasti persepsi dan tahap pengetahuan pelajar-pelajar terhadap institusi kekeluargaan Islam. Di samping itu, pengkaji juga ingin mengenalpasti apakah ciri-ciri yang perlu ada dalam sebuah keluarga Islam dan tanggungjawab yang perlu dipikul oleh setiap ahli keluarga. Kajian ini melibatkan responden seramai 88 orang dan semua responden terdiri daripada pelajar-pelajar tahun 3 dan 4 SPI di UTM. Analisis deskriptif dilakukan untuk mendapatkan nilai kekerapan, peratusan dan min. Kajian ini dijalankan menggunakan kaedah soal selidik bagi mendapatkan data kajian dan pemprosesan data yang diperolehi adalah dengan menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 14.0 for windows. Hasil kajian rintis yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan nilai-Cronbach’s Alpha 0.921. Dapatan min sebanyak 4.62 menunjukkan bahawa responden mengetahui perkara-perkara yang menjadi asas dalam pembinaan keluarga Islam, ciri-ciri yang perlu ada dalam sebuah keluarga Islam dan tanggungjawab setiap ahli keluarga. Secara keseluruhannya, dapatan kajian menunjukkan responden telah memberikan maklum balas yang positif terhadap aspek yang telah dikaji. Pada akhir kajian, pengkaji telah mengemukakan beberapa cadangan secara umum untuk diberi perhatian terhadap masalah yang dikaji. Kajian lanjutan juga turut dicadangkan untuk pengkajian pada masa akan datang