128 research outputs found

    Network on Chip for FPGA: Development of a test system for Network on Chip

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    Testing and verification of digital systems is an essential part of product develop-ment. The Network on Chip(NoC), as a new paradigm within interconnections;has a specific need for testing. This is to determine how performance and prop-erties of the NoC are compared to the requirements of different systems such asprocessors or media applications.A NoC has been developed within the AHEAD project to form a basis for areconfigurable platform used in the AHEAD system. This report gives an outlineof the project to develop testing and benchmarking systems for a NoC. The specificwork has been regarding the development of a generic module connected to theNoC and capability of testing the NoCs properties. The test system was initiatedby Ivar Ersland in 2009 and developed further by Andreas HepsĂž, and MagnusNamork in the fall of 2010. The functionality and systems that are implementedare the following: Fully functional Hardware/Software interface which deïŹnes communicationbetween NoC the user Reactive system which responds to interaction based on package information MPEG example system that mimics an MPEG data stream Software reconfiguration of the traffic tables by sending specific packages tothe system Cell processor example application to test simple computation and commu-nicating modules on the networkThe systems have been tested successfully, verified and implemented on a XilinxSpartan FPGA. It has also been developed a software system written in C to read and interpret data from the Network in on-chip tests. In total these imple-mentations have been the foundation of building a benchmarking platform for theNoC

    Ansatte i styret : hvordan ansatterepresentanter vurderer sin innflytelse, generelt og under en fusjonsbeslutning

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    Teoriene om Corporate Governance og Industrial Relations omhandler henholdsvis maktfordeling og interesseforskjeller i et selskap eller et styre. Debatten om Corporate Governance er svÊrt aktuell i dagens samfunn, men til nÄ finnes det lite forskning pÄ de ansattes rolle i styringen av et selskap. Med utgangspunkt i de interesseforskjeller som foreligger mellom eiere, ledelsen og de ansatte, har denne oppgaven forsÞkt Ä kartlegge hvordan ansattes representanter i styret vurderer egen innflytelse i styret og sitt bidrag til Corporate Governance. Oppgaven vurderer grad av innflytelse bÄde generelt, og med utgangspunkt i styrets beslutning om en fusjon. Vi finner at samtlige av de ansatterepresentantene som ble intervjuet, vurderer sin rolle i styret som svÊrt viktig, hovedsakelig fordi de bidrar med andre nÞdvendige innfallsvinkler enn de eierrepresentantene sitter med. Her blir dessuten forberedelser i forkant av styremÞter og saklige argumenter ansett som viktig for Ä skape tyngde bak innfallsvinklene. Kobling mellom rollen som tillitsvalgt og ansatterepresentant vurderes ogsÄ som viktig, i det at oppgaven som tillitsvalgt skaper legitimitet som styrerepresentant hos bÄde ledelsen og de ansatte. Videre er god kjennskap til organisasjonen fra innsiden en faktor som bidrar til Þkt innflyelse, spesielt i saker som omhandler omstilling eller nedbemanning og som har direkte konsekvenser for de ansatte

    Severe Allergic Reactions to Food in Norway: A Ten Year Survey of Cases Reported to the Food Allergy Register

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    The Norwegian Food Allergy Register was established at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health in 2000. The purpose of the register is to gain information about severe allergic reactions to food in Norway and to survey food products in relation to allergen labelling and contamination. Cases are reported on a voluntary basis by first line doctors, and submitted together with a serum sample for specific IgE analysis. The register has received a total of 877 reports from 1 July, 2000 to 31 December, 2010. Two age groups, small children and young adults are over-represented, and the overall gender distribution is 40:60 males-females. The legumes lupine and fenugreek have been identified as two “new” allergens in processed foods and cases of contamination and faults in production of processed foods have been revealed. The highest frequency of food specific IgE is to hazelnuts and peanuts, with a marked increase in reactions to hazelnuts during the last three years. The Food Allergy Register has improved our knowledge about causes and severity of food allergic reactions in Norway. The results show the usefulness of population based national food allergy registers in providing information for health authorities and to secure safe food for individuals with food allergies

    Physicochemical characterisation of combustion particles from vehicle exhaust and residential wood smoke

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    BACKGROUND: Exposure to ambient particulate matter has been associated with a number of adverse health effects. Particle characteristics such as size, surface area and chemistry seem to influence the negative effects of particles. In this study, combustion particles from vehicle exhaust and wood smoke, currently used in biological experiments, were analysed with respect to microstructure and chemistry. METHODS: Vehicle exhaust particles were collected in a road tunnel during two seasons, with and without use of studded tires, whereas wood smoke was collected from a stove with single-stage combustion. Additionally, a reference diesel sample (SRM 2975) was analysed. The samples were characterised using transmission electron microscopy techniques (TEM/HRTEM, EELS and SAED). Furthermore, the elemental and organic carbon fractions were quantified using thermal optical transmission analysis and the content of selected PAHs was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. RESULTS: Carbon aggregates, consisting of tens to thousands of spherical primary particles, were the only combustion particles identified in all samples using TEM. The tunnel samples also contained mineral particles originating from road abrasion. The geometric diameters of primary carbon particles from vehicle exhaust were found to be significantly smaller (24 ± 6 nm) than for wood smoke (31 ± 7 nm). Furthermore, HRTEM showed that primary particles from both sources exhibited a turbostratic microstructure, consisting of concentric carbon layers surrounding several nuclei in vehicle exhaust or a single nucleus in wood smoke. However, no differences were detected in the graphitic character of primary particles from the two sources using SAED and EELS. The total PAH content was higher for combustion particles from wood smoke as compared to vehicle exhaust, whereas no source difference was found for the ratio of organic to total carbon. CONCLUSION: Combustion particles from vehicle exhaust and residential wood smoke differ in primary particle diameter, microstructure, and PAH content. Furthermore, the analysed samples seem suitable for assessing the influence of physicochemical characteristics of particles on biological responses

    Changes in Sensitization Rate to Weed Allergens in Children with Increased Weeds Pollen Counts in Seoul Metropolitan Area

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    The prevalence of allergic diseases in children has increased for several decades. We evaluated the correlation between pollen count of weeds and their sensitization rate in Seoul, 1997-2009. Airborne particles carrying allergens were collected daily from 3 stations around Seoul. Skin prick tests to pollen were performed on children with allergic diseases. Ragweed pollen gradually increased between 1999 and 2005, decreased after 2005 and plateaued until 2009 (peak counts, 67 in 2003, 145 in 2005 and 83 grains/m3/day in 2007). Japanese hop pollen increased between 2002 and 2009 (peak counts, 212 in 2006 and 492 grains/m3/day in 2009). Sensitization rates to weed pollen, especially ragweed and Japanese hop in children with allergic diseases, increased annually (ragweed, 2.2% in 2000 and 2.8% in 2002; Japanese hop, 1.4% in 2000 and 1.9% in 2002). The age for sensitization to pollen gradually became younger since 2000 (4 to 6 yr of age, 3.5% in 1997 and 6.2% in 2009; 7 to 9 yr of age, 4.2% in 1997 and 6.4% in 2009). In conclusion, sensitization rates for weed pollens increase in Korean children given increasing pollen counts of ragweed and Japanese hop

    Biochemical and functional characterization of Helicobacter pylori vesicles

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    Helicobacter pylori can cause peptic ulcer disease and/or gastric cancer. Adhesion of bacteria to the stomach mucosa is an important contributor to the vigour of infection and resulting virulence. H. pylori adheres primarily via binding of BabA adhesins to ABO/Lewis b (Leb) blood group antigens and the binding of SabA adhesins to sialyl-Lewis x/a (sLex/a) antigens. Similar to most Gram-negative bacteria, H. pylori continuously buds off vesicles and vesicles derived from pathogenic bacteria often include virulence-associated factors. Here we biochemically characterized highly purified H. pylori vesicles. Major protein and phospholipid components associated with the vesicles were identified with mass spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance. A subset of virulence factors present was confirmed by immunoblots. Additional functional and biochemical analysis focused on the vesicle BabA and SabA adhesins and their respective interactions to human gastric epithelium. Vesicles exhibit heterogeneity in their protein composition, which were specifically studied in respect to the BabA adhesin. We also demonstrate that the oncoprotein, CagA, is associated with the surface of H. pylori vesicles. Thus, we have explored mechanisms for intimate H. pylori vesicle–host interactions and found that the vesicles carry effector-promoting properties that are important to disease development

    Outer Membrane Vesicles Derived from Escherichia coli Induce Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome

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    Sepsis, characterized by a systemic inflammatory state that is usually related to Gram-negative bacterial infection, is a leading cause of death worldwide. Although the annual incidence of sepsis is still rising, the exact cause of Gram-negative bacteria-associated sepsis is not clear. Outer membrane vesicles (OMVs), constitutively secreted from Gram-negative bacteria, are nano-sized spherical bilayered proteolipids. Using a mouse model, we showed that intraperitoneal injection of OMVs derived from intestinal Escherichia coli induced lethality. Furthermore, OMVs induced host responses which resemble a clinically relevant condition like sepsis that was characterized by piloerection, eye exudates, hypothermia, tachypnea, leukopenia, disseminated intravascular coagulation, dysfunction of the lungs, hypotension, and systemic induction of tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-6. Our study revealed a previously unidentified causative microbial signal in the pathogenesis of sepsis, suggesting OMVs as a new therapeutic target to prevent and/or treat severe sepsis caused by Gram-negative bacterial infection

    Land cover and air pollution are associated with asthma hospitalisations:A cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: There is increasing policy interest in the potential for vegetation in urban areas to mitigate harmful effects of air pollution on respiratory health. We aimed to quantify relationships between tree and green space density and asthma-related hospitalisations, and explore how these varied with exposure to background air pollution concentrations. METHODS: Population standardised asthma hospitalisation rates (1997-2012) for 26,455 urban residential areas of England were merged with area-level data on vegetation and background air pollutant concentrations. We fitted negative binomial regression models using maximum likelihood estimation to obtain estimates of asthma-vegetation relationships at different levels of pollutant exposure. RESULTS: Green space and gardens were associated with reductions in asthma hospitalisation when pollutant exposures were lower but had no significant association when pollutant exposures were higher. In contrast, tree density was associated with reduced asthma hospitalisation when pollutant exposures were higher but had no significant association when pollutant exposures were lower. CONCLUSIONS: We found differential effects of natural environments at high and low background pollutant concentrations. These findings can provide evidence for urban planning decisions which aim to leverage health co-benefits from environmental improvements
