349 research outputs found

    Evaluation of outcome of pregnancy in placenta accreta spectrum

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    Background: Aim of the study was to evaluate the outcome of pregnancy in placenta accrete spectrum in third trimester pregnancy at tertiary care centreMethods: This hospital based retrospective study was carried out from 2017 to 2019.  The case records of all women identified as placenta accrete spectrum from the hospital registers were retrieved. A total of 166 patients with the diagnosis of placenta accrete spectrum were included in the study.Results: The incidence of morbidly adherent placenta is 5 per 10,000 deliveries with mean age being 32.4±4.2 (23-39) years. and showed its relation with risk factors such as previous caesarean section (CS), placenta praevia and multiparity. The mean duration of MICU stay in placenta previa was 6.7±1.9 days (range 2-12 days). With complications in 18 cases of which urinary bladder injury (3%), infection (9%), PPH and coagulopathy (4.2%). The placenta was removed successfully in 141 while 25 cases had caesarean hysterectomy (2.4%). In total 166 cases 26 (16.8%) cases are intrauterine device (IUD) and still births. 5 (3%) cases are very low birth weight, 24 cases (14.5%) are low birth weight babies, 76 (45.8%) cases had neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admissions followed by 10 (6%) cases with <5 APGAR score.Conclusions: Placenta accreta spectrum can be identified antenatally with a high index of suspicion in the presence of known risk factors and proper radiological studies, allowing for planned attempts to avoid life-threatening haemorrhage and caesarean hysterectomy

    Quantification of execution and emission efficiency of a fueled diesel engine

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    A significant portion of the automobile and industrial sector is mostly dependent on the running of diesel engines as it is efficient and shifts a large of the goods around the globe and power various equipment. Also, as the use of energy as diesel fuel is increasing enormously with the expansion of industrial growth, diversification, this led to the accelerating global emissions, global climatic change, health issues, and exhaustion of fuels. To succumb this, alternative fuel is needed to fight against the ill effects and as a replacement to diesel fuel. Thus, vegetable oils as alternative fuels are drawing more attention as they are renewable and do not address the problem of greenhouse gas. In the present work, the cottonseed oil was chosen as the favorite among the vegetable oils due to its advantages like less pollutant level, excessive availability, etc. The transesterification process was used to produce the cottonseed oil biodiesel. This research aims to investigate efficiency, emission characteristics by using smooth diesel, cottonseed oil, and mixtures with varying composition from 20 % to 80 % in 20 % steps to identify sustainable fuel as a substitute for existing fuel and to overcome fuel demand and enviro effects. This test was conducted on single-cylinder four-stroke water-cooled diesel engines. From the results, it was revealed that cottonseed oil and its blends have a significant influence on performance and emission characters


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    We design the initial ever Location-Aware Keyword Query Suggestion Framework; for suggestions tightly connected using the user’s information needs which retrieve relevant documents near the query issuer’s location. Existing keyword suggestion techniques don't think about the locations within the users combined with query results i.e., the spatial closeness inside the user for the retrieved results isn't taken like phone recommendation. We advise a weighted keyword-document graph, which captures the both semantic relevance between keyword queries combined with spatial distance in regards to the resulting documents combined with user location. Our suggested LKS framework is orthogonal that is definitely integrated within the suggestion techniques that make use of the query-URL bipartite graph. That LKS includes a different goal and for that reason is different from other Location-Aware recommendation methods. The initial challenge inside our LKS framework is the easiest method to effectively measure keyword query similarity while recording the spatial distance factor. To make certain this assertion, we conducted experiments using two denser versions inside our datasets the dense America online-D. Particularly, the hybrid method outperforms other approaches since it uses both spatial and textual factors while using ink propagation procedure, and therefore predicts better what type of ink possess a inclination to flow and cluster, achieving better partitioning. Produce a baseline formula extended from formula BCA is brought to solve the issue. Then, we suggested a partition-based formula which computes the majority of the candidate keyword queries inside the partition level and uses lazy mechanism in cutting the computational cost

    Multi-modal fusion methods for robust emotion recognition using body-worn physiological sensors in mobile environments

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    High-accuracy physiological emotion recognition typically requires participants to wear or attach obtrusive sensors (e.g., Electroencephalograph). To achieve precise emotion recognition using only wearable body-worn physiological sensors, my doctoral work focuses on researching and developing a robust sensor fusion system among different physiological sensors. Developing such fusion system has three problems: 1) how to pre-process signals with different temporal characteristics and noise models, 2) how to train the fusion system with limited labeled data and 3) how to fuse multiple signals with inaccurate and inexact ground truth. To overcome these challenges, I plan to explore semi-supervised, weakly supervised and unsupervised machine learning methods to obtain precise emotion recognition in mobile environments. By developing such techniques, we can measure the user engagement with larger amounts of participants and apply the emotion recognition techniques in a variety of scenarios such as mobile video watching and online education


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    Objective: To develop a simple, selective and precise stability indicating reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography method for the simultaneous estimation of atorvastatin calcium and ezetimibe hydrochloride in bulk and tablet dosage form.Methods: The chromatographic separation was performed by Agilent Zorbax column (250×4.6 mm, 5 µm) using methanol: 0.1 % v/v orthophosphoric acid in water (65:35) as mobile phase at flow rate of 1.0 ml/min with injection volume 20 µl and the detection was carried out using UV detector at 240 nm. The method was validated as per ICH guidelines.Results: The retention time for atorvastatin calcium (ATV) and ezetimibe hydrochloride (EZT) was found to be 6.81 min and 4.96 min respectively. The linear regression analysis data for the calibration plots showed good linear relationship in the concentration range of 5-50 µg/ml for both ATV and EZT. The percentage recoveries of ATV and EZT in the marketed dosage form were found to be 100.82 and 94.27 respectively. The correlation coefficients for ATV and EZT were 0.9983 and 0.998 respectively. The percentage degradation at different stress conditions like acid, alkaline, oxidative and photolytic for atorvastatin calcium were found to be 14.91, 8.26, 8.02 and 2.65 respectively and for ezetimibe hydrochloride, found to be 9.70, 32.18, 2.51 and 0.16 respectively.Conclusion: The developed method was successfully validated as per ICH guidelines. This method is simple, selective, linear, precise, accurate and sensitive, and can be used for routine analysis of tablet dosage forms containing both the drugs.Keywords: Atorvastatin calcium, Ezetimibe hydrochloride, RP-HPLC, Stress degradatio

    Development and validation of RP HPLC method for determination of metformin and sitagliptin in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage form

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    A simple and rapid reversed phase-high performance liquid chromatographic method was developed for simultaneous determination of Metformin and Sitagliptin in Tablet Dosage form. The elution was done with a mobile phase of Water: Methanol (60:40) on Intersil-BDS C18 column (250 × 4.6 mm, 5 μm particle size). The wavelength detector was set at 258 nm. Retention times for Metformin and Sitagliptin were around 2.869 min, 3.942 min respectively. The reliability and analytical performance of the proposed HPLC procedure were statistically validated according to the respect of linearity, ranges, precision, accuracy, repeatability, reproducibility, detection and quantification limits. Linear ranges were established between 20-80 μg/mL for both the drug. The LOD and LOQ for Metformin were found to be 0.663, 1.92 and for Sitagliptin were found to be 0.405, 1.228 respectively. The described High Performance Liquid Chromatography method was successfully employed for the analysis of pharmaceutical formulations containing combined dosage for

    A study of cephalic index and facial index in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India

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    Background: The description of the human body has been a major concern since ancient times. The use of medical terminology enhances reliability of comparison made between studies from different areas thereby contributing higher level of scientific evidence. Cephalic index is an important parameter in forensic medicine, anthropology and genetics to know the sex and racial differences between individuals. Facial index is useful index for forensic scientists, plastic surgeons and anatomist. The parameters are useful for plastic surgeons during treatment of congenital and traumatic deformities, identification of individuals in medicolegal cases by forensic scientists and identifying craniofacial deformities of genetic syndromes by geneticist.Methods: 170 males and 110 female adults from Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India region are included in this study. Anthropometric points for cephalic index were measured by using spreading calipers. Facial index measurements were taken by measuring tape. All measurements were taken in subjects sitting in relaxed condition and subjects head is in anatomical position. Cranial index and facial index were calculated as per the formula.Results: Maximum number of males with mean cephalic index values of 80.21 were observed as mesocephalic and female with mean value of 79.25 observed as brachycephalic. Regarding facial index males were leptoprosopic and females were mesoprosopic.Conclusion: Cephalic index and facial index were terms used by anthropologists, anatomists, plastic surgeons and forensic scientists to identify individual’s race and sex for treatment of craniofacial deformities.

    Management of Thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood, on Rose under Open-Field and Protected Conditions

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    Investigation on management of thrips,&nbsp;Scirtothrips dorsalis&nbsp;Hood on roses under open-field and protected conditions was conducted during 2008-10 at Bengaluru. Clothianidin 50 WDG 20g a.i./ha proved best in terms of efficacy and cost. Vertimac, spinosad and Garlic Barrier agriculture (GB Ag ) were comparable in efficacy. GB Ag was on par with clothianidin besides being eco-friendly. GB Ag was found effective as a new molecule. Neem seed kernel extract (NSKE) proved to be superior to neem oil, pongamia oil and the commercial neem product, Nimbecidine. NSKE was also found to reduce thrips density to the extent of 64% - 88%. In rose fields where pest suppression measures are hardly practised, farmers can apply NSKE, monocrotophos or imidacloprid. Based on the cost of vertimac and spinosad, these can be recommended where cost-effective, as in commercial polyhouses growing roses

    Assessment of groundwater potential using geospatial techniques for urbanized Mambakkam mini-watershed, Kancheepuram district, India

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    1856-1865Evaluation of groundwater potential and mapping using geospatial platform is crucial especially for semi-arid hard rock and coastal adjoining terrain to identify the zones of very good, good, moderate and poor groundwater potential. The Mambakkam mini watershed, Tamil Nadu (India) is situated towards the southern part of Chennai city. It is experiencing commercial development of groundwater in addition with escalating domestic and industrial demands. The present study is aimed to develop the mapping of groundwater potential zones for the selected urbanized watershed by using the remote sensing and geospatial techniques. Data like water level, water quality, rainfall, climatology and geophysical resistivity from various sources and satellite imageries have been used for this study to observe the changes on the sources of water resource system. The Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) method was used for generating the thematic layers of rainfall, depth to bed rock, weathered rock, jointed rock and water levels. The generated village wise groundwater potential map has shown a vast spatial variability of ground water potential and the area that belongs to the “very good” potential category is quite less in the entire study area (12 %) which alarms the development of existing groundwater resource. The study concluded that considerable falling trend of groundwater level during pre-monsoon showing the alarming threat for further development. Thus the presented study identified the risk of groundwater development and provides guidelines to water resource mangers and village officials to recommend conservation and protection strategies against the uncontrolled commercial development especially on the identified poor groundwater potential zones