23 research outputs found

    Effects of ultrasonic treatment on the preparation of transparent glass-ceramic phosphor

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    The effects of ultrasonic surface treatment (UST) on the crystallization behavior and optical emission properties were investigated for the transparent glass-ceramics prepared from calcium aluminosilicate glasses co-doped with Eu(2+), Nd(3+). The glass-ceramics A were prepared by sintering a glass 45CaO・45Al(2)O(3)・10SiO(2) (mol%) containing 0.5Eu(2)O(3)+1Nd(2)O(3) under a 2% H(2)+98% Ar reducing atmosphere. In the glass-ceramics A, three crystalline phases, CaAl(2)O(4) (CA), CaAl(4)O(7) (CA2) and Ca(2)Al(2)SiO(7) (CAS) were commonly confirmed by X-ray diffraction. No drastic change in the amount of the precipitated crystalline phases was observed even in the case using UST of CA powders. It was suggested that the optical emission properties of the glass-ceramics A was responsible for the CA2 crystals. The glass-ceramics B were also prepared from a 51CaO・42Al(2)O(3)・7SiO(2) glass. The CA crystals were separately precipitated in the glass-ceramics B. In particular, a large amount of CA was successfully produced by stirring the UST suspension to prevent the sedimentation of the UST particles. The glass-ceramic B so-prepared showed strong photoluminescence but weak phosphorescence compared with other glass-ceramics B, indicating that the photoluminescence and phosphorescence were originated in different electron-trapping levels. The amount of the trap levels associated with the long lasting phosphorescence, such as oxygen vacancies, was probably small in the glass-ceramic B prepared with the stirring UST

    Labeling of alprenolol with fluorescent aryl iodide as a reagent based on Mizoroki-Heck coupling reaction.

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    A novel fluorescent labeling method for alprenolol was developed based on Mizoroki-Heck coupling reaction. We designed and synthesized fluorescent aryl iodide, 4-(4,5-diphenyl-1H-imidazol-2-yl)iodobenzene (DIBI) as a labeling reagent. DIBI has a lophine skeleton carrying an iodide atom acting as fluorophore and reactive center, respectively. In order to evaluate the usefulness of DIBI, a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection method was developed for the determination of alprenolol as a model compound of terminal double bond. The fluorescent labeling of alprenolol with DIBI was achieved in the presence of palladium acetate as a catalyst, and the labeled alprenolol was detected fluorometrically. In addition, it was found that the fluorescence of DIBI derivative increased and red shifted when compared with that of DIBI. Furthermore, the proposed method could be applied to determine the alprenolol concentration in rat plasma after administration of alprenolol without interferences from biological components. The detection limit (S/N=3) for alprenolol in rat plasma was 0.74 ng/mL (30 fmol on column)

    Response to correspondence on Reproducibility of CRISPR-Cas9 Methods for Generation of Conditional Mouse Alleles: A Multi-Center Evaluation

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