47 research outputs found

    Choice of antihypertensive therapy in hypertensive patients with critical coronary artery stenosis

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    Sixty patients with stages II-III AH were studied. ABPM was performed in all the patients. DBPP was assessed by the degree of nocturnal BP lowering. Patients were randomized into groups receiving perindopril or losartan potassium. Perindopril was prescribed at a dose of 4 mg/day with subsequent rising up to 8 mg/day during 7 days. The initial dose of losartan potassium was 25 mg with subsequent rising up to 50 mg 2 times a day. The duration of observation was 8 weeks. Thus, perindopril therapy in hypertensive patients in the preoperative CABG period increased the number of people with normal BP profileyesБелгородский госуниверсите

    Monogenetic trematodes of the family Tetraonchoididae Bychowsky, 1951

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    Translated from: 1965. Trudy Zool. Inst., Leningrad, 35: 140-166. Pierre C. Oustinoff, translator; W.A. Dillon and David E. Zwerner, editors

    The Role of Art in the Education of Young People

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    Рассматривается роль искусства в становлении личности. Перечислены способы влияния творчества на ее формирование. Приведены примеры, иллюстрирующие важность всестороннего развития каждого члена общества с ранних лет. Показано влияние искусства на формирование социально-приемлемых нравственных ориентиров. С помощью анализа и обобщения актуализируются основы, закладываемые искусством, для личностного развития. Отмечено, что культурные достижения формируют личность, способную творить и создавать новое. Новизна статьи состоит в том, что были рассмотрены все возможности искусства при становлении человека как личности.The article examines the role of art in the formation of personality. The ways in which creativity influences its formation are listed. Examples illustrating the importance of the comprehensive development of each member of society from an early age are given. The influence of art on the formation of socially acceptable moral guidelines is shown. With the help of analysis and generalization, the foundations laid by art for personal development are actualized. It is noted that cultural achievements form a personality capable of creating and creating new things. The novelty of the article is that all the possibilities of art in the formation of a person as a person were considered

    Mnemonic Techniques in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language

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    В статье рассматриваются типичные приемы запоминания русских слов китайскими студентами.The use of mnemonics in teaching a foreign language is not new, but we have not found any studies that detail the development of teaching Russian to Chinese students using mnemonics. The aim of the study is to identifyexperimentally (via questionnaire) typical techniques of memorizing Russian lexical units by Chinese students and, thereby, to justify the possibility of using mnemonic teaching of the Russian language to the Chinese. With the help of the questionnaire method, the authors have identified that most of the difficulties in learning Russian are memorizing its vocabulary and grammar (the sample comprised 326 Chinese respondents who studied and/or are studying Russian)

    Листериозный менингоэнцефалит как оппортунистическое заболевание при ВИЧ-инфекции

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    Aim: To identify the signs and reasons why listeriosis can be classified as opportunistic infections in HIV infection, requiring timely diagnosis and treatment to prevent the development of a severe course of the disease and minimize the risks of death.  Materials and methods: 38 hospitalized patients with listeriosis meningitis/ meningoencephalitis were examined. All patients were hospitalized in the boxed departments of neuroinfections (the diagnosis of HIV infection was not known) with a directional diagnosis of meningitis of unclear etiology, where, according to the Meningitis program, a PCR examination for L. monocytogenes was included. The comparison group consisted of patients with other most common bacterial pyogenic meningitis (BPM) – meningococcal, pneumococcal and patients with listeriosis meningitis/meningoencephalitis without HIV infection.  Results: Studies have shown that patients with HIV infection accounted for the majority – 26% (out of 38 hospitalized). Men predominated among the patients – 60 %, the average age was 34.9 ± 2.2 years (29 – 41), which differs from the well–known age status, where the risk group is primarily male patients over 70 years of age.  Conclusion: Polymorphism of clinical manifestations of neuro listeriosis in some cases presents diagnostic difficulties for primary care physicians. CNS listeriosis in patients with HIV infection belongs to the category of opportunistic infections, which clinically and in the study of cerebrospinal fluid presents difficulties for early diagnosis, which directly affects the timing of the initiation of etiotropic therapy and the further outcome of the disease. Цель: выявить признаки и причины, по которым листериоз можно отнести в разряд оппортунистических инфекций при ВИЧ-инфекции, требующих своевременной диагностики и лечения для предотвращения развития тяжелого течения заболевания, и минимизировать риски летального исхода.  Материалы и методы. Обследовано 38 госпитализированных с установленным в стационаре листериозным менингитом/менингоэнцефалитом. Все больные госпитализировались в боксированные отделения нейроинфекций (о диагнозе ВИЧ-инфекция не было известно) с направительным диагнозом «Менингит неясной этиологии», где по программе «Менингиты» в ПЦР включено обследование на L. monocytogenes. Группу сравнения составили больные другими наиболее распространенными бактериальными гнойными менингитами – менингококковым, пневмококковым и больные листериозным менингитом/менингоэнцефалитом без ВИЧ-инфекции.  Результаты. Проведенные исследования показали, что больные ВИЧ-инфекцией составили большинство – 26% (из 38 госпитализированных). Среди больных преобладали мужчины – 60 %, средний возраст 34,9±2,2 лет (29–41), что отличается от общеизвестного возрастного статуса, где группой риска, прежде всего, являются пациенты старше 70 лет мужского пола.  Заключение. Полиморфизм клинических проявлений нейролистериоза в ряде случаев представляет диагностические трудности для врачей первичного звена. Листериоз центральной нервной системы у больных ВИЧ-инфекцией относится к категории оппортунистических инфекций, которая клинически и при исследовании спинномозговой жидкости представляет трудности для ранней диагностики, что напрямую влияет на сроки начала этиотропной терапии и дальнейшего исхода заболевания.


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    The article focuses  on the review of the main parameters defining the standard and quality of life (LQ). An argument  for importance  provided  of LQ assessment in patients with ischemic heart disease as a task of medical and social significance. A conclusion  in  done,   that  LQ can  be  treated   as  quite  reliable  parameter  for assessment of patients condition with coronary heart disease, which can be applied for objectivity increase in clinical condition evaluation. Also, it is possible,  having revealed medical and social specifics of patients, to influence them and improve LQ

    Choice of antihypertensive therapy in hypertensive patients with critical coronary artery stenosis

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    yesSixty patients with stages II-III AH were studied. ABPM was performed in all the patients. DBPP was assessed by the degree of nocturnal BP lowering. Patients were randomized into groups receiving perindopril or losartan potassium. Perindopril was prescribed at a dose of 4 mg/day with subsequent rising up to 8 mg/day during 7 days. The initial dose of losartan potassium was 25 mg with subsequent rising up to 50 mg 2 times a day. The duration of observation was 8 weeks. Thus, perindopril therapy in hypertensive patients in the preoperative CABG period increased the number of people with normal BP profileБелгородский госуниверсите


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    A simple prospective investigation studied the efficacy of reamberine used to prevent antituberculosis drug-induced hepatitis in 144 patients with new-onset infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis who were divided into 2 groups: 1) those who received a 1-2-week reamberine cycle (a study group) and 2) those who did not (a comparison group). In the study group, arrest of the symptoms of intoxication (by the leukocyte index by 35.3%) occurred in a shorter periods; drug-induced hepatitides, whose course was more favorable, were noted to develop less commonly (16.6 versus 36%). In the study group, therapeutic effectiveness was higher than that in the comparison group in terms of both the decay cavity closure index (by 30.2%) and the bacterial cessation index (by 24.8%), including in patients with multidrug-resistant in the pathogen, decay cavities were closed 13.9% more frequently and bacterial excretion cessation was seen 27.8% more often; transformation to fibrocavernous tuberculosis was also observed less commonly. The findings allow one to recommend the use of reamberine as an agent for the prevention of hepatitis caused by the intake of antituberculosis drugs during patients’ adaptation to chemotherapy (1-2weeks of treatment)

    Китайский политический дискурс и роль России в нем

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    Political discourse is a unique separate type of discourse. Developing rapidly in China, it attracts attention of philologists, sociologists, experts in political science, psychology, demography. It consists of unique complex of words and expressions appealing to the political side of the country’s development. Each country has a separate language of policy. This article is a result of collaboration between Dmitry Savkin, the researcher from the School of International Studies at Sun Yat-sen University (China), who also established an international laboratory of Eurasian research at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Moscow) and Irina Nagibina, a Russian researcher of discourse from the School of Philology and Language Communication at Siberian Federal University (Russia). The authors analyse the problems of political discourse in China and role of Russia in itПолитический дискурс представляет собой уникальное направление в дискурсивных исследованиях. Подвергнутый быстрому развитию в Китае, он привлекает внимание филологов, социологов, специалистов в области политологии, психологии, демографических вопросов. Политический дискурс конституирован особыми лексическими элементами и синтаксическими структурами, посредством которых выражены аспекты политического развития государства. В данной статье авторы анализируют конъюнктуру современного китайского политического дискурса и роль России в не

    Китайский политический дискурс и роль России в нем

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    Political discourse is a unique separate type of discourse. Developing rapidly in China, it attracts attention of philologists, sociologists, experts in political science, psychology, demography. It consists of unique complex of words and expressions appealing to the political side of the country’s development. Each country has a separate language of policy. This article is a result of collaboration between Dmitry Savkin, the researcher from the School of International Studies at Sun Yat-sen University (China), who also established an international laboratory of Eurasian research at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Moscow) and Irina Nagibina, a Russian researcher of discourse from the School of Philology and Language Communication at Siberian Federal University (Russia). The authors analyse the problems of political discourse in China and role of Russia in itПолитический дискурс представляет собой уникальное направление в дискурсивных исследованиях. Подвергнутый быстрому развитию в Китае, он привлекает внимание филологов, социологов, специалистов в области политологии, психологии, демографических вопросов. Политический дискурс конституирован особыми лексическими элементами и синтаксическими структурами, посредством которых выражены аспекты политического развития государства. В данной статье авторы анализируют конъюнктуру современного китайского политического дискурса и роль России в не