231 research outputs found

    Mathematics Text Evaluation for the Intermediate Grades

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    It was felt that the present means for selecting mathematics textbooks for use in the classroom at the intermediate level were inadequate. Therefore, the development of a mathematics textbook evaluation device might benefit those responsible for assisting in the evaluation and selection of mathematics textbooks

    Determining Master Regulatory Genes of Muscle Senescence in the Hawk Moth, Manduca sexta

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    ABSTRACT DETERMINING MASTER REGULATORY GENES OF MUSCLE SENESCENCE IN THE HAWK MOTH, MANDUCA SEXTA Leah Naasz Director: Bernie Wone, Ph.D. Skeletal muscle exhibits a gradual deterioration of its functional capabilities as it senesces. While the adverse effects of muscle aging are well-known, the molecular trigger of this degenerative process is unknown. Here, I aim to identify master regulatory genes (i.e., transcription factors) that might be involved in the initiation of the muscle senescence process in our muscle aging model Manduca sexta. This invertebrate adult moth was chosen as the model organism due to its relatively short lifespan, similarity to the vertebrate muscular system, and relatively low-cost to rear. Master regulatory genes are genes of a particular signaling pathway that is expressed at the foundation of specific biological pathways including growth, development, or disease manifestation. Time series RNA-Seq data can be used to construct gene regulatory networks to determine master regulatory genes. Here, I used the corto package in Rstudio to infer regulatory gene networks and create a regulon from the time series transcriptomics dataset from muscle tissue of Manduca sexta. Corto inferred a regulon of 118 candidates (r \u3e 0.74). The regulon was visualized by Cytoscape to determine highly interconnected genes as possible master regulator genes of muscle senescence. Further research into the validation of top candidate genes is needed using qRT-PCR or knock out approaches. Discovering the master regulatory genes in Manduca sexta will help identify biomarkers involved in the upregulation of the muscle aging process

    Synthetic applications of the catalytic asymmetric 1,4-addition

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    De organische chemie, het vakgebied waarbinnen het onderzoek beschreven in dit proefschrift is uitgevoerd, kan worden gedefinieerd als de chemie van koolstofbevattende verbindingen. Deze definitie kan op het eerste gezicht nogal beperkt lijken, maar men moet zich realiseren dat het overgrote deel van alle stoffen die op aarde gevonden worden onder deze definitie vallen. ... Zie: Samenvattin

    Safety Ellipse Motion with Coarse Sun Angle Optimization

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    The Hubble Space Telescope Robotic Servicing and De-orbit Mission (HRSDM) was t o be performed by the unmanned Hubble Robotic Vehicle (HRV) consisting of a Deorbit Module (DM), responsible for the ultimate disposal of Hubble Space Telescope (HST) at the end of science operations, and an Ejection Module (EM), responsible for robotically servicing the HST to extend its useful operational lifetime. HRSDM consisted of eight distinct phases, including: launch, pursuit, proximity operations, capture, servicing, EM jettison and disposal, science operations, and deorbit. The scope of this paper is limited to the Proximity Operations phase of HRSDM. It introduces a relative motion strategy useful for Autonomous Rendezvous and Docking (AR&D) or Formation Flying missions where safe circumnavigation trajectories, or close proximity operations (tens or hundreds of meters) are required for extended periods of time. Parameters and algorithms used to model the relative motion of HRV with respect to HST during the Proximity Operations phase of the HRSDM are described. Specifically, the Safety Ellipse (SE) concept, convenient parameters for describing SE motion, and a concept for initializing SE motion around a target vehicle to coarsely optimize sun and relative navigation sensor angles are presented. The effects of solar incidence angle variations on sun angle optimization, and the effects of orbital perturbations and navigation uncertainty on long term SE motion are discussed

    Effects of Bull Exposure on Postpartum Interval and Reproductive Performance in Beef Cows

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    The postpartum interval is the period of time from parturition until the first postpartum estrus that is accompanied by ovulation. The postpartum interval of the suckled beef cow ranges from 46 to 168 days. A prolonged postpartum interval in the beef cow is of major economic importance in terms of cow productivity. The achievement of a 365 day calving interval requires a calving to conception interval of 80 to 85 days. Since average calving rates to a given service or insemination are only 50 to 60%, the earlier a cow begins to cycle postpartum, the greater the chance of successful conception by this time. There are many factors which influence the length of the postpartum interval. Breed of the dam, heterosis, age of the dam, dystocia, season of calving and photoperiod are a few of the factors contributing to the variation in postpartum interval. Numerous researchers have linked the nutritional state of beef cows to the duration of the postpartum interval. Cows in an adequate nutritional state which results in good body condition prior to parturition, have shorter intervals to first estrus after calving than cows in thin body condition at time of calving. There is increasing information that manipulation of suckling can influence duration of the postpartum anestrous period. In addition, the presence of bulls during the postpartum interval influences the time when cows resume estrous cycles following parturition. The successful management of these factors could result in cows returning to estrus sooner following parturition. Early induction of postpartum estrous cycles in late calving cows or in cows that have long postpartum intervals would be advantageous to the producer. However, evidence that conception rates are higher in cows that have had a postpartum estrous cycle preceeding the time of breeding is conflicting. The purpose of the following literature review will be to examine the various factors that influence the postpartum interval in beef cattle, specifically bull exposure

    Subtask 2.6 - Assessment of Alternative Fuels on CO2 Production

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    Many coal-based electric generating units use alternative fuels, and this effort assessed the impact of alternative fuels on CO{sub 2} production and other emissions and also assessed the potential impact of changes in emission regulations under the Clean Air Act (CAA) for facilities utilizing alternative fuels that may be categorized as wastes. Information was assembled from publicly available U.S. Department of Energy Energy Information Administration databases that included alternative fuel use for 2004 and 2005. Alternative fuel types were categorized along with information on usage by coal-based electric, number of facilities utilizing each fuel type, and the heating value of solid, liquid, and gaseous alternative fuels. The sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and carbon dioxide emissions associated with alternative fuels and primary fuels were also evaluated. Carbon dioxide emissions are also associated with the transport of all fuels. A calculation of carbon dioxide emissions associated with the transport of biomass-based fuels that are typically accessed on a regional basis was made. A review of CAA emission regulations for coal-based electric generating facilities from Section 112 (1) and Section 129 (2) for solid waste incinerators was performed with consideration for a potential regulatory change from Section 112 (1) regulation to Section 129 (2). Increased emission controls would be expected to be required if coal-based electric generating facilities using alternative fuels would be recategorized under CAA Section 129 (2) for solid waste incinerators, and if this change were made, it is anticipated that coal-fired electric generating facilities might reduce the use of alternative fuels. Conclusions included information on the use profile for alternative fuels and the impacts to emissions as well as the impact of potential application of emission regulations for solid waste incinerators to electric generating facilities using alternative fuels

    Effect of Prostaglandin F2α Administered During Early Gestation in Ewes

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    The effect of prostglandin F2α (PGF) on gestation in the ewe following mating was evaluated during the 1983-84 and 1984-85 breeding-lambing season. Ewes were exposed to Suffolk (trial I) or Hampshire (trial II) rams and received 10 mg of PGF intramuscularly on either day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 pr 7 postmating in trial I or on either day 2, 2, 1/2, 3, 3 1/2, 4, 4 1/2, 5, 5 1/2, 6 or 6 1/2 postmating in trial II. Administration of PGF later than day 4 decreased the number of ewes lambing to the first mating but had no effect on subsequent fertility in either trial as compared with the controls

    Mechanical Strength and Hydration Level of Heteromeles arbutifola and Eriogonium Cinerium

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the hydration levels and mechanical strength of two species native to the same area: the dry Mediterranean region of the Santa Monica Mountains. The plants in this area must make adaptations to dry and arid climates, and We will compare how they stack up against each other in terms of drought resistance. Using Hollywood (heteromeles arbutifola) and Buckwheat (Eriogonium cinerium) we studied the different hydration levels and mechanical strengths and compared them. Both H. Arbutifola and the E. Cinerium are expected to mechanically stronger when hydrated.. We also expect the H. Arbutifola to be less affected by the lack of hydration than the E. Cinerium. Our methods for this experiment include taking samples of each plant, and hydrating half of each species and allowing the other to dry out for four hours. After this is done, we used the instron mechanical strength machine and the pressure chamber to collect data on the mechanical strength and hydration levels of the leaves. We then compared the data statistically and our results showed that the hydrated Buckwheat and dehydrated Buckwheat were not significantly different in their mechanical strength. And that dehydrated Hollywood and hydrated Hollywood do not have significant mechanical strength difference. Finally the hydrated Hollywood and dehydrated Buckwheat do not have significantly different water pressures