5 research outputs found

    Influence of age and body mass index on arterial stiffness and left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with arterial hypertension II stage.

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    Based on the cumulative data of scientific research reference values for the central blood pressure and its amplification were proposed in patients with different cardiovascular risk factors. Still, the possibility of its practical implementation in patients of different age groups has not been fully studied. There were examined 132 untreated patients (23 females and 109 males) with uncom­plicated essential hypertension, which were divided into 3 groups depending on age (WHO, 2012): I group included 47 patients of the young age, II group - 50 middle-aged patients  and III group – 35 elderly patients. Measurements of central systolic blood pressure (cSBP), SBP amplification (SBP Amp), pulse wave velocity (PWV) were carried out by Arteriograph Tensioclinic (Tensiomed, Hungary). Target-organ damage included LVH which was determined by echocardiographic left ventricular mass index (LVMI), adjusted for body surface (g/m2) or height (LVMI2,7), aortic PWV>10 m/s. It was established that the use of a personalized approach in the examination of patients with arterial hypertension makes it possible to increase the efficiency of diagnosis of hypertensive-mediated subclinical organ damage. So in order to identify impairment of the vascular wall in patients of a young age with hypertension, with overweight and obesity, the reference values of PWV and cSBP in accordance with the age norm should be taken into account. It was particularly in this cohort of patients that the greatest adverse effect of vascular stiffness and body mass index (BMI) on the formation of left ventricular hypertrophy was revealed, while in elderly people it is necessary to use the reference values of cSBP, depending on the degree of hypertension

    Dynamics of parameters of elastic-elastic properties of arterial wall in patients with morbid obesity after conduction of bariatric treatment.

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    According to the World Health Organization, 2.8 million people die every year from diseases associated with overweight or obesity. Abdominal-visceral form is a serious predictor of mortality from cardiovascular disease. The aim of the work was to evaluate the dynamics of rigidity of the arterial wall in patients with morbid obesity after the administration of bariatric treatment. The study included 22 patients with morbid obesity, 11 women and 11 men (50%). The average age of patients was 41.9 ± 2.38 years. All patients were under the supervision of a multidisciplinary team of State Establishment "Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine", which included surgeons, anesthetists, cardiologists and endocrinologists. Weight loss after bariatric treatment of obesity was accompanied by positive changes in the cardiometabolic profile in patients, which was manifested not only by improving blood pressure control, decreasing doses and the number of medications taken, but also reducing the rigidity of the arterial wall, which in turn led to the reduction of the risk of serious cardiovascular events in future

    Primary prevention efforts are poorly developed in people at high cardiovascular risk: A report from the European Society of Cardiology EURObservational Research Programme EUROASPIRE V survey in 16 European countries

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    Background: European Action on Secondary and Primary Prevention by Intervention to Reduce Events (EUROASPIRE) V in primary care was carried out by the European Society of Cardiology EURObservational Research Programme in 2016–2018. The main objective was to determine whether the 2016 Joint European Societies’ guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in people at high cardiovascular risk have been implemented in clinical practice. Methods: The method used was a cross-sectional survey in 78 centres from 16 European countries. Patients without a history of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease either started on blood pressure and/or lipid and/or glucose lowering treatments were identified and interviewed 6 months after the start of medication. Results: A total of 3562 medical records were reviewed and 2759 patients (57.6% women; mean age 59.0 11.6 years) interviewed (interview rate 70.0%). The risk factor control was poor with 18.1% of patients being smokers, 43.5% obese (body mass index 30 kg/m2 ) and 63.8% centrally obese (waist circumference 88 cm for women, 102 cm for men). Of patients on blood pressure lowering medication 47.0% reached the target of <140/90 mm Hg (<140/85 mm Hg in people with diabetes). Among treated dyslipidaemic patients only 46.9% attained low density lipoprotein-cholesterol target of <2.6 mmol/l. Among people treated for type 2 diabetes mellitus, 65.2% achieved the HbA1c target of <7.0%. Conclusion: The primary care arm of the EUROASPIRE V survey revealed that large proportions of people at high cardiovascular disease risk have unhealthy lifestyles and inadequate control of blood pressure, lipids and diabetes. Thus, the potential to reduce the risk of future cardiovascular disease throughout Europe by improved preventive cardiology programmes is substantial

    AMS :: ATX August 2014 Blog Archive 

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    Contents: Grad Research: Carrie Andersen publishes article on drones and Call of Duty in Surveillance and Society -- Faculty Research: Janet Davis wins Constance Rourke Prize for Best Essay in American Quarterly -- Grad Research: Eric Covey’s Intro AMS course creates photography Tumblr -- Welcome back from AMSAMS :: ATX is a blog dedicated to representing the many activities and interests of the department of American Studies at The University of Texas at Austin. Together with the department’s Twitter feed, this blog exists to serve the AMS and Austin communities by acting as a hub for up-to-date information on events and opportunities at UT and beyond.American Studie