265 research outputs found

    Design of a Ballistically-Launched Foldable Multirotor

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    The operation of multirotors in crowded environments requires a highly reliable takeoff method, as failures during takeoff can damage more valuable assets nearby. The addition of a ballistic launch system imposes a deterministic path for the multirotor to prevent collisions with its environment, as well as increases the multirotor’s range of operation and allows deployment from an unsteady platform. In addition, outfitting planetary rovers or entry vehicles with such deployable multirotors has the potential to greatly extend the data collection capabilities of a mission. A proof-of-concept multirotor aircraft has been developed, capable of transitioning from a ballistic launch configuration to a fully controllable flight configuration in midair after launch. The transition is accomplished via passive unfolding of the multirotor arms, triggered by a nichrome burn wire release mechanism. The design is 3D printable, launches from a three-inch diameter barrel, and has sufficient thrust to carry a significant payload. The system has been fabricated and field tested from a moving vehicle up to 50mph to successfully demonstrate the feasibility of the concept and experimentally validate the design’s aerodynamic stability and deployment reliability

    Design and Autonomous Stabilization of a Ballistically Launched Multirotor

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    Aircraft that can launch ballistically and convert to autonomous, free flying drones have applications in many areas such as emergency response, defense, and space exploration, where they can gather critical situational data using onboard sensors. This paper presents a ballistically launched, autonomously stabilizing multirotor prototype (SQUID, Streamlined Quick Unfolding Investigation Drone) with an onboard sensor suite, autonomy pipeline, and passive aerodynamic stability. We demonstrate autonomous transition from passive to vision based, active stabilization, confirming the ability of the multirotor to autonomously stabilize after a ballistic launch in a GPS denied environment.Comment: Accepted to 2020 International Conference on Robotics and Automatio

    Endoskopske inovacije u dijagnostici i liječenju kolorektalnog karcinoma

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    Colonoscopy is the gold standard in diagnosis of colorectal cancer that in most instances arises from precursor lesion, adenomatous polyp. However, white ligh forward viewing colonoscopy is not a pefect method, up to a quarter of adenomas are being missed during standard procedures. Therefore, new techniques and technologies are being developed in order to increase adenoma detection rate, either through better resolution and magnification of the image (highdefinition, high-magnification endoscopes) or by augmenting the overview of colonic mucosa (Full Spectrum Endoscopy colonoscope, Third-Eye Retroscope). Besides adenoma detection, new technologies allow better tissue characterisation and in vivo discrimination between nonneoplastic and neoplastic lesions (conventional chromoendoscopy, virtual chromoendoscopy, confocal laser endomicroscopy, endocytoscopy). In additon to diagnostic procedures, therapeutic techniques are also evolving. Formerly, all of the flat or depressed colorectal lesions, encountered during colonoscopy, were reffered to surgery. Today, endoscopic mucosal resection is becoming a routine method for the treatment of early gastrointestinal mucosal lesions of less than 2 cm in diameter. For larger lesions, endoscopic submucosal dissection, a state-of-the-art technique, is indicated, but currently carried out only in tertiary centres. Endoscopic innovations are leading into new era of colorectal cancer diagnosis and management, hopefully resulting in decrease of incidence, morbidity and mortality.Kolonoskopija je zlatni standard u dijagnostici kolorektalnog karcinoma koji u većini slučajeva nastaje iz prekursorske lezije, adenoma. Međutim, standardna kolonoskopija nije savršena metoda; prema rezultatima tandem studija čak četvrtina adenoma ostaje neotkrivena. Stoga se razvijaju nove tehnike i tehnologije koje omogućuju bolju detekciju adenoma uvećanjem i boljom rezolucijom slike (‘’high-definition’’, ‘’high-magnification’’ endoskopi) te boljim pregledom sluznice debelog crijeva (‘’Full Spectrum Endoscopy’’ kolonoskop, ‘’Third-Eye Retroscope’’). Nove tehnologije također omogućuju i napredniju karakterizaciju kolorektalnih promjena i in vivo razlikovanje ne-neoplastičnih i neoplastičnih lezija (konvencionalna kromoendoskopija, virtualna kromoendoskopija, konfokalna laserska endomikroskopija, endocitoskopija). Osim dijagnostičkih, napreduju i terapijske endoskopske metode. Do sada su sve ne-polipoidne kolorektalne promjene liječene kirurški, a danas je endoskopska mukozna resekcija postala rutinska metoda za lezije do 2 cm u promjeru. U slučaju većih promjena inidicirana je endoskopska submukozna disekcija, state-of-the-art tehnika koja se trenutno izvodi samo u tercijarnim centrima. Inovacije u endoskopiji vode u novu eru dijagnostike i liječenja kolorektalnog karcinoma te nagoviještaju bolju prevenciju i smanjenje incidencije ove česte maligne bolesti

    Application of recent concepts in product development

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    Početkom novog tisućljeća pojavile su se nove tehnologije kojima razvijamo i stvaramo nove proizvode. Suvremeni zahtjevi tržišta postavljaju sve oštrije zahtjeve na procese razvoja i proizvodnje. Osim zahtjeva za povišenjem kvalitete proizvoda i razine fleksibilnosti, istodobno se nameću zahtjevi za snižavanjem troškova, a posebice skraćenjem vremena razvoja i proizvodnje. U ovom radu praćen je proces povratnog inženjerstva i svih pripadajućih alata u povratnom inženjerstvu – od 3D skeniranja, modeliranja, inspekcije modela do izgradnje prototipa aditivnim tehnologijama ili 3D printerima. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati suvremene koncepte razvoja proizvoda i demistificirati pojam četvrte industrijske revolucije.At the beginning of new millennia, technologies for developing and creating of new products emerged. Modern requirements of market are setting sharper requirements on processes of development and manufacturing. Except requirements for higher standards of product quality, at the same time requirements for lowering prices for development and manufacturing of products, flexibility and shortening of time needed to manufacture products are getting higher. In this paper, process of reverse engineering and its tools is described – from 3D scanning, modelling, inspection, and creating of prototype using additive technologies or 3D printers. The aim of this study is to present modern concepts of product development and demystify the term of 4 th industrial revolution

    Application of recent concepts in product development

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    Početkom novog tisućljeća pojavile su se nove tehnologije kojima razvijamo i stvaramo nove proizvode. Suvremeni zahtjevi tržišta postavljaju sve oštrije zahtjeve na procese razvoja i proizvodnje. Osim zahtjeva za povišenjem kvalitete proizvoda i razine fleksibilnosti, istodobno se nameću zahtjevi za snižavanjem troškova, a posebice skraćenjem vremena razvoja i proizvodnje. U ovom radu praćen je proces povratnog inženjerstva i svih pripadajućih alata u povratnom inženjerstvu – od 3D skeniranja, modeliranja, inspekcije modela do izgradnje prototipa aditivnim tehnologijama ili 3D printerima. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati suvremene koncepte razvoja proizvoda i demistificirati pojam četvrte industrijske revolucije.At the beginning of new millennia, technologies for developing and creating of new products emerged. Modern requirements of market are setting sharper requirements on processes of development and manufacturing. Except requirements for higher standards of product quality, at the same time requirements for lowering prices for development and manufacturing of products, flexibility and shortening of time needed to manufacture products are getting higher. In this paper, process of reverse engineering and its tools is described – from 3D scanning, modelling, inspection, and creating of prototype using additive technologies or 3D printers. The aim of this study is to present modern concepts of product development and demystify the term of 4 th industrial revolution

    Application of recent concepts in product development

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    Početkom novog tisućljeća pojavile su se nove tehnologije kojima razvijamo i stvaramo nove proizvode. Suvremeni zahtjevi tržišta postavljaju sve oštrije zahtjeve na procese razvoja i proizvodnje. Osim zahtjeva za povišenjem kvalitete proizvoda i razine fleksibilnosti, istodobno se nameću zahtjevi za snižavanjem troškova, a posebice skraćenjem vremena razvoja i proizvodnje. U ovom radu praćen je proces povratnog inženjerstva i svih pripadajućih alata u povratnom inženjerstvu – od 3D skeniranja, modeliranja, inspekcije modela do izgradnje prototipa aditivnim tehnologijama ili 3D printerima. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati suvremene koncepte razvoja proizvoda i demistificirati pojam četvrte industrijske revolucije.At the beginning of new millennia, technologies for developing and creating of new products emerged. Modern requirements of market are setting sharper requirements on processes of development and manufacturing. Except requirements for higher standards of product quality, at the same time requirements for lowering prices for development and manufacturing of products, flexibility and shortening of time needed to manufacture products are getting higher. In this paper, process of reverse engineering and its tools is described – from 3D scanning, modelling, inspection, and creating of prototype using additive technologies or 3D printers. The aim of this study is to present modern concepts of product development and demystify the term of 4 th industrial revolution

    Le istituzioni regionali di fronte al fenomeno migratorio: evoluzione storica delle politiche pubbliche a favore dei richiedenti asilo e dei rifugiati

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    ItA partire dai primi anni Novanta, l'Italia ha dovuto far fronte all'esponenziale aumento degli arrivi di migranti forzati (richiedenti asilo, profughi ecc.), trovandosi costretta ad organizzare e potenziare il proprio sistema di governance nazionale in materia, anche attraverso il coinvolgimento del sistema delle autonomie regionali. È opportuno sottolineare infatti che nonostante la gestione del fenomeno migratorio sia una prerogativa esclusiva di ogni Stato, la governance complessiva del fenomeno comporta anche interventi sull'assistenza sanitaria, sull'assistenza sociale, sugli alloggi di edilizia residenziale pubblica o agevolata e sulla formazione professionale, prevalentemente di competenza concorrente o residuale. Di conseguenza, gli enti regionali hanno gradualmente acquisito un ruolo sempre più rilevante nella gestione delle tematiche relative ai flussi migratori (in particolare a seguito della riforma del Capitolo V della Costituzione), assumendo un ruolo di intermediari tra lo Stato e la società. Tuttavia, tutt'oggi le Regioni non hanno ancora un ruolo riconosciuto e sistemico nella definizione delle politiche di accoglienza e di integrazione dei richiedenti asilo e rifugiati. La conseguenza è che l'attività legislativa delle stesse, particolarmente ricca a seguito delle modifiche del Titolo V della Costituzione nel 2001, rischia di apparire puramente "compensativa", se non addirittura "una dichiarazione di buoni propositi". Il presente elaborato propone il quadro dell'evoluzione del fenomeno, analizzando, in chiave storico-politica, il tema della sovrapposizione delle competenze nonché le ragioni di assenza di un sistema di governance ottimale.EnSince the early 1990s, Italy has had to cope with the exponential increase in arrivals of forced migrants (asylum seekers, refugees, etc.), finding itself forced to organize and strengthen its national governance system in this area, including through the involvement of the regional autonomy system. In fact it should be emphasized that although the management of the migration phenomenon is an exclusive prerogative of each State, the overall governance of the phenomenon also involves interventions on health care, social assistance, on housing in public or subsidized housing and on professional training, mainly of concurrent or residual competence. As a result, regional authorities have gradually taken on an increasingly important role in the management of issues relating to migratory flows (in particular following the reform of Chapter V of the Constitution), assuming an intermediary role between the state and society. However, Regions still do not have a recognized and systemic role in defining reception and integration policies for asylum seekers and refugees. The consequence is that their legislative activity, particularly rich following the changes to Title V of the Constitution in 2001, risks appearing to be purely "compensatory", if not even "a declaration of good intentions". The article presents the picture of the evolution of the phenomenon, analyzing, under the historical-political profile, the issue of overlapping of comptences as well as the reasons for the absence of an optimal governance system