805 research outputs found

    A Case of Successful Treatment of Recurrent Urinary Tract infection By Extended-Spectrum Β-Lactamase Producing

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    Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a challenging clinical entity that can be frustrating for patient and physician alike. Repeated rounds of antibiotics can select for multidrug-resistant organisms, further complicating care. We describe the successful use of fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) for the treatment of recurrent extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producin

    Genome Analyses of the New Model Protist \u3ci\u3eEuplotes vannus\u3c/i\u3e Focusing on Genome Rearrangement and Resistance to Environmental Stressors

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    As a model organism for studies of cell and environmental biology, the free-living and cosmopolitan ciliate Euplotes vannus shows intriguing features like dual genome architecture (i.e., separate germline and somatic nuclei in each cell/organism), “gene-sized” chromosomes, stop codon reassignment, programmed ribosomal frameshifting (PRF) and strong resistance to environmental stressors. However, the molecular mechanisms that account for these remarkable traits remain largely unknown. Here we report a combined analysis of de novo assembled high-quality macronuclear (MAC; i.e., somatic) and partial micronuclear (MIC; i.e., germline) genome sequences for E. vannus, and transcriptome profiling data under varying conditions. The results demonstrate that: (a) the MAC genome contains more than 25,000 complete “gene-sized” nanochromosomes (~85 Mb haploid genome size) with the N50 ~2.7 kb; (b) although there is a high frequency of frameshifting at stop codons UAA and UAG, we did not observe impaired transcript abundance as a result of PRF in this species as has been reported for other euplotids; (c) the sequence motif 5′-TA-3′ is conserved at nearly all internally-eliminated sequence (IES) boundaries in the MIC genome, and chromosome breakage sites (CBSs) are duplicated and retained in the MAC genome; (d) by profiling the weighted correlation network of genes in the MAC under different environmental stressors, including nutrient scarcity, extreme temperature, salinity and the presence of ammonia, we identified gene clusters that respond to these external physical or chemical stimulations, and (e) we observed a dramatic increase in HSP70 gene transcription under salinity and chemical stresses but surprisingly, not under temperature changes; we link this temperature-resistance to the evolved loss of temperature stress-sensitive elements in regulatory regions. Together with the genome resources generated in this study, which are available online at Euplotes vannus Genome Database (http://evan.ciliate.org), these data provide molecular evidence for understanding the unique biology of highly adaptable microorganisms

    Herpes virus entry mediator signaling blockade produces mortality in neonatal sepsis through induced cardiac dysfunction

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    IntroductionSepsis remains a major source of morbidity and mortality in neonates, and characterization of immune regulation in the neonatal septic response remains limited. HVEM is a checkpoint regulator which can both stimulate or inhibit immune responses and demonstrates altered expression after sepsis. We hypothesized that signaling via HVEM would be essential for the neonatal response to sepsis, and that therefore blockade of this pathway would improve survival to septic challenge.MethodsTo explore this, neonatal mice were treated with cecal slurry (CS), CS with Anti-HVEM antibody (CS-Ab) or CS with isotype (CS-IT) and followed for 7-day survival. Mice from all treatment groups had thymus, lung, kidney and peritoneal fluid harvested, weighed, and stained for histologic evaluation, and changes in cardiac function were assessed with echocardiography.ResultsMortality was significantly higher for CS-Ab mice (72.2%) than for CS-IT mice (22.2%). CS resulted in dysregulated alveolar remodeling, but CS-Ab lungs demonstrated significantly less dysfunctional alveolar remodeling than CS alone (MCL 121.0 CS vs. 87.6 CS-Ab), as well as increased renal tubular vacuolization. No morphologic differences in alveolar septation or thymic karyorrhexis were found between CS-Ab and CS-IT. CS-Ab pups exhibited a marked decrease in heart rate (390.3 Sh vs. 342.1 CS-Ab), stroke volume (13.08 CS-IT vs. 8.83 CS-Ab) and ultimately cardiac output (4.90 Sh vs. 3.02 CS-Ab) as well as a significant increase in ejection fraction (73.74 Sh vs. 83.75 CS-Ab) and cardiac strain (40.74 Sh vs. 51.16 CS-Ab) as compared to CS-IT or Sham animals.DiscussionWhile receptor ligation of aspects of HVEM signaling, via antibody blockade, appears to mitigate aspects of lung injury and thymic involution, stimulatory signaling via HVEM still seems to be necessary for vascular and hemodynamic resilience and overall neonatal mouse survival in response to this experimental polymicrobial septic insult. This dissonance in the activity of anti-HVEM neutralizing antibody in neonatal animals speaks to the differences in how septic cardiac dysfunction should be considered and approached in the neonatal population

    The Sleeping Brain's Influence on Verbal Memory: Boosting Resistance to Interference

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    Memories evolve. After learning something new, the brain initiates a complex set of post-learning processing that facilitates recall (i.e., consolidation). Evidence points to sleep as one of the determinants of that change. But whenever a behavioral study of episodic memory shows a benefit of sleep, critics assert that sleep only leads to a temporary shelter from the damaging effects of interference that would otherwise accrue during wakefulness. To evaluate the potentially active role of sleep for verbal memory, we compared memory recall after sleep, with and without interference before testing. We demonstrated that recall performance for verbal memory was greater after sleep than after wakefulness. And when using interference testing, that difference was even more pronounced. By introducing interference after sleep, this study confirms an experimental paradigm that demonstrates the active role of sleep in consolidating memory, and unmasks the large magnitude of that benefit

    Predictability and environmental drivers of chlorophyll fluctuations vary across different time scales and regions of the North Sea

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    Phytoplankton concentrations display strong temporal variability at different time scales. Recent advances in automated moorings enable detailed investigation of this variability. In this study, we analyzed phytoplankton fluctuations at four automated mooring stations in the North Sea, which measured phytoplankton abundance (chlorophyll) and several environmental variables at a temporal resolution of 12–30 min for two to nine years. The stations differed in tidal range, water depth and freshwater influence. This allowed comparison of the predictability and environmental drivers of phytoplankton variability across different time scales and geographical regions. We analyzed the time series using wavelet analysis, cross correlations and generalized additive models to quantify the response of chlorophyll fluorescence to various environmental variables (tidal and meteorological variables, salinity, suspended particulate matter, nitrate and sea surface temperature). Hour-to-hour and day-to-day fluctuations in chlorophyll fluorescence were substantial, and mainly driven by sinking and vertical mixing of phytoplankton cells, horizontal transport of different water masses, and non-photochemical quenching of the fluorescence signal. At the macro-tidal stations, these short-term phytoplankton fluctuations were strongly driven by the tides. Along the Dutch coast, variation in salinity associated with the freshwater influence of the river Rhine played an important role, while in the central North Sea variation in weather conditions was a major determinant of phytoplankton variability. At time scales of weeks to months, solar irradiance, nutrient conditions and thermal stratification were the dominant drivers of changes in chlorophyll concentrations. These results show that the dominant drivers of phytoplankton fluctuations differ across marine environments and time scales. Moreover, our findings show that phytoplankton variability on hourly to daily time scales should not be dismissed as environmental noise, but is related to vertical and horizontal particle transport driven by winds and tides. Quantification of these transport processes contributes to an improved predictability of marine phytoplankton concentrations

    A three-dimensional atlas of human dermal leukocytes, lymphatics, and blood vessels.

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    Dendritic cells (DCs), macrophages (Mφ), and T cells are major components of the skin immune system, but their interstitial spatial organization is poorly characterized. Using four-channel whole-mount immunofluorescence staining of the human dermis, we demonstrated the three-dimensional distribution of CD31(+) blood capillaries, LYVE-1(+) lymphatics, discrete populations of CD11c(+) myeloid DCs, FXIIIa(+) Mφ, and lymphocytes. We showed phenotypic and morphological differences in situ between DCs and Mφ. DCs formed the first dermal cellular layer (0-20 μm beneath the dermoepidermal junction), Mφ were located deeper (40-60 μm), and CD3(+) lymphocytes were observed throughout (0-60 μm). Below this level, DCs, T cells, and the majority of Mφ formed stable perivascular sheaths. Whole-mount imaging revealed the true extent of dermal leukocytes previously underestimated from cross-section views. The total area of apical dermis (0-30 μm) contained approximately 10-fold more myeloid DCs than the entire blood volume of an average individual. Surprisingly, <1% of dermal DCs occupied lymphatics in freshly isolated skin. Dermal DCs rapidly accumulated within lymphatics, but Mφ remained fixed in skin explants cultured ex vivo. The leukocyte architecture observed in normal skin was distorted in inflammation and disease. These studies illustrate the micro-anatomy of dermal leukocytes and provide further insights into their functional organization

    ER-Alpha-cDNA As Part of a Bicistronic Transcript Gives Rise to High Frequency, Long Term, Receptor Expressing Cell Clones

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    Within the large group of Estrogen Receptor alpha (ERα)-negative breast cancer patients, there is a subgroup carrying the phenotype ERα−, PR−, and Her2−, named accordingly “Triple-Negative” (TN). Using cell lines derived from this TN group, we wished to establish cell clones, in which ERα is ectopically expressed, forming part of a synthetic lethality screening system. Initially, we generated cell transfectants expressing a mono-cistronic ERα transcription unit, adjacent to a separate dominant selectable marker transcription unit. However, the yield of ERα expressing colonies was rather low (5–12.5%), and only about half of these displayed stable ectopic ERα expression over time. Generation and maintenance of such cell clones under minimal exposure to the ERα ligand, did not improve yield or expression stability. Indeed, other groups have also reported grave difficulties in obtaining ectopic expression of ERα in ERα-deficient breast carcinoma cells. We therefore switched to transfecting these cell lines with pERα-IRES, a plasmid vector encoding a bicistronic translation mRNA template: ERα Open Reading Frame (ORF) being upstream followed by a dominant-positive selectable marker (hygroR) ORF, directed for translation from an Internal Ribosome Entry Site (IRES). Through usage of this bicistronic vector linkage system, it was possible to generate a very high yield of ERα expressing cell clones (50–100%). The stability over time of these clones was also somewhat improved, though variations between individual cell clones were evident. Our successful experience with ERα in this system may serve as a paradigm for other genes where ectopic expression meets similar hardships