165 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK NILAI-NILAI RELIGIUS IBADAH HAJI DALAM PENGEMBANGAN KECERDASAN SPIRITUAL Oleh Febrina Niadasari Darwin Skripsi ini mengemukakan tentang Nilai-nilai Religius Ibadah Haji Dalam Pengembangan Kecerdasan Spiritual.mengandung ihram, wukuf, thawaf, sa’i, tahallul (mencukur rambut).Berdasarkan rumusan masalah, maka peneliti ini fokus pada nilai-nilai religius apa saja yang terkandung dalam ibadah haji, bagaimana cara atau langkah untuk memperoleh kecerdasan spiritual, apakah nilai-nilai religius ibadah haji dapat mengembangkan kecerdasan spiritual. Dalam penggalian data digunakan penelitian kepustakaan atau library reseach, dengan meneliti ibadah haji sebagai literatur, guna mendapat data untuk mengetahui nilai-nilai ibadah haji tersebut. Data yang dikumpul kemudian diklasifikasikan dan diinterpretasikan serta dianalisis untuk diuraikan secara sempurna. Beranjak dari kenyataan diatas, maka sekiranya penulis perlu untuk mengemukakan lebih jauh lagi guna memperoleh dan mendapatkan nilai-nilai religius ibada haji dalam pengembangan kecerdasan spiritual dengan mengutip beberapa yang sudah dikelompokkan kedalam nilai-nilai ibadah haji. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, penulis menemukan beberapa nilai spiritual saat pelaksanaan ibadah haji yaitu: 1) ihram (iman, taqwa, kebersaman, toleransi, kedermawanan dan ta’aruf(bergaul secara baik). 2) wukuf (taat kepada Allah swt seperti baik dalam beribadah maupun kehidupan sehari-hari). 3) thawaf (memilki sikap ikhlas, sabar, bersyukur, menghargai dan menghormati sesama manusia). 4) sa’i (ikhlas, rasa cinta pada Allah dan istiqamah). 5) tahallul (syukur, patuh pada Allah, menanamkan rasa peduli terhadap sesama manusia dan bersifat khusnuzan). Dalam pelaksanaan haji terdapat nilai-nilai lain diantaranya yaitu nilai teoritik, nilai ekonomis, nilai estetik, nilai sosial, nilai politik, nilai agama. Kata Kunci: Nilai-Nilai, Ibadah Haji, Kecerdasan Spiritua

    Risk Of Incidence Of Hock Burn And Pododermatitis In Broilers Reared Under Commercial Conditions

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    The most common lesions observed in commercial broiler farms are hock burns and pododermatitis, defined as necrotic lesions on the plantar surface of the footpads and in the hock of growing broilers, causing pain and compromising broiler welfare. The present study aimed at identifying the risks of hock burns and pododermatitis in broilers reared under commercial conditions on new or reused litter. Twenty-four 40-d-old broilers reared in two houses in a commercial broiler farm. The plantar surface of the footpads and the hocks of broiler were recorded using infrared thermal images. The incidence of hock burns in broilers reared on new litter was 0.72 times lower than those on reused litter. Broilers reared on new litter presented lower risk (0.75, RR<1) of presenting pododermatitis when compared to those reared on reused litter. When simulating the risk using a larger sample, the simulated risk of broilers presenting footpad and hock lesions when reared on new litter was 38% higher those reared on reused litter.19335736


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    Introduction: The quantity of unfulfilment of self-care in patients with physical immobilisation can decrease the quality indicator of nursing care. Self-care for physically immobilised patients is affected by basic condition factors. The study aimed to analyse the factors that can affect the fulfilment of self-care needs in patients with physical immobilisation. Methods: The study design was descriptive cross-sectional, with purposive sampling technique and the samples were 36 nurses and 36 physically immobilised patients. The independent variable was the fulfilment of self-care needs. Dependent variables were patient demography (age, sex), nurse (knowledge, action, motivation), and health care factors (occupation design/nursing care method). The instrument used was a questionnaire and observation form. Data were then analysed using double linear regression analysis, with significance ɑ ≤ 0.05. Results: From the double linear regression test result was obtained p-value (Sig) = 0.000 R Square = 0.889. Partially it was obtained p-value of age p(sig)=0,005, sex p(Sig)=0.038, knowledge p(Sig)=0.889, action p(Sig)= 0.000, and motivation p(Sig)=0.003. Conclusion: Factors of patients (age, sex) and nurses (action, motivation) influence the fulfilment of self-care needs for patients with physical immobilisation. However,nurses’ knowledge does not have any influence. The study result can be considered as input for nurses in developing the quality of nursing care in the fulfilment of self-care needs. Keywords: basic conditioning factor, physical immobilized patient, self-car


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    Provinsi Sumatera Barat merupakan daerah dengan potensi ancaman bencana yang tinggi dimana bencana yang sering terjadi berupa gempa bumi, tsunami, banjir, letusan gunung berapi, abrasi pantai, kekeringan, suaca esktrim, tanah longsor, angin topan, kebakaran hutan. Mitigasi bencana merupakan penanggulangan bencana alam untuk mengurangi dan memperkecil dampak. Dimana upaya berkelanjutan untuk mengurangi dampak terhadap orang dan properti. Dalam penelitian ini diperlukan pendekatan Business Intelligence yang berupa sebuah konsep untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengambilan keputusan berdasarkan sistem yang berbasis sebuah data, maka Business Intelligence untuk manajemen bencana dapat memberikan kapasitas kelincahan untuk pengambilan keputusan dalam lingkungan yang dinamis di antara berbagi lembaga. Dalam mengedukasi berbagai pihak terutama publik mengenai mitigasi bencana berdasarkan data visual data yang ada, dan juga database yang ada pada skala nasinoal belum memenuhi atau belum ada data yang mengenai Provinsi Sumatera Barat secara lengkap. Bertujuan untuk menganalisis bencana yang ada di Provinsi Sumatera Barat dengan membuat dashboard dalam Business Intelligence agar dapat lebih mudah dipahami publik. Pembuatan dasboard menggunakan aplikasi Microsoft Power BI dimana proses pembuatannya menggunakan data kejadian dan bencana yang mencakup kejadian gempa bumi, longsor, banjir, dan banjir bandang, dan untuk rentang waktu kejadian selama 5 tahun kebelakang dari 2018 sampai 2022. Proses pembuatan dashboard berisikan grafik kejadian yaitu sebaran kejadian, sebaran kejadian pertahun, sebaran kejadian perbulan, sebaran kejadian per daerah, persentase kejadian, tabel informasi kejadian, jumlah korban, dan jumlah penduduk Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Proses tersebut dilanjutkan dalam pembuatan website yang digunakan untuk mengunggah Data Visual Kejadian dan Kebencanaan Sumatera Barat dan juga ditambahkan beberapa informasi berupa edukasi bencana dan informasi bencana pada website. Karena manfaat untuk mengedukasi masyarakat dalam bahaya dari bencana maka pada user experience mendapatkan respons yang baik dimana responden sebanyak 32 orang beranggapan untuk dahsboard Data Visual Kejadian dan Kebencanaan Sumatera Barat sudah cukup baik dan juga mudah untuk dipahami oleh masyarakat. Dengan total kejadian bencana yang ada di Provinsi Sumatera Barat sebanyak 81 kejadian gempa bumi, 57 kejadian longsor, 44 kejadian banjir bandang

    Parameter-sparse modification of Fourier methods to analyse the shape of closed contours with application to otolith outlines

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    -Elliptical Fourier descriptors (EFDs) have been used extensively in shape analysis of closed contours and have a range of marine applications, such as automatic identification of fish species and discrimination between fish stocks based on EFDs of otolith contours. A recent method (the ‘MIRR’ method) transforms the two-dimensional contour to a one-dimensional function by mirroring (reflecting) the lower half of the contour around a vertical axis at the right end of the contour. MIRR then applies the fast Fourier transform (FFT) to the vertical contour points corresponding to equidistant coordinate values along the horizontal axis. MIRR has the advantage of reducing the number of Fourier coefficients to two coefficients per frequency component compared with four EFDs. However, both Fourier methods require several frequency components to reproduce a pure ellipse properly. This paper shows how the methods can be easily modified so that a virtually perfect reproduction of a pure ellipse is obtained with only one frequency component. In addition, real otolith examples for cod (Gadus morhua) and Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) are used to demonstrate that the modified methods give better approximations to the large-scale shape of the original contour with fewer coefficients than the traditional Fourier methods, with negligible additional computing time

    Home visits by family physicians during the end-of-life: Does patient income or residence play a role?

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    BACKGROUND: With a growing trend for those with advanced cancer to die at home, there is a corresponding increase in need for primary medical care in that setting. Yet those with lower incomes and in rural regions are often challenged to have their health care needs met. This study examined the association between patient income and residence and the receipt of Family Physician (FP) home visits during the end-of-life among patients with cancer. METHODS: Data Sources/Study Setting. Secondary analysis of linked population-based data. Information pertaining to all patients who died due to lung, colorectal, breast or prostate cancer between 1992 and 1997 (N = 7,212) in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia (NS) was extracted from three administrative health databases and from Statistics Canada census records. Study Design. An ecological measure of income ('neighbourhood' median household income) was developed using census information. Multivariate logistic regression was then used to assess the association of income with the receipt of at least one home visit from a FP among all subjects and by region of residency during the end-of-life. Covariates in the initial multivariate model included patient demographics and alternative health services information such as total days spent as a hospital inpatient. Data Extraction Methods. Encrypted patient health card numbers were used to link all administrative health databases whereas the postal code was the link to Statistics Canada census information. RESULTS: Over 45% of all subjects received at least one home visit (n = 3265). Compared to those from low income areas, the log odds of receiving at least one home visit was significantly greater among subjects who reside in middle to high income neighbourhoods (for the highest income quintile, adjusted odds ratio [OR] = 1.37, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.15, 1.64; for upper-middle income, adjusted OR = 1.19, 95%CI = 1.02, 1.39; for middle income, adjusted OR = 1.33, 95%CI = 1.15, 1.54). This association was found to be primarily associated with residency outside of the largest metropolitan region of the province. CONCLUSION: The likelihood of receiving a FP home visit during the end-of-life is associated with neighbourhood income particularly among patients living outside of a major metropolitan region

    Implementation of genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in the Caribbean: Lessons learned for sustainability in resource-limited settings

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    The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of global genomic surveillance to monitor the emergence and spread of SARS-CoV-2 variants and inform public health decision-making. Until December 2020 there was minimal capacity for viral genomic surveillance in most Caribbean countries. To overcome this constraint, the COVID-19: Infectious disease Molecular epidemiology for PAthogen Control & Tracking (COVID-19 IMPACT) project was implemented to establish rapid SARS-CoV-2 whole genome nanopore sequencing at The University of the West Indies (UWI) in Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) and provide needed SARS-CoV-2 sequencing services for T&T and other Caribbean Public Health Agency Member States (CMS). Using the Oxford Nanopore Technologies MinION sequencing platform and ARTIC network sequencing protocols and bioinformatics pipeline, a total of 3610 SARS-CoV-2 positive RNA samples, received from 17 CMS, were sequenced in-situ during the period December 5th 2020 to December 31st 2021. Ninety-one Pango lineages, including those of five variants of concern (VOC), were identified. Genetic analysis revealed at least 260 introductions to the CMS from other global regions. For each of the 17 CMS, the percentage of reported COVID-19 cases sequenced by the COVID-19 IMPACT laboratory ranged from 0·02% to 3·80% (median = 1·12%). Sequences submitted to GISAID by our study represented 73·3% of all SARS-CoV-2 sequences from the 17 CMS available on the database up to December 31st 2021. Increased staffing, process and infrastructural improvement over the course of the project helped reduce turnaround times for reporting to originating institutions and sequence uploads to GISAID. Insights from our genomic surveillance network in the Caribbean region directly influenced non-pharmaceutical countermeasures in the CMS countries. However, limited availability of associated surveillance and clinical data made it challenging to contextualise the observed SARS-CoV-2 diversity and evolution, highlighting the need for development of infrastructure for collecting and integrating genomic sequencing data and sample-associated metadata