1,454 research outputs found

    Distinctiveness Centrality in Social Networks

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    The determination of node centrality is a fundamental topic in social network studies. As an addition to established metrics, which identify central nodes based on their brokerage power, the number and weight of their connections, and the ability to quickly reach all other nodes, we introduce five new measures of Distinctiveness Centrality. These new metrics attribute a higher score to nodes keeping a connection with the network periphery. They penalize links to highly-connected nodes and serve the identification of social actors with more distinctive network ties. We discuss some possible applications and properties of these newly introduced metrics, such as their upper and lower bounds. Distinctiveness centrality provides a viewpoint of centrality alternative to that of established metrics

    First--order continuous models of opinion formation

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    We study certain nonlinear continuous models of opinion formation derived from a kinetic description involving exchange of opinion between individual agents. These models imply that the only possible final opinions are the extremal ones, and are similar to models of pure drift in magnetization. Both analytical and numerical methods allow to recover the final distribution of opinion between the two extremal ones.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    A new estimate of sand and grout thermal properties in the sandbox experiment for accurate validations of borehole simulation codes

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    Ground-coupled heat pumps usually employ fields of borehole heat exchangers (BHEs), which must be designed by suitable models. In order to validate a BHE model, it is advisable to compare the computation results with experimental data. A well-known data set was provided by Beier et al. (Geothermics 2011, 40) through a laboratory model usually called “sandbox”. Several authors proposed estimates of the thermal properties of the sandbox grout and sand. In this paper, we present a new estimate of those properties, obtained by means of 2D finite-element simulations that consider all the details of the experimental setup, including the thin aluminum pipe at the BHE boundary. Our results show that the measured temperatures in the fluid and in the sand can be reproduced very accurately by considering thermal conductivities 0.863 W/(mK) for the grout and 3.22 W/(mK) for the sand, volumetric heat capacities 4.6 MJ/(m3K) for the grout and 3.07 MJ/(m3K) for the sand, and a slightly enhanced heat capacity of the water contained in the BHE. The 2D simulations are validated by comparison with an analytical solution and by 3D simulations

    Cambridge as a place in economics

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    Cambridge as a geographical reference often crops up in the characterisation of the economic theories and approaches that developed in Cambridge (UK) between the 1920s and the 1960s with the contribution of economists who did not always share the same interests, background or attitudes, but who all lived and worked – for considerable periods of time – in that particular corner of the world. In order to reconstruct the Cambridge of those years and explore the space it represented for economics we have selected a group of economists and a span of time – essentially between the two wars, with a few encroachments in the years following on the death of Keynes. Cambridge was not only a place, but also a play of magnetic forces, drawing together and driving apart, where ideas emerged from an environment formed through intense human and professional relations, a well defined cultural tradition and a way of its own of organising work and study. We present the dramatis personae and the background to their actions, and consider the characteristics of intellectual and personal communication on the basis of which we are led to define the Cambridge economists examined more as a `group' than a school

    quality management in the design of tlc call centers

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    immediate Abstract Call centres rely heavily on the self-service paradigm through the use of an automated IVR (Interactive Voice Response) system. The service time delivered by the IVR is a major component of the overall QoS (Quality of Service) delivered by the call centre. We analyse the structure and service times of IVR systems through a case study of five call centres in the telecommunications sector. The service trees of the call centres under survey are reconstructed by complete exploration and analysed through a set of metrics. The present design of service trees leads to service times typically larger than those spent waiting for a human agent and to excessively long announcements, with a negative impact on the overall QoS. Imbalances in the popularity of the services offered by the IVR can be exploited to reduce remarkably the average service time, by properly matching the most popular services with the shortest service times

    Regularization Techniques for Inverse Problem in DOT Applications

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    Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) is an emerging diagnostic technique which uses near-infra-red light to investigate the optical coefficients distribution in biological tissues. The surface of the tissue is illuminated by light sources, then the outgoing light is measured by detectors placed at various locations on the surface itself. In order to reconstruct the optical coefficients, a mathematical model of light propagation is employed: such model leads to the minimization of the discrepancy between the detected data and the corresponding theoretical field. Due to severe ill-conditioning, regularization techniques are required: common procedures consider mainly \u2113 1-norm (LASSO) and \u2113 2-norm (Tikhonov) regularization. In the present work we investigate two original approaches in this context: The elastic-net regularization, previously used in machine learning problems, and the Bregman procedure. Numerical experiments are performed on synthetic 2D geometries and data, to evaluate the performance of these approaches. The results show that these techniques are indeed suitable choices for practical applications, where DOT is used as a cheap, first-level and almost real-Time screening technique for breast cancer detection

    Approximation of 2d and 3d models of chemotactic cell movement in vasculogenesis

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    Cell migration plays a central role in a wide variety of biological phenomena. In the case of chemotaxis, cells (or an organism) move in response to a chemical gradient. Chemotaxis underlies many events during embrio development and in the adult body. An understanding of chemotaxis is not only gained through laboratory experiments but also through the analysis of model systems, which often are much more amenable to experimental manipulation. This work is concerned with the relaxation schemes for the numerical approximation of a 2D and 3D model for cell movement driven by chemotaxis. More precisely, we consider models arising in the description of blood vessels formation and network formation starting from a random cell distribution

    New radio observations of anomalous microwave emission in the HII region RCW175

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    We have observed the HII region RCW175 with the 64m Parkes telescope at 8.4GHz and 13.5GHz in total intensity, and at 21.5GHz in both total intensity and polarization. High angular resolution, high sensitivity, and polarization capability enable us to perform a detailed study of the different constituents of the HII region. For the first time, we resolve three distinct regions at microwave frequencies, two of which are part of the same annular diffuse structure. Our observations enable us to confirm the presence of anomalous microwave emission (AME) from RCW175. Fitting the integrated flux density across the entire region with the currently available spinning dust models, using physically motivated assumptions, indicates the presence of at least two spinning dust components: a warm component with a relatively large hydrogen number density n_H=26.3/cm^3 and a cold component with a hydrogen number density of n_H=150/cm^3. The present study is an example highlighting the potential of using high angular-resolution microwave data to break model parameter degeneracies. Thanks to our spectral coverage and angular resolution, we have been able to derive one of the first AME maps, at 13.5GHz, showing clear evidence that the bulk of the AME arises in particular from one of the source components, with some additional contribution from the diffuse structure. A cross-correlation analysis with thermal dust emission has shown a high degree of correlation with one of the regions within RCW175. In the center of RCW175, we find an average polarized emission at 21.5GHz of 2.2\pm0.2(rand.)\pm0.3(sys.)% of the total emission, where we have included both systematic and statistical uncertainties at 68% CL. This polarized emission could be due to sub-dominant synchrotron emission from the region and is thus consistent with very faint or non-polarized emission associated with AME.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    A new electric streamer for the characterization of river embankments

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    River embankments are linear earth structures, worldwide diffused, commonly used for flood protection. Their integrity and stability are fundamental prerequisites for the protection efficiency they can offer to the increasing frequency and magnitude of extreme flood events associated to changes in climate. Proper characterization and monitoring are essential to verify the construction requirements of newly built structures and to evaluate the durability of aged ones. Considering their linear extent, the characterization requires not only local geotechnical investigations but also the application of efficient and economically affordable methods. This is even more essential when the investigations are performed after, or in foresee of, significant flood events, when these structures get stressed and timing of the surveys is crucial. In these conditions, new survey methodologies, with the use of mobile systems, are a main research topic. In this paper the application of a new electric streamer, specifically designed for these aims, is presented. The technical solutions adopted for its construction are described and its application to the characterization of three different river embankments is presented. These case studies were chosen in accordance with the Po River Interregional Agency (AIPO), which is the authority deputed to the safety of flood protection structures in North-West Italy, along the hydrographic network of the Po River. The selected embankments are all earth structures, constructed above the natural alluvial soils, but are characterized by different conditions and challenges. The results obtained with the new system were comparable to standard Electric Resistivity Tomography (ERT) methods. The new system has significant advantages in terms of reducing the survey time, improving the efficiency of the surveys and increasing the data coverage. This resulted in a better definition of potentially dangerous anomalies
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