1,197 research outputs found

    Gambaran Pengalaman Orang Tua Dalam Penanganan Anak Autis Di SLB Negeri Surakarta

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    Autis adalah suatu gangguan perkembangan neuropsychistri dimana anak mengalami kesulitan berkomunikasi. Pada anak autis sering ditemukan masalah tindakan agresif yang berbeda-beda pada anak, sulitnya anak dalam pemahaman perintah dan komunikasi, serta sulitnya untuk mendapatkan perhatian anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengalaman orangtua dalam penanganan anak autis di SLB N Surakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Sampel sebanyak 6 orangtua yang memiliki anak autis di SLB N Surakarta. Instrumen penelitian adalah pedoman wawancara, lembar observer dan alat perekam berupa handphone. Hasil penelitian ini adalah a). Orangtua perlu memeluk, menggendong dan memberikan contoh untuk anak dengan perilaku aggresive. b). Orangtua seharusnya mengajarkan anak dengan intonasi yang tinggi dan mengulang perintah lebih dari sekali untuk anak dengan gangguan konsentrasi. c). Orangtua sebaiknya mengajarkan bagaimana cara berbagi dan berpamitan untuk anak dengan gangguan bersosialisasi. d). Orangtua mengajarkan kontak mata dan mengajarkan berkomunikasi yang baik jika anak tidak mau untuk berkomunikasi. e). Orangtua menunjukkan bagaimana cara untuk mandi, berpakaian dan makan dengan baik untuk anak yang sulit dalam ADL

    Perbandingan Keefektifan Kompres Tepid Sponge Dan Kompres Air Hangat Terhadap Penurunan Suhu Tubuh Pada Anak Demam Tifoid Dengan Hipertermi Di Rsud Sukoharjo

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    Typhoid fever is one of the diseases of the digestive that is caused by the salmonella typhi and characterized by a rise in body temperature or fever. Compress is one of the measures to decrease the production of heat and heat increase spending. The purpose of this research is viewed comparison of effectiveness between tepid sponge compress and warm water compress against a decrease in body temperature. Types of quantitative research, research design used was a quasi experimental design with pretest-posttest two group treatment. Sample research amounted to 38 respondents, then divided in two groups of treatment tepid sponge compress and warm water compress so that each group of 19 respondents, treatment was given for 15 minutes. Statistical analysis using the T-Test test : Paired Sample T-Test to analyze the pre-test and post-test both treatment groups and Independent Sample T-Test to analyze the effectiveness of the comparison between the two treatment groups. Results Paired Sample T-Test, the significant value or p-value of tepid sponge compress for 0.000, the mean pre-test 38.6110c and post-test 36.8890c or decreased body temperature 1.720c and the significant value or p-value of warm water compress for 0.000, the mean pre-test 38.5000c and post-test 37.3790c or decreased body temperature 1.120c. Concluded both techniques are effective compress against a decrease in body temperature, but tepid sponge compress is more effective to decrease body temperature. The result of Independent Sample T-Test, the significant value or p-value of 0.001. Statistical analysis has shown no significant effectiveness comparison between tepid sponge compress and warm water compress against the drop in body temperature the children with hyperthermia typhoid fever at RSUD Sukoharjo. Key Word : Tepid Sponge Compress And Warm Water Compress, Body Temperature, Typhoid Fever

    Gambaran Tingkat Beban Keluarga Dalam Merawat Anggota Keluarga Yang Menderita Gagal Jantung

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    The impact that emerges while caring for family members who suffer from heart failure is known as the weight of family difficulties. Economic constraints, a lack of education, a lack of support, and gender differences are all issues that occur. There are many heart failure patients that have a lower quality of life as a result of inadequate family care. The goal of this study is to discuss the family issues that develop when treating heart failure patients at the RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta heart polyclinic. A descriptive strategy with a quantitative approach was used in this investigation. Using the Quota Sampling technique, the research sample at the RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta heart polyclinic included 68 respondents who are families who care for heart failure patients. Data collection is done with a questionnaire sheet, and data analysis is done with a descriptive test. The bulk of respondents in this survey are female, hence the results obtained a description of their characteristics. The majority of the responders are between the ages of 40 and 49. The majority of responders are self-employed, with a high school diploma as their most recent schooling. In the polyclinic of RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta, the burden of family difficulties in caring for family members who suffer from heart failure is typically described as a moderate load of up to 45.6 percent. The majority of the respondents reported issues with financial constraints, inability, and ignorance, according to the findings. As a result, interventions such as educational counseling about heart failure for patients and families are required in order to improve family awareness of patient care and lessen the burden of difficulties associated with treating heart failure patients

    Formal Analysis of Linear Control Systems using Theorem Proving

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    Control systems are an integral part of almost every engineering and physical system and thus their accurate analysis is of utmost importance. Traditionally, control systems are analyzed using paper-and-pencil proof and computer simulation methods, however, both of these methods cannot provide accurate analysis due to their inherent limitations. Model checking has been widely used to analyze control systems but the continuous nature of their environment and physical components cannot be truly captured by a state-transition system in this technique. To overcome these limitations, we propose to use higher-order-logic theorem proving for analyzing linear control systems based on a formalized theory of the Laplace transform method. For this purpose, we have formalized the foundations of linear control system analysis in higher-order logic so that a linear control system can be readily modeled and analyzed. The paper presents a new formalization of the Laplace transform and the formal verification of its properties that are frequently used in the transfer function based analysis to judge the frequency response, gain margin and phase margin, and stability of a linear control system. We also formalize the active realizations of various controllers, like Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID), Proportional-Integral (PI), Proportional-Derivative (PD), and various active and passive compensators, like lead, lag and lag-lead. For illustration, we present a formal analysis of an unmanned free-swimming submersible vehicle using the HOL Light theorem prover.Comment: International Conference on Formal Engineering Method

    Gambaran Risiko Penyakit Jantung Koroner Pada Penyandang Diabetes Melitus Di Puskesmas Purwosari

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    Diabetes mellitus that is not managed properly will caused in vascular complications such as coronary heart disease. The rate of coronary heart disease is very high, ranging from 45-70% presently. The symptoms of coronary heart disease in diabetes mellitus people can be seen clearly and also can not be seen until finally people suddenly death. According to the American Heart Association (AHA) approximately 65% of Diabetes Mellitus people die because of heart disease and stroke. The purpose of this study is to determine description of coronary heart disease risk on diabetes melitus people in Puskesmas Purwosari. This research is a quantitative with descriptive approach. The population of this study were 480 diabetes mellitus people 1 in Puskesmas Purwosari from January to August 2017. The Samples are 83 diabetes mellitus people who determined using accidental sampling technique. The data collection using an interview, medical record and body mass indexmeasurements then analyzed using descriptive analysis. The conclusion of This study are the characteristics diabetes mellitus people in Puskesmas Purwosari Surakarta are having a long history of diabetes mellitus 1 - 10 years and description of coronary heart disease risk on diabetes melitus people in Puskesmas Purwosari Surakarta is mostly high . Diabetes mellitus people should always improve the healthy lifestyle and routine to check their health up in health facilities. Key word: risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitu

    Upaya Penurunan Suhu Tubuh Dengan Kompres Hangat Pada Anak DBD Di RSPA Boyolali

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    Background: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a disease caused by dengue viruses (arboviruses) that enter the body through the bite of aedes aegepti, the symptoms are high fever, headache and back of the eye. Until now the disease Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is still a serious problem in Central Java Province, the death toll due to Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is increasing, not only in the case of children, but also teenagers and even adults. Patients with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) will experience high heat is very dangerous if not promptly scaled back can cause seizures, to anticipate the occurrence of seizures effort that must be done is to lower the body temperature, there is acting alone can be done by a nurse to help lower the body temperature, by way of warm compresses, and meet the fluid needs of children, because, compress with warm water will dilate blood vessels and blood flow increases smoothly so that the heat in the body more quickly discharged into the air, and meet the needs of fluid in children may replace fluids lost through fluid in the body will evaporate during an increase in body temperature. Purpose: Efforts to lower body temperature in children with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is by way of a warm compress. Methods: Study of cases, the authors attempt to take action to lower the body temperature by using warm compresses in children with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), the first steps were used that assessment, data analysis, intervention, implementation, and evaluation of nursing. Results: After done actions warm compresses for 20 minutes, the patient's temperature was down 0.2 OC, body temperature before doing a warm compress is 37.3 OC after doing a warm compress body temperature dropped to 37.1 OC. Actions undertaken warm compresses to the patient is considered effective because the patient's body temperature can drop 0.2 OC after warm compresses for 20 minutes

    Faktor – faktor penyebab hipertensi literature review

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    Hipertensi merupakan penyakit degenerative yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pembuluh darah, jantung, ginjal, otak dan mata, Hipertensi juga sering disebut silent killer karena sering tanpa keluhan atau gejala, sehingga penderita tidak tahu jika menderita hipertensi. Data yang dikeluarkan oleh WHO (2018) menunjukkan bahwa sekitar 26.4% penduduk dunia mengalami hipertensi dengan perbandingan 26.6% pria dan 26.1 % wanita. Sebanyak kurang lebih 60% penderita hipertensi berada di negara berkembang, termasuk Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor – faktor penyebab hipertensi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain literature review dengan metode PICOST, sebuah kerangka konsep yang umum dalam jenis penelitian kualitatif. Metode PICOST memiliki 6 komponen yaitu P (Patien, Population, Problem), I (Intervention), C (comparation), O (Outcome), S (Study), T (Time). Penelusuran didapatkan 5 jurnal, yang masing – masing memiliki faktor penyebab hipertensi berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan. Berdasarkan hasil literature review pada 5 jurnal tersebut didapatkan ada 6 faktor penyebab terjadinya hipertensi yaitu : Kebiasaan merokok, Pola makan, Aktivitas fisik, Jenis kelamin, Usia dan Pendidikan

    Pengaruh Sterilisasi Ozon terhadap Jenis Kuman Udara di Kamar Operasi Instalasi Bedah Sentral RSUD Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang

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    Sterilisasi ozon adalah proses sterilisasi pada ruangan menggunakan media udara yang mengandung senyawa ozone (O3) dari bakteri, jamur, virus atau patogen lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh sterilisasi ozon terhadap jenis kuman udara di kamar operasi. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian pre-experimental one group pretestposttest design. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 15 ruang kamar operasi di Instalasi Bedah Sentral RSUD Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang dengan teknik passive sampling. Variabel dependen dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis kuman udara dan variabel independen adalah sterilisasi ozon. Data yang dikumpulkan dengan metode pre dan post menggunakan metode observasi. Analisa data menggunakan Wilcoxon match pairs test dengan hasil ada pengaruh jenis kuman udara sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan sterilisasi ozon. Di dapatkan bahwa sebelum dilakukan sterilisasi ozon sebagian besar jenis kuman udara yang ada di kamar operasi adalah Staphylococcus sp dengan jumlah 249 koloni (98,4%), selain itu juga terdapat jenis kuman udara Streptococcus sp dengan jumlah 2 koloni (0,8%) dan jenis kuman udara Bacillus sebanyak 2 koloni (0,8%) sedangkan setelah diberikan sterilisasi ozon diketahui bahwa jenis kuman udara yang ditemukan di kamar operasi adalah Staphylococcus sp dengan jumlah 22 koloni (100%), serta tidak ditemukan jenis kuman udara Streptococcus sp dan Bacillus

    Tingkat Stres Mahasiswa Akhir Program Studi Keperawatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Dalam Menyusun Skripsi

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    The preparation of a thesis is the final stage that determines to achieve a bachelor's degree and, completing the final project for some students is a tough thing, a person can experience psychological stress so that spontaneous body responses arise in line with the high pressure he experiences. When a person experiences psychological stress, a spontaneous body response will arise in line with the height of the pressure he experiences. The occurrence of many problems and pressures in the process of compiling a thesis makes students easily experience stress. The purpose of this study was to determine the picture of the level of stress experienced by nursing students of the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta in compiling a thesis. This research is a type of quantitative descriptive research. The number of samples in this study was 123 respondents with a simple ramdom sampling technique. Data were collected using the DASS-42 questionnaire (stress scale) to identify stress levels. Results of this study showed the results of most respondents were female, aged 22 years and experienced normal levels of stress. Abnormal stress levels have a bad impact on life, especially in compiling a thesis, many things affect stress including age and gende
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