41 research outputs found

    Relationship between Sports Motivation and Mindfulness among College Sports Players in Pakistan

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    The present study aims to determine the association between motivation &   mindfulness among college sports players by examining types of motivation from most self determined (intrinsic motivation) to lowest self determined (amotivation) & its relation to dispositional mindfulness. A total of 120 college sports players served as participants (90 boys & 30 girls).  They filled Sports Motivation Scale & Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale with some demographic information.  The demographic characteristics revealed that most of participants were in team sports (80%) & playing for last 1-5 years (86%). A significant relationship was found between Intrinsic motivation & mindfulness (r = .70**). Regression analysis showed that intrinsic &integrated regulations were significantly predicting mindfulness (63% variance). It is interesting to know that in Pakistani colleges more boys participate in sports even in absence of facilities (coach is available to 35% of participants only). Self regulation & intrinsic motivation can be utilized to promote the well-being of youth with limited resources available.

    Role of Family System, Positive Emotions and Resilience in Social Adjustment Among Pakistani Adolescents

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    The present study explored the role of positive emotions, resilience & family system in social adjustment in Pakistani adolescents. Through convenient sampling, data collected from 150 adolescents (70 boys & 80 girls).In terms of family system 92 were living in nuclear family while 58 injoint family. Urdu version of Modified Differential Emotions Scale, Resilience Scale and Bell`s Adjustment Inventory were used. Statistical analysis revealed the presence of significant positive relationship between positive emotions and resilience (r = .39**) where girls were slightly more resilient (M ± SD = 120.77 ± 24.03) & socially adjusted (M ± SD = 17.41 ± 4.15). Moreover 52 % adolescents reported difficulty in talking with new people. Majority of participants from Joint family reported good social adjustment (38%) and high resilience (17%) as compared to those in nuclear family (21%, 13%). The influence of these demographic variables is important indication to be explored further

    Role of Family System, Positive Emotions and Resilience in Social Adjustment among Pakistani Adolescents

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    AbstractThe present study explored the role of positive emotions, resilience & family system in social adjustment in Pakistani adolescents.  Through convenient sampling, data  collected from 150 adolescents (70 boys & 80 girls).In terms of family system 92 were living in nuclear family while 58 injoint family. Urdu version of Modified Differential Emotions Scale, Resilience Scale and Bell`s Adjustment Inventory were used. Statistical analysis revealed the presence of significant positive relationship between positive emotions and resilience (r = .39**) where girls were slightly more resilient (M ± SD = 120.77 ± 24.03) & socially adjusted (M ± SD = 17.41 ± 4.15). Moreover 52 % adolescents reported difficulty in talking with new people. Majority of participants from Joint family reported good social adjustment (38%) and high resilience (17%) as compared to those in nuclear family (21%, 13%).  The influence of these demographic variables is important indication to be explored further.Keyword: Family system, Positive emotion, and resilienc

    Antiviral evaluation of an Hsp90 inhibitor, gedunin, against dengue virus

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    Purpose: To evaluate the antiviral potential of a tetranortriterpenoid, gedunin, against dengue virus (DENV) replication by targeting the host chaperone, Hsp90.Methods: The compound, gedunin, was tested against the replication of DENV in vitro using BHK-15 cells transfected with DENV-2 subgenomic replicon. Molecular docking of gedunin with Hsp90 protein was performed for evaluation of mode of action, using the program, Autodock vina.Results: In vitro antiviral data showed that gedunin significantly (p < 0.05) reduced DENV replication with EC50 of 10 μM. Further, in silico molecular docking data revealed strong interaction of gedunin with the ATP/ADP binding site of the host protein, Hsp90, with an estimated average free binding energy of -8.9 kcal/mol.Conclusion: The results validate gedunin as a potential antiviral candidate. Further in vitro assays and in vivo viral challenge studies are required to confirm the exact mode of action and pharmacological profile of gedunin in DENV infections.Keywords: Dengue virus replication, Hsp90, Gedunin, Antiviral, Molecular dockin

    Frequency of hepatitis E and Hepatitis A virus in water sample collected from Faisalabad, Pakistan

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    Hepatitis E and Hepatitis A virus both are highly prevalent in Pakistan mainly present as a sporadic disease. The aim of the current study is to isolate and characterized the specific genotype of Hepatitis E virus from water bodies of Faisalabad, Pakistan. Drinking and sewage samples were qualitatively analyzed by using RT-PCR. HEV Genotype 1 strain was recovered from sewage water of Faisalabad. Prevalence of HEV and HAV in sewage water propose the possibility of gradual decline in the protection level of the circulated vaccine in the Pakistani population

    Large-Scale in Vitro Transcription, RNA Purification and Chemical Probing Analysis

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    Background/Aims: RNA elements such as catalytic RNA, riboswitch, microRNA, and long non coding RNA (lncRNA) play central roles in many cellular processes. Studying diverse RNA functions require large quantities of RNA for precise structure analysis. Current RNA structure and function studies can benefit from improved RNA quantity and quality, simpler separation procedure and enhanced accuracy of structural analysis. Methods: Here we present an optimized protocol for analyzing the structure of any RNA, including in vitro transcription, size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) based denaturing purification and improved secondary structure analysis by chemical probing. Results: We observed that higher Mg2+, nucleoside triphosphate (NTP) concentrations and longer reaction duration can improve the RNA yield from in vitro transcription, specifically for longer and more complicated constructs. Our improved SEC-based denaturing RNA purification effectively halved the experiment duration and labor without introducing any contaminant. Finally, this study increased the accuracy and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of selective 2′-hydroxyl acylation analyzed by primer extension (SHAPE) chemical probing for analyzing RNA structure. Conclusion: Part or all of our modified method can improve almost any RNA-related study from protein-RNA interaction analysis to crystallography

    PCR-Based Molecular Diagnosis of Hepatitis Virus (HBV and HDV) in HCV Infected Patients and Their Biochemical Study

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    Seroprevalence of HCV indicates that HCV is found in more than 10% of HBV-or HDV-infected patients worldwide leading to liver disease. Here we show HBV and HDV coinfection association with HCV infected Pakistani patients, study of disease severity, and possible interpretation of associated risk factors in coinfected patients. A total of 730 liver diseased patients were included, out of which 501 were found positive for HCV infection via PCR. 5.1% of patients were coinfected with HBV while 1% were coinfected with HBV and HDV both. LFTs were significantly altered in dually and triply infected patients as compared to single HCV infection. Mean bilirubin, AST, and ALT levels were highest (3.25 mg/dL, 174 IU/L, and 348 IU/L) in patients with triple infection while dual infection LFTs (1.6 mg/dL, 61 IU/L, and 74 IU/L) were not high as in single infection (1.9 mg/dL, 76 IU/L, and 91 IU/L). The most prominent risk factor in case of single (22%) and dual infection (27%) group was "reuse of syringes" while in triple infection it was "intravenous drug users" (60%). It is concluded that HBV and HDV coinfections are strongly associated with HCV infected Pakistani patients and in case of severe liver disease the possibility of double and triple coinfection should be kept in consideration