497 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Masalah kualitas pendidikan sangat berkaitan dengan kualitas pembelajaran, sebab kegiatan pembelajaran merupakan salah satu bentuk implementasi dari pendidikan di sekolah, termasuk mata pelajaran sejarah. Dalam kegiatan pembelajaran perlu adanya interaksi antara guru dan siswa. Pada umumnya guru mengajarkan sejarah dengan berceramah, membacakan kembali cerita yang ada di buku siswa yang sebenarnya siswa bisa membaca sendiri materi tersebut dan menekankan pada menghafalkan nama serta tanggal guna menyelasaikan soal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode pembelajaran indeks card match terhadap hasil belajar siswa yang meliputi aspek pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan. Dalam pembelajaran ini, siswa dilatih  untuk  mengikuti pembelajaran sejarah dengan aktif yaitu pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa.  Desain  penelitian menggunakan  true  experimental  design.  Setelah  melalui  uji  normalitas  dan  homogenitas  diperoleh  bahwa varians  populasi  berdistribusi  normal  dan  homogen.  Sampel  penelitian  dipilih  secara  random  sampling. Berdasarkan hasil analisi pada tiga aspek hasil belajar siswa melalui uji t diperoleh nilai signifikansi masing-masing kelompok eksperimen dan kontrol berdasarkan penilaian pengetahuan (0.042< 0.05) ,keterampilan (0,000< 0.05) dan sikap  (0,000 < 0.05) maka dapat dikatakan  Ha diterima Ho ditolak dan nilai rata-rata postest hasil belajar kelompok eksperimen lebih besar dibanding kelompok kontrol.  Dengan demikian  dapat  disimpulkan  bahwa  metode indeks card match berpengaruh pada hasil belajar siswa di SMAN Muhammadiyah 1 Babat. Kata kunci: metode pembelajaran index card match, Hasil Belajar siswa

    Persepsi Orang dengan HIV dan AIDS terhadap Peran Kelompok Dukungan Sebaya

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    The research was conducted to determine the perception of peoples with HIV AIDS (PLWHA) on the role of peer support group (KDS) and the implications of these perceptions on the implementation of antiretroviral therapy (ARV). This study used a qualitative approach with case study method to PLWHA members of KDS Semarang Plus. Determination of the subjects in a purposive way and obtained 15 subjects (4 housewife, a transvestite, a son, and 9 addict who has or had undergone antiretroviral therapy). Data were collected through in-depth interviews. The results showed all subjects had positive perceptions of the role of peer support groups, and peer support groups have a role for them to obediently carry out the ARV therapy. Most subjects stated that their self-confidence, and susceptibility of disease is another factor that determines the implementation of ARV therapy. The implications of the subject’s perception of the status of antiretroviral therapy were 13 subjects dutifully implement ARV therapy and 2 subjects who had broken up antiretroviral therapy, have a desire to resume antiretroviral therapy and have the confidence to carry it out obediently

    Studi Financial Management Behavior Pada Masyarakat Surabaya

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    The financial management behavior has become prevailing issue nowadays. This is due to the societys behavior of consumptions in Indonesia, and especially in Surabaya city. This study aims to examine the relationship between Locus of Control, Financial Knowledge, and Income on Financial Management Behavior. The sample consists of 104 respondents, in Su- rabaya in which they were taken by means of Purposive Sampling. The characteristic of re- spondents such as they live in Surabaya, labor force, and they have income equal to Rp 1.500.000. Using Structural Equation Modeling on AMOS, this research found that no direct effect on Financial Management Behavior by Financial knowledge and Income. Locus of Control is positively related to Financial Management Behavior, and Locus of Control medi- ates the effect of Financial Knowledge on Financial Management Behavior

    Pengaruh Campuran Ampas Tebu Dan Alang-Alang (Imperata Cylindrica) Sebagai Media Pertumbuhan Terhadap Kandungan Nutrisi Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus Ostreatus)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ampas tebu dan alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica) sebagai media pertumbuhan jamur tiram putih (Pleurotus ostreatus) terhadap kandungan nutrisinya. Ampas tebu dan alang-alang dipilih sebagai media pertumbuhan alternatif, karena tidak hanya mengandung lignoseluosa, tapi juga tersedia berlimpah di lingkungan. Variasi komposisi ampas tebu:alang-alang yang digunakan adalah 75:25 (A1); 50:50 (A2); 25:75 (A3); 0:100 (A4); dan 100:0 (A5). Pada penelitian ini, kandungan nutrisi yang dianalisis adalah kadar air, abu, protein kasar, lemak kasar, dan total karbohidrat. Metode yang digunakan adalah termo-gravimetri, furnis, Kjeldahl, dan ekstraksi Soxhlet. Hasil yang didapatkan yaitu kadar air dan lemak kasar terendah sebesar 77,29% dan 0,09% pada variasi A4, sedangkan kadar abu dan protein kasar tertinggi didapatkan sebesar 1,16% dan 11,70% pada variasi A3 dan A2. Sementara kadar karbohidrat terendah didapatkan pada variasi A5 sebesar 2,23%. Variasi media A4, dengan komposisi 100% alang-alang, lebih disukai untuk menghasilkan jamur tiram dengan kandungan nutrisi yang paling baik

    HIV-I infection in a family blood donor

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    Pеngaruh Grееn Markеting Tеrhadap Brand Imagе dan Dampaknya pada Kеputusan Pеmbеlian (Studi pada Followеrs Instagram @Starbucksindonеsia)

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    This rеsеarch aims to еxplain: thе influеncе of grееn markеting on brand imagе, thе influеncе of grееn markеting on product purchasе dеcision and thе influеncе of grееn markеting on product purchasе dеcision. This rеsеarch usе еxplanatory rеsеarch with quantitativе approach. Thе variablеs that usеd arе thrее: Grееn Markеting, Brand Imagе, and Product Purchasе Dеcision. Thе collеction of data obtainеd through a quеstionnairе with 108 rеspondеnts which distributе on instagram's followеrs of @starbucksindonеsia with rеspondеnt's critеrias wеrе consumеr who bought on Starbucks Coffее at lеast oncе in last thrее months, agеd 17 yеars old or oldеr and know that Starbucks is an еnvironmеntally friеndly company. Thе sampling tеchniquе usеd purposivе sampling. Thе data analysis usе dеscriptivе analysis and path analysis. Thе rеsults is Grееn Markеting significantly influеncе thе Brand Imagе. Thеn, Grееn markеting also significantly influеncе on Product Purchasе Dеcision. Furthеrmorе, Brand Imagе also provеn has significantly influеncе on Product Purchasе Dеcision. Thе othеr rеsult showеd that Grееn Markеting indirеctly influеncе Product Purchasе Dеcision through Brand imagе. Basеd on this rеsеarch's rеsult, Starbucks havе to maintains thе grееn markеting and strеngthеns thе brand imagе as a ‘grееn' company. Kеywords: Grееn Markеting, Brand Imagе, Purchasе Dеcisio

    Drug-induced stress granule formation protects sensory hair cells in mouse cochlear explants during ototoxicity

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    Stress granules regulate RNA translation during cellular stress, a mechanism that is generally presumed to be protective, since stress granule dysregulation caused by mutation or ageing is associated with neurodegenerative disease. Here, we investigate whether pharmacological manipulation of the stress granule pathway in the auditory organ, the cochlea, affects the survival of sensory hair cells during aminoglycoside ototoxicity, a common cause of acquired hearing loss. We show that hydroxamate (-)-9, a silvestrol analogue that inhibits eIF4A, induces stress granule formation in both an auditory cell line and ex-vivo cochlear cultures and that it prevents ototoxin-induced hair-cell death. In contrast, preventing stress granule formation using the small molecule inhibitor ISRIB increases hair-cell death. Furthermore, we provide the first evidence of stress granule formation in mammalian hair cells in-vivo triggered by aminoglycoside treatment. Our results demonstrate that pharmacological induction of stress granules enhances cell survival in native-tissue, in a clinically-relevant context. This establishes stress granules as a viable therapeutic target not only for hearing loss but also other neurodegenerative diseases.EI:595 - Action on Hearing Loss; 091092/Z/09/Z - Wellcome Trust (Wellcome); MR/N004329/1 - RCUK | Medical Research Council (MRC)Published versio

    Primary splenic hydatid cyst: a case report with characteristic imaging appearance

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    A middle-aged lady presented with pain, tenderness and swelling in the left hypochondrium since one month. She had a history of contact with dogs and grazing animals. Sonography and computed tomography showed the pathognomonic signs of hydatid disease. The patient refused surgical treatment. She was discharged on Albendazole therapy and did not return for a follow up

    Factors determinant of patients’ satisfaction towards health tourism in Malaysia

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    Health tourism is a new form of tourism which is increasingly getting popularity around the world. Recently, Malaysia has become a favourite destination for health tourism. In order for Malaysia to attract more health tourists, it is imperative to determine the crucial factors concerning patients’ satisfaction. This research has been designed to analyze the factors that may affect patients’ satisfaction with health tourism, particularly in the context of Malaysia. Specifically, the study tries to examine the relationship between patients’ satisfaction and cost, service quality, motivation, destination image and perceived value. With the aim of achieving these objectives, this study has developed a framework on the basis of prior studies. In addition, data has been collected via self-structured questionnaire from patients visiting Malaysia, specifically Kuala Lumpur for the purpose of health tourism. The collected data from the respective respondents were analyzed through Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). SPSS has been used in order to assess the demographic profile of the respondents, run exploratory factor analysis and multiple regression analysis. The findings of the study demonstrated that cost, service quality and motivation are significantly related to satisfaction toward health tourism, whereas destination image and perceived value are not