35 research outputs found

    Discovery, video self-confrontation, and intervention as a means to improve quality of individual instrumental practice

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    Doctor of PhilosophyDepartment of Curriculum and InstructionFrederick BurrackThe purpose of this research is to discover influences that guide practice habits of collegiate instrumental music students, explore student self-discovery of practice needs, and create strategies that can be used to improve the quality of students’ individual music practice. To best address these intentions, three unique yet sequential studies were implemented. The Discovery study focused on the uncovering prior experiences that shaped students’ practice habits before entering college to get an idea of how current practice habits were formed. The Video Self-Confrontation study had participants watch a video recording of a practice sessions to address possible gaps between their perception and the reality of their practice habits. The video self-confrontation prompted discussion about possibilities for enhanced practice skills. The Intervention study expanded upon information from previous studies to develop and administer personalized interventions designed to address weaknesses and identify effect on participants’ practice habits. Independent practice, the time after instruction when a student works toward mastery of skills or concepts, is widely recognized as a critical component of improvement in the performance music. These studies aim to help bridge the gap between practice theories and optimal experiences. These studies explored elements related to practice behavior. Because each person had unique experiences and diverse ways to describe their experiences, a methodology for each study was required that allowed for structured data collection and organization. As such, the constructivist paradigm supported these studies

    O envolvimento da comunidade rural de Cássia dos Coqueiros (São Paulo, Brasil) em programas de saúde

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    Apresenta-se trabalho realizado no município de Cássia dos Coqueiros, (São Paulo, Brasil), para envolvimento da comunidade em programas de saúde, através da criação de uma entidade associativa, congregando lideres naturais, a ela atribuindo-se responsabilidades na execução de algumas tarefas comunitárias desses programas. Comentam-se os resultados alcançados no desenvolvimento de programas de educação sanitária, de uma campanha para construção de fossas secas, na qual a entidade associativa responsabilizou-se pela sua execução; e na melhoria de relacionamento e freqüência da população ao atendimento do posto médico local.The engagement of the rural community of Cassia dos Coqueiros (S. Paulo State, Brazil) in health programs with the creation of an association entity congregating people with leadership is presented. Responsibilities for execution of some community tasks of these programs were given to the partnership. The results achieved in the development of health education programs are commented. A program of construction of pit privies was developed on the sponsorship of the association entity with good results. Improvement of the frequency of health examination and of the relationship of the people with the local health center is also commented

    Mortalidade feminina em idade reprodutiva no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, 1991-1995: causas básicas de óbito e mortalidade materna

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe female mortality in the reproductive age (15 to 49 years old) in the State of S. Paulo, Brazil, from 1991 to 1995, according to the age and underlying causes of death. METHODS: Underlying causes of death, according to the International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, were determined in the program Automated Classification of Medical Entities (ACME), developed by "Fundação Seade", which provided us data files and estimated women population by age groups and numbers of live births during the 1991 -- 1995 period. Specific rates were calculated per 100,000 women and maternal mortality rates were given per 100,000 live births. Percentages of death were calculated for sub-groups. The median of the rates for a five-year-period was calculated to allow the comparison among the leading underlying causes of death. RESULTS: "Celular immunity deficiency" increased from 1991 to 1995 in women aged 25 or more which seems to be concomitant to the spreading of the AIDS epidemic among women. Lesions and poisonings were the leading causes of death in younger women, but after the age of 35 cardiovascular diseases and neoplasms became the chief causes. Infectious and parasitic diseases were rated in the 7th or 8th positions in all ages. Accidents and homicides were high. Maternal mortality rates ranged from 43.7 to 49.6 per 100,000 live births, their leading causes were presented and discussed. CONCLUSIONS: Women in the reproductive age were exposed to external factors, chronic diseases and AIDS. The majority of maternal causes of death are preventable diseases. There is a lack of adequate and extensive antenatal care as well as in delivery and postpartum care.OBJETIVO: Descrever a mortalidade materna no período reprodutivo (15 a 49 anos) no Estado de São Paulo, de 1991 a 1995, segundo grupos etários e causas básicas de óbito. MÉTODOS: Foi fornecida pela Fundação Seade a listagem dos óbitos, com as causas básicas codificadas pela Classificação Internacional de Doenças, 9ª Revisão, utilizando-se o programa "Automated Classification of Medical Entities", as estimativas da população feminina segundo grupos etários e os números de nascidos vivos. Foram calculados coeficientes específicos por 100.000 mulheres, mortalidade materna por 100.000 nascidos vivos e percentagens de óbitos por subgrupos. Foram calculadas medianas dos coeficientes do quinquênio, para comparação das principais causas agrupadas nos capítulos. RESULTADOS: De 1991 a 1995 houve aumento da mortalidade por deficiência da imunidade celular a partir de 25 anos, parecendo traduzir um paralelismo com a curva ascendente da epidemia de AIDS em mulheres. Lesões e envenenamentos predominam nas mais jovens, porém a partir de 35 anos as doenças do aparelho circulatório e neoplasmas passaram a ser preponderantes. Doenças infecciosas e parasitárias ocupam a sétima ou oitava posição, em todas as idades. Acidentes e homicídios e suicídios foram elevados. A mortalidade materna variou de 43,7 a 49,6 por 100.000 nascidos vivos. CONCLUSÕES: Houve grande exposição das mulheres em idade fértil a fatores associados a causas externas, doenças crônicas e AIDS. A maioria das causas apontadas de mortalidade materna podem ser prevenidas e, portanto, revelam insuficiência de assistência pré-natal adequada e extensiva, bem como deficiências no atendimento ao parto e puerpério


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    The present work was developed in the dependences of the Fruticulture Section of the Agrarian Center of Sciences, of the State University of the Paraná West (UNIOESTE), Marechal Cândido Rondon-PR, among September of 2006 to March of 2007, with the objective of evaluating the development of figs plants obtained from a rooting process of cuttings using sucrose diluted in solutions of IBA at nursery. Woody cuttings of the apical part of the branch were collected, standardized with 20 cm of length and immerged in solutions with or without sucrose at 2% diluted in IBA (100, 200, 300 mg L-1 and testimonial absentee at IBA), for 24 hours. The cuttings were transferred to recipients measuring 26 x 14 cm, filled with substrate composed by soil and it sand (2:1 v/v) and stayed at nursery conditions under irrigation and temperature control. After 60 days, the roots and aerial part were evaluated. Another part of the plants were transferred to the field in recipients constituted of rigid plastic with 5 L of capacity, filled with a substrate composed by soil and cow mature (3:1 v/v). After 120 days, it was verified that both the cuttings treated with sucrose and IBA or the stakes that were not treated had similar behaviors at the field and that the treatment with IBA only increased the rooting percentage. O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido nas dependências do Setor de Fruticultura do Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE), Marechal Cândido Rondon-PR, entre setembro de 2006 a março de 2007, com o objetivo de avaliar o desenvolvimento de figueiras no campo oriundas de estacas apicais, previamente enraizadas em viveiro através do uso de sacarose diluída em soluções de AIB, via imersão lenta. Coletaram-se estacas lenhosas da porção apical do ramo, padronizadas com 20 cm de comprimento, imersas em soluções sem e com sacarose a 2%, diluídas em AIB (100, 200 e 300 mg L-1, além da testemunha sem AIB), por 24 h. Em seguida, as estacas foram acondicionadas em recipientes de 26 x 14 cm, preenchidos com substrato à base de terra e areia (2:1 v/v) e transferidas para câmara de nebulização com sistema de irrigação e temperatura controlada. Passados 60 dias realizou-se a primeira avaliação em atributos referentes ao sistema radicular e parte aérea. Uma outra parte das plantas foram transferidas para o campo em recipientes constituídos de plástico rígido com capacidade de 5 L, preenchidos com substratos constituído de terra e esterco de curral (3:1 v/v). Após 120 dias, constatou-se que estacas tratadas e não tratadas com sacarose e AIB na fase de enraizamento possuem comportamentos semelhantes no campo, havendo necessidade do tratamento de estacas apenas com AIB para aumentar a porcentagem de enraizamento