10 research outputs found

    An artificial immune system algorithm for solving the uncapacitated single allocation p-Hub median problem

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    The present paper deals with a variant of hub location problems (HLP): the uncapacitated single allocation p-Hub median problem (USApHMP). This problem consists to jointly locate hub facilities and to allocate demand nodes to these selected facilities. The objective function is to minimize the routing of demands between any origin and destination pair of nodes. This problem is known to be NP-hard. Based on the artificial immune systems (AIS) framework, this paper develops a new approach to efficiently solve the USApHMP. The proposed approach is in the form of a clonal selection algorithm (CSA) that uses appropriate encoding schemes of solutions and maintains their feasibility. Comprehensive experiments and comparison of the proposed approach with other existing heuristics are conducted on benchmark from civil aeronautics board, Australian post, PlanetLab and Urand data sets. The results obtained allow to demonstrate the validity and the effectiveness of our approach. In terms of solution quality, the results obtained outperform the best-known solutions in the literature

    Advanced optimization model of resource allocation in B2C supply chain

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    Resource allocation plays a critical role in the strategic, tactical, and operational planning of the supply chain. The study focuses on aspects of resource allocation in the case of pure players, manufacturers, and Clicks & Mortars that have launched online sales. These e-retailers offer a wide selection of customized services and so need an efficient management on every level and process. The goal of the research was to explore a concrete approach to improve customer satisfaction, reduce costs and risks and to maintain the benefits of e-retailers and of its collaborators. Our contribution is a decision support system and a tool to improve operational resources allocation in B2C supply chains. Hence, we started by modeling operations and the different scenarios. Then we introduced an optimization model founded on the analysis of resource allocation in B2C supply chains and applicable on any B2C e-retailer. It helps in choosing the most optimal resources for each order. The model is based on a multi-objective optimization approach that takes into consideration the collaboration of resources throughout the supply chain operations process including dynamic costs and collaborator capabilities as well as associated risks and the quality of delivered services

    Contribution to the development of tools and methods steering competences

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    Bien que l’importance du pilotage des compétences soit reconnue, les approches existantes en la matière révèlent des déficits méthodologiques, la portée opératoire du concept compétence est souvent limitée et les chercheurs sont souvent désarmés face aux demandes des entreprises qui veulent s’engager dans cette démarche. C’est dans ce cadre que s’inscrit cette recherche dont l’objectif est d’apporter une contribution par le développement d’outils et méthodes opérationnelles pour un pilotage efficient des compétences. Nous proposons une formalisation du concept compétence décliné en trois niveaux : individuel, collectif et organisationnel. Nous contribuons à la modélisation du modèle générique de compétence et nous choisissons le modèle sur lequel nous nous appuyons dans ces travaux. Nous proposons d’une part une méthodologie d’identification des compétences basée sur l’analyse fonctionnelle permettant d’identifier les compétences individuelles requises en vue d’aider à la construction du référentiel de compétence et d’autre part une démarche globale intitulée « Roue des compétences » supportant le pilotage des compétences en s’appuyant sur la technique d’amélioration continue qui facilite les ajustements nécessaires et permet de construire un modèle de référence plus cohérent et mieux adapté à l’organisation. Cette démarche est structurée en cinq phases : Initialisation, planification, intégration et déploiement, évaluation et développement. L’identification des compétences constitue une étape inéluctable dont dépendent les décisions de pilotage des compétences dans le cadre de cette démarche. Ces deux approches peuvent fonctionner en complémentarité. Elles apportent une aide aux gestionnaires et preneurs de décisions pour gérer au mieux le recrutement, la formation et la mobilité afin de répondre aux besoins en compétences des entreprises et d’attacher une attention particulière à ses besoins en compétences critique. Différentes études empiriques ont été menées en entreprise dans le cadre de ce travail. De manière encourageante, elles confirment la cohérence et la pertinence des approches proposées. Elles ont permis entre autre de tester ces approches mais aussi de formuler des recommandations pour le développement d'un outil logiciel pour les gestionnaires des ressources humaines. Cet outil sera un support à l'identification des compétences requises et à la mise à jour du référentiel. Néanmoins, des études supplémentaires à l’échelle de l’entreprise entière nécessitent d’être réalisées pour garantir le meilleur impact de l’ensemble des travaux présentés. Finalement, ce travail reste une plate-forme pour des recherches futures pour expérimenter davantage les démarches proposées, et tester leur applicabilité au sein d’autres entreprises appartenant à d’autres secteurs industriels.Although the importance of competence management is recognized, existing approaches in this area reveal methodological deficits, the operating range of the competence concept is often limited and researchers are often helpless when faced with requests from companies that want to engage in this approach. It is in this context that this research aimed to contribute by developing tools and operational methods for efficient competence management. We propose a formalization of the concept of competence available in three levels: individual, group and organizational. We contribute to the modeling of generic competency model and we choose the model on which we rely in this work. Firstly, we propose a competence identification methodology based on the functional analysis to identify requisite individual competencies. This allows us to design and update the competence framework in response to changing work situations. Secondly, we present a comprehensive approach on "Wheel competencies "supporting the competence management based on the technique of continuous improvement that makes the necessary adjustments and helps to build a more coherent reference model and better suited to the organization. This approach is structured into five phases: initialization, planning, integration and deployment, evaluation and development. The competence identification is an inevitable stage whose depends competence management decisions under this approach. Both approaches can work in complementary. They provide support to managers and decision makers to manage better the recruitment, training and mobility to meet the competencies enterprises needs and to pay special attention to their needs in critical competencies. Various empirical studies have been conducted in company in the course of this work. In another encouraging development, they confirm the consistency and relevance of the proposed approaches. They have, among other test these approaches, but also to make recommendations for the development of a software tool for HR managers. This tool will support the competence identification and update the competence framework. However, further studies across the entire enterprise need to be done to ensure the greatest impact of all work submitted. Finally, this work is a platform for future research to test further the proposed approaches and test their applicability in the firms in other industries

    The Influence of Digital Transformation and Supply Chain Integration on Overall Sustainable Supply Chain Performance: An Empirical Analysis from Manufacturing Companies in Morocco

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    This study examined the association between digital transformation (DT), supply chain integration (SCI), and overall sustainable supply chain performance (OSSCP). The current literature has preliminarily explored the concepts of DT and SCI and their relationship with sustainable supply chain performance. However, real empirical evidence of the direct impact of DT and SCI on OSSCP has been missing so far. To fill this gap, data were collected from 134 professionals working in international manufacturing companies operating in Morocco through a questionnaire-based survey from August 2022 to November 2022. A conceptual framework was developed based on DT, SCI, and OSSCP and analyzed by partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) with the assistance of SmartPLS 4.0 software. The findings revealed that DT has a significant positive influence on SCI and OSSCP. Furthermore, SCI directly and positively impacts OSSCP with a partial mediation effect on the relationship between DT and OSSCP. Further, this research provides insights for practitioners into enhancing sustainable supply chain performance by adopting digital technologies and integrating SC functions. In particular, this study revealed that DT adoption drives a higher ethical supply chain level from the perspective of sustainability and efficiency in operations. This study is the first to analyze the influence of digital transformation and supply chain integration on sustainable supply chain performance in a manufacturing context

    Towards a Methodology for Requisite Competence Identification

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    A hybrid multi-criteria decision-making approach for hospitals’ sustainability performance evaluation under fuzzy environment

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    Purpose – Hospital structures serve to protect and improve public health; however, they are recognized as a major source of environmental degradation. Thus, an effective performance evaluation framework is required to improve hospital sustainability. In this context, this study presents a holistic methodology that integrates the sustainability balanced scorecard (SBSC) with fuzzy Delphi method and fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making approaches for evaluating the sustainability performance of hospitals. Design/methodology/approach – Initially, a comprehensive list of relevant sustainability evaluation criteria was considered based on six SBSC-based dimensions, in line with triple-bottom-line sustainability dimensions, and derived from the literature review and experts’ opinions. Then, the weights of perspectives and their respective criteria are computed and ranked utilizing the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Subsequently, the hospitals’ sustainable performance values are ranked based on these criteria using the Fuzzy Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution. Findings – A numerical application was conducted in six public hospitals to exhibit the proposed model’s applicability. The results of this study revealed that “Patient satisfaction,” “Efficiency,” “Effectiveness,” “Access to care” and “Waste production,” respectively, are the five most important criteria of sustainable performance. Practical implications – The new model will provide decision-makers with management tools that may help them identify the relevant factors for upgrading the level of sustainability in their hospitals and thus improve public health and community well-being. Originality/value – This is the first study that proposes a new hybrid decision-making methodology for evaluating and comparing hospitals’ sustainability performance under a fuzzy environment

    Démarche d'identification des compétences requises basée sur une approche fonctionnelle

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    International audienceL'approche compétence apporte une nouvelle vision aux problématiques auxquelles les organisations sont confrontées. Dans cet article, nous présentons une démarche d'identification des compétences requises ainsi que son application dans le domaine de la logistique. Notre démarche est basée sur une approche fonctionnelle

    Modeling a dynamic process of identifying individual Competency

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    International audienceIn a turbulent and increasingly complex environment, the agility of the Supply Chain Management (SCM) is clearly identified as a key factor for success and a strategic essential lever. The objective of this work is to identify which human competencies are the most important factors of agility in Supply Chain Management (SCM). To do this, firstly, our proposal is based on a process approach and on the analysis of the real work situation. This analysis assumes that competence is a dynamic construction that can be grasped only by reference to an actor in a professional situation. Given the complexity of supply chain Management, we're limited to the identification of the competences required by the inbound logistics (planning and procurement) that occupy a prominent place in the chain. Finally, we present our approach of identifying the competences applied particularly to inbound logistic

    Ontological model of competence management

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    Dans cet article, nous proposons une nouvelle approche concernant le modèle ontologique de la compétence basé sur la roue de Deming afin de faciliter la communication et la compréhension de l'information qui assure une bonne gestion des ressources au sein de l'entreprise. Nous choisissons l'ontologie car elle permet de définir et de gérer les compétences et les connaissances dans les entreprises en assurant une modélisation d'un ensemble de connaissances dans un domaine donné. Dans ce travail, nous développons un modèle qui décrit le processus du pilotage des compétences afin d'améliorer le traitement et le partage de l'information.In this paper, we propose a new approach concerning the ontological model of competence based on the Deming wheel in order to facilitate the communication and understanding of information that ensures proper competence management of resources within the company. Ontology constitutes a pertinent mean to define and to manage competencies and knowledge in companies thanks to its suitability to model knowledge. In this work, we develop a model that describes the management of competencies in order to improve processing and sharing of information