63 research outputs found

    Non-resonant nonlinear coupling of magnetohydrodynamic waves in inhomogeneous media

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    RevTex4, 4 pages, 4 figuresRevTex4, 4 pages, 4 figuresRevTex4, 4 pages, 4 figuresA new mechanism for the enhanced generation of compressible fluctuations by Alfven waves is presented. A strongly nonlinear regime of Alfven wave phase-mixing is numerically simulated in a one-dimensionally inhomogeneous plasma of finite temperature. It is found that the inhomogeneity of the medium determines the efficiency of nonlinear excitation of magnetoacoustic waves. The level of the compressible fluctuations is found to be higher (up to the factor of two) in inhomogeneous regions. The amplitude of the generated magnetoacoustic wave can reach up to 30% of the source Alfven wave amplitude, and this value is practically independent of the Alfven wave amplitude and the steepness of Alfven speed profile. The highest amplitudes of compressible disturbances are reached in plasmas with beta of about 0.5. The further growth of the amplitude of compressible fluctuations is depressed by saturation

    The Nature and Excitation Mechanisms of Acoustic Oscillations in Solar and Stellar Coronal Loops

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    talk at SOHO15, St. Andrews, Scotland, 6-9 September, 2004, to appear in SOHO15 proceedingstalk at SOHO15, St. Andrews, Scotland, 6-9 September, 2004, to appear in SOHO15 proceedingstalk at SOHO15, St. Andrews, Scotland, 6-9 September, 2004, to appear in SOHO15 proceedingstalk at SOHO15, St. Andrews, Scotland, 6-9 September, 2004, to appear in SOHO15 proceedingsIn the recent work of Nakariakov et al. (2004), it has been shown that the time dependences of density and velocity in a flaring loop contain pronounced quasi-harmonic oscillations associated with the 2nd harmonic of a standing slow magnetoacoustic wave. That model used a symmetric heating function (heat deposition was strictly at the apex). This left outstanding questions: A) is the generation of the 2nd harmonic a consequence of the fact that the heating function was symmetric? B) Would the generation of these oscillations occur if we break symmetry? C) What is the spectrum of these oscillations? Is it consistent with a 2nd spatial harmonic? The present work (and partly Tsiklauri et al. (2004b)) attempts to answer these important outstanding questions. Namely, we investigate the physical nature of these oscillations in greater detail: we study their spectrum (using periodogram technique) and how heat positioning affects the mode excitation. We found that excitation of such oscillations is practically independent of location of the heat deposition in the loop. Because of the change of the background temperature and density, the phase shift between the density and velocity perturbations is not exactly a quarter of the period, it varies along the loop and is time dependent, especially in the case of one footpoint (asymmetric) heating. We also were able to model successfully SUMER oscillations observed in hot coronal loops

    The high-energy Sun - probing the origins of particle acceleration on our nearest star

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    As a frequent and energetic particle accelerator, our Sun provides us with an excellent astrophysical laboratory for understanding the fundamental process of particle acceleration. The exploitation of radiative diagnostics from electrons has shown that acceleration operates on sub-second time scales in a complex magnetic environment, where direct electric fields, wave turbulence, and shock waves all must contribute, although precise details are severely lacking. Ions were assumed to be accelerated in a similar manner to electrons, but γ-ray imaging confirmed that emission sources are spatially separated from X-ray sources, suggesting distinctly different acceleration mechanisms. Current X-ray and γ-ray spectroscopy provides only a basic understanding of accelerated particle spectra and the total energy budgets are therefore poorly constrained. Additionally, the recent detection of relativistic ion signatures lasting many hours, without an electron counterpart, is an enigma. We propose a single platform to directly measure the physical conditions present in the energy release sites and the environment in which the particles propagate and deposit their energy. To address this fundamental issue, we set out a suite of dedicated instruments that will probe both electrons and ions simultaneously to observe; high (seconds) temporal resolution photon spectra (4 keV – 150 MeV) with simultaneous imaging (1 keV – 30 MeV), polarization measurements (5–1000 keV) and high spatial and temporal resolution imaging spectroscopy in the UV/EUV/SXR (soft X-ray) regimes. These instruments will observe the broad range of radiative signatures produced in the solar atmosphere by accelerated particles

    Review of Coronal Oscillations - An Observer's View

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    Recent observations show a variety of oscillation modes in the corona. Early non-imaging observations in radio wavelengths showed a number of fast-period oscillations in the order of seconds, which have been interpreted as fast sausage mode oscillations. TRACE observations from 1998 have for the first time revealed the lateral displacements of fast kink mode oscillations, with periods of ~3-5 minutes, apparently triggered by nearby flares and destabilizing filaments. Recently, SUMER discovered with Doppler shift measurements loop oscillations with longer periods (10-30 minutes) and relatively short damping times in hot (7 MK) loops, which seem to correspond to longitudinal slow magnetoacoustic waves. In addition, propagating longitudinal waves have also been detected with EIT and TRACE in the lowest density scale height of loops near sunspots. All these new observations seem to confirm the theoretically predicted oscillation modes and can now be used as a powerful tool for ``coronal seismology'' diagnostic.Comment: 5 Figure

    Period Increase and Amplitude Distribution of Kink Oscillation of Coronal Loop

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    Coronal loops exist ubiquitously in the solar atmosphere. These loops puzzle astronomers over half a century. Solar magneto-seismology (SMS) provides a unique way to constrain the physical parameters of coronal loops. Here, we study the evolution of oscillations of a coronal loop observed by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA). We measure geometric and physical parameters of the loop oscillations. In particular, we find that the mean period of the oscillations increased from 1048 to 1264 s during three oscillatory cycles. We employ the differential emission measure method and apply the tools of SMS. The evolution of densities inside and outside the loop is analyzed. We found that an increase of density inside the loop and decrease of the magnetic field strength along the loop are the main reasons for the increase in the period during the oscillations. Besides, we also found that the amplitude profile of the loop is different from a profile would it be a homogeneous loop. It is proposed that the distribution of magnetic strength along the loop rather than density stratification is responsible for this deviation. The variation in period and distribution of amplitude provide, in terms of SMS, a new and unprecedented insight into coronal loop diagnostics

    The Solar Orbiter magnetometer

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    The magnetometer instrument on the Solar Orbiter mission is designed to measure the magnetic field local to the spacecraft continuously for the entire mission duration. The need to characterise not only the background magnetic field but also its variations on scales from far above to well below the proton gyroscale result in challenging requirements on stability, precision, and noise, as well as magnetic and operational limitations on both the spacecraft and other instruments. The challenging vibration and thermal environment has led to significant development of the mechanical sensor design. The overall instrument design, performance, data products, and operational strategy are described

    The magnetic Rayleigh–Taylor instability in solar prominences

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    Flare Observations

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