58 research outputs found


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    National parliaments play an important role in the European integration process. Parliaments are the main law-making bodies in defining European integration policies, and on the other hand, the parliament oversights the implementation of these policies by the government. This article discusses the practice of the Georgian Parliament's legislative activity on EU issues, the main forms of government oversight on the European integration policy, the powers of the European Integration Committee of the Parliament, and the forms of reaching a multi-party consensus on the European integration affairs. The article shows that the Parliament of Georgia focuses more on legislative activities and is weak in the field of government oversight on the European integration issues. These findings increase our understanding of the role of parliaments in the EU candidate countries where often the executive power dominates the process of policy implementation on European affairs. Keywords: European Union, Parliament, Oversight, Government, Committee, Georgia&nbsp

    Government formation and cabinet types in new democracies: Armenia and Georgia in comparative European perspective

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    This article is an interdisciplinary comparative research in constitutional law and political science on government formation. The article analyses the possibility of application of European model of government formation to models in the post-soviet countries based on the analyses of the constitutional frameworks and key political, contextual factors that influence the formation of different types of governments. The research looks at the processes of government formation in Armenia and Georgia and defines the extent to which the government formation processes correspond to the broader European experience. The article provides an empirical basis for further comparative research on coalition formation in Central and Eastern European as well as newly democratic post-Soviet countries. Article is based on constitutional system and political practice of Armenia and Georgia in 2003–2012

    The Association Agreement and the Implementation of Domestic Reforms towards Strengthening the Rule of Law, in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine

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    The European Union has an Association Agreement with Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine. One of the important commitments of this document is to bring the rule of law, democracy, and human rights systems closer to European standards. This article discusses the reforms carried out in the above mentioned Eastern Partnership countries in the field of rule of law and the developments, achievements, and current challenges of democratic institutions. It also analyzes the role of the European Union and the legal significance of the Association Agreement in ensuring progress towards the rule of law and democratic transformation

    The Formalist Resistance to Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments

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    Many courts around the world have either asserted or exercised the power to invalidate a constitutional amendment. But we should not take the increasing prevalence of the doctrine of unconstitutional constitutional amendment as evidence of its appropriateness for all constitutional states. It is imperative that constitutional actors know that there is another answer to the question whether an amendment can be unconstitutional. We have three purposes in this Article, and we seek to fulfill each of them with reference to three jurisdictions in particular—France, Georgia, and Turkey—whose constitutions and attendant constitutional practices have expressly rejected the doctrine in a way that reflects what we describe as their shared formalist resistance to unconstitutional constitutional amendments. We seek first to demonstrate that the doctrine of unconstitutional constitutional amendment has not yet matured into a global norm of constitutionalism. We seek also to explain how a jurisdiction that expressly rejects the idea of an unconstitutional constitutional amendment operates in the face of an amendment that would otherwise be invalidated as unconstitutional in a jurisdiction that has adopted the doctrine. We finally seek to evaluate what is gained and lost in a constitutional state by rejecting the doctrine. We find that there are both democracy-enhancing and democracy-weakening consequences that follow from the choice to reject the doctrine outright. Our larger purpose—to diversify our thinking about what risks becoming seen as a necessary feature of constitutionalism but that design and practice show plainly is not—is inherent in the project itself

    Constitutional Reforms on Electoral System for Consolidation of Parliamentary Democracy in Georgia

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    The article presented deals with the analysis of electoral reform in Georgia. As a result of the 2017–2018 constitutional reform Georgia has fully shifted to parliamentary system of government, and the process of choosing an electoral system is currently under discussion. Since the restoration of independence, Georgia’s electoral system has undergone many changes, with a consistently mixed electoral system being used during this period. This system has consistently ensured the creation of a strong one-party parliamentary majority, often a supermajority. This article discusses the electoral history of Georgia and the main positive and negative aspects of the current system. Significant attention is paid to the ongoing discussions between the government and the opposition in Georgia, and the main useful arguments of the proportional electoral system. The article finally presents some conclusions about the changes in the electoral system

    The Formalist Resistance to Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments

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    45 páginasMany courts around the world have either asserted or exercised the power to invalidate a constitutional amendment. But we should not take the increasing prevalence of the doctrine of unconstitutional constitutional amendment as evidence of its appropriateness for all constitutional states. It is imperative that constitutional actors know that there is another answer to the question whether an amendment can be unconstitutional. We have three purposes in this Article, and we seek to fulfill each of them with reference to three juris-dictions in particular—France, Georgia, and Turkey—whose constitutions and attendant constitutional practices have expressly rejected the doctrine in a way that reflects what we describe as their shared formalist resistance to uncons-titutional constitutional amendments. We seek first to demonstrate that the doctrine of unconstitutional constitutional amendment has not yet matured into a global norm of constitutionalism. We seek also to explain how a juris-diction that expressly rejects the idea of an unconstitutional constitutional amendment operates in the face of an amendment that would otherwise be invalidated as unconstitutional in a jurisdiction that has adopted the doctrine. We finally seek to evaluate what is gained and lost in a constitutional state by rejecting the doctrine. We find that there are both democracy-enhancing and democracy-weakening consequences that follow from the choice to reject the doctrine outright. Our larger purpose—to diversify our thinking about what risks becoming seen as a necessary feature of constitutionalism but that design and practice show plainly is not—is inherent in the project itself.Numerosas cortes en todo el mundo han evaluado o ejercido la facultad para invalidar una reforma constitucional. Sin embargo, no debemos tomar la creciente prevalencia de la teoría de la reforma constitucional inconstitucional como evidencia de su conveniencia para todos los Estados constitucionales. Es imperativo que los actores constitucionales comprendan que hay otra respuesta a la pregunta sobre si una reforma puede ser inconstitucional. Este artículo tiene tres objetivos y tratamos de cumplir cada uno de ellos con referencia a tres jurisdicciones específicas, Francia, Georgia y Turquía, cuyas constituciones y prácticas constitucionales concomitantes han rechazado expresamente esta teoría de una manera que refleja lo que describimos como una resistencia formalista común a las reformas constitucionales inconstitucionales. En primer lugar, pretendemos demostrar que la teoría de la reforma constitucional inconstitucional aún no ha madurado lo suficiente como para convertirse en una norma de constitucionalismo global. También procuramos explicar cómo opera una jurisdicción que rechaza expresamente la idea de una reforma constitucional inconstitucional frente a una reforma que, en otras circunstancias, sería invalidada por ser inconstitucional en una jurisdicción donde sí fuese aceptada la teoría. Por último, buscamos evaluar lo que se gana y lo que se pierde en un Estado constitucional cuando se rechaza esta teoría. Uno de los hallazgos es que la decisión de rechazar esta teoría tiene consecuencias tanto de fortalecimiento como de debilitamiento para la democracia. Nuestro propósito más amplio es inherente a nuestra investigación en sí misma: diversificar nuestro pensamiento sobre el riesgo que se corre al considerar la aceptación de la teoría de la reforma constitucional inconstitucional como una característica necesaria del constitucionalismo, cuando el diseño y la práctica constitucional muestran claramente lo contrario

    Effect of 1\u3b1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3 in mutant P53 glioblastoma cells: Involvement of neutral sphingomyelinase1

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    Glioblastoma is one the most aggressive primary brain tumors in adults, and, despite the fact that radiation and chemotherapy after surgical approaches have been the treatments increasing the survival rates, the prognosis of patients remains poor. Today, the attention is focused on highlighting complementary treatments that can be helpful in improving the classic therapeutic approaches. It is known that 1\u3b1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3, a molecule involved in bone metabolism, has many serendipidy effects in cells. It targets normal and cancer cells via genomic pathway by vitamin D3 receptor or via non-genomic pathways. To interrogate possible functions of 1\u3b1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3 in multiforme glioblastoma, we used three cell lines, wild-type p53 GL15 and mutant p53 U251 and LN18 cells. We demonstrated that 1\u3b1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3 acts via vitamin D receptor in GL15 cells and via neutral sphingomyelinase1, with an enrichment of ceramide pool, in U251 and LN18 cells. Changes in sphingomyelin/ceramide content were considered to be possibly responsible for the differentiating and antiproliferative effect of 1\u3b1,25(OH)2 vitamin D in U251 and LN18 cells, as shown, respectively, in vitro by immunofluorescence and in vivo by experiments of xenotransplantation in eggs. This is the first time 1\u3b1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3 is interrogated for the response of multiforme glioblastoma cells in dependence on the p53 mutation, and the results define neutral sphingomyelinase1 as a signaling effector

    Аналіз методів оцінки та впливу полірованості композитних матеріалів на функціональний прогноз реставрацій

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    Summary. Among the proposed USPHS criteria approved by FDI, the level of gloss and polishing of restorations plays a key role in preventing not only such complications  as disocorporations or changes in their texture in the future, but also preventing secondary caries and sealing disintegration, since areas with high roughness play the role of retention points for the accumulation of bacterial plaque and the further progression of the above-described complications.The aim of the study – to analyze the methods for assessing the quality of polishing composite restorations and to determine the role of influence roughness factor of their surface on the prediction of their functioning and change of color stability parameters, formation of biofilm and shine.Materials and Methods. Search of publications related to the topic of this analysis was conducted by the Google Scholar search engine by the keywords "roughness", "polishing", "composite restorations" and their analogues in English. The depth of search, taking into account the age of key articles, determined by the level of their citation in later periodicals, did not exceed 15 years. In order to organize the received data, Microsoft Excel 2016 (Microsoft Office) table editor was used to group  pre-selected articles based on the results of the provided content analysis.Results and Discussion. In the course of the analysis, it was established that the basic laboratory methods for assessing the roughness of the restoration surface, as an indicator of the quality of polishing, are atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and profilometry. Most often, in order to verify the aforementioned parameter in the analyzed studies, the Ra value of mean arithmetic deviation of the profile was used, on the basis of which analysis it was possible to determine the dependence of the possibilities for achieving the corresponding level of restoration polishing on the structure of the composite material used, the system and phases of polishing, and the tribological nature of the interaction of the polishing system and the surface of the restoration.Conclusions. The results of the analysis show that the data obtained in the course of previous clinical and laboratory studies dedicated to the effect of polishing on various restoration parameters are debatable and a more specific systematization is required, with the selection of the investigated aspects of brightness, roughness, color stability and functional prediction changes due to the polishing method in separate independent subjects for research, with further phased combination of them after obtaining unambiguous numerical data, subjected to appropriate objective interpretation.Резюме. Среди предложенных критериев USPHS, одобренных FDI, уровень блеска и полированости реставраций играет одно из ключевых значений для предупреждения не только таких осложнений как дисколорация или изменение их текстуры в будущем, но и для профилактики вторичного кариеса и дезинтеграции пломбы, поскольку площади с повышенной шероховатостью играют роль ретенционных пунктов для накопления бактериального налета и дальнейшего прогрессирования вышеописанных осложнений. Цель исследования – провести анализ методов оценки качества полировки композитных реставраций и определить роль влияния фактора шероховатости их поверхности на прогноз их функционирования и изменение параметров цветоустойчивости, формирование биопленки и блеска. Материалы и методы. Поиск публикаций смежных с темой данного анализа проводился в поисковой системе Google Scholar по ключевым словам «шероховатость», «полированисть», «композитные реставрации» и их аналогов на английском языке. Глубина поиска с учетом возраста ключевых статей, которые определялись по уровню цитируемости в более поздних периодических изданиях, не превышала 15 лет. С целью систематизации полученных данных использовали табличный редактор Microsoft Excel 2016 (Microsoft Office), в котором проводили группировку предварительно отобранных статей по результатам контент-анализа. Результаты и их обсуждение. В ходе проведенного анализа было установлено, что основными лабораторными методами для оценки параметра шероховатости поверхности реставрации, как показателя качества полированости, выступают атомно-силовая микроскопия, сканирующая электронная микроскопия и профилометрия. Чаще всего с целью верификации вышеупомянутого параметра в проанализированных исследованиях использовали показатель Ra – среднего арифметического отклонения профиля, на основе анализа которого удалось установить зависимость возможностей достижения соответствующего уровня полированости реставраций от структуры используемого композитного материала, системы и этапности полировки, трибологической природы взаимодействия системы полировки и поверхности реставрации. Выводы. Результаты проведенного анализа свидетельствуют о том, что данные получены в ходе предыдущих клинических и лабораторных исследований влияния и эффекта полировки на различные параметры реставраций являются дискуссионными и требуются более конкретной систематизации с выделением исследуемых аспектов изменения блеска, шероховатости, цветоустойчивости и функционального прогноза от метода полировки в отдельные независимые тематики для исследований, с поэтапным их сочетанием после получения однозначных многочисленных данных, подвергающихся соответствующей объективной интерпретации.Резюме. Серед запропонованих критеріїв USPHS, одобрених FDI, рівень блиску та полірованості реставрацій відіграє одне з ключових значень для попередження не тільки таких ускладнень як дисколорації чи зміна їх текстури в майбутньому, а й для профілактики вторинного карієсу та дезінтеграції пломби, оскільки площі з підвищеною шорсткістю відіграють роль ретенційних пунктів для накопичення бактеріального нальоту та подальшого прогресування вищеописаних ускладнень.Мета дослідження – провести аналіз методів оцінки якості полірування композитних реставрацій та визначити роль впливу фактора шорсткості їх поверхні на прогноз функціонування та зміну параметрів кольоростійкості, формування біоплівки та блиску.  Матеріали і методи. Пошук публікацій, суміжних із темою даного аналізу, проводили у пошуковій системі Google Scholar за ключовими словами «шорсткість», «полірованість», «композитні реставрації» та їх аналогів англійською мовою. Глибина пошуку з урахуванням віку ключових статей, що визначалися за рівнем цитованості у пізніших періодичних виданнях, не перевищувала 15 років. З метою систематизації отриманих даних використовували табличний редактор Microsoft Excel 2016 (Microsoft Office), у якому відбувалось групування попередньо відібраних статей за результатами контент-аналізу.Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. В ході проведеного аналізу було встановлено, що основними лабораторними методами для оцінки параметру шорсткості поверхні реставрації як показника якості полірованості, виступають атомно-силова мікроскопія, скануюча електронна мікроскопія та профілометрія. Найчастіше з метою верифікації вищезгаданого параметру в проаналізованих дослідженнях використовували показник Ra – середнього арифметичного відхилення профілю, на основі аналізу якого вдалось встановити залежність можливостей досягнення відповідного рівня полірованості реставрацій від структури використовуваного композитного матеріалу, системи та етапності полірування, трибологічної природи взаємодії системи полірування та поверхні реставрації.Висновки. Результати проведеного аналізу свідчать про те, що дані, отримані в ході попередніх клінічних та лабораторних досліджень щодо впливу та ефекту полірування на різні параметри реставрацій, є дискусійними та потребуються більш конкретної систематизації з виокремленням досліджуваних аспектів змін блиску, шорсткості, кольоростійкості та функціонального прогнозу від методу полірування в окремі незалежні тематики для досліджень, з поетапним їх поєднанням після отримання однозначних чисельних даних, що піддаються відповідній об’єктивній інтерпретації

    The role of lipids and fatty acid metabolism in the development of prostate cancer

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    The reprogramming of lipid metabolism and signaling pathways is the central aspect of cancer biology. It is hypothesized that tumor cells can alter the lipid spectrum in order to fulfill their metabolic requirements. Furthermore, they can alter potential tumors and suppressive mechanisms in which lipids' involvement is essential. Recently, more attentions have been given on the alteration of lipid metabolism during prostate cancer development, and investigations have shown unique regulation of "de novo" lipid synthesis in cancer cells. Cancer cells often use newer pathways and enzymes to simplify the synthesis of fatty acids, and the newly synthesized lipids affect cellular processes, which impacts cancer cell proliferation and survival outcomes. Herein, we aimed to study the influence of lipid profile alterations on the development of prostate cancer. We found that the total amounts of lipids and phospholipids were increased within tissues from men with the malignant prostate tumor as compared with the benign prostate tissue. Significant changes were also observed in the composition of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids within the malignant tumor tissues. Intensification of lipid peroxidation has also been observed in malignant prostate tumors compared to benign prostate tumors. Collectively, these findings further highlights the fact that lipid and fatty acids play unique regulatory roles in the cellular development of prostate malignant transformation

    Acid and neutral sphingomyelinase behavior in radiation-induced liver pyroptosis and in the protective/preventive role of rMnSOD

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    Sphingomyelins (SMs) are a class of relevant bioactive molecules that act as key modulators of different cellular processes, such as growth arrest, exosome formation, and the inflammatory response influenced by many environmental conditions, leading to pyroptosis, a form of programmed cell death due to Caspase-1 involvement. To study liver pyroptosis and hepatic SM metabolism via both lysosomal acid SMase (aSMase) and endoplasmic reticulum/nucleus neutral SMase (nSMase) during the exposure of mice to radiation and to ascertain if this process can be modulated by protective molecules, we used an experimental design (previously used by us) to evaluate the effects of both ionizing radiation and a specific protective molecule (rMnSOD) in the brain in collaboration with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna (Russia). As shown by the Caspase-1 immunostaining of the liver sections, the radiation resulted in the loss of the normal cell structure alongside a progressive and dose-dependent increase of the labelling, treatment, and pretreatment with rMnSOD, which had a significant protective effect on the livers. SM metabolic analyses, performed on aSMase and nSMase gene expression, as well as protein content and activity, proved that rMnSOD was able to significantly reduce radiation-induced damage by playing both a protective role via aSMase and a preventive role via nSMase