21 research outputs found

    Multiwavelength investigation of extended green object G19.88-0.53: Revealing a protocluster

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    A multiwavelength analysis of star formation associated with the extended green object, G19.88-0.53 is presented in this paper. With multiple detected radio and millimetre components, G19.88-0.53 unveils as harbouring a protocluster rather than a single massive young stellar object. We detect an ionized thermal jet using the upgraded Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope, India, which is found to be associated with a massive, dense and hot ALMA 2.7 mm core driving a bipolar CO outflow. Near-infrared spectroscopy with UKIRT-UIST shows the presence of multiple shock-excited H2 lines concurrent with the nature of this region. Detailed investigation of the gas kinematics using ALMA data reveals G19.88-0.53 as an active protocluster with high-mass star-forming components spanning a wide evolutionary spectrum from hot cores in accretion phase to cores driving multiple outflows to possible UCH ii regions

    The GALAH survey: Milky Way disc metallicity and alpha-abundance trends in combined APOGEE-GALAH catalogues

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    GALAH and APOGEE are two high resolution multi object spectroscopic surveys that provide fundamental stellar parameters and multiple elemental abundance estimates for >> 400,000 stars in the Milky Way. They are complimentary in both sky coverage and wavelength regime. Thus combining the two surveys will provide us a large sample to investigate the disc metallicity and alpha abundance trends. We use the Cannon data-driven approach selecting training sets from among \sim20,000 stars in common for the two surveys to predict the GALAH scaled stellar parameters from APOGEE spectra as well as APOGEE scaled stellar parameters from GALAH spectra. We provide two combined catalogues with GALAH scaled and APOGEE scaled stellar parameters each having \sim500,000 stars after quality cuts. With \sim470,000 stars that are common in both these catalogues, we compare the GALAH scaled and APOGEE scaled metallicity distribution functions (MDF), radial and vertical metallicity gradients as well as the variation of [α\alpha/Fe] vs [Fe/H] trends along and away from the Galactic mid plane. We find mean metallicities of APOGEE scaled sample to be higher compared to that for the GALAH scaled sample. We find similar [α\alpha/Fe] vs [Fe/H] trends using both samples consistent with previous observational as well as simulation based studies. Radial and vertical metallicity gradients derived using the two survey scaled samples are consistent except in the inner and outer Galactocentric radius bins. Our gradient estimates in the solar neighborhood are also consistent with previous studies and are backed by larger sample size compared to previous works.Comment: 21 pages, 19 figures, submitted to MNRA

    The GALAH+ Survey : Third Data Release

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    © 2021 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. This is the accepted manuscript version of an article which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stab1242The ensemble of chemical element abundance measurements for stars, along with precision distances and orbit properties, provides high-dimensional data to study the evolution of the Milky Way. With this third data release of the Galactic Archaeology with HERMES (GALAH) survey, we publish 678 423 spectra for 588 571 mostly nearby stars (81.2% of stars are within 75 stellar clusters. We derive stellar parameters TeffT_\text{eff}, logg\log g, [Fe/H], vmicv_\text{mic}, vbroadv_\text{broad} & vradv_\text{rad} using our modified version of the spectrum synthesis code Spectroscopy Made Easy (SME) and 1D MARCS model atmospheres. We break spectroscopic degeneracies in our spectrum analysis with astrometry from GaiaGaia DR2 and photometry from 2MASS. We report abundance ratios [X/Fe] for 30 different elements (11 of which are based on non-LTE computations) covering five nucleosynthetic pathways. We describe validations for accuracy and precision, flagging of peculiar stars/measurements and recommendations for using our results. Our catalogue comprises 65% dwarfs, 34% giants, and 1% other/unclassified stars. Based on unflagged chemical composition and age, we find 62% young low-α\alpha, 9% young high-α\alpha, 27% old high-α\alpha, and 2% stars with [Fe/H]1\mathrm{[Fe/H]} \leq -1. Based on kinematics, 4% are halo stars. Several Value-Added-Catalogues, including stellar ages and dynamics, updated after GaiaGaia eDR3, accompany this release and allow chrono-chemodynamic analyses, as we showcase.Peer reviewe

    The JWST Galactic Center Survey -- A White Paper

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    The inner hundred parsecs of the Milky Way hosts the nearest supermassive black hole, largest reservoir of dense gas, greatest stellar density, hundreds of massive main and post main sequence stars, and the highest volume density of supernovae in the Galaxy. As the nearest environment in which it is possible to simultaneously observe many of the extreme processes shaping the Universe, it is one of the most well-studied regions in astrophysics. Due to its proximity, we can study the center of our Galaxy on scales down to a few hundred AU, a hundred times better than in similar Local Group galaxies and thousands of times better than in the nearest active galaxies. The Galactic Center (GC) is therefore of outstanding astrophysical interest. However, in spite of intense observational work over the past decades, there are still fundamental things unknown about the GC. JWST has the unique capability to provide us with the necessary, game-changing data. In this White Paper, we advocate for a JWST NIRCam survey that aims at solving central questions, that we have identified as a community: i) the 3D structure and kinematics of gas and stars; ii) ancient star formation and its relation with the overall history of the Milky Way, as well as recent star formation and its implications for the overall energetics of our galaxy's nucleus; and iii) the (non-)universality of star formation and the stellar initial mass function. We advocate for a large-area, multi-epoch, multi-wavelength NIRCam survey of the inner 100\,pc of the Galaxy in the form of a Treasury GO JWST Large Program that is open to the community. We describe how this survey will derive the physical and kinematic properties of ~10,000,000 stars, how this will solve the key unknowns and provide a valuable resource for the community with long-lasting legacy value.Comment: This White Paper will be updated when required (e.g. new authors joining, editing of content). Most recent update: 24 Oct 202

    Galactic archaeology and its application to the galactic center

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    L'archéologie galactique consiste à disséquer et analyser les nombreuses composantes de la Voie Lactée afin de mettre en évidence et distinguer les processus physiques qui contribuent à sa formation et son évolution. Ceci est possible grâce à une estimation précise des positions, des vitesses ainsi que des propriétés de l'atmosphère stellaire des étoiles individuelles qui appartiennent aux différents populations stellaires qui composent chacune de ces composantes. De ce fait, ce domaine dépend non seulement d'observations photométriques, astrométriques et spectroscopiques permettant de mesurer en détail les propriétés stellaires mentionnées mais également de modèles théoriques précis afin de les confronter avec les données observationnelles. Au cours de cette thèse, j'ai mené une étude détaillée sur les effets de fonction de sélection sur les abondances métalliques en utilisant des sondages spectroscopiques aux grandes échelles, suivi d'observations spectroscopiques de petites et grandes résolutions sur les parties internes de la Voie Lactée afin de caractériser la nature chimique du bulbe galactique ainsi que le taux de formation stellaire dans la zone centrale moléculaire (CMZ). Avec les présents et futurs grands sondages dédiés à l'archéologie galactique tels que APOGEE, RAVE, LAMOST, GALAH, etc.., il est essentiel de connaître la fonction de sélection spécifique qui est associée à la stratégie de ciblage de chacun de ces sondages. En utilisant des champs communs et des lignes de visée similaires entre APOGEE, LAMOST, GES et RAVE, et tout en considérant des modèles de synthèse de population stellaire, J'ai étudié les effets de fonction de sélection sur la fonction de distribution de la métallicité (MDF) et sur le gradient vertical de métallicité dans le voisinage solaire. Mes résultats indiquent qu'il y a un négligeable effet de fonction de sélection sur la MDF ainsi que sur le gradient vertical de métallicité. Ces résultats suggèrent alors que différents sondages spectroscopiques (de différentes résolutions et de longueurs d'onde) peuvent être combinés dans des études similaires à condition que les métallicité soient placées sur la même échelle. Tandis que de plus en plus d'observations spectroscopiques des régions externes du bulbe de la Voie Lactée révèlent la complexité de sa morphologie, sa cinétique et de sa nature chimique, les études détaillées sur les abondances chimiques de la région interne du bulbe (400-500 pc) font en revanche défaut. Je présenterai alors des spectres de haute résolution dans la bande K d'étoiles géantes K/M issues de cette région obscure et obtenus à partir du spectrographe de haute résolution dans l'infrarouge, CRIRES (R-50,000) situé au VLT. Je discuterai ensuite la MDF et les abondances chimiques détaillées de notre échantillon dans cette région et également la symétrie Nord-Sud dans la MDF le long du petit axe du bulbe. Un enjeu majeur dans les modèles d'évolution chimique est le manque de connaissance vis à vis de l'histoire et du taux de la formation stellaire de la Voie Lactée. La partie centrale de la Voie Lactée (<200 pc), appelée communément la zone centrale moléculaire, possède un grand réservoir de gaz moléculaire avec des indications d'activités de formation stellaire durant les 100 000 dernières années. J'ai utilisé des spectres KMOS (VLT) de petite résolution afin d'identifier et analyser les objects stellaires jeunes et massifs (YSOs) et afin d'estimer le taux de formation stellaire dans la CMZ en utilisant la méthode de contage YSO.Galactic archaeology deals with dissecting the Milky Way into its various components with the objective to disentangle processes contributing to the Milky Way formation and evolution. This relies on precise estimation of positions, velocities as well as stellar atmosphere properties of individual stars belonging to different stellar populations that make up each of these components. Thus this field relies on photometric, astrometric and spectroscopic observations to measure the above mentioned stellar properties in detail in addition to accurate models to compare the observed results with. In this thesis, I have carried out a detailed study of selection function effects on metallicity trends using larges scale spectroscopic surveys, followed by high and low resolution spectroscopic observations towards the inner Milky Way to characterise the chemical nature of the inner Galactic bulge and to measure the star formation rate in the central molecular zone (CMZ), respectively. With ongoing and upcoming large Galactic archaeology spectroscopic surveys such as APOGEE, RAVE, LAMOST, GALAH etc, it is essential to know the specific selection function which is related to the targeting strategy of each of them. By using common fields along similar lines of sight between APOGEE, LAMOST, GES and RAVE, and together with stellar population synthesis models, I investigate the selection function effect on the metallicity distribution function (MDF) and the vertical metallicitiy gradients in the solar neighborhood. My results indicate that there is negligible selection function effect on the MDF and the vertical metallicity gradients. These results suggest that different spectroscopic surveys (different resolutions and wavelength range) can be combined for such studies provided their metallicities are put on the same scale. While more and more spectroscopic observations of the outer bulge regions reveal the complex morphological, kinematic and chemical nature of the Milky Way bulge, there is a lack of detailed chemical abundances studies in the inner bulge region (400-500 pc). I will present high resolution K-band spectra of K/M giants in this highly obscured region obtained using the high resolution infrared spectrograph, CRIRES (R-50,000), on VLT. I will discuss the MDF and detailed chemical abundances of our sample in this region as well as the North-South symmetry in MDF along the bulge minor axis. A major challenge in the chemical evolution models is the lack of knowledge about the star formation history and the star formation rate in the Milky Way. The inner 200 pc of the Milky way, the so called central molecular zone, has a large reservoir of molecular gas with the evidence of star formation activity during the last 100,000 years. I used low resolution KMOS spectra (VLT) to identify and analyse massive young stellar objects (YSOs) and estimated the star formation rate in the CMZ using the YSO counting method

    M giants with IGRINS: Chemical characterisation of the inner Milky Way

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    The inner Milky Way (IMW) is unique with an early star formation and chemical enrichment history owing to the inside out formation of the Milky Way. Strong magnetic field, dense gas and high turbulence in the IMW compared to those in the solar neighbourhood (SN), makes it an ideal test bed for studying star formation and evolution in such unique conditions and is a proxy for understanding initial stages of typical spiral galaxy formation and evolution. Meanwhile, IMW is very much unexplored owing to its large distance from Earth and the extinction in the optical wavelength regime caused by dust along the line of sight. Thus we have to rely on near infrared wavelength regime, wherein extinction is much lower. Using high resolution (R~45000 HK-band (1.4-2.4 um) IGRINS spectra and updated HK-band line lists, we carry out a detailed spectroscopic analysis of old M giants in the inner Galactic Bulge (|b|<3 degrees) and the Nuclear star cluster. We have devised a novel method to estimate reliable stellar parameters and validated it using 50 nearby M giants. These parameters have been used to determine abundances of upto 15 elements including certain neutron capture elements (Ce, Nd, Y) for the first time in the IMW. We compare the IMW abundance trends versus metallicity with those from SN stars observed with the same instrument and analysed in the same manner using same linelists to investigate the similarities/differences in IMW stars compared to those in the solar neighbourhood

    L’archéologie galactique et son application au centre galactique

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    Galactic archaeology deals with dissecting the Milky Way into its various components with the objective to disentangle processes contributing to the Milky Way formation and evolution. This relies on precise estimation of positions, velocities as well as stellar atmosphere properties of individual stars belonging to different stellar populations that make up each of these components. Thus this field relies on photometric, astrometric and spectroscopic observations to measure the above mentioned stellar properties in detail in addition to accurate models to compare the observed results with. In this thesis, I have carried out a detailed study of selection function effects on metallicity trends using larges scale spectroscopic surveys, followed by high and low resolution spectroscopic observations towards the inner Milky Way to characterise the chemical nature of the inner Galactic bulge and to measure the star formation rate in the central molecular zone (CMZ), respectively. With ongoing and upcoming large Galactic archaeology spectroscopic surveys such as APOGEE, RAVE, LAMOST, GALAH etc, it is essential to know the specific selection function which is related to the targeting strategy of each of them. By using common fields along similar lines of sight between APOGEE, LAMOST, GES and RAVE, and together with stellar population synthesis models, I investigate the selection function effect on the metallicity distribution function (MDF) and the vertical metallicitiy gradients in the solar neighborhood. My results indicate that there is negligible selection function effect on the MDF and the vertical metallicity gradients. These results suggest that different spectroscopic surveys (different resolutions and wavelength range) can be combined for such studies provided their metallicities are put on the same scale. While more and more spectroscopic observations of the outer bulge regions reveal the complex morphological, kinematic and chemical nature of the Milky Way bulge, there is a lack of detailed chemical abundances studies in the inner bulge region (400-500 pc). I will present high resolution K-band spectra of K/M giants in this highly obscured region obtained using the high resolution infrared spectrograph, CRIRES (R-50,000), on VLT. I will discuss the MDF and detailed chemical abundances of our sample in this region as well as the North-South symmetry in MDF along the bulge minor axis. A major challenge in the chemical evolution models is the lack of knowledge about the star formation history and the star formation rate in the Milky Way. The inner 200 pc of the Milky way, the so called central molecular zone, has a large reservoir of molecular gas with the evidence of star formation activity during the last 100,000 years. I used low resolution KMOS spectra (VLT) to identify and analyse massive young stellar objects (YSOs) and estimated the star formation rate in the CMZ using the YSO counting method.L'archéologie galactique consiste à disséquer et analyser les nombreuses composantes de la Voie Lactée afin de mettre en évidence et distinguer les processus physiques qui contribuent à sa formation et son évolution. Ceci est possible grâce à une estimation précise des positions, des vitesses ainsi que des propriétés de l'atmosphère stellaire des étoiles individuelles qui appartiennent aux différents populations stellaires qui composent chacune de ces composantes. De ce fait, ce domaine dépend non seulement d'observations photométriques, astrométriques et spectroscopiques permettant de mesurer en détail les propriétés stellaires mentionnées mais également de modèles théoriques précis afin de les confronter avec les données observationnelles. Au cours de cette thèse, j'ai mené une étude détaillée sur les effets de fonction de sélection sur les abondances métalliques en utilisant des sondages spectroscopiques aux grandes échelles, suivi d'observations spectroscopiques de petites et grandes résolutions sur les parties internes de la Voie Lactée afin de caractériser la nature chimique du bulbe galactique ainsi que le taux de formation stellaire dans la zone centrale moléculaire (CMZ). Avec les présents et futurs grands sondages dédiés à l'archéologie galactique tels que APOGEE, RAVE, LAMOST, GALAH, etc.., il est essentiel de connaître la fonction de sélection spécifique qui est associée à la stratégie de ciblage de chacun de ces sondages. En utilisant des champs communs et des lignes de visée similaires entre APOGEE, LAMOST, GES et RAVE, et tout en considérant des modèles de synthèse de population stellaire, J'ai étudié les effets de fonction de sélection sur la fonction de distribution de la métallicité (MDF) et sur le gradient vertical de métallicité dans le voisinage solaire. Mes résultats indiquent qu'il y a un négligeable effet de fonction de sélection sur la MDF ainsi que sur le gradient vertical de métallicité. Ces résultats suggèrent alors que différents sondages spectroscopiques (de différentes résolutions et de longueurs d'onde) peuvent être combinés dans des études similaires à condition que les métallicité soient placées sur la même échelle. Tandis que de plus en plus d'observations spectroscopiques des régions externes du bulbe de la Voie Lactée révèlent la complexité de sa morphologie, sa cinétique et de sa nature chimique, les études détaillées sur les abondances chimiques de la région interne du bulbe (400-500 pc) font en revanche défaut. Je présenterai alors des spectres de haute résolution dans la bande K d'étoiles géantes K/M issues de cette région obscure et obtenus à partir du spectrographe de haute résolution dans l'infrarouge, CRIRES (R-50,000) situé au VLT. Je discuterai ensuite la MDF et les abondances chimiques détaillées de notre échantillon dans cette région et également la symétrie Nord-Sud dans la MDF le long du petit axe du bulbe. Un enjeu majeur dans les modèles d'évolution chimique est le manque de connaissance vis à vis de l'histoire et du taux de la formation stellaire de la Voie Lactée. La partie centrale de la Voie Lactée (<200 pc), appelée communément la zone centrale moléculaire, possède un grand réservoir de gaz moléculaire avec des indications d'activités de formation stellaire durant les 100 000 dernières années. J'ai utilisé des spectres KMOS (VLT) de petite résolution afin d'identifier et analyser les objects stellaires jeunes et massifs (YSOs) et afin d'estimer le taux de formation stellaire dans la CMZ en utilisant la méthode de contage YSO

    Laparoscopy for Colon and Rectal Cancer

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    Laparoscopy has emerged as a useful tool in the surgical treatment of diseases of the colon and rectum. Specifically, in the application of colon cancer, a laparoscopic-assisted approach offers short-term benefits to patients while maintaining a long-term oncologic outcome. Hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery may help decrease operative times while preserving the benefits of laparoscopy. The literature on the use of laparoscopy for rectal cancer is still in its early stages. Limited data suggest short-term benefits without compromising oncologic outcome; however, data from large multicenter trials will clarify the role of laparoscopy in the treatment of rectal cancer. Robotic proctectomy is a novel technique that may offer considerable advantage and overcome some limitations laparoscopy creates while working in the confines of the pelvis. The improved magnification and visualization offered with the robot may also assist in preserving bladder and sexual function. Transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM) for the treatment of T1 rectal cancers with low-risk features appears to be safe. However, TEM has a significantly higher recurrence rate when used to treat invasive cancer. Endoluminal techniques and equipment are under development and could offer more minimally invasive approaches to the treatment of colon and rectal cancer. Credentialing and training of surgeons and teams involved in the use of laparoscopy is important prior to making these techniques ubiquitous