11 research outputs found


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    The objective of the present study is to evaluate HPMC K100M, HPMC K15M and carbopol 934P as matrix formers in this design of floating tablets of tapentadol, a poorly water soluble drug. Floating tablet s of tapentadol (100 mg) were formulated employing (i) HPMC K100M (ii) HPMC K15M and (iii) Carbopol 934P as matrix formers at 30% and 50% strength, sodium bicarbonate at 7.5%, 10% & 12.5% strength as gas generating agent and the tablets were evaluated for floating and drug releases characteristics. Tapentadol floating tablets formulated employing HPMC K100M and HPMC K15M as matrix formers at 50% strength and containing sodium bicarbonate (12.5%) as gas generating agent exhibited floating over 36 to 48 h with a floating lag time of less than 1 min. These floating tablets also gave slow and controlled release of tapentadol over 24 h and were found suitable for once a day administration (24 h). HPMC K100M and HPMC K15M were better suitable as matrix formers than Carbopol 934P for floating tablets of tapentadol, a poorly water soluble drug. Key Words: Floating tablets, tapentadol Hydrochloride, HPMC K100M, Carbopol, and zero order releas

    Synthesis of Polyurethane Based Hole-Transporting Materials and Application for Organic Light Emitting Diode

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    有機發光二極體將於下一個顯示器世代佔有一席之地,所以藉由不斷的材料改進與製程進步來提升此種顯示器的效率發光亮度以及壽命。本論文主要致力於合成良好的電洞注入及傳輸材料以提升發光元件的效能以及性質,並將此系列的電洞傳輸材料分子運用在有機電激發光元件中,試驗其作為電洞注入層及電洞傳輸層的性質並加以探討。且藉由不同製程方法提升元件表現 (1) 將所合成出的電洞傳輸單體利用表面修飾製程於玻璃基板上形成薄膜電洞傳輸層、(2) 利用真空蒸鍍的製程將所合成出的電洞傳輸層材料於共蒸鍍條件下形成電洞傳輸層以提升元件亮度、並利用共蒸鍍方法做為磷光與螢光發光材主體 (3) 藉由旋轉塗佈法均勻的修飾玻璃基板,將合成出的高分子材料是具有電洞傳輸性質的具羥基之卡唑衍生物和三苯基胺衍生物依不同比例以二異氰酸酯連接成聚氨酯型態,與以具羥基之卡唑衍生物以及具有電洞阻擋性質和電子傳輸性質的噁唑衍生物依不同比例以二異氰酸酯連接成聚氨酯型態共聚合物形成電洞傳輸層。聚氨酯本身結構即具有良好的電洞傳輸效果並於電激發光元件中,讓元件發光效率及亮度有效提升。There are many kinds of pathway to improve the OLED or PLED device performance. In this thesis, hole-transporting materials were been focused subject and different routes were also been provided, including using surface modified method technology to do the modification on ITO glass surface by using oligo (phenylene vilyene) silane as hole transporting layer in chapter 2, synthesized the 9-(4-pentaphenylphenylphenyl)-9H-carbazole and co-evaporated with α-NPB function as hole transporting material and host in chapter 3 and functionalized Polyurethanes containing carbazole, OXD and Triphenylamine-derived for hole-transporting material in OLED device in chapter 4, 5. New polymers and organic materials were used as the hole transport layer (HTL) to improve the device performance. Such materials are not only reduced the driving voltage but also improve the current efficiency. We also observed that the current efficiency in the device is increased due to more carrier injection and better electron-hole balance.摘要...…………………….....…………………………………………………….…2bstract…...……………………………………………………………………..…..3hapter 1 Introduction of Organic Light Emitting Diode-1 Classification of Organic Light Emitting Device………………………….…..11-2 Principles of Organic electroluminescence and OLED device structure….…..12-3 Energy Transfer Mechanism in PLED……………………….………………..25-4 Hole-transporting and Injecting Materials……..……………. ...…………..…29-5 Reference of introduction…………………………………....………………..34hapter 2odification on ITO Glass Surface by Using Oligo (phenylene vinylene)silane as Hole Transporting Layer in Organic Light Emitting Diode Devices-1 Introduction……………………………………………………………….……38-2 Experimental part………………………………………………………...….…41-3 Results and discussion…………………………………………………….……46-4 Conclusion……………………………………………………………….……..56-5 Reference………………………………………………………………….……57hapter 3ynthesis of 9-(4-pentaphenylphenylphenyl)-9H-carbazole for Hole-Transporting Material and Host in OLED Device-1 Introduction……………………………………………………………….……61-2 Experimental…………………………………………………………………...63-3 Results and discussion …………………………...……………………………67-4 Conclusion……………………………………………………….…………….84-5 Reference………………………………………………………………………84hapter 4arbazole Containing Polyurethanes as Hole-Transport Layer for Organic Light Emitting Diodes-1 Introduction……………………………………………………………….……87-2 Results and discussion…………………………………………………….……91-3 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………..116-4 Experimental Section…………………………………………………………..116-5 Reference………………………………………………………………………124hapter 5ontaining Triphenylamine-Derived Polyurethanes as Hole-Transporting Layers Exhibit High Current Efficiencies in PLED Devices-1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………130-2 Results and Discussion ..………………………………………………………133-3 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………..149-4 Experimental Section .…………………………………………………………149-4 Reference …..…………………………………………………………….…….158hapter 6unable Color Devices of Fluorene-Based Polymers for Light Emitting Diodes-1 Introduction………………………………………………………………..…...161-2 Experimental Section……………………………………………………..……163-3 Results and Discussion…………………………………………………..……..172-4 Conclusion………………………………………………………………..…….188-5 Reference…………………………………………………………………..…...189ppendix ………………………………………………………………………..…19

    Synthesis, Docking and Anti-Tumor Activity of \beta-L-1,3-Thiazolidine Pyrimidine Nucleoside Analogues

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    In the search for effective, selective, and nontoxic antiviral and antitumor agents, a variety of strategies have been devised to design nucleoside analogues. Here we have described the versatile synthesis of β-L-1,3-thiazolidine nucleoside analogues. These analogues are all derived from the key stereochemically defined intermediate N-tert-butoxy-carbonyl-4-hydroxymethyl-1,3-thiazolidine-2-ol which was accessible in 57% yield starting from L-Cysteine methylester hydrochloride. N-tert-butoxycarbonyl-2-acyloxy-4-trityloxymethyl-1,3-thiazolidine was coupled with the pyrimidine bases in the presence of Lewis acids stannic chloride or trimethyl silyl triflate following Vorbruggen procedure. Proof of the structure and configuration was obtained through 1H^1H NMR, 13C^{13}C NMR, Mass, elemental analysis and NOE experiments. Docking and antitumor activity of these nucleoside analogues are also reported