141 research outputs found

    Directional linearly polarized terahertz emission from argon clusters irradiated by noncollinear double-pulse beams

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    It has been demonstrated that the interaction between argon clusters and intense femtosecond double laser pulses with appropriate intervals in time and space provides important properties for terahertz electromagnetic wave generation, namely, high forward directivity, power enhancement, and linear polarization with a variable direction. Irradiating argon clusters with double pulses (1 and 3 mJ, 40 fs, 810 nm) in 133-ps and 40-μm intervals results in terahertz wave emission in the forward direction that is 10 times greater than that for a single pulse. The polarization direction of terahertz electromagnetic waves can be varied by changing the relative focal positions of the first and second pulses

    Novel insights into the intraepithelial spread of extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: clinicopathological study of 382 cases on extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma

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    BackgroundExtrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (eCCA) is a rare and aggressive disease and consisted of conventional eCCA and intraductal papillary neoplasm of the bile duct (IPNB). Intraepithelial spread (IES) of cancer cells beyond the invasive area is often observed in IPNBs; however, the prevalence of IES remains to be examined in conventional eCCAs. Here, we evaluated the clinicopathological features of eCCAs according to tumor location, with a focus on the presence of IES. The IES extension was also compared among biliary tract cancers (BTCs).MethodsWe examined the prevalence and clinicopathological significance of IES in eCCAs (n=382) and the IES extension of BTCs, including gallbladder (n=172), cystic duct (n=20), and ampullary cancers (n=102).ResultsAmong the invasive eCCAs, IPNB had a higher rate of IES (89.2%) than conventional eCCAs (57.0%). Among conventional eCCAs, distal eCCAs (75.4%) had a significantly higher prevalence of IES than perihilar eCCAs (41.3%). The presence of IES was associated with a significantly higher survival rate in patients with distal eCCAs (P=0.030). Extension of the IES into the cystic duct (CyD) in distal eCCAs that cancer cells reached the junction of the CyD was a favorable prognostic factor (P<0.001). The association of survival with IES, either on the extrahepatic bile duct or on the CyD, differed depending on the tumor location and type of eCCA. The extension properties of IES were also dependent on different types of tumors among BTCs; usually, the IES incidence became higher than 50% in the tissues that the tumor developed, whereas IES extension to other tissues decreased the incidence.ConclusionThus, eCCAs have different clinicopathological characteristics depending on the tumor location and type

    Palmitate induces reactive oxygen species production and β-cell dysfunction by activating nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase through Src signaling.

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    [Aims/Introduction]Chronic hyperlipidemia impairs pancreatic β-cell function, referred to as lipotoxicity. We have reported an important role of endogenous reactive oxygen species (ROS) overproduction by activation of Src, a non-receptor tyrosine kinase, in impaired glucose-induced insulin secretion (GIIS) from diabetic rat islets. In the present study, we investigated the role of ROS production by Src signaling in palmitate-induced dysfunction of β-cells. [Materials and Methods]After rat insulinoma INS-1D cells were exposed to 0.6 mmol/L palmitate for 24 h (palmitate exposure); GIIS, ROS production and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase (NOX) activity were examined with or without exposure to10 μmol/L 4-amino-5-(4-chlorophenyl)-7-(t-butyl)pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine (PP2), a Src inhibitior, for 30 or 60 min. [Results]Exposure to PP2 recovered impaired GIIS and decreased ROS overproduction as a result of palmitate exposure. Palmitate exposure increased activity of NOX and protein levels of NOX2, a pathological ROS source in β-cells. Palmitate exposure increased the protein level of p47phox, a regulatory protein of NOX2, in membrane fraction compared with control, which was reduced by PP2. Transfection of small interfering ribonucleic acid of p47phox suppressed the augmented p47phox protein level in membrane fraction, decreased augmented ROS production and increased impaired GΙIS by palmitate exposure. In addition, exposure to PP2 ameliorated impaired GIIS and decreased ROS production in isolated islets of KK-Ay mice, an obese diabetic model with hyperlipidemia. [Conclusions]Activation of NOX through Src signaling plays an important role in ROS overproduction and impaired GΙIS caused by chronic exposure to palmitate, suggesting a lipotoxic mechanism of β-cell dysfunction of obese mice

    A new equation to estimate basal energy expenditure of patients with diabetes

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    [Background & aims]Predictive equations for basal energy expenditure (BEE) derived from Caucasians tend to overestimate BEE in non-Caucasians. The aim of this study was to develop a more suitable method to estimate BEE in Japanese patients with diabetes using indices readily measured in clinical practice. [Methods]BEE was measured by indirect calorimetry under a strict basal condition in 68 Japanese patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. The best fitting equation was investigated by multiple regression analysis using of age, sex, and anthropometric indices. The resultant new equation was tested in a separate group of 60 Japanese patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, and the accuracy compared with existing equations. [Results]The best-fit equation was BEE [kcal/day] = 10 × (body weight)[kg] – 3 × (age)[y] + 125 (if male) + 750. Adjusted coefficient of determination was 81.0%. Root mean squared errors and accurate prediction in the validation set were 103 kcal/day and 78% for the new equation; 184 and 50 for Harris-Benedict; 209 and 38 for Oxford; 205 and 42 for Liu; and 140 and 63 for Ganpule. [Conclusions]This new equation is simpler and estimates BEE more accurately in Japanese patients with diabetes than the presently used equations do

    Space- and time-like electromagnetic pion form factors in light-cone pQCD

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    We present a combined analysis of the space- and time-like electromagnetic pion form factors in light-cone perturbative QCD with transverse momentum dependence and Sudakov suppression. Including the non-perturbative ``soft' QCD and power suppressed twist-3 corrections to the standard twist-2 perturbative QCD result, the experimental pion data available at moderate energies/momentum transfers can be explained reasonably well. This may help towards resolving the bulk of the existing discrepancy between the space- and time-like experimental data.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Single-Cell Transcriptome Analysis Dissects the Replicating Process of Pancreatic Beta Cells in Partial Pancreatectomy Model

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    膵臓ベータ細胞の増殖プロセスを時系列解析 --糖尿病の新規治療開発に期待--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2020-12-24.Heterogeneity of gene expression and rarity of replication hamper molecular analysis of β-cell mass restoration in adult pancreas. Here, we show transcriptional dynamics in β-cell replication process by single-cell RNA sequencing of murine pancreas with or without partial pancreatectomy. We observed heterogeneity of Ins1-expressing β-cells and identified the one cluster as replicating β-cells with high expression of cell proliferation markers Pcna and Mki67. We also recapitulated cell cycle transition accompanied with switching expression of cyclins and E2F transcription factors. Both transient activation of endoplasmic reticulum stress responders like Atf6 and Hspa5 and elevated expression of tumor suppressors like Trp53, Rb1, and Brca1 and DNA damage responders like Atm, Atr, Rad51, Chek1, and Chek2 during the transition to replication associated fine balance of cell cycle progression and protection from DNA damage. Taken together, these results provide a high-resolution map depicting a sophisticated genetic circuit for replication of the β-cells

    Statistics of 207 Lya Emitters at a Redshift Near 7: Constraints on Reionization and Galaxy Formation Models

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    We present Lya luminosity function (LF), clustering measurements, and Lya line profiles based on the largest sample, to date, of 207 Lya emitters (LAEs) at z=6.6 on the 1-deg^2 sky of Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey (SXDS) field. Our z=6.6 Lya LF including cosmic variance estimates yields the best-fit Schechter parameters of phi*=8.5 +3.0/-2.2 x10^(-4) Mpc^(-3) and L*(Lya)=4.4 +/-0.6 x10^42 erg s^(-1) with a fixed alpha=-1.5, and indicates a decrease from z=5.7 at the >~90% confidence level. However, this decrease is not large, only =~30% in Lya luminosity, which is too small to be identified in the previous studies. A clustering signal of z=6.6 LAEs is detected for the first time. We obtain the correlation length of r_0=2-5 h^(-1) Mpc and bias of b=3-6, and find no significant boost of clustering amplitude by reionization at z=6.6. The average hosting dark halo mass inferred from clustering is 10^10-10^11 Mo, and duty cycle of LAE population is roughly ~1% albeit with large uncertainties. The average of our high-quality Keck/DEIMOS spectra shows an FWHM velocity width of 251 +/-16 km s^(-1). We find no large evolution of Lya line profile from z=5.7 to 6.6, and no anti-correlation between Lya luminosity and line width at z=6.6. The combination of various reionization models and our observational results about the LF, clustering, and line profile indicates that there would exist a small decrease of IGM's Lya transmission owing to reionization, but that the hydrogen IGM is not highly neutral at z=6.6. Our neutral-hydrogen fraction constraint implies that the major reionization process took place at z>~7.Comment: 28 pages, 23 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Lyman Alpha Emitters at z=7 in the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey Field: Photometric Candidates and Luminosity Function

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    We conducted a deep narrowband NB973 (FWHM = 200 A centered at 9755 A) survey of z=7 Lyman alpha emitters (LAEs) in the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey Field, using the fully depleted CCDs newly installed on the Subaru Telescope Suprime-Cam, which is twice more sensitive to z=7 Lyman alpha at ~ 1 micron than the previous CCDs. Reaching the depth 0.5 magnitude deeper than our previous survey in the Subaru Deep Field that led to the discovery of a z=6.96 LAE, we detected three probable z=7 LAE candidates. Even if all the candidates are real, the Lyman alpha luminosity function (LF) at z=7 shows a significant deficit from the LF at z=5.7 determined by previous surveys. The LAE number and Lyman alpha luminosity densities at z=7 is ~ 7.7-54% and ~5.5-39% of those at z=5.7 to the Lyman alpha line luminosity limit of L(Ly-alpha) >~ 9.2 x 10^{42} erg s^{-1}. This could be due to evolution of the LAE population at these epochs as a recent galaxy evolution model predicts that the LAE modestly evolves from z=5.7 to 7. However, even after correcting for this effect of galaxy evolution on the decrease in LAE number density, the z=7 Lyman alpha LF still shows a deficit from z=5.7 LF. This might reflect the attenuation of Lyman alpha emission by neutral hydrogen remaining at the epoch of reionization and suggests that reionization of the universe might not be complete yet at z=7. If we attribute the density deficit to reionization, the intergalactic medium (IGM) transmission for Lyman alpha photons at z=7 would be 0.4 <= T_{Ly-alpha}^{IGM} <= 1, supporting the possible higher neutral fraction at the earlier epochs at z > 6 suggested by the previous surveys of z=5.7-7 LAEs, z ~ 6 quasars and z > 6 gamma-ray bursts.Comment: Accepted to ApJ for publicatio