495 research outputs found


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    Urbanization in Indonesia has been growing rapidly, and is expected to accelerate in the future. It is envisaged that the urban population of the country will grow from 54.7% in 1995 to about 73% I the year 2020. The fast rate of urbanization and continued concentration have resulted in various problems of traffic congestion, overcrowding, shortage of affordable housing, environmental degradation, flash floods, waste disposal, stress-related diseases and the increase in demand for more and better urban services. This paper first introduces the concept of healthy cities and relates it to the aspect of physical development. After short overviews on the background of physical planning, the paper reviews the Indonesia physical planning system. The role of physical planning towards the achievement of sustainable development is then presented and this is allowed by a discussion on the role of physical planning towards the achievement of sustainable urban development in Indonesia, illustrated with a few examples of planning tools being used

    Neighborhood Unit Concept To Maintain The Quality Of Settlement’s Environment In Perumahan Menara Kudus Area

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    The issue of ideal urban housing is frequently discussed in urban housing planning and development. The concept of ideal housing environment desired by urban community is comfortable and safe housing to reside and able to fulfill a well planning standard and environmentally sound. It shall have easy, safe, and comfortable access prioritizing pedestrians, infrastructure completeness, as well as enable the interaction among residents. This requirement is a universal ethic expected to be fulfilled in the housing area by its residents. This ideal condition of housing environment is then acknowledged as Habitat Bill of Rights. However, along with the urban development, housing area planning has been far implemented from the expected physical standard. This condition, in advance, will cause physical, social, and cultural quality degradation within a settlement area. Based on the high demand on ideal housing that is directly proportional to the environment quality degradation, it will be easier to find solutions by understanding Neighborhood Unit Concept, which is a concept focusing housing area planning in the smallest scope of the community. This paper aims to explain the concept of neighborhood in old settlement in Kudus – Indonesia which is characterized by Moslem religious in the area of Menara Kudus. The neighborhood unit concept implemented in Menara Kudus area has successfully united physical element of settlement with the community’s socio-cultural aspect so that the neighborhood social interaction among the residents are created by referring the similarity of the location and purpose. The residents’ capability to maintain the neighborhood unit makes the environment in this settlement better improved and sustainable. The balance between the residents’ physical and social closeness is indeed able to maintain the existence and sustainability of residents’ living quality I this housing environment to be better (comfortable, safe, accessible, and has good quality.

    Community Resilience in Overcoming Untidiness Due to the Flood in Kemijen Village Semarang

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    Reduction targets slum area in Indonesia today, leaving 12% of urban areas or the equivalent of 7.2 million households alleviation of untidiness. Whereas national goal is 0% urban slums will be gone in 2019. When referring to the World Habitat Day (World Habitat Agenda, 2014), said that the organized settlement of, for and by the people themselves. Rob disasters often occur in the city, where from April to May of 2011, Rob has been flooded several coastal areas of Semarang and rob a height between 50 cm to 100 cm. This research aims to identify the role of the community in addressing slum housing. Using qualitative and quantitative analysis methods and conduct an in-dept interview through direct observation, questionnaires and interviews to the population in Kemijen Semarang City. This study found a form of structuring a slum by the ability of the community that is the power of social, economic and physical called ‗Tri-Daya‘ Concept, through the action plan stage of necessary community development stage

    National Law Development through Constitutional Awareness

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    Development of National Law in the Republic of Indonesia, in the post-reform era, experienced a pretty great struggle, due to the lack of strength and lack of comprehensiveness of the government's efforts to fight for smooth reform, characterized by various improper behaviors, which were not based on values contained in the precepts of the Pancasila. Based on this concern, an effort is needed to better understand the values that exist in the precepts of the Pancasila. These values actually exist in the life of Indonesian people which are divided into various ethnic cultures. The aim is to find out the various events that occur due to a lack of understanding of multiculturalism which causes justification for wrong behavior. Therefore, this multiculturalism understanding is positioned as a grand strategy in the realization of Pancasila, so that cultural understanding and interaction will support national law development. The research method uses a qualitative, descriptive analysis approach, which is carried out methodologically, sociologically, and historically. Data collection uses primary study in the form of literature and secondary studies in the form of various philosophers of state administration. Approaches from various aspects, such as philosophical aspects (philosophy approach), legislation (statute approach). Conclusions and implications of problems that occur in multicultural understanding and constitutional awareness

    Studi tentang Peran Kepemimpinan Kepala PAUD

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran   peran   kepala sekolah berkaitan dengan fungsi EMASLIM tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriftif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Data yang berhasil dikumpulkan ditriangulasi dan direduksi sehingga menghasilkan kesimpulan.   Peran kepemimpinan kepala PAUD sebagai EMASLIM di PAUD Terpadu Pratiwi telah berjalan dengan baik, dengan adanya berbagai bentuk usaha menanamkan nilai-nilai positif di lingkungan sekolah, adanya tim pengembang yang dibentuk sebagai tim research and development, keikutsertaan dalam berbagai bentuk kompetisi dan pelatihan terkait peningkatan mutu dan kualitas pendidikan PAUD Terpadu Pratiwi. Selain dari pada itu dalam pengelolaan kesiswaan, sarana dan prasarana dilaksanakan secara terprogram dan terperinci sehingga kelemahan dan kekuatan dapat diinventarisir dengan baik yang memungkinkan perencanaan program ke depannya akan lebih bai

    PEMAKNAAN KARIKATUR ”PLN” (Studi Semiotik Tentang Pemaknaan Karikatur ”PLN” Pada www.jawapos.co.id)

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    Penelitian ini berusaha mengungkap pemaknaan karikatur “PLN” pada www.jawapos.co.id melalui pendekatan teori semiotika diharapkan karikatur mampu diklasifikasikan berdasarkan tanda, kode, dan makna yang terkandung di dalamnya, karikatur tersebut menampilkan gambar seorang manusia yang kepalanya bernebtuk seperti bola lampu. Manusia tersebut sedang duduk dan membawa sebuah kaleng seperti seorang pengemis, dan di bola lampu atau kepala tersebut terdapat tulisan PLN. Landasan teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Media dan Konstruksi Realitas, Fungsi Media, Media Internet, Internet Sebagai Media Komunikasi, Karikatur, Semiotika, Semiotik Charles Sanders Peirce, PLN. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode semiotik Pierce yang terdiri dari obyek, sign dan interpretan. Unit analisis tanda yang ada dalam karikatur yang berupa gambar dan tulisan yang terdapat dalam karikatur yang dimuat di www.jawapos.co.id, kemudian diinterpretsikan dengan menggunakan ikon (icon), indeks (index), dan symbol (symbol). Hasil penelitian ini gambar karikatur “PLN” merupakan gambar karikatur yang menggambarkan sosok seorang manusia yang kepalanya berbentuk seperti bola lampu. Manusia tersebut sedang duduk dan membawa sebuah kaleng seperti seorang pengemis, dan di bola lampu atau kepala tersebut terdapat tulisan PLN. Hal tersebut menyiratkan akan permasalahan listrik di negara ini yang memang timbul karena kurangnya perhatian yang serius dari pemerintah akan masa depan dan kesejahteran generasi negeri ini kedepan, kedengarannya memang biasa tapi dampaknya seperti krisis energi saat ini. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan interpretasi dari karikatur ”PLN” yang terdapat pada situs www.jawapos.co.id edisi 19 November 2009 diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa memang sampai saat ini pihak PLN tidak pernah menanggapi secara serius kasus yang sangat meresahkan masyarakat, karena memang saat ini masyarakat sangat membutuhkan sekali aliran listrik tersebut untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga, akan tetapi pihak PLN juga masih sering melakukan pemadaman bergilir, padahal dilihat dari potensi yang ada di negara indonesia harusnya krisis energi listrik tersebut tidak perlu terjadi

    Strategi Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Profesionalisme Guru di SD Muhamadiyah Kota Bangkinang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis strategi kepala sekolah untuk meningkatkan profesionalisme guru di SD Muhamadiyah Kota Bangkinang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (field research), yang bersifat deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menujukanbahwapelaksanaan strategi kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan kompetensi profesional guru pada SD Muhammadiyah Kota Bangkinang belum terlaksana dengan baik, hal ini terlihat dari faktor hambatan pengawasan dari kepala sekolah dan juga kurangnya dukungan dari komite sekolah, sehingga strategi yang digunakan pada sekolah ini belum terlaksana secara maksimal

    Strengthening Community-Based Capacity through Ecosettlement Concept in Kelurahan

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    A Semarang City Plan 2021 was prepared to ensure that the planning for Semarang will strike a balance between physical, economic, social and environmental development. There is crucial significance in meeting needs of the people that are vital for the development of Semarang city because it reflects upon an inclusive society for the Semarang city. Therefore, understanding the environmental, economic and social aspects of Kelurahan or district is considered a practical perspective to build the collaborative partnership among the stakeholders. This paper aims to identify strengths environmentally friendly based on the role of institutions and community character. Green techniques implemented in these communities will be analyzed while using eco-settlement as illustrative examples. After that, interviews that conducted in the visited communities will be analyzed while making use of communities of practice approach. There are some environmental issues in many kelurahan in Semarang. In the factual issues, garbage is one of the fundamental problems of the area, followed by the landscape. In the case of perception of environmental problems, people have different thinking on the problem. The policy tools can divide into two components: community-based eco-settlement and strengthen the capacity for institutional development. Community-based eco-settlement incorporates promotion of environmental conservation and strengthening the sense of community among the residents. On the other hand, increasing the capacity for institutional includes enhancing the capacity of the local community and collaboration between the local communities


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    This study was designed to improve the students’ writing skills using peer assessment. It was conducted since the students had difficulties in writing, especially in generating ideas for their writing. The final purpose, it leads to the improvement of the students’ writing ability. The subjects of the study were the third semester English Department students taking Writing III. This study focused on writing problem/solution essay. The findings show that in applying peer assessment to improve the students’ writing skill, the students required to do and to get involved actively in all steps of peer assessment. Firstly, the teacher convinced the students about the importance of doing problem solving task, especially in increasing their critical thinking. Then, the procedures of writing problem solution essays as well as the model of problem solution essays as the final products of problem solving essay were explained

    Pengelolaan Pendidikan Fullday School di Sdn 002 Bangkinang Kota Kabupaten Kampar

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    SDN 002 Bangkinang Kota merupakan lembaga pendidikan yang mengembangkan dari sekolah Half day school menjadi sekolah dengan system Full day scholl. Full day school dapat diartikan dengan sekolah sepanjang hari atau proses belajar mengajar yang dilakukan mulai pukul 06.45-15.00 dengan waktu istirahat setiap dua jam sekali. Sekolah dapat mengatur jadwal pelajaran dengan leluasa, disesuaikan dengan bobot mata pelajaran dan ditambah dengan pendalaman materi. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis proses penerimaan mahasiswa baru, menganalisa pelaksanaan kegiaatan belajar mengajar dan mengetahui sarana dan prasarana SDN 002 Bangkinang kota. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologis didekati pada hal-hal yang empirik saja, tetapi juga mencakup fenomena yang tidak menyimpang dari persepsi, pemikiran, kemauan, dan keyakinan subyek tentang sesuatu diluar subyek, ada sesuatu yang transcendent disamping yang aposteriotik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilaksanakan terdapat beberapa kesimpulan diantaranya Proses seleksi dalam penerimaan siswa baru di SDN 002 Bangkinang Kota dilakukan dengan cara tes seleksi yang dibagi menjadi tiga kategori ujian seleksi yaitu ujian intelektual. Proses pembelajaran SDN 002 Bangkinang Kota dilaksanakan dengan sistem Smart, Fun and Full Day School. Output yang di hasilkan SDN 002 Bangkinang Kota bermacam prestasi baik yang di dapatkan dalam perlombaan-perlombaan baik secara umum maupun agam
