1,935 research outputs found

    Die Abhängigkeit der Coverdalebibel von der Zürcherbibel

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    Ethik und Handlungstheorie

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    Validation of an automated enzyme immunoassay for interleukin-6 for routine clinical use

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    Serum levels of Interleukin-6 (IL-6), a proinflammatory cytokine, are increased in early stages of inflammatory diseases such as infection and sepsis. Assay systems which permit its measurement within a few hours and as a single measurement have not been reported so far. We therefore evaluated a now commercially available automated method for IL-6 measurement on the Cobas Core(R) immunological analyzer (Roche Diagnostic Systems) which enables single IL-6 measurement within about 1 hour. The automated assay correlates well with an established, manual microtiter plate assay (Biosource GmbH) which uses the same antibodies and reagents (r=0.98). Accuracy of the automated method was established by adding known amounts of IL-6 international reference preparation. Recovery of the international standard was in the range of 92-104%. The automated assay had a precision of singletons below 6% and was linear up to 2800 pg/ml. This automated assay provides a suitable, convenient and time saving method for measurement of IL-6 serum levels in the routine clinical laboratory

    Localism vs. Individualism for the Scientific Realism Debate

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    Localism is the view that the unit of evaluation in the scientific realism debate is a single scientific discipline, sub-discipline, or claim, whereas individualism is the view that the unit of evaluation is a single scientific theory. Localism is compatible, while individualism is not, with a local pessimistic induction and a local selective induction. Asay (2016) presents several arguments to support localism and undercut globalism, according to which the unit of evaluation is the set of all scientific disciplines. I argue that some of his arguments clash with localism as well as with globalism and support individualism, and that individualism goes hand in hand, while localism does not, with the basic rule of how to evaluate an argument

    Optogenetic Long-Term Manipulation of Behavior and Animal Development

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    Channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) is widely used for rapid photodepolarization of neurons, yet, as it requires high-intensity blue light for activation, it is not suited for long-term in vivo applications, e.g. for manipulations of behavior, or photoactivation of neurons during development. We used “slow” ChR2 variants with mutations in the C128 residue, that exhibit delayed off-kinetics and increased light sensitivity in Caenorhabditis elegans. Following a 1 s light pulse, we could photodepolarize neurons and muscles for minutes (and with repeated brief stimulation, up to days) with low-intensity light. Photoactivation of ChR2(C128S) in command interneurons elicited long-lasting alterations in locomotion. Finally, we could optically induce profound changes in animal development: Long-term photoactivation of ASJ neurons, which regulate larval growth, bypassed the constitutive entry into the “dauer” larval state in daf-11 mutants. These lack a guanylyl cyclase, which possibly renders ASJ neurons hyperpolarized. Furthermore, photostimulated ASJ neurons could acutely trigger dauer-exit. Thus, slow ChR2s can be employed to long-term photoactivate behavior and to trigger alternative animal development

    Maxwell Model of Traffic Flows

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    We investigate traffic flows using the kinetic Boltzmann equations with a Maxwell collision integral. This approach allows analytical determination of the transient behavior and the size distributions. The relaxation of the car and cluster velocity distributions towards steady state is characterized by a wide range of velocity dependent relaxation scales, R1/2<τ(v)<RR^{1/2}<\tau(v)<R, with RR the ratio of the passing and the collision rates. Furthermore, these relaxation time scales decrease with the velocity, with the smallest scale corresponding to the decay of the overall density. The steady state cluster size distribution follows an unusual scaling form Pm4Ψ(m/<m>2)P_m \sim ^{-4} \Psi(m/< m>^2). This distribution is primarily algebraic, Pmm3/2P_m\sim m^{-3/2}, for m2m\ll ^2, and is exponential otherwise.Comment: revtex, 10 page

    New Channelrhodopsin with a Red-Shifted Spectrum and Rapid Kinetics from Mesostigma viride

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    Light control of motility behavior (phototaxis and photophobic responses) in green flagellate algae is mediated by sensory rhodopsins homologous to phototaxis receptors and light-driven ion transporters in prokaryotic organisms. In the phototaxis process, excitation of the algal sensory rhodopsins leads to generation of transmembrane photoreceptor currents. When expressed in animal cells, the algal phototaxis receptors function as light-gated cation channels, which has earned them the name “channelrhodopsins.” Channelrhodopsins have become useful molecular tools for light control of cellular activity. Only four channelrhodopsins, identified in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Volvox carteri, have been reported so far. By screening light-induced currents among algal species, we identified that the phylogenetically distant flagellate Mesostigma viride showed photoelectrical responses in vivo with properties suggesting a channelrhodopsin especially promising for optogenetic use. We cloned an M. viride channelrhodopsin, MChR1, and studied its channel activity upon heterologous expression. Action spectra in HEK293 cells match those of the photocurrents observed in M. viride cells. Comparison of the more divergent MChR1 sequence to the previously studied phylogenetically clustered homologs and study of several MChR1 mutants refine our understanding of the sequence determinants of channelrhodopsin function. We found that MChR1 has the most red-shifted and pH-independent spectral sensitivity so far reported, matches or surpasses known channelrhodopsins’ channel kinetics features, and undergoes minimal inactivation upon sustained illumination. This combination of properties makes MChR1 a promising candidate for optogenetic applications

    Granular Matter: a wonderful world of clusters in far-from-equilibrium systems

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    In this paper, we recall various features of non equilibrium granular systems. Clusters with specific properties are found depending on the packing density, going from loose (a granular gas) to sintered (though brittle) polycrystalline materials. The phase space available can be quite different. Unexpected features, with respect to standard or expected ones in classical fluids or solids, are observed, - like slow relaxation processes or anomalous electrical and thermoelectrical transport property dependences. The cases of various pile structures and the interplay between classical phase transitions and self-organized criticality for avalanches are also outlined.Comment: 7 figures, 37 refs., to be published in Physica

    Scheduling shared continuous resources on many-cores

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    © 2017 Springer Science+Business Media New York We consider the problem of scheduling a number of jobs on m identical processors sharing a continuously divisible resource. Each job j comes with a resource requirement [InlineEquation not available: see fulltext.]. The job can be processed at full speed if granted its full resource requirement. If receiving only an x-portion of (Formula presented.), it is processed at an x-fraction of the full speed. Our goal is to find a resource assignment that minimizes the makespan (i.e., the latest completion time). Variants of such problems, relating the resource assignment of jobs to their processing speeds, have been studied under the term discrete–continuous scheduling. Known results are either very pessimistic or heuristic in nature. In this article, we suggest and analyze a slightly simplified model. It focuses on the assignment of shared continuous resources to the processors. The job assignment to processors and the ordering of the jobs have already been fixed. It is shown that, even for unit size jobs, finding an optimal solution is NP-hard if the number of processors is part of the input. Positive results for unit size jobs include a polynomial-time algorithm for any constant number of processors. Since the running time is infeasible for practical purposes, we also provide more efficient algorithm variants: an optimal algorithm for two processors and a [InlineEquation not available: see fulltext.] -approximation algorithm for m processors