65 research outputs found

    Development of Rice Analog as a Food Diversification Vehicle in Indonesia

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    Immunostimulant Compounds Identification in Indonesian Underutilized Zingiberaceae Spices

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    Spices are known for its health beneficial effect beside its function as flavouring and condiment. This study aimed to screen immunostimulant activities of 12 underutilized species of Zingiberaceae grown in Indonesia. The compound associated with immunostimulant activity in the most active sample was identified by linking the chromatogram profile of hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, methanol, and water fractions of the selected spices to its activity using orthogonal projection to the least square (OPLS) analysis, followed by LC-MS characterization. The result showed that Alpinia malaccensis and Zingiber ottensii had the highest lymphocyte cell proliferation index (SI) at concentrations of 400 ppm. A. malaccensis was chosen for the next step. The results of OPLS analysis showed that the retention time interval which strongly correlated with the immunostimulant activity was 27.0 – 28.5 minutes, which were abundant in methanol fraction. The mass spectra analysis of methanol fraction using UHPLC-HRMS showed that the respective retention time was attributed to flavokawain B. This compound was reported to increase rat splenocyte proliferation in vivo

    Profil Komponen Volatil Beberapa Jenis Satai Menggunakan Kromatografi Gas

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      Satay as Indonesian food is made from several pieces of meat stabbed with a bamboo stick and grilled. Satay has a unique aroma because of the diversity in total organic volatile contents. Differences in volatile compounds are also influenced by species breed and processing method. Volatilomics is a method used to ensure the authenticity of meat products through the detection, characterization, and quantification of all volatile metabolites in biological systems. This study aims to evaluate volatile profiles in beef, chicken, pork satay, and their mixtures. The volatile components of satay were extracted using the solid-phase micro extraction (SPME) method and analyzed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) instrument. Data were analyzed by multivariate principles component analysis (PCA). Beef, chicken, and pork satays were identified as having 104,134, and 112 volatile compounds, respectively. Nonanal was a volatile compound with the highest intensity in beef satay samples, benzaldehyde in chicken satay, and cyclohexanol in pork satay. Volatile components of satay with different types of meat showed good separation using the PCA model. Beef, chicken, and pork satays are grouped separately. Mixed-meat satay containing pork was grouped next to the pork satay. Volatilomic analysis identified a hexanal compound was potential to be used as a marker to distinguish between pork and other meat satays in halal authentication process.   Keywords: beef, chicken, halal, pork, volatilomic


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    Calophyllum seeds are potential to be used as raw material for vegetable oil production due to their high oil content. In addition, Calophyllum seeds contain resin consisting of beneficial phenolic compounds for health. The objective of this research was to optimize the oil and resin extraction from Calophyllum seeds on a pilot scale using binary solvent. The analyses of temperature, extraction time and stirring speed effects on the oil and resin yields were carried out using the central composite design, and the variables were optimized using the response surface method. The result of oil yield optimization showed that the best model was the quadratic model. The optimum oil yield (59%) was obtained at temperature of 49.4 oC, extraction time of 5.3 h, and stirring speed of 385 rpm. The result of resin yield optimization showed that the best model was the mean model with average value of 15% for all extraction conditions tested. Model validation at this extraction condition resulted actual oil (60%) and resin (13%) yields conformed passably to their prediction. In addition, the oil and resin obtained from this model validation had good characteristics, and matched the predicted results. Keywords: binary extraction, Calophyllum, oil, optimization, resin, response surface metho

    Anti-hyperglycemic Effect of Torbangun (Coleus amboinicus Lour) Leaves Extract Through Liver and Muscle Glycogen Deposits in Streptozotocin-induced Hyperglycmic Sprague-Dawley Rats Model

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    The association of liver and muscle glycogen deposits with serum insulin levels, β-cells pancreas, and fasting blood glucose (FBG) of streptozotocin (STZ)-induced hyperglycemic rats receiving Torbangun leaves extract (TE) investigated. The intervention performed on 25 8-week-old Sprague-Dawley rats divided into four groups. Seven rats separated as a normal group (N), and other rats injected with streptozotocin (STZ). Confirmation of hyperglycemic was characterized by fasting blood glucose >126 mg/dl. Treatment group which is NG (hyperglycemic rats); N (normal rats); H-IM (62.5 mg/kg BW metformin); and H-IT (620 mg/kg BW TE) for 14 days. This study revealed that TE significantly decreased FBG levels, increased insulin production, and the amount of liver glycogen deposits (a=0.01). However, the intervention did not significantly increase the amount of muscle glycogen deposits. TE administration improves β-cells, increases the liver and muscle glycogen deposits. TE was shown to have antihyperglycemic activity by improving the β-cell, increasing blood serum insulin levels, decreasing blood glucose levels, and increasing the liver glycogen deposits

    Cannabinoid CB1 receptor binding and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of Sceletium tortuosum L.

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    The whole plant extract of plant Sceletium tortuosum, plant native to South Africa, has been known traditionally to have mood enhancing and stimulant properties. These properties have been confirmed before by proving serotonin-uptake inhibition activity. A further confirmation by using CB1 receptor binding assay has been performed in this study. The unfermented alkaloid extract was proved to posses a higher activity to bind CB1 receptor compared to that of the fermented one. GC-MS analysis confirmed that unfermented alkoloid extract contain more alkaloids than the fermented one. The methanol extract was also more active than the fermented one, suggesting that non-alkaloid compounds in this extract could posses this activity. An additional test to check wether this extract can improve cognitive function and memory was performed by acetylcholinesterase inhibitory assay. Both fermented and unfermented alkaloid extracts could inhibit acetylcholinesterase with IC 50 being 0.303 mg/ml and 0.330 mg/ml, respectively. However, the major alkaloid in the extract, mesembrine, did not show inhibition of the enzyme. A TLC based test proved that other alkaloids in the extract were responsible to the activity

    Phytochemical Contents of Torbangun (Coleus amboinicus Lour) from Fractionation of Pressurized Liquid Extraction

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    Coleus amboinicus (Lour) (torbangun) has been used traditionally as a breast milk stimulant, flavoring agent in many cuisines, and reported to possess many pharmacological values. The aim of this study was to explore the utility of the Pressurized Liquid Extraction (PLE) technique to identify the phytochemical contents of torbangun. In this study, total phenolic content and flavonoid in torbangun were determined using spectrophotometric method. The GC-MS analysis was used to identify the chemical constituents of torbangun, which was sequentially extracted with a wide range of solvent or solvent mixture from nonpolar-moderately polar and finally polar solvent. Total phenolic and flavonoid contents in the methanol extract of torbangun were 42.17±2.96 mg GAE/g and 11.20±0.58 mg QE/g, respectively. The identified chemical constituents in torbangun were sugar, hydrocarbon, ketone, terpenes, phenolics, fatty acid, fatty alcohol, steroids, alkaloids, and others, whereas the dominant constituents were phenolic compound, alkane, and sugar. In conclusion, this study demonstrated the effectiveness and rapid extraction of the PLE technique. Many valuable compounds in torbangun were extracted using gradual composition of solvent and were able to identify certain compounds in different polarities of solvents that are important in functional food preparation, pharmaceutical, and metabolomics research. Keywords: bioactive, extract, nontoxic, plant, solven

    Pengujian Toksisitas Akut LD50 Infusa Benalu Teh (Scurrula sp.) dengan Menggunakan Mencit (Mus musculus)

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efek pemberian infusa benalu teh (Scurrula sp.) terhadap toksisitas akut lethal dose 50 (LD50) dan mengkaji perubahan histopatologi hati, ginjal, dan limpa mencit. Sebanyak 30 ekor mencit jantan dan 30 ekor mencit betina dibagi menjadi enam kelompok dan lima ulangan. Mencit percobaan yang tidak diberi infusa benalu teh dikelompokkan sebagai kontrol, sedangkan yang diberi infusa benalu teh dosis 1, 5, 10, 15, dan 20 g/kg BB dikelompokkan sebagai perlakuan. Pemberian infusa benalu teh dilakukan satu kali pada awal penelitian secara oral kemudian mencit diamati gejala klinis, mortalitas, dan bobot badan. Pada akhir penelitian (hari ke-14), mencit percobaan dikorbankan untuk dievaluasi secara histopatologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian infusa benalu teh pada mencit sampai dengan dosis 20 g/kg BB tidak menimbulkan kematian ataupun gejala klinis spesifik serta pertumbuhan normal. Gambaran histopatologi menunjukkan bahwa pemberian infusa benalu teh pada semua mencit percobaan sampai dengan dosis 20 g/kg BB tidak ditemukan adanya degenerasi maupun nekrosis pada organ hati, ginjal, maupun limpa. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa infusa benalu teh dikelompokkan dalam sediaan praktis tidak toksik dan tidak menimbulkan kelainan pada organ hati, ginjal, maupun limpa

    Formulasi Mi Kering Sagu dengan Substitusi Tepung Kacang Hijau

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    Starch Noodles (SN) are produced from purified starch or combined flour from various plant sources. Sago starch is one of indigenous Indonesian flours that can be used for making SN. The physical characteristics that greatly affect the quality of rehydrated SN are cooking loss, elongation, hardness and adhesiveness/stickiness. Starch noodles have low of cooking loss but high hardness value, so it is less preferred. The purpose of this study was to obtain the optimum formulation of noodles made of sago with mung bean flour substitution. Formula optimization was done by using Mixture Design (DX7) with sago starch and mung bean flour as variables (80-100% and 0-20%; respectively). Mung bean flour substitution reduced hardness, adhesiveness and elongation of sago noodles, yet it increased the cooking loss. The best formulation based on physic-chemical characterization was SN with substitution of 4,7% mung bean flour. This sago noodles had 1996,03 gf hardness, -19,2 gf adhesiveness, 214,35% elongation and 10,82% cooking loss. Sensory test results for the most optimum formulation showed that the SN was not significantly different with those of commercial wheat noodle.ABSTRAKMi pati merupakan mi yang dibuat dari pati dan atau kombinasi tepung dari bahan non terigu. Bahan baku non-terigu indigenous Indonesia yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat mi pati adalah sagu. Karakteristik fisik yang sangat mempengaruhi kualitas mi setelah direhidrasi adalah cooking loss, elongasi, kekerasan dan kelengketan. Mi yang dibuat dari bahan dasar pati memiliki cooking loss yang rendah namun kekerasan yang tinggi, sehingga kurang disukai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan formulasi optimum dari mi berbahan dasar sagu dengan substitusi tepung kacang hijau, sehingga dapat dihasilkan mi yang baik secara fisik dan diterima secara organoleptik. Optimasi formulasi dilakukan menggunakan Mixture Design (DX7) dengan variabel berupa persentase pati sagu (80-100%) dan tepung kacang hijau (0-20%). Substitusi tepung kacang hijau dapat menurunkan kekerasan, kelengketan, dan elongasi mi sagu, namun meningkatkan cooking loss. Produk optimum mi sagu diperoleh dengan substitusi tepung kacang hijau 4,7%. Pada kondisi ini mi sagu memiliki karakteristik kekerasan 1996,03 gf, skor kelengketan -19,2 gf, skor elongasi 214,35% dan skor cooking loss 10,82%. Uji sensori terhadap mi sagu formula optimum menunjukkan bahwa mi sagu yang dibuat secara keseluruhan tidak berbeda nyata dengan mi kering terigu komersial


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    The aim of this study was to obtain the most optimum rice analogue formulation made from corn, sago, soybean, and rice brans. DX7 Mixture Design program was used to achieve the purpose. Antioxidant and lightness were used as the analysis response. The rice was then characterized for physical and chemical properties, antioxidant activity, and glycemic index. The most optimum rice analogue formulation based on the value of antioxidant and brightness parameters consisted of 32.17% corn flour, 16.67% sagoo flour, 13.3% soybean flour, rice brans 3.16%, and 1.33% GMS (the water added was 50% of the amount of the dough). The formulation showed that the rice analogue was potential to be developed into a functional food that supplies fiber 13.30% (> 6.00%), had low glycemic index (54±18) with 28.02%. amylose , contained bioactive components that acts as antioxidants, such as α-tocopherols 1.00% and ϒ-oryzanol, 48.70%.Keywords: antioxidant, glicemic index, oryzanol, rice analog, tocopherol