44 research outputs found

    Appraisal of acute oral toxicity of glucuronoxylan hydrogel from Mimosa pudica seeds

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    Glucuronoxylan hydrogel (GXH) isolated from M. pudica seeds was assessed for acute toxicology in albino mice that were alienated into four groups. Three groups, i.e., II, III and IV received GXH at a dose of 1, 2 and 5 g/kg, respectively while group I was retained untreated and provided routine diet. After administering GXH, mice were examined for vomiting, diarrhea, allergy and tremors for 8 h. All animals were carefully observed for food and water consumption at 1, 2, 3, 7 and 14 day after administering GXH. At the end of studies, blood samples were drawn for investigation of hematological and biochemical parameters. All animals were sacrificed, relative body weight of vital organs was calculated and their histopathology was studied. It was concluded that there was insignificant difference in body weight, behavioral pattern, food and water intake among treated and control groups. Haematology and biochemistry of blood samples from all groups were found analogous. Histopathological evaluation of vital body organs exhibited no lesions in all groups. Ocular, cardiac and dermal safety of GXH was also established on albino rabbits

    Appraisal of acute oral toxicity of glucuronoxylan hydrogel from Mimosa pudica seeds

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    Glucuronoxylan hydrogel (GXH) isolated from M. pudica seeds was assessed for acute toxicology in albino mice that were alienated into four groups. Three groups, i.e., II, III and IV received GXH at a dose of 1, 2 and 5 g/kg, respectively while group I was retained untreated and provided routine diet. After administering GXH, mice were examined for vomiting, diarrhea, allergy and tremors for 8 h. All animals were carefully observed for food and water consumption at 1, 2, 3, 7 and 14 day after administering GXH. At the end of studies, blood samples were drawn for investigation of hematological and biochemical parameters. All animals were sacrificed, relative body weight of vital organs was calculated and their histopathology was studied. It was concluded that there was insignificant difference in body weight, behavioral pattern, food and water intake among treated and control groups. Haematology and biochemistry of blood samples from all groups were found analogous. Histopathological evaluation of vital body organs exhibited no lesions in all groups. Ocular, cardiac and dermal safety of GXH was also established on albino rabbits

    Acute toxicity study of a polysaccharide based hydrogel from linseed for potential use in drug delivery system

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    Linseed hydrogel (LSH) was evaluated by acute toxicity for its potential application in oral drug delivery design. White albino mice and rabbits were divided in four groups (I–IV) and different doses of LSH (1, 2 and 5 g/kg body weight) were given except to the control group (I) that was left untreated. Rabbits were monitored for eye irritation, acute dermal toxicity and primary dermal irritation, whereas, body weight, food and water consumption, hematology and clinical biochemistry, gross necropsy and histopathology of vital organs were scrutinized in mice. LSH was considered safe after eye irritation test as no adverse signs or symptoms were seen in the eye. In dermal toxicity and irritation study, skin of treated rabbits was found normal in color without any edema or erythema. After oral administration, there was no sign of any abnormalities in treated group animals (II–IV). The hematology and clinical biochemistry of treated group animals was comparable with the control group. Histopathology of vital organs has not shown any lesion or abnormalities. In the light of these outcomes, it can be concluded that LSH is not a hazardous biomaterial and could be incorporated as an excipient in oral and dermal preparations

    Infección con Sarcoptes scabiei (Acari: Sarcoptidae) en conejos (Oryctolagus cuniculus): estudio de caso.

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    A partir de una sospecha de sarna sarcóptica en tres de cinco conejos albinos europeos (Oryctolagus cuniculus), mantenidos con fines experimentales, se hizo un examen general que reveló áreas multifocales de alopecia alrededor de los ojos, las fosas nasales y los labios. Se procesaron cortes de piel y un análisis de PCR con el objeto de identificar los ácaros. La histopatología de los cortes de piel mostró epidermis erupcionada y estrato córneo con una infiltración de células inflamatorias. El raspado o frotis de piel reveló la presencia de ácaros tanto en adultos como en huevos. Al examen microscópico, los ácaros adultos fueron identificados como Sarcoptes (S.) scabiei (Acari: Sarcoptidae). El análisis de muestras de los tres casos por PCR reveló una banda de 311 pb confirmando la infestación de S. scabiei en los conejos. La infección en conejos con S. scabiei puede representar un problema de salud pública de transmisión indirecta debida a la manipulación de conejos infestados. Hasta la presente, este es el primer reporte de infección por S. scabiei en conejos de Pakistán

    Evaluating the Frequency of Sciatica on Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients with Lower Back Pain

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    Sciatica refers to pain affecting the back, hip, and outer side of the leg, caused by compression of a spinal nerve root in the lower back often owing to degeneration of an intervertebral disc. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of sciatica in patients with lower back pain using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Data was collected by filling the predesign questionnaire. Information for filling the questionnaire was taken by reports of MRI scan for backache. Patients were presented with multiple symptoms out of which 4 (5.6%) patients presented with history of trauma. 37 (59.7%) patients represented with the history pain radiating to one or both legs. 27 (43.50%) patients showed disc bulge. 40 (64.50%) patients showed stenosis in nerve root (L4-S1) and 40 (64.50%) patients were diagnosed with sciatica. Careful assessment of risk factors in patients with lower back pain using MRI could help in prevention of several spinal diseases. Being an important diagnostic tool in diagnosis of sciatica MRI may provide significant prognostic information of the disease. Keywords: Stenosis, Disc Bulge. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/80-03 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Artificial Intelligence Modeling-Based Optimization of an Industrial-Scale Steam Turbine for Moving toward Net-Zero in the Energy Sector

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    Augmentation of energy efficiency in the power generation systems can aid in decarbonizing the energy sector, which is also recognized by the International Energy Agency (IEA) as a solution to attain net-zero from the energy sector. With this reference, this article presents a framework incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) for improving the isentropic efficiency of a high-pressure (HP) steam turbine installed at a supercritical power plant. The data of the operating parameters taken from a supercritical 660 MW coal-fired power plant is well-distributed in the input and output spaces of the operating parameters. Based on hyperparameter tuning, two advanced AI modeling algorithms, i.e., artificial neural network (ANN) and support vector machine (SVM), are trained and, subsequently, validated. ANN, as turned out to be a better-performing model, is utilized to conduct the Monte Carlo technique-based sensitivity analysis toward the high-pressure (HP) turbine efficiency. Subsequently, the ANN model is deployed for evaluating the impact of individual or combination of operating parameters on the HP turbine efficiency under three real-power generation capacities of the power plant. The parametric study and nonlinear programming-based optimization techniques are applied to optimize the HP turbine efficiency. It is estimated that the HP turbine efficiency can be improved by 1.43, 5.09, and 3.40% as compared to that of the average values of input parameters for half-load, mid-load, and full-load power generation modes, respectively. The annual reduction in CO2 measuring 58.3, 123.5, and 70.8 kilo ton/year (kt/y) corresponds to half-load, mid-load, and full load, respectively, and noticeable mitigation of SO2, CH4, N2O, and Hg emissions is estimated for the three power generation modes of the power plant. The AI-based modeling and optimization analysis is conducted to enhance the operation excellence of the industrial-scale steam turbine that promotes higher-energy efficiency and contributes to the net-zero target from the energy sector