60 research outputs found

    A protocol for multidimensional assessment in university online courses

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    This paper presents a protocol developed for multidimensional assessment for e-learning experiences based on socioconstructivist principles. First, we describe the structure of an e-learning course where the protocol as been developed and tested; second, we describe the protocol and how it has been used in that course. We believe this protocol is a useful tool for a twofold reason: on the one hand, it takes into account the complexity of the pedagogical architecture of socioconstructivist courses – where many teaching models and learning strategies are mixed, different individual and collaborative activities are proposed and students are asked to build a variety of final products. On the other hand, it promotes students’ assumption of responsibility and active role, with a particular reference to self-assessment competences. Instances of how we have applied the protocol will be described in the paper. The assessment protocol we present here is complex, nevertheless flexible. Therefore, although we have tested it in a specific course, it could also be used in similar or simpler course

    Which Learning Analytics for a socio-constructivist teaching and learning blended experience

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    The contribution describes and problematizes the use of learning analytics within a blended university course based on a socio-constructivist approach and aimed at constructing artefacts and knowledge. Specifically, the authors focus on the assessment system adopted in the course, deliberately inspired by the principles of formative assessment: an ongoing assessment in the form of feedback shared with the students, and which integrates the teacher’s assessment with self-assessment and peer-assessment. This system obviously requires the integration of qualitative procedures - from teachers and tutors - and quantitative - managed through the reporting functions of the LMS and online tools used for the course. The contribution ends with a reflection on the possibilities of technological development of learning analytics within the learning environment, such as to better support constructivist teaching: Learning Analytics that comes closest to social LA techniques providing the teacher with a richer picture of the student’s behaviour and learning processe

    Chapter Promoting 21st century skills in Higher Education through collaboration and activities

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    The paper presents a model of university teaching where students are involved in concrete activities and collaborate while developing key competences for the academic and working future. 52 students of the Degree Course in Psychology at the Sapienza University of Rome participated to the activity. The method of data collection and analysis combines qualitative and quantitative approach. Results show a general perception of skills enhancement and a good appreciation of the course, especially in comparison with traditional learning mode

    Collaborative peer-feedback practices in hybrid learning environments

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    The article describes a technology-mediated collaborative peer-feedback experience. 125 students took part into the activity during the delivery of a 3- months teaching in “Methodology of Action Research”, within a 3-year Degree Course in Psychological, Social and Occupational Sciences. The activity was based on a 4-phases cycle of collaborative output production, structured peer- feedback, collaborative output improvement, individual reflection. The aim of the exploratory case-study here presented is to observe if and how the peer- feedback activity supported the development of collaborative, meta-cognitive and digital skills, other than knowledge acquisition. To answer our research questions, we used a mixed system, able to provide both objective data with respect to the activity carried out and the skills put in place, and subjective data related to the students' personal experience and the perceived impact on their learning. Results show a good appropriation of metacognitive skills and offer numerous hints on the design aspects which have been found to be effective in supporting students’ learning

    Il peer-feedback collaborativo per il miglioramento continuo dei prodotti

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    The contribution describes a peer-feedback activity in a university course, during which students build knowledge products and are called to improve them through mutual feedback. The course lasted 10 weeks divided into 3 modules; 109 students in 11 groups participated. The study aims to track the evolution of students’ critical skills. To this end, we analyzed: a pre-post questionnaire for self-assessment of critical skills (N = 90), the peer-feedback sheets produced by the work groups (N = 44). The results of the questionnaire show statistically significant differences in all the itemsinvestigated. As for the peer feedback, the analysis shows a significant improvement in the quality of the comments provided. Overall, the articulation of the activities seems to support the development of skills aimed at developing and improving collaborative knowledge products. Il contributo descrive un’attivitĂ  di peer-feedback nell’ambito di un corso universitario, durante il quale gli studenti costruiscono prodotti di conoscenza e sono chiamati a migliorarli attraverso il feedback reciproco. Il corso è durato 10 settimane divise in 3 moduli; vi hanno partecipato 109 studenti divisi in 11 gruppi. Lo studio mira a tracciare l’evoluzione delle competenze critiche degli studenti. A tal fine sono stati analizzati: un questionario pre-post di auto-valutazione delle competenze critiche (N=90), le schede di peer-feedback prodotte dai gruppi di lavoro (N=44). I risultati del questionario mostrano differenze statisticamente significative in tutti gli item indagati. Per quanto riguarda i peer-feedback, l’analisi mostra un miglioramento significativo nella qualitĂ  dei commenti offerti. Complessivamente, l’articolazione delle attivitĂ  sembra supportare lo sviluppo delle competenze orientate allo sviluppo e al miglioramento collaborativo di prodotti di conoscenza

    "Increased" teacher training : integration of methodologies and technologies at the service of socio-constructivist teaching

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    The exploratory study here described focuses on a training course for first grade secondary school teachers. During this course, 17 in-service teachers experienced methodologies and tools for innovative and technology-mediated teaching, fostering awareness and understanding of how to support meaningful learning based on collaborative work practices. The course is based on a blended approach: Six face-to-face meetings alternated with online activities on a Moodle platform for a total amount of 50 hours-training. In between the first phase – connotated by a “theoretical” nature - and the second phase – more “practical”- teachers were asked to design a teaching unit for students to work in groups using collaborative writing tools. The objective of the study was to investigate how the course impacted teachers’ ability to put into practice what they have experienced during the training as well as their perception about the real value that technology can bring in their daily teaching. To this end, the responses to a semi-structured questionnaire administered at the beginning and at the end of the course were analyzed (N=15), as well as the pedagogical scenarios built by the teachers during the course (N=12). Results show a correct practical application of what has been learned, an increased good perception of educational technologies, combined with a general consistent appreciation of the training carried out.The exploratory study here described focuses on a training course for first grade secondary school teachers. During this course, 17 in-service teachers experienced methodologies and tools for innovative and technology-mediated teaching, fostering awareness and understanding of how to support meaningful learning based on collaborative work practices. The course is based on a blended approach: Six face-to-face meetings alternated with online activities on a Moodle platform for a total amount of 50 hours-training. In between the first phase - connotated by a "theoretical" nature - and the second phase - more "practical"- teachers were asked to design a teaching unit for students to work in groups using collaborative writing tools. The objective of the study was to investigate how the course impacted teachers' ability to put into practice what they have experienced during the training as well as their perception about the real value that technology can bring in their daily teaching. To this end, the responses to a semi-structured questionnaire administered at the beginning and at the end of the course were analyzed (N=15), as well as the pedagogical scenarios built by the teachers during the course (N=12). Results show a correct practical application of what has been learned, an increased good perception of educational technologies, combined with a general consistent appreciation of the training carried out.Peer reviewe

    Il peer-assessment nella formazione insegnanti: accorgimenti e ricadute = Peer-assessment and teachers’ training: Tips and impacts

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    Il contributo indaga la competenza valutativa di insegnanti in servizio coin-volti in un’attività di peer-assessment e le loro percezioni circa gli impatti della pratica in sé. Il contesto dello studio è rappresentato da un Master universitario di I livello basato sull’Approccio Trialogico all’Apprendimento in cui i parteci-panti sperimentano metodologie didattiche innovative, dalla progettazione all’implementazione alla valutazione. Dopo aver descritto nel dettaglio modalità e procedure delle attività di peer-assessment oggetto dello studio, si illustra il metodo di analisi quali-quantitativa dei dati raccolti: 407 rubrics compilate da 43 insegnanti e 28 questionari semi-strutturati a supporto della riflessione finale attorno all’attività. Nel complesso, le analisi mostrano come l’attività di peer-assessment così come proposta abbia stimolato, da un lato, il potenziamento di specifiche competenze professionalizzanti, dall’altro, la motivazione ad apprendere e il sentimento di appartenenza a una comunità di pratiche. Vengono discussi gli elementi a sup-porto dell’efficacia della pratica valutativa e le possibili ricadute in aula.The article investigates the evaluative competence of in-service teachers involved in a peer-assessment activity and their perceptions about the impacts of the practice itself. The context of the study is represented by a Level I University Master based on the Trialogical Learning Approach in which participants experiment with innovative teaching methodologies, from design to implementation to evaluation. After having described in detail the methods and procedures of the peer-assessment activities covered by the study, the method of the quali-quantitative analysis of the collected data is illustrated: 407 rubrics compiled by 43 teachers and 28 semi-structured questionnaires to support the final reflection around the activities. Overall, the analyzes show how the peer-assessment activity just as proposed has stimulated, on the one hand, the enhancement of specific professional skills, on the other, the motivation to learn and the feeling of belonging to a community of practices. The elements supporting the effectiveness of the evaluation practice and the possible repercussions in the classroom are discussed

    Pratiche riflessive nella formazione degli insegnanti per e attraverso le tecnologie

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    In questo lavoro si descrive un percorso di formazione per insegnanti in servizio in cui i processi riflessivi acquisiscono valore all’interno di una comunità di pratiche alimentata da attività collaborative e da un confronto costante sulla propria professionalità incarnata nelle azioni creative e progettuali sollecitate dal percorso stesso: un Master universitario di I livello, erogato in modalità e-Learning e basato su un modello di formazione esperienziale e ispirato al Trialogical Learning & Assessment Approach, per cui i discenti sono chiamati a realizzare insieme oggetti condivisi e significativi, attraverso la mediazione di strumenti digitali e partecipando ad attività diversificate di riflessione, revisione e miglioramento dei propri prodotti, con l’obiettivo di sperimentare metodologie e tecnologie utili a modificare la propria didattica in direzione socio-costruttivista. Nel contributo si riportano gli esiti di uno studio qualitativo effettuato tramite analisi del contenuto degli enunciati degli insegnanti sollecitati a riflettere sul proprio percorso di apprendimento

    L’orientamento attraverso i Social Network: il progetto “AAA Futuro Cercasi”

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    Il progetto “AAA Futuro Cercasi” è un percorso di orientamento rivolto agli studenti in uscita dalla Scuola Secondaria Superiore e supportato da Social Network. In alternativa ad un orientamento informativo circa l’offerta universitaria e lavorativa, il percorso mira a valorizzare le competenze degli studenti, le abilità di lavoro in gruppo e la conoscenza delle risorse del territorio. Nelle prime due edizioni hanno partecipato in totale 129 studenti. Il progetto, ora alla terza edizione, si basa sull’approccio Design-Based Research, per cui ogni edizione è stata migliorata tenendo conto dei risultati di quella precedente. Pur restando constante l’articolazione in quattro fasi – incontri iniziali in presenza; attività sui SN; progetti collaborativi; incontri finali in presenza – sono stati migliorati tempi e modalità di esecuzione delle attività. Inoltre, è stato osservato che la partecipazione al progetto fa diminuire l’incertezza verso il futuro e delle scelte da affrontare
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