32 research outputs found

    A study of the effects of implementing knowledge-management on boosting the organization capacity and management of construction projects in Iran

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    Organization knowledge and the information technology ( IT ) in a successful organization enjoying a proficient human resource create a reliable foundation for the management of human resources and it can be possible only through " knowledge- management ". Development organizations such as Iran Construction Engineering Organization, the Science and Research Organization for the Development University Students, municipalities and other organizations involved in construction, private or governmental, need to implement knowledge-management and preserve the existing data so as to be able to enhance and continue rendering their services. Bearing in mind the human resources potentials and their achievements, particularly in development organizations and among engineers and technicians, knowledge-oriented organizations are able to pass through problems including a change in staff, dissemination of information and personal experiences, shortage of hardware and software and so on and even emergencies like earthquakes. Over two decades, the amount of information on organization knowledge and the manner in which it is managed and developed has extremely increased so that today one cannot talk about organization development without thinking of developing the general culture of education and getting it established among people of all walks of life. In other words, nowadays it is believed that without learning the organization knowledge and how it is managed, consistent success and development of the organization would be impossible

    A study of the effects of implementing knowledge-management on boosting the organization capacity and management of construction projects in Iran

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    Organization knowledge and the information technology ( IT ) in a successful organization enjoying a proficient human resource create a reliable foundation for the management of human resources and it can be possible only through " knowledge- management ". Development organizations such as Iran Construction Engineering Organization, the Science and Research Organization for the Development University Students, municipalities and other organizations involved in construction, private or governmental, need to implement knowledge-management and preserve the existing data so as to be able to enhance and continue rendering their services. Bearing in mind the human resources potentials and their achievements, particularly in development organizations and among engineers and technicians, knowledge-oriented organizations are able to pass through problems including a change in staff, dissemination of information and personal experiences, shortage of hardware and software and so on and even emergencies like earthquakes. Over two decades, the amount of information on organization knowledge and the manner in which it is managed and developed has extremely increased so that today one cannot talk about organization development without thinking of developing the general culture of education and getting it established among people of all walks of life. In other words, nowadays it is believed that without learning the organization knowledge and how it is managed, consistent success and development of the organization would be impossible

    Impacto del riesgo de bancarrota y la competencia en la rentabilidad del sistema bancario iraní utilizando el indicador BOONE: método generalizado de momentos

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the question that how is the impact of bankruptcy risk and improving competitive conditions on the profitability of commercial banks. We have studied the balance sheet information of 30 commercial banks, which include all Iranian banks, during the period 2006-2017. In this paper, the BOONE indicator is used to estimate competition, and to estimate profitability, two methods of rate of return on asset (ROTAB) and net interest margin (NIM) are used. The data analysis method in this study was based on the generalized least squares (GMM). The results showed that in the rate of return method, the impact of competition on the profitability of commercial banks, both in the deposit market and in the non-interest income market, was inverse and significant, and in the facility market, it has a positive and significant impact on the profitability of the banks.El propósito de este estudio es investigar la cuestión de cómo es el impacto del riesgo de bancarrota y mejorar las condiciones competitivas en la rentabilidad de los bancos comerciales. Hemos estudiado la información del balance de 30 bancos comerciales, que incluyen todos los bancos iraníes, durante el período 2006-2017. En este documento, el indicador BOONE se utiliza para estimar la competencia, y para estimar la rentabilidad, se utilizan dos métodos de tasa de rendimiento del activo (ROTAB) y margen de interés neto (NIM). El método de análisis de datos en este estudio se basó en los mínimos cuadrados generalizados (GMM). Los resultados mostraron que en el método de la tasa de rendimiento, el impacto de la competencia en la rentabilidad de los bancos comerciales, tanto en el mercado de depósitos como en el mercado de ingresos sin intereses, fue inverso y significativo, y en el mercado de instalaciones, tiene un Impacto positivo y significativo en la rentabilidad de los bancos

    Cross-centre replication of suppressed burrowing behaviour as an ethologically relevant pain outcome measure in the rat : a prospective multicentre study

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    Acknowledgements This Europain project has received support from the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) Joint Undertaking (under grant agreement number 115007), resources of which are composed of financial contributions from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/20072013) and European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) companies in-kind contribution (see http://www.imieuropain.org/ for details). Eli Lilly and Company United Kingdom: We would like to thank Dr Gary Gilmour for his assistance in bringing forward this publication. Karolinska Institute: A. Delaney also received funding from Ulla & Gustaf af Ugglas Foundation; EU Project FP7-Health-2013-Innovation-1602919-2. Boehringer Ingelheim: We would like to thank Stacey Gould for technical assistance.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The comparative study on theory of five predicables between Avicenna's Philosophy and Mulla Sadara's transcendental philosophy

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    Aristotle was up to categorize fundamental types of beings. His followers and commentators, then, triedto come up with the theses of five predicables. According to this theses, all material beings share the samegenus while differing in respect to their differentia. Avicenna, the great Muslim philosopher, in the light of the proposed distinction between existence and quiddity by Al-Farabi, built his new philosophicalsyst em. He organized philosophical problems somehow differently. Following Avicenna, traditionally som e philosophical problems were discussed under the title of existence and some of them under the titleof quiddit. Mulla Sadra, the founder of transcendental philosophy, however, changed the philosophicalscenery radically. Although, Mulla Sadara respected pedagogical tradition of philosophical writings, hisrevolutionary views on this matter has not been fully explored. One of this unexplored area is the topic offive predicables. In Islamic Peripatetic tradition, the title of five predicables is being discussed under thegeneral topic of quiddity. If the principality of existence is true, quiddity is not real and therefore itsrelated problems lose their intellectual importance. In this article, first, I take a brief look at fivepredicable and its importance in Avicenna's. Then, I trace its evolution in transcendental philosophy. At the end, I argue that there is a tension between this doctrine and the theses of principality of existence andquiddity irrealism

    Essays on Dynamics of Durable Goods

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    This dissertation is comprised of three chapters. In the first chapter, two independent empirical studies are performed to shed more light on the cross-sectoral impacts of monetary policy. High degree of interest sensitivity of durable goods is now a stylized fact in the literature of monetary policy. This literature, however, does not provide a clear and consensual explanation for the modalities of this stylized fact. The results of first study indicate that there is no straightforward relationship between the degree of durability and the interest-sensitivity of durables. While, the second study concludes that, in response to monetary policy shocks, productive durables behave differently from consumer durables. The Second chapter questions the traditional assumption under which consumer goods and capital have perfectly distinguished applications. This chapter then explores some macroeconomic implications of including overlapping functions of consumer durables and capital in a new Keynesian general equilibrium model. The simulated results of the model show that introducing overlapping functions of consumer durables and capital improves the quantitative performance of the standard new Keynesian model along several dimensions. Moreover, the model is able to resolve durable co-movement puzzle and to generate co-moving responses of durable spending and non-durable spending to monetary policy shocks, consistently with the empirical evidence. Additionally, in contrast with the standard theory that finds a counter-factual extraordinary sensitive responses of consumer durables and capital to monetary policy shocks, the model yields responses more in tune with actual observations.The third chapter investigates the role of durables in the transmission mechanism of energy price shocks. This chapter shows that considering a separate sector for durables in a new Keynesian dynamic general equilibrium model may improve the quantitative results of the model to generate the impulse response functions which are more inline with empirical evidence. The simulated results of the model show that the response of output to energy price shocks would be more sensitive, when durables are considered as a separate sector. However, in this model the total consumption, including both durables and non-durables, rises. Such a reaction is at odds with empirical evidence. However, considering the assumption of overlapping functions of durables and capital can eliminate this peculiar reaction of the model. The simulated results of this model also show that there is a positive direct relationship between the level durability and the sensitivity of output response to energy price shocks

    The Effectiveness of Behavioral Activation Intervention on Increasing Self-Care Behaviors and Life Expectancy in the Elderly

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    Abstract The process of aging seems inevitable to all living creatures, including humans. Self-care and life expectancy are two main concepts in aging and have good results in providing, maintaining and promoting elderly health. The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of behavioral activation intervention in increasing self-care behaviors and life expectancy in the elderly. A quasi-experimental research method with pretest, posttest and control group with a 3-month follow-up was used in this study. The statistical population of the study included all elderly people over 60 in Tehran. The participants included 24 individuals and were selected through purposive method according to the inclusion criteria. They were randomly assigned into two experimental and control groups (n=12). The experimental group received 8 sessions of behavioral activation intervention and the control group did not receive any intervention. Hemmati Maslak Pak's questionnaire on the self-care ability of the elderly and Schneider's life expectancy questionnaire were used to collect the required data. Finally, the collected data were analyzed by SPSS version 22 software in two levels of descriptive (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (univariate analysis of covariance). Statistical results showed the significant effectiveness of behavioral activation intervention on increasing the life expectancy of the elderly and increasing their self-care behaviors; these results were consistent after a 3-month follow-up (p < 0.05). According to the findings of the study, behavioral activation intervention can be considered as one of the effective psychological interventions in increasing self-care behaviors and life expectancy in the elderly. References Abbasi, M., Ghadampour, A., Hojati, M. (2017). 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    Evaluation of the Effect of Antidepressant Drug, Fluvoxamine, on Cyclooxygenase-2 Protein Expression in Lipopolysaccharide-stimulated Macrophages

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    Background: Fluvoxamine, a well-known selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, is used for the management of mental disorders and various types of chronic pain. In our previous study, we found the inhibitory effect of fluvoxamine on inflammatory mediator's expression. In the line of the indicated study, we sought to evaluate the effect of fluvoxamine on the expression of some inflammatory mediators such as cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). Materials and Methods: An in vitro model system of lipopolysaccharide-stimulated human U937 macrophages was used. The expression of COX-2 protein was measured by flow cytometry. Results: The expression of COX-2 significantly decreased by fluvoxamine in U937 macrophages. Conclusion: The results of the present study provide further evidence for the anti-inflammatory effect of fluvoxamine. This effect appears to be mediated by the downregulation of inflammatory genes. Further studies are needed to evaluate the complex cellular and molecular mechanisms of fluvoxamine