272 research outputs found

    Namibia : the Ideology of National Liberation

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    SUMMARY The article examines the distinctive ideological character of Southern African national liberation, compared with earlier African nationalism. The case study is the Political Programme of Namibia's liberation movement, SWAPO. Its theme is to differentiate national (political independence, national unity, egalitarianism) from liberation goals (social emancipation, mobilisation, self reliance). This distinction is vital in terms of determining the character of post?colonial restructuring in an independent African state. RÉSUMÉ Namibie : L'idéologie de la libération nationale Cet article examine le caractère idéologique particulier de la libération nationale dans le sud de l'Afrique et la compare au nationalisme africain antérieur. L'étude de cas est le Programme politique du mouvement de libération de la Namibie, SWAPO. Son but est de différencier les objectifs nationaux (indépendance politique, unité nationale, égalit?arisme) des objectifs de libération (émancipation sociale, mobilisation, autonomie). Cette distinction est vitale pour déterminer le caractère de la restructuration post?coloniale d'un état africain indépendant. RESUMEN Namibia : la ideología de la liberación nacional En el artículo se examina el carácter ideológico distintivo de la liberación nacional de Africa Meridional, comparada con anteriores nacionalismos africanos. El estudio de casos es el programa político del movimiento de liberación de Namibia, SWAPO. Su tema consiste en establecer diferencias nacionales (independencia política, unidad nacional, igualdad) con los objectivos de liberación (emancipación social, movilización, autodependencia). Esta distinción es vital para determinar el carácter de la reestrucuración posterior al periodo colonial en un estado africano independiente

    Vote of Thanks by H.E. Sam Nujoma, President of the Republic of Namibia

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    warm welcome and customary Nigerian hospitalit

    Namibia freedom rally

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    Die mense van Namibia het uiteindelik hul vryheid gekry! Hulle het getriomf teenoor die koloniale regering in Pretoria en die brutale apartheid magte. Die mense van Namibia sal binnekort hulle self kan begin regeer. Hulle sal ’n nuwe nasie bou - vry van onderdmkking en uitbuiting

    O perfil de docentes para o Ensino Tutorial de cursos de medicina: um processo orientador para a construção de problemas da realidade local

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    Medicine courses have in their curricular guidelines a proposal for the implementation of teaching based on the community that the institution is inserted. The objective here is to know the profile of the teachers of the Tutorial Teaching of a medical course. This is a descriptive, quantitative, prospective study, carried out with the professor of the tutorial teaching module in the 2018.2 and 2019.1 semesters of the medical course of a public institution, with 50% of the teachers having between 5 and 10 years of teaching career. All were experienced with tutorial teaching. The majority (57%) found themselves for at least 2 years without capacitation aimed at tutorial teaching. The participating teachers were from the most diverse courses. The majority (57%) said they were close or very close to the local reality before tutorial teaching. Even after their insertion in tutorial teaching, 43% of the teachers reported little proximity. All teachers responded that they had reasonable knowledge about the topics discussed in tutoring. 29% considered little to follow the intervention step performed by students in tutorial teaching. 83% reported that learning about the topics discussed is considered reasonable. The most varied topics were covered in tutorial teaching: communicable and non-communicable diseases, parasitic diseases and, environmental and social problems.Los cursos de medicina tienen en sus pautas curriculares la propuesta de implementar la enseñanza basada en la comunidad en la que se inserta la institución. El objetivo es conocer el perfil de los docentes de Educación Tutorial en un curso de medicina. Este es un estudio descriptivo, cuantitativo y prospectivo, realizado con los maestros del módulo de enseñanza tutorial en los semestres 2018.2 y 2019.1 del curso de medicina de una institución pública. El 50% de los docentes tienen entre 5 y 10 años de carrera docente. Todos tenían experiencia con la enseñanza tutorial. La mayoría (57%) había estado sin capacitación durante al menos 2 años para la enseñanza tutorial. Los profesores participantes pertenecían a los cursos más diversos. La mayoría (57%) respondió que están cerca o muy cerca de la realidad local antes de la enseñanza tutorial. Incluso después de su inserción en la enseñanza tutorial, el 43% de los maestros que informaron poca proximidad. Todos los maestros respondieron que tenían un conocimiento razonable sobre los temas discutidos en la tutoría. El 29% se consideraba no cercano a la etapa de intervención realizada por los estudiantes en la enseñanza tutorial. 83% de los professores informaron que consideraban que aprender sobre los temas discutidos era razonable. Los temas más variados fueron cubiertos en la enseñanza tutorial: enfermedades transmisibles y no transmisibles, enfermedades parasitarias y problemas ambientales y sociales.Os cursos de Medicina possuem em suas diretrizes curriculares a proposta de implementar um ensino baseado na comunidade em que a instituição se encontra inserida. Objetiva-se conhecer o perfil dos docentes do Ensino Tutorial de um curso da Medicina. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, quantitativo, prospectivo, realizado com os docentes do módulo de ensino tutorial nos semestres 2018.2 e 2019.1 do curso de Medicina de uma instituição pública, sendo que 50% dos docentes estão entre 5 e 10 anos de carreira docente. Todos encontravam-se com experiência no ensino tutorial. A maioria (57%) encontrava-se há pelo menos 2 anos sem capacitação voltada para ensino tutorial. Os docentes participantes eram dos mais diversos cursos. A maioria (57%) respondeu estarem próximos ou muito próximos da realidade local antes do ensino tutorial. Mesmo após sua inserção no ensino tutorial, 43% dos docentes relataram pouca proximidade. Todos os docentes responderam que possuíam conhecimento razoável sobre os temas discutidos na tutoria. 29% consideraram-se pouco próximos da etapa de intervenção realizada pelos discentes no ensino tutorial. 83% relataram que consideravam razoável o aprendizado sobre os temas discutidos. Foram abordados os mais variados temas no ensino tutorial: doenças transmissíveis e não transmissíveis, doenças parasitárias, e problemas ambientais e sociais

    Promoting Entrepreneurship amid Youth in Windhoek’s Informal Settlements: A Namibian Case

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    Considering the high unemployment rate among Namibian youth and a lack of job opportunities, the promotion of entrepreneurship has gained wider attention in the country. A number of initiatives have been started such as entrepreneurship trainings and workshops, business idea competitions, etc. All these aim to inspire young people to think of alternative income sources. As part of a two-year funded community outreach research and development (R&D) project, we have investigated participatory approaches to engage marginalized youth into conceptualizing their own context, imparting skills, and deriving new career paths. This article reports and reflects on one of the interventions we have recently concluded with a group of youth in Havana, an informal settlement in the outskirts of Windhoek. We conducted what we entitled “The Havana Entrepreneur”, a series of interactions inspired upon the model of the American reality game show “The Apprentice”. Over a number of weeks two youth groups were given challenges to tackle by means of competing against one another. After completion of each challenge, groups were rated by a number of judges on skills demonstrated such as marketing, presentation, reflection and creativity among others. We observed an increase in, and improvement of skills revealed along tasks’ completion, besides an openly expressed self-realization and discovery of abilities by participants. Moreover, the youth are currently engaged in the continuation of activities beyond the initial entrepreneurial interactions. Thus we suggest replicating “The Havana Entrepreneur”, including the recording on camera of it by the youth themselves as a new mode to instigating a wider entrepreneurial spirit in informal settlements

    CDKN project at a glance

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    The aim is to strengthen horizontal relationships among government departments at sub-national level, support the mainstreaming of gender and climate change into national rural development strategies, and enhance local participation of vulnerable people on income generating activities. The Adaptation at Scale in Semi-Arid Regions (ASSAR) project identified factors that constrain adaptation planning and implementation in Namibia. This Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) project brief provides an outline of a number of programmes, along with project partners and their roles, as well as a table describing Project Outcomes, Deliverables and Status of the project