186,507 research outputs found

    Analisis Model Matematika Perubahan Konsentrasi Nitrogen yang Berkaitan dengan Pertumbuhan Alga Eksponensial

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    Model perubahan konsentrasi nitrogen merupakan model yang menyatakan perilaku dari perubahan siklus nitrogen melalui proses nitrifikasi dan asimilasi nitrogen anorganik, yang melibatkan laju konsentrasi amonium, nitrit, nitrat, dan dibentuk dari model eksponensial pertumbuhan alga. Persamaan-persamaan pada model merupakan sistem persamaan diferensial nonlinear dengan empat variabel. Analisis kestabilan pada sistem persamaan yang dilinierkan dilakukan pada titik kesetimbangannya berdasarkan nilai eigen. Simulasi dilakukan untuk mengetahui perilaku model berdasarkan data. Berdasarkan analisis data ditunjukkan bahwa titik kesetimbangan bersifat tidak stabil

    Diabetic foot plantar pressure monitoring system using force sensitive resistor system

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    Many people are suffering from diabetes; it was the major cause that has led many to hospitalization. According to [1], patients with Type 2 diabetes suffering from peripheral neuropathy are at high risks of developing diabetic foot syndrome, which leads to foot ulcerations that caused mainly by high peak plantar pressures. Without early prevention and intervention [2], diabetic foot ulcer has 15 times greater risk to cause lower limb amputation. Therefore, further studies on early prevention may help in healthcare management

    Microplastic pollution in marine environment

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    Plastic is constructed from linking of hydrocarbon monomers and produced synthetic polymers. Plastic production reported is growing up steadily each year due to its demand based on Figure 2.1. Current production reported to be up to 348 million tonnes in 2017 (Plastic Europe, 2018)


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    Errors may occur in different components of language, such as grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary. Errors can occur because people have not internalized the grammar of the second language. This study aimed to get the answer of research problems, namely (1) What kinds of sentence types that are used in short story in “Reform” magazine No (19,2001)?, (2) What kinds of errors in sentence types that are found in the object of the study? and (3) What is the most dominant error that are found in this investigation?. This thesis used descriptive research design. Besides, the thesis writer used a documentary analysis and selected one short story “When Biruni Remembers It” in “Reform” magazine No (19,2001) as the object of the study. In analyzing the data, the writer investigated the kinds of sentence types based on structure and the kinds of errors in sentence types that are found in the object of the study by taking some steps: (1) Classifying the kinds of sentence types based on structure that are used in short story in “Reform” magazine No (19, 2001), (2) Classifying the kinds of errors in sentence types that are found in short story, (3) Describing the kinds of sentence types based on structure that are found in short story, (4) Describing the kinds of errors in sentence types based on their classification, and (5) Describing the most dominant error in sentence types that is found in short story. From the research findings and discussions, it can be concluded that all the types of sentence based on structure are used in the short story. They are: two simple sentences, nine compound sentences, seven complex sentences, and third teen compound complex sentences. All of them are 31 sentences. In addition, in terms of errors, Oshima’s theory was used in this investigation, that is errors of sentence fragments, errors of choppy sentences, and errors of stringy sentences. Based on the result of the data analysis, it is found out that there are two errors of choppy sentences. However, there is no error of sentence fragments or error of stringy sentences. Therefore, it is concluded that the most dominant error is error of choppy sentence


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan suatu produk baru yang berupa handout dan mengetahui kelayakan dan keefektifan handout pembelajaran mata pelajaran kerja mesin berdasarkan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar Siswa di SMK PIRI Sleman Yogyakarta. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian dan pengembangan ((Research and Development)). Pengembangan prodak baru berupa handout mata pelajaran kerja mesin melalui beberapa tahap, yaitu (1) studi pendahuluan; (2) perencanaan; (3) pengembangan produk awal; (4) revisi desain; (5) uji coba lapangan awal; (6) revisi I; (7) uji coba lapangan utama; (8) revisi II; (9) uji coba lapangan operasional; (10) revisi produk akhir; dan (11) penyempurnaan produk. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Siswa kelas XI Jurusan Teknik Pemesinan SMK PIRI Sleman Yogyakarta. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan Instrumen berupa angket. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif untuk mengetahui kelayakan handout pembelajaran mata pelajaran kerja mesin. Hasil penelitian ini adalah media pembelajaran yang dihasilkan berupa produk berbentuk handout pembelajaran mata pelajaran kerja mesin. Berdasarkan silabus, setandar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar materi-materi kemudian dikembangkan menjadi tiga (3) buah handout. Materi pokok dari tiap handout, yaitu (1) handout 1: menjelaskan pengertian mesin bubut dan macam-macamnya dan bagian-bagian mesin bubut; (2) handout 2: menjelaskan pengertian alat potong dan kecepatan-kecepatan mesin bubut; (3) handout 3: menjelaskan roda gigi pengganti dan pembubuta. Uji kelayakan terhadap handout pembelajaran mata pelajaran kerja mesin yang dikembangkan, menurut penilaian ahli materi memperoleh persentase sebesar 90,38%, dari ahli media memperoleh persentase sebesar 80,55 %, dan dari uji lapangan memperoleh persentase sebesar 79,9%. Berdasarkan data tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa handout yang dikembangkan sudah cukup baik digunakan untuk mendukung pembelajaran mata pelajaran kerja mesin

    Program kuadratik konkaf dengan metode multipleks frisch

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    Dalam penulisan ini akan dibicarakan tentang pengoptimalan masalah Program Kuadratik Konkaf dengan kendala/konstrein linier. Yang dimaksud dengan Program kuadratik konkaf adalah salah -satu program nonlinier dimana fungsi obyektifnya berupa fungsi kuadratik konkaf. Sedangkan kasus yang dibahas adalah memaksimum¬kan fungsi obyektif/sasaran tersebut. Secara matematis dapat dituliskan sebagai berikut Maksimumkan Q(x) = pTx xTCx meinenuhi kendala/konstrein linier : h.(3.)=a.x- b 5- 0 ; j = 1,2,...,m Metoda yang digunakan dalam pembahasan ini adalah metoda Multipleks Frisch. Ide dasar dari metoda ini ieienuhi semua kendala/konstrein dan bergerak menuju ke suatu titik yang lebih baik (optimal), yaitu x = xi) sesuai dengan prosedur iterasi dan algoritma Multipleks Frisch

    The Effect Of Customer Satisfaction, Customer Trust On Custromer Loyalty Of The Card Users Of PT. Indosat Tbk

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    The research was conducted on Indosat GSM cellular card customers residing in the city of Bandung. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is an effect of customer satisfaction and customer trust on customer loyalty in the PT. Indosat Tbk, and how much the level of customer loyalty after using the service provider Indosat. This research was conducted with statistical and descriptive methods. It is intended that the study can obtain accurate results, so the results can be trusted. Population is both the card users of Indosat for at least 6 months and those who had used the service provider Indosat. The samples were 113 respondents. The method used was the accidental sampling. The process and analytical method employed a path analysis to test hypotheses about the effect of customer satisfaction and customer trust on customer loyalty. Questionnaire instruments were developed and were processed by using a computer-assisted program SPSS 14.0 for windows and Amos 5.0. The results showed that the best model is a Theoretical Model 2. In model 2 customer trust was described as an antecedent to affect customer loyalty as compared with a Theoretical Model 1 with customer satisfaction as an antecedent. The model shows a significant relationship of trust with satisfaction and customer loyalty. Key words: Satisfaction, Trust and Customer Loyalty

    Linking Mixed-Signal Design and Test: Generation and Evaluation of Specification-Based Tests

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    The work described in this thesis is aimed at the exploration of new methods\ud for the integration of design and test development procedures for mixedsignal\ud integrated circuits (IC's). Mixed-signal IC's are currently found in\ud many electronic systems, including telecommunications, audio and video\ud instruments, automotive parts, etc. The testing of these IC's presents\ud problems due to the complex nature of analog functionality and the nonautomated\ud analog design process. Automatic generation of test programs\ud for analog parts is a problem which is not yet fully solved. Once a test is\ud generated, formal methods to ensure the quality of developed tests do not\ud exist or have a large overhead. Systematic links between design and test\ud development processes of analog and mixed-signal circuits are required to\ud improve these points and to ensure high quality and low time-to-market\ud (TTM) for mixed-signal IC's

    Reading Social Criticism of Tuk Drama in Richard Schechner’s Ac Diagram Perspective

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    The main problem of this research is social criticism in the drama written in New Order era which was in repressive, authoritarian, and corruptive social political conditions. This research aims at finding out the elements of social criticism revealed by Bambang Widoyo SP in Tuk drama and the social historical condition influencing the creation of social criticism of the drama. This research used AC diagram theory which is one of variances of art anthropology theory from Richard Schechner. Social criticism in Tuk drama is related to development policy of New Order which prioritized economic growth and collusion between New Order ruler and conglomerates. The social historical condition of New Order regime which was authoritarian, repressive, corruptive (social drama) has influenced the creation of Tuk drama (aesthetic drama). Keywords: Authoritarian, repressive, and corruptiv

    Learning English with using Big Book

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    Big book is one kind of media for teaching especially for reading aloud activity. In here, children will be taught about kinds of animal. The subjects are four students of Bina Prestasi Courses located in Gunung gangsir, Pasuruan. They are elementary students at first until third grade. After using that media to teach vocabulary, writer found out that big book is one of effective way to explain the materials, it makes the learning process more interest
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