74 research outputs found

    Clinical application of the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test for children with developmental disorders

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     本研究では,10 名の読みや書きなどの学習面に困難を抱える発達障害をともなう子ども にWechsler式知能検査およびRey-Osterrieth複雑図形検査(ROCF)を実施し,認知特性の 実態把握の過程におけるROCFの有用性を検討した。ROCFの記録には被検者の描画過程 をデータ化してパソコンに取り込むことのできるタッチペン (Inkling™) を用い,成績評価 には,描画の質的評価も含むBoston Qualitative Scoring System (BQSS) を用いた。 Wechsler式知能検査における知覚統合や知覚推理の下位検査の得点が良好であっても, ROCFにおいて構成力や描画過程に困難が少なからず認められ,これらは学習面における困 難の背景にある病態を反映したものと考えられた。また,本検査成績を検討する上で, BQSSの概要得点の1 つである組織構成,概要得点に含まれていないクラスター要素や細部 要素の配置の評価の重要性についても論じた

    Astaxanthin: A Potential Therapeutic Agent in Cardiovascular Disease

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    Astaxanthin is a xanthophyll carotenoid present in microalgae, fungi, complex plants, seafood, flamingos and quail. It is an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties and as such has potential as a therapeutic agent in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Synthetic forms of astaxanthin have been manufactured. The safety, bioavailability and effects of astaxanthin on oxidative stress and inflammation that have relevance to the pathophysiology of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, have been assessed in a small number of clinical studies. No adverse events have been reported and there is evidence of a reduction in biomarkers of oxidative stress and inflammation with astaxanthin administration. Experimental studies in several species using an ischaemia-reperfusion myocardial model demonstrated that astaxanthin protects the myocardium when administered both orally or intravenously prior to the induction of the ischaemic event. At this stage we do not know whether astaxanthin is of benefit when administered after a cardiovascular event and no clinical cardiovascular studies in humans have been completed and/or reported. Cardiovascular clinical trials are warranted based on the physicochemical and antioxidant properties, the safety profile and preliminary experimental cardiovascular studies of astaxanthin

    Multicenter, single-blind, randomized controlled study of the efficacy and safety of favipiravir and nafamostat mesilate in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia

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    Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of nafamostat combined with favipiravir for the treatment of COVID-19. Methods: We conducted a multicenter, randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel assignment study in hospitalized patients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 pneumonia. Patients were randomly assigned to receive favipiravir alone (n = 24) or nafamostat with favipiravir (n = 21). The outcomes included changes in the World Health Organization clinical progression scale score, time to improvement in body temperature, and improvement in oxygen saturation (SpO2). Results: There was no significant difference in the changes in the clinical progression scale between nafamostat with favipiravir and favipiravir alone groups (median, -0.444 vs -0.150, respectively; least-squares mean difference, -0.294; P = 0.364). The time to improvement in body temperature was significantly shorter in the combination group (5.0 days; 95% confidence interval, 4.0-7.0) than in the favipiravir group (9.0 days; 95% confidence interval, 7.0-18.0; P =0.009). The changes in SpO2 were greater in the combination group than in the favipiravir group (0.526% vs -1.304%, respectively; least-squares mean difference, 1.831; P = 0.022). No serious adverse events or deaths were reported, but phlebitis occurred in 57.1% of the patients in the combination group. Conclusion: Although our study showed no differences in clinical progression, earlier defervescence, and recovery of SpO2 were observed in the combination group

    ショウガク 1ネンセイ ニオケル ヨウチエン シュッシンシャ ト ホイクショ シュッシンシャ ノ エイヨウ セッシュ ジョウキョウ ノ ヒカク

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    京都市内の一小学校の1年生120名を対象者に, 6月の休日および平日各1日に摂取した全食品の摂食量の記録を保護者に依頼し, 回答のあった男子41名, 女子47名, 計88名(73.3%)の栄養素および食品群別摂取量を出身別に比較検討した。その結果, 幼稚園出身者が保育所出身者より有意に高値を示したのは, 男子の果実類摂取量, 女子の脂質摂取量, 脂肪エネルギー比率であった。その他の項目では出身別に有意な差は認めなかった。全体において, 推定平均必要量以下の者の割合は, カルシウムは男子56.1%, 女子55.3%, 鉄は男子29.3%, 女子27.7%, ビタミンCは男子34.1%, 女子31.9%, 脂肪エネルギー比率が30%以上の割合は男子61.0%, 女子63.8%, 食塩6g以上の割合は男子78.0%, 女子68.1%と高かった。これより, 小学1年生において出身別の差は少ないこと, カルシウム, 鉄の不足者割合が高く, 脂質及び食塩の摂取量が目標量を超える者の割合が多い可能性が示唆された