603 research outputs found

    “Western Mediterranean” (WM) broad band network: permanent seismic monitoring at the Ibero-Maghrebian region

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    The “Ibero-Maghrebian” region, a western part of the Eurasia-Africa plate boundary, is a broad deformation area without a well defined plate boundary line, comprising the Southern part of the Iberian Peninsula, the Northwestern part of Africa, the Gulf of Cadiz and the Alboran Sea, with a convergence between Iberia and Africa at some mm/year (Nuvel-1A model, DeMets et al, 1994) in a NNW-SSE direction, and a dif- ferential motion at Alboran Sea area (Buforn et al, 1995). Although seismic activity is characterized by a low to moderate magnitude and shallow depth earthquakes, big events are also well documented, among others: Lisbon earthquake (1755, I0= X), Gulf of Cadiz (1969, Ms= 8.1), or, more recently Bourmedes (2003, Mw= 7.1), some them with an associated tsunami, like Lisbon or Bourmedes earthquakes. An interme- diate seismic activity is also clearly registered from Gulf of Cadiz to mid Alboran Sea (Martin Davila and Pazos, 2003), and very deep earthquakes (h> 650 km) have been registered at Granada basin (1954, M= 7.0). In order to better study the seismic characteristics of this area, from 1996 on, ROA and the University Complutense of Madrid (UCM), with the collaboration of Geo- forschungZentrum of Potsdam (GFZ), have deployed a broad band seismic net with stations located at Southern Spain and Spanish possessions located Northern Africa, mainly surrounding the Alboran Sea, complementing the previously installed ROA SP and LP stations. This net has been named as “Western Mediterranean net” (WM FDSN code). As net was evolving, new Institutes and stations joined WM net, such a way at present is formed by ten stations located at: San Fernando (SFS), Málaga (MALA), Cartagena (CART), and Evora (UEVO, University of Evora, Portugal) at Iberian peninsula, Mahón (MAHO) at Minorca island, three stations at Melilla (MELI), Peñón de Vélez-Gomera (PVLZ), and Ceuta (CEU) at Spanish villages located Northern Africa in South Alboran Sea area, and Averroes (AVE) and Ifrane (IFR) installed at Morocco mainland as a joined effort among ISRABAT (Institut Scientifique, Univer- sité Mohammed V), ROA and UCM. Most stations are collocated with permanent geodetic GPS stations (Gárate et al, 2004). Next future plans include the installation of five stations by U. Evora at Southern Portugal area, a new station at Morocco by ISRABAT, ROA and UCM and also a new station at Oran (Algeria), as a collaboration among Université d’Oran (Algeria), ROA and UCM. All them will be associated to WM net. All WM network stations include Streckeisen STS-2 sensor, a Quanterra or Earth Data digitizer, and a SeiscomP process system (Heinloo, 2004), and all them are available in real time via phone modem or Internet, except PVLZ and CEU, which will be in short. In this work, partly funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (MEC) through the project REN2006-10311-C03-01/02 (RISTE), we will present the present status, the next future plans and some related activities of WM net

    Improving noise assessment at intersections by modeling traffic dynamics

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    Three families of road noise prediction models can be distinguished. Static noise models only consider free-flow constant-speed traffic with uniformly distributed vehicles. Analytic noise models assume that all vehicles are isolated from one another but account for their mean kinematic profile over the network. Micro-simulation noise models relax the hypothesis of no interaction between vehicles and fully capture traffic flow dynamic effects such as queue evolution. This study compares the noise levels obtained by these three methodologies at signalized intersections and roundabouts. It reveals that micro-simulation noise models outperform the other approaches. Particularly, they are able to capture the effects of stochastic transient queues in under-saturated conditions as well as stop-and-go behaviors in oversaturated regime. Accounting for traffic dynamics is also shown to improve predictions of noise variations due to different junction layouts. In this paper, a roundabout is found to induce a 2.5 dB(A) noise reduction compared to a signalized intersection in undersaturated conditions while the acoustic contributions of both kinds of junctions balance in oversaturated regime. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Evaluating the Effects of Umifenovir Compared to Lopinavir/Ritonavir in the Management of Patients with COVID-19: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background. Due to the lack of specific safe medications for the treatment of COVID-19, medications used for other similar conditions are being tested to alleviate the condition of COVID-19 patients, resulting in acceptable outcomes in some cases. Umifenovir (Arbidol®) is used to treat influenza viruses by inhibiting the fusion of the virus with the host cell. According to previous findings, umifenovir may inhibit SARS-CoV-2 infection by interfering with the release of SARS-CoV-2 from inside the cell. This study aimed to determine the effects of umifenovir, a fusion inhibitor, versus lopinavir/ritonavir in treating patients with COVID-19. Methods. This study was a randomized controlled trial consisting of 90 confirmed COVID-19 patients divided into the lopinavir/ritonavir group and the umifenovir group. The lopinavir/ritonavir group received 100/25 mg twice, while the umifenovir group was given 200 mg thrice a day, in both groups, for seven days. Outcomes included mortality rate and the need for mechanical ventilation or intensive care unit admission. Length of stay in the hospital and ICU and the lab tests trend were also assessed. Results. The mortality rate and the need for admission to the ICU were significantly lower in the umifenovir group (8% vs. 27.5%; P-value = 0.02). Moreover, The levels of white blood cells were also lower in the umifenovir group than in the control group by day 10 (6.2 (5.3-7.4) vs. 10.8 (9.9-13); P-value <0.001). Conclusions. Umifenovir may reduce the need for admission to the ICU and mortality rate in patients with COVID-19 compared with lopinavir/ritonavir. The lab test trends were also in favor of umifenovir use.


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    In order to send the frame to the address the authors suggest selecting an adjacent node, taking into account the preferred predetermined weights of those nodes and their current load rates. The adaptive algorithm of alternate path choice is based on logical neural network. Simulation, made by the authors, has shown better values of mean time to execute applications and higher probability of their execution as compared to algorithm of non-alternative choice of neighboring routers. Thus a mean time of execution of application with alternative path choice algorithm DТalt exceeds minimum possible time for the range of change 12 ≤ s ≤ 16 (applications per step) in a changing range 0,3 ≤ DТальт ≤ 1 (steps). The mean time of execution of application with the method of alternative path choice has been reduced as compared to non-alternative path choice by 8% for s = 12, and by 23% – for s = 16.Для передачи кадра по адресу выбор смежного узла предлагается производить с учётом предпочтительных весов этих узлов, определённых заранее, и текущих значений коэффициентов их загрузки. В основе адаптивного  алгоритма альтернативного  смещения лежит логическая нейронная сеть. Моделирование, проведенное авторами, показало лучшие значения среднего времени и вероятности выполнения заявок  в данном варианте по сравнению с алгоритмом безальтернативного выбора искомого узла

    Neural sensing and control in a kilometer-scale gravitational-wave observatory

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    Suspended optics in gravitational-wave (GW) observatories are susceptible to alignment perturbations, particularly slow drifts over time, due to variations in temperature and seismic levels. Such misalignments affect the coupling of the incident laser beam into the optical cavities, degrade both the circulating power and optomechanical photon squeezing, and thus decrease the astrophysical sensitivity to merging binaries. Traditional alignment techniques involve differential wave-front sensing using multiple quadrant photodiodes but are often bandwidth restricted and limited by the sensing noise. We present a successful implementation of neural-network-based sensing and control at a GW observatory and demonstrate low-frequency control of the signal-recycling mirror at the GEO 600 detector. Alignment information for three critical optics is simultaneously extracted from the interferometric dark-port camera images via a convolutional neural net-long short-term memory network architecture and is then used for multiple-input-multiple-output control using soft actor-critic-based deep reinforcement learning. The overall sensitivity improvement achieved using our scheme demonstrates the capabilities of deep learning as a viable tool for real-time sensing and control for current and next-generation GW interferometers

    Characterization of the major histocompatibility complex locus association with Behçet’s disease in Iran

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    © 2015 Xavier et al.; licensee BioMed Central. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.Introduction: The aim of this study was to characterize the association of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) B alleles and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with Behçet's disease (BD) in an Iranian dataset. Methods: The association of three SNPs in the MHC region previously identified as the most associated in high-density genotyping studies was tested in a case-control study on 973 BD patients and 825 controls from Iran, and the association of HLA-B alleles was tested in a subset of 681 patients and 414 controls. Results: We found that HLA-B*51 (P = 4.11 × 10(-41), OR [95% CI] = 4.63[3.66-5.85]) and B*15 confer risk for BD (P = 2.83 × 10(-2), OR [95% CI] = 1.75[1.08-2.84]) in Iranian, and in B*51 negative individuals, only the B*15 allele is significantly associated with BD (P = 2.51 × 10(-3), OR [95% CI] = 2.40[1.37-4.20]). rs76546355, formerly known as rs116799036, located between HLA-B and MICA (MHC class I polypeptide-related sequence A), demonstrated the same level of association with BD as HLA-B*51 (P adj = 1.78 × 10(-46), OR [95% CI] = 5.46[4.21-7.09], and P adj = 8.34 × 10(-48), OR [95% CI] = 5.44[4.20-7.05], respectively) in the HLA-B allelotyped subset, while rs2848713 was less associated (P adj = 7.14 × 10(-35), OR [95% CI] = 3.73[2.97-4.69]) and rs9260997 was not associated (P adj = 1.00 × 10(-1)). Additionally, we found that B*51 genotype-phenotype correlations do not survive Bonferroni correction, while carriers of the rs76546355 risk allele predominate in BD cases with genital ulcers, positive pathergy test and positive BD family history (2.31 × 10(-4) ≤ P ≤ 1.59 × 10(-3)). Conclusions: We found that the HLA-B*51 allele and the rs76546355/rs116799036 MHC SNP are independent genetic risk factors for BD in Iranian, and that positivity for the rs76546355/rs116799036 risk allele, but not for B*51, does correlate with specific demographic characteristics or clinical manifestations in BD patients.This work was supported by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (grants PTDC/SAU-GMG/098937/2008, PTDC/IIM-GES/5015/2012 and CMUP-ERI/TPE/0028/2013, fellowships SFRH/BD/43895/2008 to JMX, SFRH/BPD/35737/2007 to PA, SFRH/BPD/70008/2010 to IS, a Ciência and an Investigator-FCT contract to SAO), and the Research Committee of the Tehran University of Medical Sciences (grant 132/714).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    First demonstration of neural sensing and control in a kilometer-scale gravitational wave observatory

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    Suspended optics in gravitational wave (GW) observatories are susceptible toalignment perturbations and, in particular, to slow drifts over time due tovariations in temperature and seismic levels. Such misalignments affect thecoupling of the incident laser beam into the optical cavities, degrade bothcirculating power and optomechanical photon squeezing, and thus decrease theastrophysical sensitivity to merging binaries. Traditional alignment techniquesinvolve differential wavefront sensing using multiple quadrant photodiodes, butare often restricted in bandwidth and are limited by the sensing noise. Wepresent the first-ever successful implementation of neural network-basedsensing and control at a gravitational wave observatory and demonstratelow-frequency control of the signal recycling mirror at the GEO 600 detector.Alignment information for three critical optics is simultaneously extractedfrom the interferometric dark port camera images via a CNN-LSTM networkarchitecture and is then used for MIMO control using soft actor-critic-baseddeep reinforcement learning. Overall sensitivity improvement achieved using ourscheme demonstrates deep learning's capabilities as a viable tool for real-timesensing and control for current and next-generation GW interferometers.<br

    Gene Expression Profiling and Association Studies Implicate the Neuregulin Signaling Pathway in Behçet's Disease Susceptibility

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    Behçet's disease (BD) is a complex disease with genetic and environmental risk factors implicated in its etiology; however, its pathophysiology is poorly understood. To decipher BD's genetic underpinnings, we combined gene expression profiling with pathway analysis and association studies. We compared the gene expression profiles in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of 15 patients and 14 matched controls using Affymetrix microarrays and found that the neuregulin signaling pathway was over-represented among the differentially expressed genes. The Epiregulin (EREG), Amphiregulin (AREG), and Neuregulin-1 (NRG1) genes of this pathway stand out as they are also among the top differentially expressed genes. Twelve haplotype tagging SNPs at the EREG-AREG locus and 15 SNPs in NRG1 found associated in at least one published BD genome-wide association study were tested for association with BD in a dataset of 976 Iranian patients and 839 controls. We found a novel association with BD for the rs6845297 SNP located downstream of EREG, and replicated three associations at NRG1 (rs4489285, rs383632, and rs1462891). Multifactor dimensionality reduction analysis indicated the existence of epistatic interactions between EREG and NRG1 variants. EREG-AREG and NRG1, which are members of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family, seem to modulate BD susceptibility through main effects and gene–gene interactions. These association findings support a role for the EGF/ErbB signaling pathway inBD pathogenesis that warrants further investigation and highlight the importance of combining genetic and genomic approaches to dissect the genetic architecture of complex diseases

    IL10 Low-Frequency Variants in Behçet's Disease Patients

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    To explain the missing heritability after the genome-wide association studies era, sequencing studies allow the identification of low-frequency variants with a stronger effect on disease risk. Common variants in the interleukin 10 gene (IL10) have been consistently associated with Behçet's disease (BD) and the goal of this study is to investigate the role of low-frequency IL10 variants in BD susceptibility