874 research outputs found

    Antikaon-nucleus dynamics: from quasibound states to kaon condensation

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    Coupled-channel Kbar-N dynamics near threshold and its repercussions in few-body Kbar-nuclear systems are briefly reviewed, highlighting studies of a K^-pp quasibound state. In heavier nuclei, the extension of mean-field calculations to multi-Kbar nuclear and hypernuclear quasibound states is discussed. It is concluded that strangeness in finite self-bound systems is realized through hyperons, with no room for kaon condensation.Comment: Proceedings version of plenary talk at Quark Nuclear Physics (QNP09) September 2009, Beijing; matches published versio

    Experimental review of hypernuclear physics: recent achievements and future perspectives

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    This is the Accepted Manuscript version of an article accepted for publication in REPORTS ON PROGRESS IN PHYSICS. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at https://doi.org/10.1088/0034-4885/78/9/096301 Since the shutdown of several old proton synchrotrons, which played a fundamental role in the second generation experiments in hypernuclear physics performed in Europe, USA and Japan, some new experimental setups aiming to achieve sub-MeV energy resolution have been operating for a long time. Over the last decade the hypernuclear physics community has been committed to carrying out several third generation experiments by exploiting the potential offered by new accelerators, such as a continuous electron beam machine and a ϕ-factory. Large data samples were collected on specific items thanks to dedicated facilities and experimental apparatuses. The attention was mainly focused on both high-resolution spectroscopy and the decay mode study of single Λ-hypernuclei. Nowadays this phase is over but, until recently, important and, to some extent, unexpected results were achieved. An updated review of selected experimental results is presented, as well as a survey of perspectives for future studies

    Strangeness -2 two-baryon systems

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    We derive strangeness -2 baryon-baryon interactions from a chiral constituent quark model including the full set of scalar mesons. The model has been tuned in the strangeness 0 and -1 two-baryon systems, providing parameter free predictions for the strangeness -2 case. We calculate elastic and inelastic NΞN\Xi and ΛΛ\Lambda\Lambda cross sections which are consistent with the existing experimental data. We also calculate the two-body scattering lengths for the different spin-isospin channels.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    Ground-state electric quadrupole moment of 31Al

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    Ground-state electric quadrupole moment of 31Al (I =5/2+, T_1/2 = 644(25) ms) has been measured by means of the beta-NMR spectroscopy using a spin-polarized 31Al beam produced in the projectile fragmentation reaction. The obtained Q moment, |Q_exp(31Al)| = 112(32)emb, are in agreement with conventional shell model calculations within the sd valence space. Previous result on the magnetic moment also supports the validity of the sd model in this isotope, and thus it is concluded that 31Al is located outside of the island of inversion.Comment: 5 page

    KˉNN\bar{K}NN quasi-bound state and the KˉN\bar{K}N interaction: coupled-channel Faddeev calculations of the KˉNNπΣN\bar{K}NN - \pi \Sigma N system

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    Coupled-channel three-body calculations of an I=1/2I=1/2, Jπ=0J^{\pi}=0^- KˉNN\bar{K}NN quasi-bound state in the KˉNNπΣN\bar{K}NN - \pi \Sigma N system were performed and the dependence of the resulting three-body energy on the two-body KˉNπΣ\bar{K}N - \pi \Sigma interaction was investigated. Earlier results of binding energy BKpp5070B_{K^-pp} \sim 50 -70 MeV and width ΓKpp100\Gamma_{K^-pp} \sim 100 MeV are confirmed [N.V. Shevchenko {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 98}, 082301 (2007)]. It is shown that a suitably constructed energy-independent complex KˉN\bar{K}N potential gives a considerably shallower and narrower three-body quasi-bound state than the full coupled-channel calculation. Comparison with other calculations is made.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables; minor corrections, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Inclusive pion double charge exchange on O-16 above the delta resonance

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    The forward inclusive pion double charge exchange reaction, ^{16}O(pi^-,pi^+)X, at T_0 = 0.50 and 0.75 GeV has been studied in the kinematical region where an additional pion production is forbidden by energy-momentum conservation. The experiment was performed with the SKS spectrometer at KEK PS. The measured ratio of double charge exchange cross-section for these energies dsigma(0.50 GeV)/dOmega / dsigma(0.75 GeV)/dOmega = 1.7 +/- 0.2, disagrees with the value of 7.2 predicted within the conventional sequential single charge exchange mechanism. Possible reasons for the disagreement are discussed in connection with the Glauber inelastic rescatterings.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Orbital eccentricities of binary systems with a former AGB star

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    Many binary stellar systems in which the primary star is beyond the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) evolutionary phase show significant orbital eccentricities whereas current binary interaction models predict their orbits to be circularised. We analyse how the orbital parameters in a system are modified under mass loss and mass exchange among its binary components and propose a model for enhanced mass-loss from the AGB star due to tidal interaction with its companion, which allows a smooth transition between the wind and Roche-lobe overflow mass-loss regimes. We explicitly follow its effect along the orbit on the change of eccentricity and orbital semi-major axis, as well as the effect of accretion by the companion. We calculate timescales for the variation of these orbital parameters and compare them to the tidal circularisation timescale. We find that in many cases, due to the enhanced mass loss of the AGB component at orbital phases closer to the periastron, the net eccentricity growth rate in one orbit is comparable to the rate of tidal circularisation. We show that with this eccentricity enhancing mechanism it is possible to reproduce the orbital period and eccentricity of the Sirius system, which under the standard assumptions of binary interaction is expected to be circularised. We also show that this mechanism may provide an explanation for the eccentricities of most barium star systems, which are expected to be circularised due to tidal dissipation. By proposing a tidally enhanced model of mass loss from AGB stars we find a mechanism which efficiently works against the tidal circularisation of the orbit, which explains the significant eccentricities observed in binary systems containing a white dwarf and a less evolved companion, such as Sirius and systems with barium stars.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics on 24th of October of 200

    First determination of the one-proton induced Non-Mesonic Weak Decay width of p-shell {\Lambda}-Hypernuclei

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    Previous studies of proton and neutron spectra from Non-Mesonic Weak Decay of eight Lambda-Hypernuclei (A = 5-16) have been revisited. New values of the ratio of the two-nucleon and the one-proton induced decay widths, Gamma_2N/Gamma_p, are obtained from single proton spectra, Gamma_2N/Gamma_p = 0.50 +/- 0.24, and from neutron and proton coincidence spectra, Gamma_2N/Gamma_p = 0.36 +/- 0.14stat +0.05sys -0.04sys , in full agreement with previously published ones. With these values, a method is developed to extract the one-proton induced decay width in units of the free Lambda decay width, Gamma_p/Gamma_Lambda, without resorting to Intra Nuclear Cascade models but by exploiting only experimental data, under the assumption of a linear dependence on A of the Final State Interaction contribution. This is the first systematic determination ever done and it agrees within the errors with recent theoretical calculations.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, 2 table