20 research outputs found

    Qualität und Stellenwert der Wirtschaftsberichterstattung in Schweizer Medien

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    Die Wirtschaftsberichterstattung nimmt in der Schweiz vor dem Hintergrund des starken Finanz- und Wirtschaftsstandortes eine zentrale Rolle ein. Insbesondere mit Blick auf die Doppelfunktion des Wirtschaftsjournalismus (Information und Frühwarnfunktion) ist es relevant, die Bedeutung und Qualität der Wirtschaftsberichterstattung genauer zu betrachten. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht daher journalistische Beiträge zu wirtschaftlichen und wirtschaftspolitischen Themen in verschiedenen Schweizer Medien von 2015 bis 2021 hinsichtlich verschiedener Qualitätsaspekte. Unsere Resultate ergeben, dass der Anteil der Wirtschafts- an der Gesamtberichterstattung in Schweizer Medien 16,4% beträgt, wobei in überregionalen Tageszeitungen, allen voran in NZZ und Le Temps, sowie im öffentlichen Rundfunk verstärkt über Wirtschaftsthemen berichtet wird. Ein positiver Befund ist, dass die redaktionelle Eigenleistung zur Wirtschaftsberichterstattung von 2015 (62,9%) bis 2021 (76,7%) deutlich zugenommen hat, wobei sich Onlinemedien deutlich häufiger auf Agenturmeldungen stützen als Offline-Formate. Der grösste Anteil der Berichterstattung zur Wirtschaft geht auf betriebswirtschaftliche Themen (57,6%) zurück, welcher in den letzten Jahren zugenommen hat. Pendler- und Boulevardmedien berichten hierzu anteilsmässig am meisten. Im Gegensatz dazu gewichten der öffentliche Rundfunk und Abonnementsmedien volkswirtschaftliche Themen stärker. Zudem zeigt sich, dass der Anteil an einordnenden Beiträgen zu Wirtschaftsthemen seit 2015 stetig abgenommen hat, aber im Jahr 2021 wieder deutlich angestiegen ist. Vermutlich stellt dieser Befund einen einmaligen Effekt der verstärkten Einordnung von wirtschaftlichen Entwicklungen im Zuge der Corona-Pandemie dar. Im Vergleich zu anderen Themenfeldern wie Politik und Kultur ist der emotionale Stil bei Wirtschaftsnachrichten am geringsten ausgeprägt. Allerdings emotionalisieren die Boulevardmedien und Online-Pure-Medien im Vergleich zu anderen Medientypen in der Wirtschaftsberichterstattung relativ häufig. Schliesslich zeigen die Resultate, dass der Frauenanteil in der Wirtschaftsberichterstattung im Vergleich zur Gesamtberichterstattung sowie zur Berichterstattung in anderen Themenfeldern niedrig ausfällt, seit 2019 aber einen positiven Trend erfährt und in 2021 einen neuen Höchstwert erreicht hat (23,3%). Die Qualität der Schweizer Wirtschaftsberichterstattung gilt es im Sinne der Förderung von transparenten und fairen Märkten sowie zum Erhalt der Demokratie weiterhin zu gewährleisten und auszubauen

    Semi-Automated Recording of Facial Sensitivity in Rat Demonstrates Antinociceptive Effects of the Anti-CGRP Antibody Fremanezumab

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    Migraine pain is frequently accompanied by cranial hyperalgesia and allodynia. Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) is implicated in migraine pathophysiology but its role in facial hypersensitivity is not entirely clear. In this study, we investigated if the anti-CGRP monoclonal antibody fremanezumab, which is therapeutically used in chronic and episodic migraines, can modify facial sensitivity recorded by a semi-automatic system. Rats of both sexes primed to drink from a sweet source had to pass a noxious mechanical or heat barrier to reach the source. Under these experimental conditions, animals of all groups tended to drink longer and more when they had received a subcutaneous injection of 30 mg/kg fremanezumab compared to control animals injected with an isotype control antibody 12–13 days prior to testing, but this was significant only for females. In conclusion, anti-CGRP antibody, fremanezumab, reduces facial sensitivity to noxious mechanical and thermal stimulation for more than one week, especially in female rats. Anti-CGRP antibodies may reduce not only headache but also cranial sensitivity in migraineurs

    Comparative analysis of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I and T for their association with coronary computed tomography-assessed calcium scoring represented by the Agatston score

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    Background: This study evaluates the association between high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I (hs-cTnI) and T (hs-cTnT) and coronary calcium concentration (CAC) detected by coronary computed tomography (CCT) and evaluated with the Agatston score in patients with suspected coronary artery disease (CAD). Methods: Patients undergoing CCT during routine clinical care were enrolled prospectively. CCT was indicated for patients with a low to intermediate pretest probability for CAD. Within 24 h of CCT examination, peripheral blood samples were taken to measure cardiac biomarkers hs-cTnI and hs-cTnT. Results: A total of 76 patients were enrolled including 38% without detectable CAC, 36% with an Agatston score from 1 to 100, 17% from 101 to 400, and 9% with values ≥ 400. hs-cTnI was increasing alongside Agatston score and was able to differentiate between different groups of Agatston scores. Both hs-cTn discriminated values greater than 100 (hs-cTnI, AUC = 0.663; p = 0.032; hs-cTnT, AUC = 0.650; p = 0.048). In univariate and multivariate logistic regression models, hs-cTnT and hs-cTnI were significantly associated with increased Agatston scores. Patients with hs-cTnT ≥ 0.02 µg/l and hs-cTnI ≥ 5.5 ng/l were more likely to reveal values ≥ 400 (hs-cTnT; OR = 13.4; 95% CI 1.545–116.233; p = 0.019; hs-cTnI; OR = 8.8; 95% CI 1.183–65.475; p = 0.034). Conclusion: The present study shows that the Agatston score was significantly correlated with hs cardiac troponins, both in univariable and multivariable linear regression models. Hs-cTnI is able to discriminate between different Agatston values. The present results might reveal potential cut-off values for hs cardiac troponins regarding different Agatston values. Trial registration Cardiovascular Imaging and Biomarker Analyses (CIBER), NCT03074253 https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/record/NCT0307425

    Sleep, aggression, and psychosocial adjustment in male prisoners

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    Purpose: The current study examines sleep quantity and quality and their association with anger-related reactions, symptoms of ADHD, depressive symptoms, physical health complaints, and life satisfaction in male prison inmates. Furthermore, we examine whether good sleep hygiene in the prison context (physical exercising during the day, switching the television off at night, limiting caffeine and cigarette consumption) is related to sleep quantity and quality. Methods: 49 prison inmates (mean age = 39.4; SD = 13.9) completed questionnaires assessing sleep quality and quantity, sleep hygiene, and psychosocial and physical functioning. Results: Short sleep duration of 6h or less and poor sleep quality were related to higher levels of aggressiveness in provoking social situations and more physical health complaints. Additionally, poor sleep quality was related to higher levels of rumination and more symptoms of ADHD. The sleep hygiene variable daily caffeine consumption was related with shorter sleep duration. Conclusion: Results suggest that among a sample of male prison inmates adequate sleep duration and good sleep quality were associated with better psychosocial adjustment

    Habitual computer game playing at night is related to depressive symptoms

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    Lemola S, Brand S, Vogler N, Perkinson-Gloor N, Allemand M, Grob A. Habitual computer game playing at night is related to depressive symptoms. Personality and Individual Differences. 2011;51(2):117-122.This study investigated whether the amount and circadian time of habitual computer game playing were related to depressive symptoms in adolescents and young adults. We expected that habitual late playing relates to more depressive symptoms beyond the effect of the total time of computer game playing as playing at night may involve short, irregular, and disturbed sleep as well as misalignment of the circadian rhythm. 646 adolescents and young adults (ages 13–30; 90.9% males) who play the internet role-playing game World of Warcraft completed an online questionnaire. Habitual computer game playing between 10 pm and 6 am was related to an increased risk of high depression scores independent of the total amount of playing. Adolescents (ages 13–17 years) were most vulnerable when habitually playing during early night (i.e., 10–12 pm), while emergent adults (ages 18–22 years) showed more vulnerability when habitually playing late at night (i.e., after 2 am). The effect was partly mediated by daytime sleepiness but not by sleep loss or insomnia problems

    Habitual computer game playing at night is related to depressive symptoms

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    This study investigated whether the amount and circadian time of habitual computer game playing were related to depressive symptoms in adolescents and young adults. We expected that habitual late playing relates to more depressive symptoms beyond the effect of the total time of computer game playing as playing at night may involve short, irregular, and disturbed sleep as well as misalignment of the circadian rhythm. 646 adolescents and young adults (ages 13–30; 90.9% males) who play the internet role-playing game World of Warcraft completed an online questionnaire. Habitual computer game playing between 10 pm and 6 am was related to an increased risk of high depression scores independent of the total amount of playing. Adolescents (ages 13–17 years) were most vulnerable when habitually playing during early night (i.e., 10–12 pm), while emergent adults (ages 18–22 years) showed more vulnerability when habitually playing late at night (i.e., after 2 am). The effect was partly mediated by daytime sleepiness but not by sleep loss or insomnia problems

    Semi-Automated Recording of Facial Sensitivity in Rat Demonstrates Antinociceptive Effects of the Anti-CGRP Antibody Fremanezumab

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    Migraine pain is frequently accompanied by cranial hyperalgesia and allodynia. Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) is implicated in migraine pathophysiology but its role in facial hypersensitivity is not entirely clear. In this study, we investigated if the anti-CGRP monoclonal antibody fremanezumab, which is therapeutically used in chronic and episodic migraines, can modify facial sensitivity recorded by a semi-automatic system. Rats of both sexes primed to drink from a sweet source had to pass a noxious mechanical or heat barrier to reach the source. Under these experimental conditions, animals of all groups tended to drink longer and more when they had received a subcutaneous injection of 30 mg/kg fremanezumab compared to control animals injected with an isotype control antibody 12–13 days prior to testing, but this was significant only for females. In conclusion, anti-CGRP antibody, fremanezumab, reduces facial sensitivity to noxious mechanical and thermal stimulation for more than one week, especially in female rats. Anti-CGRP antibodies may reduce not only headache but also cranial sensitivity in migraineurs

    Sleep, Aggression, and Psychosocial Adjustment in Male Prisoners

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    Vogler, Shared first authorship N, Perkinson-Gloor, Shared first authorship N, Brand S, Grob A, Lemola S. Sleep, Aggression, and Psychosocial Adjustment in Male Prisoners. Swiss Journal of Psychology. 2014;73(3):167-176.In this study, we investigate sleep quantity and quality and their association with anger-related reactions, symptoms of ADHD, depressive symptoms, physical health complaints, and life satisfaction in male prison inmates. Furthermore, we examine whether good sleep hygiene in the prison context (physical exercise during the day, switching the television off at night, limiting caffeine and cigarette consumption) is related to sleep quantity and quality. Forty-nine prison inmates (mean age = 39.37; SD = 13.95) completed questionnaires assessing sleep quality and quantity, sleep hygiene, and psychosocial and physical functioning. Short sleep duration (6 h or less) and poor sleep quality were related to higher levels of aggressiveness in aggression-provoking social situations and more physical health complaints. In addition, poor sleep quality was related to higher levels of rumination and more symptoms of ADHD. Daily caffeine consumption, a sleep hygiene variable, was related to shorter sleep duration. The results suggest that, among a sample of male prison inmates, adequate sleep duration and good sleep quality were associated with better psychosocial adjustment

    Multimodal imaging to study the morphochemistry of basal cell carcinoma

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    Basal cell carcinoma is the most abundant malignant neoplasm in humans, the pathology of which is characterized by an abnormal proliferation of basal cells. Basal cell carcinoma can show a variety of different morphologies, which are based on different cellular biology. Furthermore, the carcinoma often grows invisibly to the eye imbedded in the surrounding skin. Therefore, in some cases its clinical detection is challenging. Thus, our work aims at establishing an unsupervised tissue classification method based on multimodal imaging and the application of chemometrics to discriminate basal cell carcinoma from non-diseased tissue. A case study applying multimodal imaging to ex-vivo sections of basal cell carcinoma is presented. In doing so, we apply a combination of various linear and non-linear imaging modalities, i.e. fluorescence, Raman and second-harmonic generation microscopy, to study the morphochemistry of basal cell carcinoma. The joint information content obtained by such multimodal approach in studying various aspects of the malignant tissue alterations associated with basal cell carcinoma is discussed. [GRAPHICS] Multimodal imaging combining coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering, second-harmonic generation and two-photo fluorescence is combined with Raman spectroscopy to investigate the morphochemistry of human basal cell carcinoma