80 research outputs found

    TALEN-mediated apc mutation in Xenopus tropicalis phenocopies familial adenomatous polyposis

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    Truncating mutations in the tumor suppressor gene adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) are the initiating step in the vast majority of sporadic colorectal cancers, and they underlie familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) syndromes. Modeling of APC- driven tumor formation in the mouse has contributed substantially to our mechanistic understanding of the associated disease, but additional models are needed to explore therapeutic opportunities and overcome current limitations of mouse models. We report on a novel and penetrant genetic cancer model in Xenopus tropicalis, an aquatic tetrapod vertebrate with external development, diploid genome and short life cycle. Tadpoles and froglets derived from embryos injected with TAL effector nucleases targeting the apc gene rapidly developed intestinal hyperplasia and other neoplasms observed in FAP patients, including desmoid tumors and medulloblastomas. Bi-allelic apc mutations causing frame shifts were detected in the tumors, which displayed activation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway and showed increased cellular proliferation. We further demonstrate that simultaneous double bi-allelic mutation of apc and a non-relevant gene is possible in the neoplasias, opening the door for identification and characterization of effector or modifier genes in tumors expressing truncated apc. Our results demonstrate the power of modeling human cancer in Xenopus tropicalis using mosaic TALEN-mediated bi-allelic gene disruption

    Genetic Variants in ARHGEF6 Cause Congenital Anomalies of the Kidneys and Urinary Tract in Humans, Mice, and Frogs

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    Background About 40 disease genes have been described to date for isolated congenital anomalies of the kidneys and urinary tract (CAKUT), the most common cause of childhood chronic kidney disease. However, these genes account for only 20% of cases. ARHGEF6, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor that is implicated in such biologic processes as cell migration and focal adhesion, acts downstream of integrin linked kinase (ILK) and parvin proteins. A genetic variant of ILK that causes murine renal agenesis abrogates the interaction of ILK with a murine focal adhesion protein encoded by Parva, leading to CAKUT in mice with this variant. Methods To identify novel genes that, when mutated, result in CAKUT, we performed exome sequencing in an international cohort of 1265 families with CAKUT. We also assessed the effects in vitro of wild-type and mutant ARHGEF6 proteins, as well as the effects of Arhgef6 deficiency in mouse and frog models. Results We detected six different hemizygous variants in the gene ARHGEF6 (which is located on the X chromosome in humans) in eight individuals from six families with CAKUT. In kidney cells, overexpression of wild-type ARHGEF6-but not proband-derived mutant ARHGEF6- increased active levels of CDC42/RAC1, induced lamellipodia formation, and stimulated PARVAdependent cell spreading. ARHGEF6 mutant proteins showed loss of interaction with PARVA. Three-dimensional MDCK cell cultures expressing ARHGEF6 mutant proteins exhibited reduced lumen formation and polarity defects. Arhgef6 deficiency in mouse and frog models recapitulated features of human CAKUT. Conclusions Deleterious variants in ARHGEF6 may cause dysregulation of integrin-parvinRAC1/CDC42 signaling, thereby leading to X-linked CAKUT

    CRISPR/Cas9 mediated knockout of rb1 and rbl1 leads to rapid and penetrant retinoblastoma development in Xenopus tropicalis

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    Retinoblastoma is a pediatric eye tumor in which bi-allelic inactivation of the Retinoblastoma 1 (RB1) gene is the initiating genetic lesion. Although recently curative rates of retinoblastoma have increased, there are at this time no molecular targeted therapies available. This is, in part, due to the lack of highly penetrant and rapid retinoblastoma animal models that facilitate rapid identification of targets that allow therapeutic intervention. Different mouse models are available, all based on genetic deactivation of both Rb1 and Retinoblastoma-like 1 (Rbl1), and each showing different kinetics of retinoblastoma development. Here, we show by CRISPR/Cas9 techniques that similar to the mouse, neither rb1 nor rbl1 single mosaic mutant Xenopus tropicalis develop tumors, whereas rb1/rbl1 double mosaic mutant tadpoles rapidly develop retinoblastoma. Moreover, occasionally presence of pinealoblastoma (trilateral retinoblastoma) was detected. We thus present the first CRISPR/Cas9 mediated cancer model in Xenopus tropicalis and the first genuine genetic non-mammalian retinoblastoma model. The rapid kinetics of our model paves the way for use as a pre-clinical model. Additionally, this retinoblastoma model provides unique possibilities for fast elucidation of novel drug targets by triple multiplex CRISPR/Cas9 gRNA injections (rb1 + rbl1 + modifier gene) in order to address the clinically unmet need of targeted retinoblastoma therapy

    Translationally invariant cumulants in energy cascade models of turbulence

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    In the context of random multiplicative energy cascade processes, we derive analytical expressions for translationally invariant one- and two-point cumulants in logarithmic field amplitudes. Such cumulants make it possible to distinguish between hitherto equally successful cascade generator models and hence supplement lowest-order multifractal scaling exponents and multiplier distributions.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figs, elsart.cls include

    Electrophilic bromination in flow : a safe and sustainable alternative to the use of molecular bromine in batch

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    Bromination reactions are crucial in today’s chemical industry since the versatility of the formed organobromides makes them suitable building blocks for numerous syntheses. However, the use of the toxic and highly reactive molecular bromine (Br2) makes these brominations very challenging and hazardous. We describe here a safe and straightforward protocol for bromination in continuous flow. The hazardous Br2 or KOBr is generated in situ by reacting an oxidant (NaOCl) with HBr or KBr, respectively, which is directly coupled to the bromination reaction and a quench of residual bromine. This protocol was demonstrated by polybrominating both alkenes and aromatic substrates in a wide variety of solvents, with yields ranging from 78% to 99%. The protocol can easily be adapted for the bromination of other substrates in an academic and industrial environment

    Maximizing CRISPR/Cas9 phenotype penetrance applying predictive modeling of editing outcomes in Xenopus and zebrafish embryos

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Naert, T., Tulkens, D., Edwards, N. A., Carron, M., Shaidani, N. I., Wlizla, M., Boel, A., Demuynck, S., Horb, M. E., Coucke, P., Willaert, A., Zorn, A. M., & Vleminckx, K. Maximizing CRISPR/Cas9 phenotype penetrance applying predictive modeling of editing outcomes in Xenopus and zebrafish embryos. Scientific Reports, 10(1), (2020): 14662, doi:10.1038/s41598-020-71412-0.CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing has revolutionized functional genomics in vertebrates. However, CRISPR/Cas9 edited F0 animals too often demonstrate variable phenotypic penetrance due to the mosaic nature of editing outcomes after double strand break (DSB) repair. Even with high efficiency levels of genome editing, phenotypes may be obscured by proportional presence of in-frame mutations that still produce functional protein. Recently, studies in cell culture systems have shown that the nature of CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutations can be dependent on local sequence context and can be predicted by computational methods. Here, we demonstrate that similar approaches can be used to forecast CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing outcomes in Xenopus tropicalis, Xenopus laevis, and zebrafish. We show that a publicly available neural network previously trained in mouse embryonic stem cell cultures (InDelphi-mESC) is able to accurately predict CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing outcomes in early vertebrate embryos. Our observations can have direct implications for experiment design, allowing the selection of guide RNAs with predicted repair outcome signatures enriched towards frameshift mutations, allowing maximization of CRISPR/Cas9 phenotype penetrance in the F0 generation.Research in the Vleminckx laboratory is supported by the Research Foundation—Flanders (FWO-Vlaanderen) (Grants G0A1515N and G029413N), by the Belgian Science Policy (Interuniversity Attraction Poles—IAP7/07) and by the Concerted Research Actions from Ghent University (BOF15/GOA/011). Further support was obtained by the Hercules Foundation, Flanders (Grant AUGE/11/14) and the Desmoid Tumor Research Foundation and the Desmoid Tumour Foundation Canada. T.N. is funded by “Kom op tegen Kanker” (Stand up to Cancer), the Flemish cancer society and previously held PhD fellowship with VLAIO-HERMES during the course of this work. D.T. and M. C. hold a PhD fellowship from the Research Foundation-Flanders (FWO-Vlaanderen). The Zorn Lab is supported by Funding from NIH National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) P01 HD093363. A.W. and A.B. are supported by the Ghent University (Universiteit Gent) Methusalem grant BOFMET2015000401 to Anne De Paepe. The National Xenopus Resource and Horb lab is supported by funding from the National Institutes of Health (P40 OD010997 and R01 HD084409)

    Reflective multi-immersion microscope objectives inspired by the Schmidt telescope

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    Imaging large, cleared samples requires microscope objectives that combine a large field of view (FOV) with a long working distance (WD) and a high numerical aperture (NA). Ideally, such objectives should be compatible with a wide range of immersion media, which is challenging to achieve with conventional lens-based objective designs. Here we introduce the multi-immersion 'Schmidt objective' consisting of a spherical mirror and an aspherical correction plate as a solution to this problem. We demonstrate that a multi-photon variant of the Schmidt objective is compatible with all homogeneous immersion media and achieves an NA of 1.08 at a refractive index of 1.56, 1.1-mm FOV and 11-mm WD. We highlight its versatility by imaging cleared samples in various media ranging from air and water to benzyl alcohol/benzyl benzoate, dibenzyl ether and ethyl cinnamate and by imaging of neuronal activity in larval zebrafish in vivo. In principle, the concept can be extended to any imaging modality, including wide-field, confocal and light-sheet microscopy

    The Benchtop mesoSPIM: a next-generation open-source light-sheet microscope for large cleared samples

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    In 2015, we launched the mesoSPIM initiative (www.mesospim.org), an open-source project for making light-sheet microscopy of large cleared tissues more accessible. Meanwhile, the demand for imaging larger samples at higher speed and resolution has increased, requiring major improvements in the capabilities of light-sheet microscopy. Here, we introduce the next-generation mesoSPIM ("Benchtop") with significantly increased field of view, improved resolution, higher throughput, more affordable cost and simpler assembly compared to the original version. We developed a new method for testing objectives, enabling us to select detection objectives optimal for light-sheet imaging with large-sensor sCMOS cameras. The new mesoSPIM achieves high spatial resolution (1.5 ÎĽm laterally, 3.3 ÎĽm axially) across the entire field of view, a magnification up to 20x, and supports sample sizes ranging from sub-mm up to several centimetres, while being compatible with multiple clearing techniques. The new microscope serves a broad range of applications in neuroscience, developmental biology, and even physics

    CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knockout of Rb1 in Xenopus tropicalis

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    At this time, no molecular targeted therapies exist for treatment of retinoblastoma. This can be, in part, attributed to the lack of animal models that allow for both rapid identification of novel therapeutic targets and hypothesis driven drug testing. Within this scope, we have recently reported the first genuine genetic nonmammalian retinoblastoma cancer model within the aquatic model organism Xenopus tropicalis (Naert et al., Sci Rep 6: 35263, 2016). Here we describe the methods to generate rb1 mosaic mutant Xenopus tropicalis by employing the CRISPR/Cas9 technology. In depth, we discuss short guide RNA (sgRNA) design parameters, generation, quality control, quantification, and delivery followed by several methods for assessing genome editing efficiencies. As such the reader should be capable, by minor changes to the methods described here, to (co-) target rb1 or any one or multiple gene(s) within the Xenopus tropicalis genome by multiplex CRISPR/Cas9 methodology
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