5 research outputs found

    The perception of pediatric nurses' about research utilization barriers and facilitators and influencing factors

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, İzmir ilinde Üniversite ve Sağlık Bakanlığı Eğitim Hastanelerinde çalışan pediatri hemşirelerinin araştırma kullanım (AK) engelleri ve kolaylaştırıcı faktörler konusunda algılarını ve engel algılarını etkileyen etmenleri belirlemektir.Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı ve kesitsel türde yapılan bu araştırmanın örneklemini İzmir ilinde iki Sağlık Bakanlığı, iki üniversite hastanesi olmak üzere dört eğitim ve araştırma hastanesinin pediatri kliniklerinde çalışan 238 (ulaşılma oranı: %56.4) hemşire oluşturmuştur. Araştırmanın veri toplama araçları, hemşirelerin demografik ve çalışma özelliklerini içeren soru formu ile Araştırma Kullanım Engelleri Ölçeği'dir. Hemşirelerin araştırma kullanımına ilişkin tutumları beşli likert tipi bir soru ile ölçülmüştür. Verilerin analizinde tanımlayıcı istatistikler ile t testi, tek yönlü varyans analizi, Kruskall Wallis ve Mann Whitney-U testi kullanılmıştır.Bulgular: Araştırma kullanımını engelleyen faktörler içerisinde en yüksek puan kurum, en düşük puan araştırma boyutunda elde edilmiştir. Pediatri hemşirelerinin araştırma kullanımında en yüksek engel olarak belirtilen madde "araştırma sonuçlarının uygulamaya geçirilmesinde olanakların yetersiz olması" (%84.9); en önemli kolaylaştırıcı "yöneticilerin araştırma kullanımını desteklemesi"dir (%47.2). Lisans ve lisansüstü eğitim alan, 21-30 yaş grubunda olan, öğrenciliğinde ya da mezuniyet sonrasında araştırma aktivitelerine katılan ve araştırma kullanımı konusunda olumlu tutum gösterenlerde "hemşire" faktörünün daha fazla engel olarak algılandığı saptanmıştır (p<0.05).Sonuç: Çalışma sonuçlarına göre pediatri hemşirelerinin araştırma kullanım engellerinde önceliğin kurumsal faktörler olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Engellerin giderilmesi için araştırma kullanımına uygun bir kurum kültürünün geliştirilmesi, araştırma kullanımını kolaylaştırıcı kurumsal düzenlemelere yönelik öneriler sunulmuştur.Aim: The objective of this research is to determine research utilization (RU) barriers, the perception of facilitators, and the factors affecting the perception of barriers of pediatric nurses working in University and The Ministry of Health Teaching Hospitals in İzmir.Method: The study, which has been carried out in descriptive manner, is a sample of 238 pediatric nurses (response rate: %56.4) employed in two teaching hospital and two university hospitals. A questionniare including demographic and work characteristic of nurses and "research utilazation barriers scale" have been used for data collection. Attitudes of pediatric nurses related research utilization has been measured by 5-point Likert scale. Descriptive statistics , t test, one way ANOVA, Kruskall Wallis and Mann Whitney-U test are used in the data analysis.Findings: Among the factors that hinder RU, the highest score was obtained from "organization", and the lowest score was obtained from "research" subscales. The item identified as most hindering barrier perceived by nurses in RU "the facilities are inadequate for implemantation" (%84.9). The item identified as most facilitator is "the administration support for RU" (%47.2). The "nurse" factor has been determined more as a barrier in nurses having undergraduate and graduate degree, those in the age group of 21-30, those participating research activities as a student or after graduation, and those having positive attitude towards the use of research, (p<0.05).Conclusion: According to the results of the studies, it is revealed that organizational factors priorities in research usage barriers of pediatric nurses. In order to remove the barriers, developing the institutional culture, making institutional arrangements and doing actions facilitating the use of research are crucial

    High Rejection Sensitivity in Patients With Somatoform Pain Disorder

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    Objective: Rejection sensitivity (RS) is often associated with mental disorders but as yet has not been investigated in patients with somatoform pain disorder (SPD). The aim of the study was to explore the degree of RS in patients with SPD compared to healthy controls. In addition, we examined factors associated with RS and the moderator effect of SPD. Methods: A total of 65 patients with SPD (confirmed by Structured Clinical Interview, SCID-I) and 65 age- and gender-matched healthy controls participated. Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire (RSQ), Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9, PHQ-15), Relationship Scale (ReSQ), Essen Trauma Inventory (ETI) and the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) were applied. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed. Results: The level of RS was significantly higher in patients with SPD compared to healthy controls (M = 10.30, SD = 5.64; M = 6.13, SD = 2.50; p < 0.001; d = 0.95). Higher levels of depressive symptoms (p < 0.001), childhood adversities (p < 0.001) and the insecure attachment style (p = 0.007) were related to higher levels of RS. No significant moderation effect was detected. Conclusions: Patients with SPD are highly sensitive to social rejection. In addition, insecure attachment styles as well as depressive symptoms and childhood adversities are strongly associated with RS. Further studies are needed to figure out how RS is connected to SPD over lifetime

    A pragmatic randomised controlled trial referring to a Personalised Self-management SUPport Programme (P-SUP) for persons enrolled in a disease management programme for type 2 diabetes mellitus and/or for coronary heart disease

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    Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and coronary heart disease (CHD) are two chronic diseases that cause a tremendous burden. To reduce this burden, several programmes for optimising the care for these diseases have been developed. In Germany, so-called disease management programmes (DMPs), which combine components of Disease Management and the Chronic Care Model, are applied. These DMPs have proven effective. Nevertheless, there are opportunities for improvement. Current DMPs rarely address self-management of the disease, make no use of peer support, and provide no special assistance for persons with low health literacy and/or low patient activation. The study protocol presented here is for the evaluation of a programme that addresses these possible shortcomings and can be combined with current German DMPs for T2DM and CHD. This programme consists of four components: 1) Meetings of peer support groups 2) Personalised telephone-based health coaching for patients with low literacy and/or low patient activation 3) Personalised patient feedback 4) A browser-based web portal Methods: Study participants will be adults enrolled in a DMP for T2DM and/or CHD and living in North Rhine-Westphalia, a state of the Federal Republic of Germany. Study participants will be recruited with the assistance of their general practitioners by the end of June 2021. Evaluation will be performed as a pragmatic randomised controlled trial with one intervention group and one waiting control group. The intervention group will receive the intervention for 18 months. During this time, the waiting control group will continue with usual care and the usual measures of their DMPs. After 18 months, the waiting control group will also receive a shortened intervention. The primary outcome is number of hospital days. In addition, the effects on self-reported health-state, physical activity, nutrition, and eight different psychological variables will be investigated. Differences between values at month 18 and at the beginning will be compared to judge the effectiveness of the intervention. Discussion: If the intervention proves effective, it may be included into the DMPs for T2DM and CHD