27 research outputs found


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    Largas horas de trabajo, fatiga, malas remuneraciones, estudios y el ejercicio de estos, son algunas de las causas por las que varias empresas se ven en la necesidad de gastar gran parte de sus ingresos en la contratación de nuevo personal. Ante este problema se han generado ideas rígidas que extralimitan el funcionamiento del cuerpo y lo adhieren a las maquinas, estructuras formales y cerradas que entorpecen la comunicación, el entendimiento del mundo a partir de la organización de la sociedad, desarrollo del trabajo iniciando con la comprensión de la psicología del trabajador, la manera en que este pueda entenderse con los demás y consigo mismo para poder formar parte de la organización donde será integrado y motivado; son algunas de las teorías que a lo largo de la historia se han formado alrededor de la desarrollo organizacional

    Influence of Serum Vitamin D Level in the Response of Actinic Keratosis to Photodynamic Therapy with Methylaminolevulinate

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    In mouse models of squamous cell carcinoma, pre-treatment with calcitriol prior to photodynamic therapy with aminolevulinic acid (ALA) enhances tumor cell death. We have evaluated the association between vitamin D status and the response of actinic keratoses to photodynamic therapy with methylaminolevulinate. Twenty-five patients with actinic keratoses on the head received one session of photodynamic therapy with methylaminolevulinate. Biopsies were taken at baseline and six weeks after treatment. Immuno-histochemical staining was performed for VDR, P53, Ki67 and beta-catenin. Basal serum 25(OH)D levels were determined. Cases with a positive histological response to treatment had significantly higher serum 25(OH)D levels (26.96 (SD 7.49) ngr/mL) than those without response (18.60 (SE 7.49) ngr/mL) (p = 0.05). Patients with a complete clinical response displayed lower basal VDR expression (35.71% (SD 19.88)) than partial responders (62.78% (SD 16.735)), (p = 0.002). Our results support a relationship between vitamin D status and the response of actinic keratoses to photodynamic therapy with methylaminolevulinate


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    La presente investigación se realizó entre los meses de Junio a Agosto del 2016. El objetivo de la misma fue analizar la relación de la motivación en el personal del departamento de ventas en una empresa embotelladora de la ciudad de Chihuahua, con respecto a la aplicación de un esquema de compensación variable. Los criterios metodológicos utilizados fueron, métodos: analítico-sintético y teórico-deductivo, tipo descriptivo, modo bibliográfico y de campo. La población de interés fueron cuarenta empleados del departamento de ventas. A principios del año 2016, la empresa optó por la implementación de un esquema de compensación variable, porque cuenta con la estructura necesaria y poco personal, lo que facilita este modelo de plan de ventas. El esquema de compensación variable funciona básicamente a través de una disminución del salario fijo y un aumento de salario en la base variable, esto lleva a que el vendedor se mantenga continuamente pretendiendo alcanzar mayores volúmenes de ventas. La importancia de esta investigación radicó en el estudio de la influencia del sistema de compensación variable sobre la motivación y las ventas de los empleados. Los principales resultados arrojaron que los incentivos económicos proporcionados por el esquema de compensación variable sí ayudan a los empleados a satisfacer sus necesidades elementales de vivienda, alimentación, pago de servicios y de transporte; también les proporciona mayor seguridad económica, aumentando su autoestima personal y autorrealización profesional, lo que permitirá incluir este tipo de compensación en las sucursales de todo el país

    Development of a Kemp\u27s Ridley Sea Turtle Stock Assessment Model

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    We developed a Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) stock assessment model to evaluate the relative contributions of conservation efforts and other factors toward this critically endangered species’ recovery. The Kemp’s ridley demographic model developed by the Turtle Expert Working Group (TEWG) in 1998 and 2000 and updated for the binational recovery plan in 2011 was modified for use as our base model. The TEWG model uses indices of the annual reproductive population (number of nests) and hatchling recruitment to predict future annual numbers of nests on the basis of a series of assumptions regarding age and maturity, remigration interval, sex ratios, nests per female, juvenile mortality, and a putative ‘‘turtle excluder device effect’’ multiplier starting in 1990. This multiplier was necessary to fit the number of nests observed in 1990 and later. We added the effects of shrimping effort directly, modified by habitat weightings, as a proxy for all sources of anthropogenic mortality. Additional data included in our model were incremental growth of Kemp’s ridleys marked and recaptured in the Gulf of Mexico, and the length frequency of stranded Kemp’s ridleys. We also added a 2010 mortality factor that was necessary to fit the number of nests for 2010 and later (2011 and 2012). Last, we used an empirical basis for estimating natural mortality, on the basis of a Lorenzen mortality curve and growth estimates. Although our model generated reasonable estimates of annual total turtle deaths attributable to shrimp trawling, as well as additional deaths due to undetermined anthropogenic causes in 2010, we were unable to provide a clear explanation for the observed increase in the number of stranded Kemp’s ridleys in recent years, and subsequent disruption of the species’ exponential growth since the 2009 nesting season. Our consensus is that expanded data collection at the nesting beaches is needed and of high priority, and that 2015 be targeted for the next stock assessment to evaluate the 2010 event using more recent nesting and in-water data

    INNOVA Research Journal

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    La clase de matemáticas está en un proceso de evolución, las clases tradicionales centradas en el profesor van perdiendo vigencia en la educación ecuatoriana, dando paso a clases que priorizan al estudiante y sus aprendizajes. Tradicionalmente el docente de matemáticas ha tenido formación profesional en áreas técnicas y poca capacitación en aspectos pedagógicos que le den habilidades para llevar adelante una clase fundada en paradigmas constructivistas del aprendizaje, centrados en el estudiante y la calidad de sus aprendizajes. Una clase constructivista de matemáticas implica tener un estudiante con una visión diferente a su formación tradicional, debe estar motivado por alcanzar aprendizajes significativos, para esto debe ser capaz de investigar, analizar, reflexionar, plantear soluciones creativas, resolver situaciones del contexto, formado en valores y que aporta al crecimiento de la sociedad

    Asociación entre Artritis Reumatoidea y otras enfermedades autoinmunes

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    Objetivos: determinar la frecuencia de enfermedades autoinmunes (EAI) en pacientes con Artritis Reumatoidea (AR) y comparar la frecuencia de EAI entre pacientes con AR y sin AR ni otra EAI reumatológica. Material y Métodos: estudio multicéntrico, observacional, analítico, retrospectivo. Se incluyeron pacientes consecutivos con AR (ACR/EULAR 2010) y como grupo control pacientes con diagnóstico inicial de Osteoartritis primaria (OA).

    Ecological genomics of Myotis bats and their ectoparasites in the Baja California peninsula

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    In this thesis I investigated diversity, population structure and species boundaries in Myotis bats and their ectoparasite community structure, from the Baja California peninsula and continental sites in Mexico. Using mitochondrial cytb haplotypes and ddRAD derived SNP markers, traces of introgression were found in four sympatric Myotis species, particularly over the mid and north peninsula, and one continental site. Recent hybrids were detected among Myotis yumanensis and M. californicus individuals from mid and north peninsula. Population structure for M. californicus was detected, but also potential migrants, suggesting some long-distance dispersal. Cluster analysis suggested M. californicus to be split in two groups. M. yumanensis showed weak nuclear population structure, but strong mitochondrial differentiation, suggesting long-distance male dispersal and female philopatry. Admixture analyses with ddRAD SNP data showed that bats with ancestry similar to M. velifer clustered along with the putatively Baja endemic M. peninsularis. However, mitochondrial haplotypes and nuclear FST results indicated M. peninsularis population as demographically isolated from continental M. velifer. I also identified two potential new cryptic Myotis lineages with strongly divergent mitochondrial haplotypes: a population showing morphological features not matching currently recorded species, designated M. sv, and specimens from Baja that were morphologically assigned to M. volans. Bat ectoparasite phylogenetic analysis revealed multiple novel lineages of bat bugs, flies and ticks, five new records of known bat flies and one tick species previously unrecorded for the peninsula. Host-specific and generalist ectoparasites were found, as well as locally restricted and widely dispersed species, with the latter potentially reflecting bat dispersal across the peninsula. The main driver of ectoparasite diversity and community structure was host diversity and composition, with a strong pattern of phylogenetic association at the host family level. This research discovered novel cryptic diversity of bats and ectoparasites in north-western Mexico, showing porous species boundaries and potential incipient species. Both bat and ectoparasite research are highly relevant to disease ecology as potential vectors of zoonotic diseases

    Phylogenetic analyses reveal bat communities in Northwestern Mexico harbor a high diversity of novel cryptic ectoparasite species

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    Abstract Parasites are integral parts of ecosystem function and important drivers of evolutionary processes. Characterizing ectoparasite diversity is fundamental to studies of host–parasite interactions, evolution, and conservation, and also for understanding emerging disease threats for some vector borne pathogens. With more than 1400 species, bats represent the second most speciose mammalian clade, but their ectoparasite fauna are poorly known for most species. We sequenced mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase C subunit I and nuclear 18S ribosomal gene fragments, and used Bayesian phylogenetic analyses to characterize ectoparasite taxon identity and diversity for 17 species of parasitized bats sampled along the Baja California peninsula and in Northwestern Mexico. The sequence data revealed multiple novel lineages of bat bugs (Cimicidae), flies (Nycteribiidae and Streblidae), and ticks (Argasidae). Within families, the new linages showed more than 10% sequence divergence, which is consistent with separation at least at the species level. Both families of bat flies showed host specificity, particularly on Myotis species. We also identified new records for the Baja peninsula of one tick (Carios kelleyi), and of five Streblid bat fly species. One Nycteribiid bat fly haplotype from Pallid bat (Antrozous pallidus) hosts was found throughout the peninsula, suggesting potential long distance co‐dispersal with hosts. Different bat bug and tick communities were found in the north and south of the peninsula. This study is the first systematic survey of bat ectoparasites in the Baja California peninsula, revealing novel lineages that are highly genetically differentiated from other parts of North America. For some ectoparasite species, haplotype distributions may reflect patterns of bat migration. This work is a first step in characterizing ectoparasite diversity over the Baja California peninsula, and understanding how ecological and evolutionary interactions shape bat ectoparasite communities among host species in different parts of their ranges