1,363 research outputs found

    Using Blended Learning To Facilitate The Mathematical Thought Processes Of Primary School Learners In A Computer Laboratory: A Case Study In Calculating Simple Areas

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    Primary school learners’ first encounters with mathematics in a traditional learning environment often create lifelong ‘math phobia.’(Papert 1980) The situation in a country emerging from an oppressive education system designed to educationally disempower the majority of the population is much worse. The typical scenario in a previously disadvantaged South African primary school is a classroom filled beyond capacity with the educator struggling to establish an effective learning environment. Thus the educator resorts to rote learning, drill and practice and ‘chalk and talk’ methods of teaching.  The individual needs and levels of learners are disregarded and blanket assessment methods are employed (Naidoo and Naidoo 2006b). Collaborative learning is minimal or non-existent. These traditional teaching strategies often disregard cultural and social factors, and pre-knowledge frames of learners.  Furthermore there is a dire shortage of qualified mathematics educators in the South African schooling system. Therefore there is an urgent need for alternative teaching and learning strategies to address the teaching of mathematics in primary schools. The introduction of networked computer laboratories to previously disadvantaged South African primary schools enables the use of computers as powerful tools to analyze the thought processes of learners during their early encounters with mathematics. A blended learning approach using a networked computing environment and LOGO mathematics to facilitate the teaching and learning of area in a Grade 5 class produced significantly higher grades and an enhanced learning experience, both for learners and the educator, as compared to a second Grade 5 class utilizing traditional teaching and learning methods only. This study entailed the use of software to promote collaborative learning encompassing both learner-learner and learner-educator interaction. Apart from the educator using the computer as a medium of instruction via the software, learners were allowed to actively provide input. Furthermore the software allowed the educator to view learners’ progress during activities and provide real-time input via the computer

    Long head of biceps brachii tendon and transverse humeral ligament morphometry and their associated pathology

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    Background: As a dynamic stabiliser and flexor of the glenohumeral joint, the long head of the biceps brachii tendon (LHBBT) is further stabilised by the retinacular activities of the transverse humeral ligament (THL). Materials and methods: The LHBBT and THL which were obtained from a total of 40 cadaveric upper limb specimens (n = 80; females: 36, males: 44; right: 40, left: 40), were bilaterally dissected and subjected to morphometric evaluation. Results: The results are in millimetres. LHBBT length: 81.99 ± 21.28 right, 79.73 ± 17.27 left; 79.82 ± 19.66 male, 82.14 ± 19.03 female; LHBBT width: 4.28 ± 1.31 right, 4.67 ± 1.43 left; 4.35 ± 1.17 male, 4.63 ± 1.60 female; THL length: 20.91 ± 5.24 right, 21.19 ± 6.63 left; 21.52 ± 5.71 male, 20.48 ± 5.92 female; THL width: 16.65 ± 6.92 right, 16.63 ± 7.49 left; 16.83 ± 6.65 male, 16.40 ± 7.84 female. With larger LHBBT length observed on the right side and larger LHBBT width observed on the left side; both parameters appeared to be distinctly longer in female individuals. On the contrary, the THL length and width were evidently greater in male individuals, with larger lengths and widths present on the left and right sides respectively. Conclusions: These findings may contribute to South African literature and to clinical knowledge as these parameters are important in the successful outcomes of tenotomy, tenodesis and shoulder-related procedures

    A comparative study of multiple imputation and subset correspondence analysis in dealing with missing data

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    Methods: Multiple imputation and subset correspondence analysis are applied to a set of child asthma data that is mainly categorical and suffers from non-response. Differences in the methods and in the outcomes they produce are studied. In addition, the inclusion of interactions in a subset correspondence analysis is illustrated. Results: Despite the vast differences in the two approaches, they yielded similar results in the identification of genetic, environmental and socio-economic factors that affect childhood asthma. A number of exposure related variables were found to be associated with the greater severity of asthma. It was also found that a finer distinction between the asthma severity levels and their associations with factors was possible with a subset correspondence analysis, compared to the multiple imputation approach. Conclusions: Both multiple imputation and subset correspondence analysis were able to identify several factors associated with childhood asthma while at the same time successfully managing the missing data. This offers the researcher a choice to select the method that best suits his/her study

    A review of ambient air pollution exposure assessment methods in determining childhood respiratory health effects in children under five

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    Various epidemiological studies have reported on air pollution exposure-related lung function decline and respiratory health effects in children. Children have increased susceptibility to ambient air pollutants as physiological and structural changes of the lung are still occurring within the first five years of life after birth. This review examines applications in air pollution exposure assessment methods when evaluating lung function and respiratory health concentration-response effects in young children, while considering the effects of critical windows of exposure. We identified 13 studies that used various methods of exposure assessment in assessing respiratory health outcomes (presence of lower respiratory tract infections, respiratory symptoms, wheezing and asthma) in children under five. The methods applied included personal monitoring (n = 1), proximity-based methods (n = 3), inverse distance weighting (n = 2), geographic weighted regression (n = 1), dispersion modeling (n = 1), satellite-based methods (n = 2) and land use regression modeling (n = 5). These studies assessed exposure and outcomes at different "windows of susceptibility": antenatally/specific trimesters (n = 8), infancy (n = 5) and early childhood (n = 6). In most studies, the reported measures of air pollutants were noted to be below the prescribed limits, though for some, a cause-effect association was observed. It was also noted that there was very little variation in estimates between time points or trimesters of exposure, likely attributed to limitations in the selected exposure assessment method. Moderate to high correlations between trimesters were reported for most studies. © 2022 by the authors

    Comparing multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patient costs under molecular diagnostic algorithms in South Africa

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    SETTING: Ten primary health care facilities in Cape Town, South Africa, 2010–2013. OBJECTIVE: A comparison of costs incurred by patients in GenoType® MDRTBplus line-probe assay (LPA) and Xpert® MTB/RIF-based diagnostic algorithms from symptom onset until treatment initiation for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). METHODS: Eligible patients identified from laboratory and facility records were interviewed 3–6 months after treatment initiation and a cost questionnaire completed. Direct and indirect costs, individual and household income, loss of individual income and change in household income were recorded in local currency, adjusted to 2013 costs and converted to US.RESULTS:MediannumberofvisitstoinitiationofMDRTBtreatmentwasreducedfrom20to7(P<0.001)andmediancostsfellfromUSUS. RESULTS: Median number of visits to initiation of MDR-TB treatment was reduced from 20 to 7 (P < 0.001) and median costs fell from US68.1 to US$38.3 (P = 0.004) in the Xpert group. From symptom onset to being interviewed, the proportion of unemployed increased from 39% to 73% in the LPA group (P < 0.001) and from 53% to 89% in the Xpert group (P < 0.001). Median household income decreased by 16% in the LPA group and by 13% in the Xpert group. CONCLUSION: The introduction of an Xpert-based algorithm brought relief by reducing the costs incurred by patients, but loss of employment and income persist. Patients require support to mitigate this impact

    HIV-Associated Tuberculosis in the Newborn and Young Infant

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    Each year, approximately 250 000 women die during pregnancy, delivery, or postpartum. Maternal mortality rates due to tuberculosis (TB) and HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa now supersede obstetric-related causes of mortality. The majority of cases occur in population-dense regions of Africa and Asia where TB is endemic. The vertical transmission rate of tuberculosis is 15%, the overall vertical transmission rate of HIV in resource-limited settings with mono- or dual-ARV therapy varies from 1.9% to 10.7%. If the millennium development goals are to be achieved, both HIV and TB must be prevented. The essential aspect of TB prevention and detection in the newborn is the maternal history and a positive HIV status in the mother. Perinatal outcomes are guarded even with treatment of both diseases. Exclusive breast feeding is recommended. The community and social impact are crippling. The social issues aggravate the prognosis of these two diseases

    Physiotherapy in rehabilitation and prohabilitation across the lifespan

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    There is considerable evidence to support the rise in non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Reduction of the NCD burden is of vital importance globally, including South Africa (SA). Recent evidence demonstrates that NCDs commence in early childhood and continue throughout the lifespan. Strengthening of interprofessional and multidisciplinary team efforts supports a decrease in the impact of NCDs on individuals, families and communities and enhances health-related quality of life to improve productivity of the SA economy. Mounting overweight/obesity rates and poor nutrition cause NCDs, which are preventable. It is  important that healthcare practitioners identify causes of ill-health and promote health among patients, rather than await symptoms and then determine treatment. It is also critically important to inspire positive lifestyle changes in one’s patients

    Comparing laboratory costs of smear/culture and Xpert(®) MTB/RIF-based tuberculosis diagnostic algorithms

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    SETTING: Cape Town, South Africa, where Xpert® MTB/RIF was introduced as a screening test for all presumptive tuberculosis (TB) cases. OBJECTIVE: To compare laboratory costs of smear/culture- and Xpert-based tuberculosis (TB) diagnostic algorithms in routine operational conditions. METHODS: Economic costing was undertaken from a laboratory perspective, using an ingredients-based costing approach. Cost allocation was based on reviews of standard operating procedures and laboratory records, timing of test procedures, measurement of laboratory areas and manager interviews. We analysed laboratory test data to assess overall costs and cost per pulmonary TB and multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) case diagnosed. Costs were expressed as 2013 Consumer Price Index-adjusted values. RESULTS: Total TB diagnostic costs increased by 43%, from US440967inthesmear/culturebasedalgorithm(AprilJune2011)toUS440 967 in the smear/culture-based algorithm (April–June 2011) to US632 262 in the Xpert-based algorithm (April–June 2013). The cost per TB case diagnosed increased by 157%, from US48.77(n=1601)toUS48.77 (n = 1601) to US125.32 (n = 1281). The total cost per MDR-TB case diagnosed was similar, at US190.14andUS190.14 and US183.86, with 95 and 107 cases diagnosed in the respective algorithms. CONCLUSION: The introduction of the Xpert-based algorithm resulted in substantial cost increases. This was not matched by the expected increase in TB diagnostic efficacy, calling into question the sustainability of this expensive new technology

    Electrophoresis test prevalence, requesting patterns, yield and related bone marrow biopsy findings at a South African tertiary hospital: A 5-year retrospective audit

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    Background. Studies of electrophoresis testing (serum protein electrophoresis (SPE), urine protein electrophoresis (UPE), immunofixation electrophoresis (IFE)) in a South African (SA) pathology laboratory setting are limited.Objectives. To evaluate the prevalence, testing pattern and yield of electrophoresis tests performed over a 5-year period in a tertiary academic laboratory and to relate these findings to bone marrow biopsy findings in a few selected cases.Methods. This was a retrospective audit of all SPE, UPE and IFE tests performed on new and follow-up adult patients (aged ≥18 years) from 2010 to 2015, using data from the Tygerberg Academic Hospital (Cape Town, SA) National Health Laboratory Service hospital information system database. A subgroup analysis of all patients with negative serum (SIFE) and/or urine immunofixation (UIFE) tests who had concurrent bone marrow biopsies close to the time of IFE testing was also performed.Results. A total of 5 086 SPE tests were performed (44.3% were follow-up tests, and of these patients 13.8% had SIFE tests); 1 299 UPE tests were performed (23.3% were follow-up tests, and of these patients 33.6% had UIFE tests). The mean ages of patients who had SIFE and UIFE tests were 59 years (standard deviation (SD) 14.2) and 60 years (SD 15), respectively. The female-to-male ratio was 1.1:1 for both SIFE and UIFE. The negative test yields for SIFE and UIFE were 31.3% and 52.1%, respectively. Bone marrow biopsy findings for patients with negative SIFE tests identified 8 out of the 20 biopsies (40.0%) as positive for myeloma.Conclusion. This audit provides baseline data on the prevalence of test requests, their source and the yield of electrophoresis testing in our laboratory. An increasing trend in SIFE and UIFE was evident