630 research outputs found

    A Survey of Growth and Development Issues of the Pacific Islands

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    This paper is a survey of some key variables with an international dimension and implications for growth and development policies in selected Pacific island countries. Results from a simple growth accounting exercise show that factor accumulation is the most dominant growth factor and that the contribution of total factor productivity is negligible. Therefore, increasing the investment rate to improve growth rate is a pragmatic medium-term policy option. Further, econometric analysis shows that foreign aid has a negligible effect on output and growth in Fiji, Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea.macroeconomic analyses, economic growth, development issues, Pacific islands

    Survey on Managing XML Search through Personalization

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    Information Retrieval IR based on keyword on web has become very significant and XML has become the widely used format for sharing of information. The number of resources of information has increased significantly and retrieval of correct data according to user preference may not be achieved efficiently. In order to improve the search of XML documents according to the user requirement and preference we use personalized search based on user preference stored as an XML. The problem in personalized search is in identifying the correct preferences based on the search text. In this paper we have done a survey of papers related to XML search and personalization. From this survey we have come up with a proposed solution, to store the user preferences with keywords and sub preferences as an XML document and related text as keywords. To identify the user preferences based on the query the user preference XML is loaded. The user preference nodes related to the keyword is identified and ranked based ranking function of top k algorithm. The documents will now be listed based on keyword and also based on keyword and preference node combination. The relevance status value of the resulting documents will be identified in both the search and the final search result will be listed by considering the RSV value using the re-ranking strategies. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15039


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    In Ayurveda Classics Rasaushadhi are prepare from Ashtasanskarita Parada because of its Rasayana guna and therapeutic properties, but it require great patience, time, skill and money hence a way has been given in the literature i.e. Hingulatha parada can be used in place of Astha sunskarita parada. Present study done with the aim of pharmaceutical Standardization of Extraction of Hingullotha Parada & study for usefulness of Hingullotha parada instead of Ashtasanskarita Parada in Ayurveda formulations.In the present study Extraction of Hingullotha Parada done three times then last three Sanskaras were done for Gunavardhana. After extraction of Hingullotha Parada % of yield was 42.61 % that is less it may be because of instrumental error.In Ashtasanskara of Parada last three Sanskar Bodhana, Niyamana & Deepan are having Gunavardhana property. Deepan sanskar improve Boobhuksha (bonding capacity) of Parada. After go through the classics it can be conclude that Hingullotha parada can be use instead of Astasanskarit Parada. And last three Sanskara can be doing for Gunavardhana (improving the Rasayana & Rogashamana property of Parada)

    Investigating the Early Stages of Person Perception: The Asymmetry of Social Categorization by Sex vs. Age

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    The wealth of information provided by facial cues presents challenges to our understanding of these early stages of person perception. The current study aimed to uncover the dynamics of processing multiply categorizable faces, notably as a function of their gender and age. Using a modified four-choice version of a mouse-tracking paradigm (which assesses the relative dominance of two categorical dimensions), the relative influence that sex and age have on each other during categorization of infant, younger adult, and older adult faces was investigated. Results of these experiments demonstrate that when sex and age dimensions are simultaneously categorized, only for infant faces does age influence sex categorization. In contrast, the sex of both young and older adults was shown to influence age categorization. The functional implications of these findings are discussed in light of previous person perception research

    Investigating the Early Stages of Person Perception: The Asymmetry of Social Categorization by Sex vs. Age

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    The wealth of information provided by facial cues presents challenges to our understanding of these early stages of person perception. The current study aimed to uncover the dynamics of processing multiply categorizable faces, notably as a function of their gender and age. Using a modified four-choice version of a mouse-tracking paradigm (which assesses the relative dominance of two categorical dimensions), the relative influence that sex and age have on each other during categorization of infant, younger adult, and older adult faces was investigated. Results of these experiments demonstrate that when sex and age dimensions are simultaneously categorized, only for infant faces does age influence sex categorization. In contrast, the sex of both young and older adults was shown to influence age categorization. The functional implications of these findings are discussed in light of previous person perception research

    ANC with acute abdomen: a case report from secondary care hospital, Western Maharashtra

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    Female body undergoes numerous anatomical and physiological changes in pregnancy which make diagnosis and management of acute abdomen in pregnancy as a most challenging situation. This may lead to dilemma and delayed identification of spectrum of causes of acute abdomen in pregnancy ultimately resulting in maternal and foetal morbidity and mortality. This case was to identify the spectrum of causes, the clinical presentation and diagnostic dilemma of acute abdomen in pregnancy. We presented one of the unusual and rare cause of acute abdomen with hemoperitoneum. Patient underwent emergency laparotomy with peritoneal wash with no obvious bleeding cause but evidence pointing towards vascular tumour or sub-serosal fibroid. The diagnosis remained obscured. The dilemma was attributed to higher radiological imaging with possibility of Haemorrhagic corpus luteum and non-viable heterotopic pregnancy. The cause of bleeding could not be identified with higher imaging due to contraindicated use of contrast enhanced MRI/CT and other alternatives due to radiation exposure in pregnancy. Diagnosis and treatment of acute abdomen in pregnancy should be individualized for better prognosis. Good clinical acumen is essential for ordering early diagnosis and intervention in acute abdomen in pregnancy

    Effectiveness of Aroma Therapy on Quality of Sleep among Blind Children in Selected Blind School, Salem

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    A study to evaluate the effectiveness of aroma therapy on quality of sleep among blind children in selected blind school, Salem. The design adopted was true experimental design. Setting of the study was Government School for blind (experimental group), national association school for blind (control group). The sample size was 60 and was drawn through simple random sampling technique (Lottery method). The data gathered were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistical method and interpretations were made on the basis of the objectives of the study. In experimental group among 30 children in pre test, 5(16.6%) of them had good quality of sleep, 11(36.6%) of them had fair quality of sleep and 14(46.6%) of them had poor quality of sleep. In post test 12 (40%) of them had good quality of sleep, 15 (50%) of them had fair quality of sleep and 3 (10%) of them poor quality of sleep. In control group among 30 children in pre test 7 (23.3%) of them had good quality of sleep, 12 (40%) had fair quality of sleep and 11 (36.6%) of them had poor quality of sleep. In post test 5 (16.6%) of them had good quality of sleep, 13 (43.3%) had fair quality of sleep and 12 (40%) of them had poor quality of sleep. In experimental group mean score was 31.13 ± 12.82, where as in control group, mean was 46.6 ± 15.75. The calculated ‘t’ value (4.368 at p = 0.05 level) shows that aroma therapy was effective to improve the quality of sleep. Hence the hypothesis H1 is retained. There was no significant association between the quality of sleep among blind children and their demographic variables in experimental and control group. Hence the hypothesis H2 is rejected

    Bioactivities of extracts from the marine sponge Halichondria panicea

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    In the present study, we screened the biological activity of extracts from the marine sponge Halichondria panicea collected in the Arabian Sea. Crude toxin was obtained by methanol, chloroform-methanol (2:1) and aqueous extraction. Subsequently, the protein concentration of each crude extract was determined. The impact of both sponge methanolic and aqueous extracts was found to increase activities of Na+-K+ ATP-ase and Mg++ ATP-ase. In the case of chloroform-methanol extract, higher concentrations increased acetylcholine esterase (AchE) activity. The methanolic and chloroform-methanol extracts exhibited hemolytic activity on chicken and human erythrocytes, whereas the aqueous extract failed to do so. Methanol and aqueous extracts produced an immunostimulating effect and all extracts revealed angiogenic activity. The aqueous extract yielded nine bands by SDS-PAGE on 12% gel