175 research outputs found


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    This research aims to test the effect of global indeks daily movement on IHSG. The research choose S&P500 index as a global proxy and Hangseng(HSI) and Nikkei 225 (N225) as regional proxies.  Using daily end of day closing data from 2015 to 2020, the study found that S&P500 index has positif and significant effect on IHSG. Meanwhile, Hangseng index is also found to have a positif and signficant effect on IHSG. On the other hand, consistent with previous finding, data used in this study is also unable to prove that there is a significant effect from Nikkei 225 indeks on IHS

    Fractured Bonds, Dithering Identities

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    This article documents how decades of conflict in Afghanistan have uprooted local families and how multiple layers of different-yet-similar war experiences are interpreted by, and continuously have an impact on, Afghans in diasporic contexts. It draws on biographic narratives of Afghan refugees who arrived in Switzerland between 1978 and 2015, spotlighting three persons and their particular entanglements with war and war stories. The article reflects on the reasons for their departure, including the fault lines or the active involvement in conflict that triggered their journey to Europe. The narratives shed light on how ordinary Afghans understand the concept of jihad, what they regard as reasons worth fighting for, how they experience ethnoscape- and foreign-country-related dimensions of Afghan conflicts, and how unspoken conflict memories affect the younger diaspora generation


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    Investment is a macroeconomic variable and its well-known as the engine of economy that boosts economic growth, economic development and sustainable development. Investment plays an important role in the livelihood welfare of citizens. All economies require different types of investments particularly Foreign Direct Investment/ FDI in different sectors. Based on empirical researches, mostly FDI has positive impacts on the sustainable economic growth of the host economies. On one hand, FDI transfers technologies, skills, innovations, experiences, techniques and knowledge to the host economies. On the other hand, it provides host economies with stable financial resources for long period of time. Thus, it is the responsibility of governments to open their borders toward FDI inflows in order to attract this valuable financial resource. Despite the fact that countries require FDI but corruption is one of the main obstacles against it. Theoretically, there is a negative correlation between corruption and FDI inflows. In other words, corruption negatively impacts the FDI inflows and decreases FDI volume. Because, corruption increases costs and decreases benefits of FDI, corruption deteriorates the competitive trade environment; corruption discourages foreign investors through protecting domestic investors and corruption negatively effects the productivity of foreign investors. In practice, although most of the empirical researches showed that corruption negatively impacts the FDI flows. But some empirical researches also confirmed that there is a positive correlation between corruption and FDI flows. Hence, countries are responsible in fighting against corruption to attract more FDI and in return benefits their sustainable economic growth

    Investigating the birth prevalence of congenital club foot in both Paktya and Kapisa provinces of Afghanistan

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    Background: Congenital talipes equinovarus (CTEV) or Clubfoot is one of the most common birth defects of the musculoskeletal system and affects 1 in every 1000 live births each year that cause mobility impairment. The purpose of this study is to investigating the birth prevalence of congenital club foot in both paktya and kapisa provinces of Afghanistan.Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was performed in all live birth babies during one-year period in the Paktya regional hospital (paktya province) and Alberoni teaching hospital (kapisa province) of Afghanistan from September 2019 to September 2020. In this study, all ethical considerations were considered. The variables that were examined in our study included the following: type of delivery, maternal age, gender and form of laterality of the legs in the baby. The legs of newborn were photographed on the first day of birth and evaluated by an orthopedic surgeon. Finally, statistical data were analyzed by using SPSS softwareResults: In this study 35 cases of multiple births including 33 cases of twins and 2 cases of triplets were recorded and the rate of cesarean section was 5.96%. In this group data showed 99.65% of infants with no congenital talipes equinovarus or club foot abnormalities Subsequently, 0.35% or 36 people had congenital clubfoot which shows more incidence in male then female and unilateral form was more common.Conclusions: Based on our study result, we found that prevalence of clubfoot is about 3.5 per 1000 live birth similar to other low-income countries. Because of diagnosis and treatment of clubfoot in the early stage is more possible Therefore, timely recognition, diagnosis and treatment are significant and helpful to decrease medical expenses. Our result in this study support high prevalence of clubfoot anomaly in mentioned provinces of Afghanistan because of different genetic and environmental risk factors. To provide practical suggestions we need more epidemiologic study in all over the Afghanistan

    Process Efficiency Optimisation of Cascade LNG Process

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    The aimed of this thesis is to optimise the Cascade LNG process efficiency of 5 MTPA production capacity. The cascade process was modelled and simulated in Aspen HYSYS version 7.2 using Peng Robinson equation of state. The optimisation of cascade process was carried out from operation and design perspectives. It focused on two main cycles which are propane and ethylene refrigeration cycles as they are the main energy consumers of this process

    Hubungan Antara Pelatihan Proses Keperawatan Dengan Motivasi Perawat Tentang Penerapan Standar Diagnosis Keperawatan Indonesia Di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Pemerintah Samarinda

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    Tujuan studi: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan  motivasi perawat tentang penerapan standar diagnosis keperawatan indonesia Metodologi: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif korelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional dengan jumlah total 51 responden .  Data diambil dengan menggunakan angket (kuesioner) yang sebelumnya telah melalui uji expert dengan para ahli dan data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji Chi-square. Hasil: Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Chi-square dengan p valeu 0,092 dapat disimpulkan tidak ada hubungan antara Status Pelatihan Proses Keperawatan Dengan Motivasi Perawat Tentang Penerapan Diagnosis Keperawatan Indonesia. Manfaat: Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pengetahuan pada perawat untuk terus menumbukan motivasi  dengan mengikuti pelatihan-pelatihan atau sosialisasi terkait SDK

    Afghanistan: sustaining health care delivery

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    It wasn’t until the start of the 21st century that Afghanistan had a government-led public health delivery system for its citizens, enshrined in its Constitution as a basic right. Najibullah Safi and Palwasha Anwari, both of whom have work experience in the sector, make a case for the health delivery apparatus — dependent as it is on foreign aid — to continue despite the fall of civilian government and the Taliban takeover of power in August 2021

    Energy of Graph

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    By given the adjacency matrix, laplacian matrix of a graph we can find the set of eigenvalues of graph in order to discussed about the energy of graph and laplacian energy of graph. (i.e. the sum of eigenvalues of adjacency matrix and laplacian matrix of a graph is called the energy of graph) and the laplacian energy of graph is greater or equal to zero for any graph and is greater than zero for every connected graph with more or two vertices (i.e. the last eigenvalues of laplacian matrix is zero), according to several theorems about the energy of graph and the laplacian energy of graph that are described in this work; I discussed about energy of graph, laplacian energy of graph and comparing them here

    Using (Direct Computation, Variation Iteration, Successive Approximation and Regularization) Methods to Solve Linear Fredholm Integral Equation and Comparison of These Methods

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    Integral equation is the equation in which the unknown function to be determined, appears under integral sign as it presented in introduction. I discussed about linear Fredholm integral equation in which it is one kind of integral equation and solved this equation by different methods (Direct Computation, Variational Iteration, Successive approximation and the Regularization methods and comparison of these methods in order to solve linear Fredholm integral equation).  This paper has three parts: First part: I introduced the Fredholm integral equation Second part is methods that is written above and on third part, I solved one example by these different methods and compare the methods

    Investigation of Adjoint of Linear Transformation and Some Its Important Properties

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    Linear operator on inner product space is including adjoint operator, self adjoint operator, unitary operator, normal operator ,… (self adjoint operator and unitary operator is normal operator but convers is not true at all) in this paper I discussed about adjoint operator and self adjoint operator of linear transformation and some important properties.  In this paper first I defined the linear transformation, inner product space, adjoint linear transformation, self adjoint operator and very important relevant properties and theorem
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