146 research outputs found

    Interpretasi: Dunia Mepertanyakan Apakah Alkitab Benar Diilhamkan Allah?

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    Sebenarnya apa yang rasul Paulus maksudkan ketika ia mengatakan bahwaAlkitab “diilhamkan Allah” (2 Tim. 3:16)? Paulus, yang menulis dalam bahasaYunani, menggunakan kata yang secara harafiah berarti “dinapaskan oleh Allah.”Jadi, Paulus memaksudkan bahwa Allah melalui roh kudus-Nya membimbing parapenulis Alkitab untuk menuliskan hanya hal-hal yang Ia inginkan. Para penulisAlkitab ini “mengatakan apa yang berasal dari Allah seraya mereka dibimbing olehRoh Kudus,” kata rasul Petrus dalam 2 Petrus 1:2. Karena itu, rasul Paulus jugamenyebutkan buku-buku Alkitab sebagai tulisan-tulisan kudus, yang dapat membuat,berhikmat untuk keselamatan melalui iman sehubungan dengan Kristus Yesus (2Tim. 3:15)

    Dosa Asal: Berdasarkan Eksegesis Surat Roma 5:12 - 21

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    Because of Jesus, people can enjoy life to the fullest. Because of him,humans have a new chance in life. In contrast to a lot of people who do not knowJesus, man can experience the joy that remains, as it has a guarantee of eternalsalvation. Amid all the pressures and hardships of life, people can be relieved in thelove of Go

    The Learning Result Difference of Student Teach by Using Enhancement Learning Model of Student's Thinking Ability with Convensional Model for Force and Newton Laws Material

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    This research was done to observe the difference of learning achievement between student who have been teach by Enhancement Learning Model of Student's Thinking Ability and Conventional Model. This research was done at SMP Negeri 2 Gebang. Type of this research is quasi experiment. Research population is every student of grade VIII semester 2 SMP Negeri 2 Gebang. Research sample was taken by random sampling around 2 classes as 34 students for experiment class and 34 students for control class. Learning achievement of test objective 20 of multiple choice was done as an instrument. The experiment result of pretest average is 37.94 for experiment class and 36.82 for control class. Treatment was done to each class, post test average score is 73.38 for experiment class and for student who have been teach by conventional learning is 67.05. Hypothetical testing is tcalculate > ttabe i.e 3.459 > 1.66 with significance standard α = 0.05 and dk = 66. It means that Ha was accepted, so it may conclude that there is a difference of learning achievement between Enhancement Learning Model of Student's Thinking Ability with Conventional Learning Model for Force and Newton Laws on Grade VIII SMP Negeri 2 Gebang Annual Year 2011/2012

    Pengaruh Volume Perdagangan Saham dan Harga Saham terhadap Bid-ask Spread Studi pada Perusahaan-Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of stock trading volume and stock prices on bid-ask spreads on manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The population in research is 155 companies and by using purposive sampling as sampling technique, then the sample in this research is 46 company. The data used are secondary data and use multiple regression equation as an analytical tool. Based on the results of the research it can be argued that, trading volume and stock prices have a negative and significant effect on the bid-ask spread both before and after the data grouping. The results also show that stock trading in Indonesia Stock Exchange is liquid. Investors or potential investors who want to invest in the capital market should make trading volume and stock price as a reference in making investment decisions, because simultaneously these two variables have a significant effect on bid-ask spreads

    Coating radiation waves based on BaFe12O19/ZnO from natural red sand on X-ray radiation exposure in the Laboratory of Efarina Hospital in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Pada Era Pandemi Covid-19 penggunaan teknologi dan alat radiologi sudah menjadi bagian dari kebutuhan rumah sakit. Alat radiologi tersebut yang berfungsi untuk perawatan (terapi), diagnosa dan pembunuhan penyakit tanpa melakukan operasi. Tetapi disamping kemudahan-kemudahan yang diberikan ternyata alat tersebut juga memberikan efek negatif bagi tubuh yang terkena paparan radiasi. Dalam penelitian ini akan dibuat material Penyerap Gelombang Radiasi berbasis BaFe12O19/ ZnO dari Pasir Merah Alam dengan rasio (50 : 50) wt% antara matriks dan filler. Komposit BaFe12O19/ ZnO telah dilakukan dengan metode Wet Milling dengan media toluene. Barium M-Ferrit sebagai matriks dan ZnO sebagai filler yang digunakan sebagai bahan baku utama untuk pembuatan komposit. Dari hasil uji X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)  pada serbuk BaFe12O19 sebagai matrik menunjukkan bahwa fasa yang terbentuk single face dan struktur kristal hexagonal memiliki parameter kisi a=5,929 Ǻ dan c= 23,41 Ǻ space group (P 63/m m c) Sampel komposit BaFe12O19/ZnO yang terstruktur heksagonal (file JCPDS No. 39-1433). Hasil analisis permukaan menggunakan Scanning Electron Magnetic (SEM) menunjukkan bahwa Komposit  memiliki ukuran partikel yang paling halus dan kecil, Hasil Karakterisasi VSM komposit adalah (Ms = 39.40 emu/g, (Mr = 17,20 emu/g, Hcj = 2728 Oe. Hasil true density komposit BaFe12O19/ZnO adalah 5.386364 g/cm

    Pengaruh Metode Fernald Terhadap Kemampuan Membaca Permulaan Pada Anak Kelompok a Di Paud Mekar Sari Penarik Mukomuko

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    Permasalahan penelitian ini adalah apakah ada pengaruh metode Fernald terhadap kemampuan membaca permulaan anak di PAUD Terpadu Mekar Sari Penarik Mukomuko. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode Fernald terhadap kemampuan membaca permulaan anak usia dini. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen dengan desain penelitian One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Subjek dalam penelitian adalah anak kelompok A1 dengan jumlah 14 anak PAUD Terpadu Mekar Sari Penarik Mukomuko tahun ajaran 2016/2017. Tekhnik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tes. Tekhnik analisis data menggunakan Chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara metode Fernald terhadap kemampuan membaca permulaan anak usia dini, dengan hasil yaitu c²hitung = 28 lebih besar dari c²tabel pada siginifikansi 5%= 22,362. Saran bagi guru agar dapat menggunakan metode Fernald untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca permulaan anak

    Practical Implementation of Multiple Attenuation Methods on 2D Deepwater Seismic Data : Seram Sea Case Study

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    Some deepwater multiple attenuation processing methods have been developed in the past with partial success. The success of surface multiple attenuation relies on good water bottom reflections for most deepwater marine situations. It brings the bigger ability to build an accurate water bottom multiple prediction model. Major challenges on 2D deepwater seismic data processing especially such a geologically complex structure of Seram Sea, West Papua – Indonesia are to attenuate surface related multiple and to preserve the primary data. Many multiple attenuation methods have been developed to remove surface multiple on these seismic data including most common least-squares, prediction-error filtering and more advanced Radon transform.Predictive Deconvolution and Surface Related Multiple Elimination (SRME) method appears to be a proper solution, especially in complex structure where the above methods fail to distinguish interval velocity difference between primaries and multiples. It does not require any subsurface info as long as source signature and surface reflectivity are provided. SRME method consists of 3 major steps: SRME regularization, multiple modeling and least-square adaptive subtraction. Near offset regularization is needed to fill the gaps on near offset due to unrecorded near traces during the acquisition process. Then, isolating primaries from multiples using forward modeling. Inversion method by subtraction of input data with multiple models to a more attenuated multiple seismic section.Results on real 2D deepwater seismic data show that SRME method as the proper solution should be considered as one of the practical implementation steps in geologically complex structure and to give more accurate seismic imaging for the interpretation.Keywords : multiple attenuation, 2D deepwater seismic, Radon transform, Surface Related Multiple Elimination (SRME). Banyak metode atenuasi pengulangan ganda dikembangkan pada pengolahan data seismik dengan tingkat keberhasilan yang rendah pada masa lalu. Keberhasilan dalam atenuasi pengulangan ganda permukaan salah satunya bergantung pada hasil gelombang pantul pada batas dasar laut dan permukaan pada hampir seluruh survei seismik laut. Hal tersebut menentukan keakuratan dalam membuat model prediksi pengulangan ganda dasar laut dan permukaan air. Tantangan utama dalam pemrosesan data seismik 2D laut dalam khususnya struktur geologi kompleks seperti Laut Seram, Papua Barat – Indonesia adalah pada kegiatan menekan pengulangan ganda permukaan sekaligus mempertahankan data primer. Beberapa metode yang dikembangkan untuk menghilangkan pengulangan ganda permukaan pada data seismik seperti least-square, filter prediksi kesalahan dan transformasi Radon
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